Calvin, John, 
- see also predestination, 
atonement - limited



PF Part 2 , PREFS  1, *2,  ROP 1,
*1 , TBW 8, esp. pp. 124ff., NFF 4 (News 112), CASCADE   9
(large treatment esp. at *1),
PP Vol. 7, Ch. 3,  Vol. 8,  3  , SMR  
Appendix B
GRACETOFACE   3 (and regeneration, the love of God, Calvinism, Wesley and the nether options, with special attention to John 3), with with GREG   7, and   9, and KH  4;   PP  10,  6 and Spurgeon;
CHTH   2 (and his word on Romans!),
INOVER  9 (including John 3:16); ANZAS  6; INPEACE   2 (extensive, covers decretum horribile, also touched in PP   2;, PP 10, 6  ,PP 12,  4 ,
LIGHT  1,  TRUST  6,
End-note 1, PREMARVELS  6, Supplement   2,
AAM   8,    9;

GVG  7

Christ's Ineffable Peace ... Ch.    2,
The Glow of Presdestinative Power Ch. 4,
Christ Incomparable ... Epilogue,
Celestial Harmony for the Terrestrial Host Ch. 2.


-  fruit-root confusions sometimes found, with the irony of a pseudo-Pelagian proposition
able to grow in a milieu utterly hostile to this ancient approach, so justly condemned


- X factor and merit,
aims and outcomes do not always coincide!

PF   2, KH   4  INPEACE   2,  GLOW  4, see also  CHTH     2;
 TORANEM  5, esp.*4.



Calvin and Hobbes - cartoon
News 132
Calvin and Decretum Horribile

Calvin and Luther,
and Chalcedon
and two natures



INPEACE ... Ch. 2, CHILORI Epilogue , DIVINEFACE  9, with associated references. See also SCARCH appI,  PP   2, PP 7,   3


DBSA  11    1,   18


GGMMM   8 (inspiration and revelation),
AWME 11, cf. SMR Appendix C, SS  1,  2,    3; IN PEACE   7 (code, and review old and new aspects), TBW Appendix 3

Causation - causality

SMR Chs. 1, esp. pp. 3-10,  3, 5, 10,
esp. pp. 999ff., 422ff., with CAUSES   1;

SMR 140; BEN 71, incl. End-note 1; 80 82; SMST  7;
JJ 5; TBW 7; KH 10  Section 2; TMR 7, 1, 8; CALM  6;  ROP 7, esp.
End-note 2; WAKE 2, 4 , 5 ,
6 ;  AWME  9
esp. End-note 6; ;
ASP 1-3 - and see SMR Index on causality


BAB 7, ASP 18, BB 16










- as king has no subjects 











AQG passim; esp. Sections  2 3 , 5,  9;

NFF 14; ASP1-3,  4 7 8 9; REF 13, esp.  End- Note 1,
STEP 3 ('merely a rubric' - SW 5), 
10, TBW 4, pp. 60ff.,  SCOOP 44, 57, News 59, BAB 29,   19;  DDDD   6 - and the moron; JJ  5,  8 , 16, ROP  7,  DD  7, TMR  1,  8, QAA  3
SMR pp. 252Aff.,  3-10,
14ff., 999,Ch. 3; ASP 13
AWME  9 , 13; CALL 5 (News 132) - and chaos: 
cf. SMR pp. 264ff., 284ff, BEN 80, DD  1,  DD  7; ESCC  1 (incl. ref. to the simplistic substitute for creative thought, 'blind watchmaker', and conversation with chance),  DENAFF  2, WAKE    5,  ROP   7
AWME  13, News 81, 82; 122;  LIT  5, BEAUTY  7,  DD  7,  8
BEN 68, *1; NFF  14; DEIDES   8 (and chaos).

See also:

ROP 7, pp. 152ff.;
CWP  6; BAB 2919; TMR  7, ASP 1-3; ROP  7, SMR 3, LITTLE 5, TMR 9, Epilogue, News 94, CALL   9; SMST  8





ASP 4, 6 , 7, SMR410ff., REF 13, SCOTU 57, BB 13; and ASP 4, p. 31


i- see also youth

 - and our century 

- for our century

-and discipline


- and the Covenant Child

- potential in the child and the
significance of its development

BAB, Appendix 1, including p. 288, and End-note 1;  

LIT   3 (and their nature, growth, spiritual condition and life), NEW 16,
DVA  6, AAA  4, WAKE  6, STEP  7

News  51, TMR  4, Allegory 7, DIAMOND  3

JJ 27, 13; TON Appendix 1, DIAMOND  3 ; NEAR  7



China       -

  and Harry Wu






 - and Communism
- and  Empire
(and the neo-ideologian, as distinct from ideologist, the dramatic  and the pragmatic);  including the topics of the activities of Harry Wu;
and/or  of  
One God (inter alia); and Tiananmen and Falun Gong



News 18 150; SCOTU 35 37, BEN 68, 69, 70; News  97, 98, FM 8; HEART  2; ALERT 13,  BEAUTY  4;  CASCADE  1; BFA  6,  3 at *13; HHHHOLINESS 1, FRODANSWER  1  (and Taiwan, 2005, Austria 1938);  HEAVENSTELL  5;  CELEARTH   2
IMMFAITH   6,  9,  10 

SCOTU 37, SCOTU 51 , BEN 68, 70, PITTER  9; RRR  10


TON 18, News 37,  ALERT 13,
CELEARTH   2, IMMFAITH  6,   9,  10,  PITTER  9; CCC   10


Christ - see 


Christ, Jesus - the Ultimate Pinnacle,
Eternal Word in Unrescindable Declaration, and Christian Assurance

BB 9, BB  16;  ASP 12, BB 13, Appendix IV; ROP 2, 7, SMR pp. 532ff., BAB 27, 31, AAA  6,  8, LORD 9, CWP  8, ROP  2, CALL   8,
PREFS  7; RDP  9

Christ - His return 

ASP 18, BEN 70, WAKE 1,2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, Epilogue,  CCC  7 (summary of features),
AQ  5, NFF 12, 15, 16, LIT 10,  6



Christ - on earth

SMR Ch.6, Appendix C, ASP 18, BAB Appendix I, pp. 279ff., IV , ROP 2, pp. 41ff.; virgin birth - SMR pp.  770ff., IMOPURITY  6

Christ -
vessel of,
and the heady opposition's
phantom flotilla;
false christs, 'another Jesus'


ROP 5; ROP 7, TTT 8, BB 2, SMR 732Bff., 743, 750Bff., 829-832, 989, 986-994, 842ff.,  857ff., 864ff., 879 (*2), 896, 912ff., 950-957, 962ff., 968ff, 994ff., 1022ff., 1086-1088H


- in His role as the wisdom of God

BAB 27, CWP 8



Christian Assurance

BB 16, MC 13, AQ 10, LIGHT  1, DVA  9, BEAUTY  9, esp. End-note 1, BEN 88, PITTER   8,  LIGHT  1, LORD  7, CASCADE  2,  7, ESCC 7,  *4 (and discipline); DDHCBIT    5
   6 and   8; BARBLISS  7; GGG   7



Christian Church - see Church 

ASP 14, REF 14, 8 end-note 1



Christian Discipleship - Disciples and Dabblers; 
 "Counting the Cost"

ASP 17, BAB 1,  2,  3, 21, 25; AQ  6; CASCADE  9,
FM 9, TON 2, BAB 7, WAKE 2, 5 (End-note 1A), TMR 5, 2



Christian Education
Celearth  Exordium,  11;
QAA  7; LBRFGI   8
  - see Education


Christian Life 

BAB 21, 19, TBW 6
MM  11, LL  6, SCOTU 52, TTT 3,  4, 5, 6, HEART 10, LL  8, 9, BEAUTY  7,   8,  9, PITTER  3, HH  1; PREFS   7GGG  9

 - and growth

SMR Ch.7, Section 8, pp. 594ff., JJ 27, DVA  9
TTT 3, LL  8; HHHH 5

 - its base, Biblically defined 

SMR Ch.7, Section 3, pp. 520ff.

 - in the living God

BAB Appendix III;
RDP  11

- rest, within

SMR Ch. 7, Section 6, pp. 570ff., BB Appendix II, III, IV, TON 10, LL 8, CWP  2

- and eternity

see Eternal Life below

BB 7, ROP 6, ROP 1 esp.End-note 1, LL  9
BAB 14, QAA 1, LIGHT 3
BB Appendix II, III, IV, TON 10

- and byways off the highway of holiness; and 'second blessing'

- and pre-occupation with reward

- and the 'something more' syndrome

ASP 17; REF  2,  *1



- and highway of holiness traversal, victorious living
in the life of Christ
the Victor,
hence sanctification; 
 and Christian grace, sanctification and obedience (and see Crucified with Christ)


and "Type of Christ" notation

JJ 28, TMR 6,  QAA 6, 12, REF 6, 7,   8, BB 8, 10, AQ7; JJ  16, pp. 131ff., esp. 135;TOAN 6; KH 10, Section 1, Appendix; TOWER  3;  PITTER   8; ESCC  7 esp. *4, LL  5,  6,  8; TTT  3, 4, 5; TTT 9;  PREFS   7,  BEAUTY  1,   2,  8 9 ; also see other chapters of BEAUTY, and REF 3, pp. 45ff. ; VICTORY


HEART 10, Endnote 1
BB  1

Christian Liberty

Christian Pilgrimage -
a survey of a sizeable group of travellers, real, assumed and bogus


ASP 17, T6  8



Christians - use of 



DVA  5, AWME  11 - and other modish stumbling blocks; GGMMM  1

Church  -
the visible and the invisible church, and quasi-ecumenical and other developments -

see World Council of Churches; and separation; the miry 'mere': sects and seducers in the broadest sense; 
and falls; and Christian liberty, conscience and conduct; and finding a church to attend,
and meeting 'problems' with patient wisdom; Uniting Church (see at Presbyterian); 
see also Anglican, Lutheran, Presbyterian

Note that some references are multiple in coverage

BAB 25; CWP  2; STEP; AQG XI; SCOTU 51; STEP 1, 2, 4, 5, 7; AQG VII; DVA  3; TOAN  10 (including crisped ‘churches’ and other sects), KH 7;  News 90; STEP 6, 7; WAKE Preface 3, ASP 13, 14, REF 14; BEN 87
pp. 248-249, the 9th. Movement; INOVER  4, CK 5, IMOPURITY 6, NEWS 121, 122 (and undelightful delinquencies, part of the 'falling away' of II Thess. 2, before the end), CALL 11;  TTT  7,  8, TTT 9, NFF 13, PITTER 6, DVA 7, STEP  1,  5,  in SMR pp. 732Bff., 743ff., 750Bff., 683ff., 699ff.  ; GALEV  2,  3,  4,  7; IMMFAITH   2,   5, REF   8 (and perspective);  IMMFAITH  5; News 99, TTT  78 , BFA  9,   BRIGHTLIGHT  6,   1,   News  24 (New Age, 'New Morals' in Churches and the 'means' - Uniting, Anglican);
STEP  1,  4,  5, REF  3, 14, WAKE  1,  4,  TTT  7,  8, AQG VII, FM  1,  KH  3, BB 11, DVA  3, BEN  87; GALEV 7 ; cf. SMR pp. 687ff., 743, 750Bff., 820ff., 857-867, Ch. X Extensions,  AWME 9 10, 15; KH  3,  PITTER  1; and on Church decline (loss of quality or loss of life on the part of dead bodies) - News 97, 99, 121, 122, 85, 88, 89, TTT  9, AAA  9 and STEP


- and Israel 


TBW 1, 3, JJ 17 cf. SMR Index Jews and Church;

OCC   8

- its ways in the Lord; and continuing in the contemporary situation

TBW 6, pp. 81ff.; cf. KH 2; AQG IX, pp. 87-91; SCOTU39, pp. 139ff., AAA 9; REF 14, Section 2

- and church structure

AQG XI,TTT 2, SCOTU 51, End-note 3, GRACETOFACE  5,  *2

- and brotherly love

AQG IV, SCOTU 51, End-note 3

- relative to the ladies of the congregation, Biblical moderation and fidelity, to living, and to family

AQG XI , ASP 10, 11, BB 11, Endnote 1, TBW 8, Endnote 2,  SCOTU 52; REF  8

- uniting, the real: not with Rome, but on the basis of the word of God


ROP 1, Endnote 1, pp. 23ff.; see BEN 88

Church Singing

QAA 13, KH 11



Civilisation and its Culture-gods,
sharply distinguishable from meta-religion's reality - see also Thought and Magic
  Clark, Gordon H.


BAB Appendix I, Appendix IV, 29, ASP 1--6, 13 (satirical verse), see Cartoon SMR p. 347ff., 396ff., 419H, 422Q, 632, TON 19; WAKE Epilogue, esp. pp. 164ff.; LEAD 3, 10


ANZAS   6, GLOW 1, SMR p.  291, DENAFF  5


News 153 166, SS  6

News 153, 166, AWME Ch. 9,
TTT  Ch. 10, and LORD  Ch. 5



see also


SMR index.

and China



- and Russia,  - and Child Rights; and China



Communism and Nazism, Comparison and Contrast -
Hegel, Marx and Nietzsche






MJC  8, REF 3 (News 97),  4 (News 98) esp. *2, 8, 9, 11, 16 (and generic dyspepsia in alogisms), 13; News 150 (people crushers), PITTER  9;  DVA  3 ('my pretty maid' where are you going ?!), BEAUTY  4, esp. *2;  BEN 69, 70, 82, HH   9,  NFF 13, pp. 121-122; GREG   3;   TOAN  5 (and celebrating humanity and the ilk);  News 87 (step 9 - in overview); CELEARTH   2, and people crushers - News 150, ANZAS    3,  DIVINEFACE   3;   and parallels in array: AAA 9, SMR Ch. 10, Ext. 5, pp. 1074ff., Ch. 9, p. 809, 925ff. 971-972 and Index; ROP  5, NFF  14, TTT 8, AQ 4, p. 89; LORD   8; JOURNEFFTI   4 (and Islam), CELEARTH 4 (Marx, Darwin and Muhammad); Refreshings   8; Bonvoyage   1 (Tolstoy, Marx - but no il marche!)



SCOTU 35, 37, 150
SCOTU 42 , cf. TON Appendix 1,
BEN  69, 44 (Marx and Darwin), 
REF 3 , (News 97), 4 (News  98),  13, FM 8
  REF 9, incl. End-note 1

SCOTU 55, update of News 37




FM 7,  FM 9

Comparative Religion -
superlatively confused
DDDD  7,  5, News  121,  122, SMR 290, 305ff., 336-339, 342ff., 362ff., 429-438, 823-825, 830-831, 978, 990-993, 1008ff.


BAB 13

Conspiracies -
the 3 world;
the bureaucratic tilt; the 4th




REF 4, p. 50, excursion *2; REF 8;  BEN 69, pp. 24ff., 82 incl. pp. 207ff.; LEAD 1 and passim, REF 8 cf. SMR pp. 750Bff.; BFA  4,   7 (and Islam et al.); CALM 9,  *1



Conversion - see Faith



Conscience and consciousness






Covenant -
including New and Old Covenant and their relationship, 
their relationship to things past,
and  to come;
to Israel; 
to current politics in  the Middle East; 
to recent news... 
the Covenant Child



DBSA 5, 9 *UC

SMR . 4-7; 144, 349B, 582ff.

GVG    2, GBP    7,

DD    1

GVG  1,   2,   3, PP 6, 8 , PP 4, 4 esp. ,   3,


PP  10, Appendix

THRAFTER   1 (contains many references)






QAA 9, 11, 13; BB AppendixNews, Appendix II III ; BB Ch. 3 and Ch.12; SCOTU  51;  JJ 17; BAB 13, 17, 20, 23 , *1in 29, Appendix 2, 3 ; TOAN  8; TON 14, 36; KH Ch.3 ; cf. SMR Appendix A,  pp. 1089ff., and Ch.9,  pp. 751ff.; News  51;
see also LITTLE  9; GALEV  3; TGHGGGG  6; INPEACE  6,



Creation - 
(and creativity)
see also curse, below; 
and desecration; and beginnings; naturalism

and see Index Mini
Creation including:


Creation is not subject to seduction: emphasis on data, wide field coverage



- and is strikingly seen in terms of origins and
destinations and the way in between


See NOGO five volume compilation;

ASP 1-9; AOMM  3;
ACAC   1, esp. *3, TORANEM  10 (creation and creativity);
KNOW 24; KH1, 5, 10; BAB 29; TBW 7; NFF 11; KH 10,  BAYRI  21
Section 2, TMR 1, 7, 8, with Appendix; TON 17,18 ; TBW 7; and 8 End-note 2; ROP 7, incl. Extension 1, esp.Part II, and Extension 2; News 134; SS  8
ROP 4 with  Extension 1, Extension 2, (reviews); News 52, SS  8; BFA  3  (and Vikings); JOY  1 (and overview, including pantheism);
see Cartoons    pp. 146, 271; QAA  3; SMR Chs. 1-3, 10, SCOTU 44, 52, 54, BEN 68, 74, 81, 82, Swift Witness 4, STEP 8, 9, 10; COMFORT  4,  5; WAKE 2, 4, 5, 6, DVA  1,  4; REF 1, 2, 13, 14, DDRAMA   3; BRIGHT LIGHT  9; JOURNETTSSI  2, *4; STEP  9;  
HHHH  5,    4;
PRILDEM   5, DEIDES  2; PP Vol. 8,   5 (special reference to creation and to models)

A useful bunch in this and wide fields:

HHHoliness 5, (motoring without a motor, simpering without spirit and withering without wisdom
in the ante-room to hell), with more detail in delusive omissions and distortions in many fields, including as in HHHH 5, the geological, biological, logical,   in
PP  8,   5 ; BON VOYAGE  2, DISAGLOR    1   2, MPS Ch.1; and on origins and destinations and the way between, see LOGOSUNCREATED  4 ,  6,and PROREAP  3   4. The omitted features move far beyond irreducible complexity - DIVINESUBLIMITY    2, Bulletins 1, 2, 13, 15, 27, 34, 53, 57, 59, 64, 66, 71, 82, 83, 84, 93, 99, 105, 106, 111, 118, 121.

- and the catechism of creation; and the confusion of Miller 

ASP 5; ASP 9, *2, HHH  5, SS  8, NOGO 3

- and the field of Genesis
- and Genesis days

ASP 9, TBW 7;  TWW  6, GBG 12;
AQ 8, SMR Ch. 2 Supplement, pp.168-179, 190-197, News  51, TMR Ch. 8; Dayspring and DDRAMA   3

Prildem  1, T6 ... Ch. 11, PP  3, Epilogue PP, Vol. 8,    5

-and a convenient collection,
and a composite on date, kind and measurement 

ASP 4 GBP  3 Appendix, TMR  7, LBRFGI   1

- and alternative fiascos indulging the love of farce, including the crucifixion of logic, as alternative to creation 

ASP 1, BAB 29, Appendix IV
  5 7,  DVA  1; ROP 7, including
the State of the Data
the State of Mind and 
the State of the Threshold Extensions,
MESSAGE  4,   5,
  6,   7,  8,  9


- and realism;


- and computer simulation;
wisdom and unity

BB 13, ROP 6, 7, esp. Extensions 1, 2, TMR 1, pp. 32ff., TBW 7, BEN  71, SMR pp. 140ff., 252A-N, 422Eff., SMR 3, LIT  8; HHHHOLINESS  5 with GLOW  7  and HHHHOLINESS  4; cf.
Life, what is it  ? (on material expressions of super-natural qualities in creation),
AOMM,   2, LBRFGI Appendix



ESCC  1, SS  8, OVERFLIGHT  4, SMR pp. 132ff.,  15ff..




- and life:
the magnificence of its scope, 
the wonder of instincts, character, 
the limited but real animal intelligences, with vitalised correlates
of programming, brilliant aids for their divinely constructed consciousnesses - the created components of the biological compositions; 
and the spirit and life of man

BAB Appendix 1, pp. 274ff., 
ROP 7, SMR pp. 620ff.; BEN68, 71, 74, 81 incl. *2 82, 86; WAKE 7, esp. Endnote 1; SMR pp. 140-144, 780-781, ASP 6, 7; JJ 5, 6; STEP 8, 9, 10 ; Appendix 2 and Appendix 3 in TON ; 1504, 1505 See also Curse in this Index.


- and the lower creation,
the simian,
the winged, 
their place in the structure of life
their capacities

including signs and instincts
their significance
the curse and plagues
their slots
their ingenious
worshipped in whole or part - or taken with its forces, without its actual Creator - leaves man an unfinished symphony, with religious God-avoidance programs* or scenarios; and a new order of experiments#

BEN 52, 68, 74, esp. endnote 3,  81, pp. 183ff., 82, pp. 198ff., 201ff., 207ff.*, 84, TMR 7, Part E *2 pp. 176J, K, TON Appendix 2, ROP 7, incl. *1, pp.141ff.; ROP 7 *2#, News 81*2#, AAA  4,  SMR pp. 114-123, 140ff., 226ff., 234ff., 251ff., 
LIT  5, 202ff., ASP 6
REF 1, 3

- and morals


- and purpose

- and particles

TMR 1, p. 3, SCOTU 55


TMR 6, BEN 71

KEYS    5.

- and categorical indication

TMR 1, pp. 5ff., 215ff., ROP 7, Extensions 2, 1, BAB Appendix IV; with ASP 1-9, GVG  1, The DDRAMA  2, REF  13, SMST  1, NOGO  5.

  150   4,   5 (in dialogue: consideration  of definitions of intelligence,  creation, design, the justification of models  and the need for 'infanticide' for the concept of magic, fabric of childhood);
BBBCH . 3, on creation and exuberance, as 150 5 is on perspicuity, in  association with HHHHOLINESS  5
on the initial creation list of criteria.
amplified by the ingredients noted in ROP   7


- and consummation, and the road ... thither;

and the cell, the child, and the language development


- as verification

WAKE 7, BEN 87, SMR 502ff.


ROP 7, Extensions 1, 2; SMR Ch.2, pp. 145ff., ASP 1

- and instruction from the variety of it all; and kinds


and the spirit of man and design and liberty, including serial reductionisms:




ASP  5, BEN 74; DDRAMA 10. SFSD  12Preface, SMR pp. 158 -166, 106 -109, 234, 236


DEIDES     2 and CHILORI    2, especially; but also SMR  384ff.;     4, BONVOYAGE     2, GVG     2, BBBCH     6, HHHHoliness   4-6 DEFINING DRAMA   2, DDDDD     4.

 ROP 7, HHHHoliness  5, DEFINING DRAMA   2 BBBCH  6,
DISAGLOR   1 (and principles), DIVINESUBLIMITY  2, DDHCBIT  6,  8,
SMR 332Gff.

Cross - of Christ

- day of crucifixion

TMR 2-3, KH Appendix; see Galatians 6:14 reference in Part A, Bible Verses, above; PF Part 3;
BB Appendix III, 
Endnote 2

Crucified with Christ -
life as

BAB 3 (seed parable), BAB 1 (modern Noah parables), Appendix 1, (Generation of the Dipossessed), Appendix 3, pp. 319ff., KH Appendix III (blood sport), BEAUTY   2  (its reality), QAA 2, 12 (poverty of spirit and its relation to being crucified with Christ), AQ    7, SCOTU 51, *1, ROP 6, pp. 123ff., ASP 17, pp. 231ff., PF Prelim.; 

Crucifixion of Logic






ASP 13, 9, 16
SMR 4, Section 2,
422Q ff., Ch.3 pp. 316Dff.; PF1; TOAN 7 (including multi-culturalism in Australia); BAB 11, 13, ROP 6, 7, KH 6, BEAUTY  4, End-note  2, BB Appendix 1,PP  5, 9; PP  5, 9;  PP  6:3

- and meta-religion

ASP 15, End-note 1; see Cartoons SMR pp. 973C and 974 (2) 



Curse - the

BB 7, SMR S1-S34, TMR 6 , BEN 74, 75, 76, 84; News 97(including Communism and man's self-vexation, contributing to his own discipline)

- reasonableness of 
and conspectus of

SMR pp. 1163Aff., 1174Bff., 531, BEN 74; BCDSFACEDIVINE   8

- need for ;  worship of

SMR 531, 1163A., ROP 5; WAKE 6, pp. 132ff.

- not mentally disassembled

ASP 16


- beyond the curse: the critical velocity of faith in the  craft of the cross


- see also remedy,
see SMR Index Curse;

BB 7





DD  1, *3,  News  5,  SMR bk. 1, glossary, ASP  Ch. 4,  TGHGGGG    3 , OVERFLIGHT   3, NOGO  14,  17,   8,  LEAD   1, TMR Ch. 1, REF  13

Cyrus and Christ

BB Ch.1




KH 4


 Daniel - as type of Christ

 - and 70 7's of Daniel 9, with prediction of the death date of Jesus the Christ

the thrust of rthe prophecy of Daniel concernng the divine mission to the world,
concepts, control, occurrences and the divine continuum in history


 AQ 9, End-note 1;
see Bible verses index for specific parts; BEN 87, Excursion,  BB  6, SMR  886ff., 943ff.;
MMMM ...10 (short treatment of death-date prophecy concerning Christ), as in Christ the Citadel  with.. Ch. 2.The Christian Prescription  Ch. 2 and Bulletin 159.  For this, again see also SMR pp. 886ff., HH  4   and   7

In AWME 10, we find the errors common concerning the succession of empire: made by man, not by God, whose word ensures.

Daniel DD 10-15; HH Chs. 2-10: covers much in 9 chapters of the prophecy; a further assemblage on Daniel is found in AGGG 1-5. For perspective on Daniel, see News  111. For Daniel 11, see Highway of Holiness Ch. 10.



AGGG   1,   2,   3




Darwin (see Creation, above in this field, or
 Evolution, for main coverage)




Beyond the Crypt ...
Ch. 4


In overview or interview, Of the Earthy, Earthy ... Ch. 4, News 82, 94,
TMR Ch. 7, The Three Frogs, Ch.1 ,  SMR pp. 226-236, 145ff.,251ff., 
Wake Up World! Your Creator is Coming ... Chs.   5, and   6 (where Gould, having mocked Darwin's concept, has trouble with his own - naturalism CANNOT produce what is needed since by all logic and observation, this particular world is not made that way, books do not write themselves), The Other News, 12, A Spiritual Potpourri, A & F Schools;

DDDD  4 - death of the idea; News 94;

SMST (Posthumous award to Darwinism by a contemporary pope makes the medieval machinations more apparent in this present day, with a new darkness)















Davies, Paul

DD    6, GBP 3APP, CCC    9, CALMKEEP   1, RETROPROSRELIEF  3, TMR  7, CASCADE  6, DISOARGLOR   1, NOTFORTHISWORLD  6, DDRAMA   3, MMMM  6 (DNA and its character are all or nothing, integral entities), SMR 2 at *27




BAB Item 29 , TMR Ch.7, ASP 1, KH , ROP 6;  CALMKEEP  1, SS  8, HMCCKING Ch. 3,






da Vinci Cod







 BFA    3,  
  9, PP vol. 7,     3,  
vol. 8
,    3; PP XII, Ch. 10 (composite), GGG   2;   BG  10






See Man - his basic spiritual condition: includes recent development; see also Unity, Morals, Perversion: including

CASCADE 10, News 152, DVA  6; NEWS 121, 122 - NFF  14 -  deadly d's, Call 11, AAA 9 - glamour, stammer, hammer  ... flitter and glitter, and the unity that counts, REF  3 (the soporific self, and the unity glide, under the sedation of sin),  NFF 8 (News 116) - sham, shame and co.; SMST   3




Deliverance -divine  

Denton, Dr Michael






 See also indexmini
for a collection concerning derivation from nothingness, anythingness, irrationality, the criteria of design, modes of learning in a convenient nest at DESIGN

























Meta-Design, Man



Myriad Design








BB 15, 11 (personal), 10, BAB 3, Appendix 1 (Generation of the Dispossessed), BB 7, Appendix 1, pp.
214ff. , SMR pp. 570, 582, 611






Logos, Uncreated. incorruptible, Inestimable Ch. 4, SMR p. 159, and Ch. 2 Section 3, Bulletin 105, DEFINING DRAMA 10

DDHCBIT  6 (listing of critical failures in reductionist methodology and result), PRILDEM   5, esp. *6 FRODANS   5,  WISWORDTESTRUE Ch.  2 esp. *1, OCC   3,  SMR pp. 307ff.
GG 1-5, esp.    4,  DD  8, REF 13, ESCC 1, 2, 7, CWP  7,  BARBLISS   4, WAKE 4-7, BFA   3; DEIDES  2, BG 2 (broadest treatment);
JJ   2, 16, CALM   1 (much on Light, Dating, DNA and Gould), ALIVE  8, DDDD  8, WISWORDTESTRUE 2 esp. *1 7 (desire, design, purpose, potential and programmatic aid), and 4
(the helpless hiatus of the hypothetical, sub-universes and their ilk); DISOARGLOR    I (the result when you disestablish nothing), 2  (unity of creation, history, past, present and future before God, and survey of design as scientifically required);

FRODANS    3,    5 - definition of design, parallel in book for DNA, with junk an invention of philosophic convenience (jointly include the devastating spread of coverage, required for any workable theory - criteria of creativity),

BBBCH . 3, on creation and exuberance, as 150 5 is on perspicuity, in  association with HHHHOLINESS  5
on the initial creation list of criteria, amplified by the ingredients noted in ROP   7; BBBCH 6 (on summit synthesis)

SMR pp. 112-116, 141f., cf. pp.  211ff., 224ff.,
LIT 3 (esp. *3)

(if books could  say a  few things)

DEIDES (very large volume on deity and design, designation and destiny);

MESSAGE  4,   5,
  6,   7,  8,  9

DDDDGGGG   1   2 (defamation of deity, and its rational and realistic consequences!);
SMR 211ff.,  128ff., GVG  1, DDRAMA  2

HHDD   4,
HALNAM    7,



140ff., 262ff.,
ROP   7, for a constitutive myriad of design, and see INDEX SMR on this topic.

See also CHILORI   2 .

TTT 11, PF, SCOTU  45 Step 3; CHILORI  2,
ROP  7,   SMR 5B


See monism, and SMR references there given;  see ANZAS  6, for theological varieties; freedom and man

Devil - and the spirit of evil

KH 8, KH 10, Parts 2, 3 - the latter including the poem, The Wonder and the Witch; TON, Appendix; TMR 8, Epilogue; SMR pp. 750Bff., 591ff.; DVA  7; TTT  8 - cf. News 87, Dastardly Dynamics  6 - and his infernal strategic plan; 

IMMFAITH  6, and  his ways, 25 assaults on the divine plan, battles against the Lord; characterisation VITAPEW   3;

GRACETOFACE   9 devices of the devil; 

JJ  9, KH  8;   
 BRIGHTLIGHT   7, and creeping callow concepts, and in particular, *2 ;  AAM  5, and devices in social engineering; DDRAMA 9 *1A - and serpents;
WISWAY   2,  and  3 (I and II Thessalonians on this topic, with historical interface); FRODANS 2 (esp. epilogue), FRODANS    5,    *4,      6


- and the evil triplet

- and liberty ; and the restraint

- and awry aspirations

- and highway to hell;
- and the end

- and the renegade
recalcitrance of the devil



- and visionary vices

- and idol-makers; and weakness

- and 'getting there'; and pride

- and worship; and seminaries

- and religious exponents

- and youth erosion; 
youth dispossession



BB 2, cf. SMR pp. 732B-C, 750B,


ASP 16; ASP 18, BEN 87


ROP 2; cf. SMR pp. 100-101, *30, *31


 Highway to Hell



BAB 30; BEN 87, BB 2


BAB Appendix 1, BAB 18

BAB Appendix IV; BAB 1

BAB 26; BAB 3, KH 8

KH 10, 2; KH 10, 3

TMR 8, Epilogue, BAB 24, Appendix IV, TON 5

SCOTU 51, TON 19 *1; BAB Appendix 1, TMR 8

Dialogue, Soliloquy and AUVI (allied, uninhibited verbal interchange)

- see also allegories, above

STEP 7 (beach dialogue),
8 (lost soul, lake, rose and lily), 9 (magpie, termite and truth), 10 (AUVI - the witness of the professorial worm, and his associates), AAA 11 (submarine conversation),
FM 11, Epilogue  (AUVI - Flight to Hell, and departure from the flight),  QAA  1 (dialogue on eternal life), BAB 14 ( pilgrimage in dialogue from doubt to delight), KH  5 (the kindly confabulation of the catechism of creation), 
KH 8 (space dialogue, looking at the earth, without being earthy),

KH 8, End  (dream in space concerning children, liberated from the unlovely and radiantly realistic in speech),

BAB 18 (Cloud Nine Soliloquy, Musing of the Beautiful Bureaucrat);
SMR pp. 270ff. (conversation between two Computers),
pp. 3ff. (dialogue on logic between two friends)









JJ  13, BFA  9, DVA  2; AAM   5

BB 3; BB Appendix II, HHDD   5 (schools  and life and the Lord)


Appendix-News; BAB 13,17,  2 (with allied isms);
TBW 3, esp. End-note 1, TBW 1, esp. End-note 3, TOAN  8, HEART  6, CALL 9, esp. Section  3,  SMST  2,
GALEV 8, esp. *2;

 OCC   8, BAY 19,
GBP    3,  4,


 See DBSA Vol. 2,  Ch. 1, see also   Ch. 10, and Vol. 3. Ch. 10

for this, its opposite and the biblical composite.



Divine Omnipotence 



See Genes, Genetics


BAB 6, AAA 8






BEN 68

Doctrine - in floral format, with garden graces





BB 14, ASP 12

Dreams DD  12
Duty GLOW  10



These are not the formal numbers as in The Site in the City, but are for convenience only, to help distinguish each book.



that is, all volumes outside The Shadow of a Mighty Rock trilogy




See the updated  list here.