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Taiwan - see also China REF 4, p. 51, FM 8,  ALERT 13; OVERFLIGHT  1,  *1A, News 150 HHHHOLINESS 1OPENTOHIM  5, (and Taiwan); FRODANSWER   1
Teacher of Righteousness MM    4, Teacher, BAB  23
Teleology OVERFLIGHT  8 (and the spectral), NOGO  3, 23,  SCALESCAN   5, PRILDEM  5,
DDDD   2, DDRAMA  10, MOONSOON    2,    7
News  57,  SS  8 (and Denton),
(and its illogical futility)
Temptation IMOPURITY    5,  GRACETFAITH    9
Terms of Trade (new definition) ALERT   13
Terrorism -
with special reference to New York, Sept. 2001
see also Israel, and its multiplied sufferings; and USA and Israel; and Israel






LORD  3,  4,  5, 
ALERT 2,  3,  5,   6,  7,  8,  10,  13, 14, 15, 16, SS  4 VICTORY  5
(with  4);
TRUST  7, TOWER  6; LORD   3,    8,  *1
(bin Laden credo); IMMFAITH   4, News 195; DESDES  6 (UN and definition, nature and basis of ...)


Texts and Translations KH 9, and see above: "Part A. BIBLE VERSES..."


Television and Computer Games, relative to the young in the current stage of society

 JOY    3 including *1A

Theological "ism-itis";
see neo-evangelicism, neo-orthodoxy, and
post-modernism opposite

ROP 1, *1, TBW 8 , KH 9, section 12, pp. 174ff.; Fellowship - Home Page; see also TBW Appendix 3, TBW 8,End-note 2; MC 14; NFF 10; LIGHT  2; JJ 1; SCOTU 51,  49, End-note 1; 

AWME 15, BARBS Appendix 1, and  cf. HEART 11, ROP  7, WAKE  6




- current dangers in "the Reformed Faith" and others, through this, in the area of undervaluing parts of the Biblical faith - in female eldership, in creation, in the love of God, in what is inviolable in the kingdom of heaven; 
see also Eccentricity for more on plagues of mind, spirit and heart, bypass by-products






2nd Law of

- with 2 other major scientific laws, distinctly verificatory of creation, in terms of scientific method

- as illustrative of the logical principle of sufficient 
causation (q.v.), implicitly or explicitly;


- as embraced and codified by Lord Kelvin with synthetic impartiality in many spheres

and in view of this, reports on  experiments, notional, noetic, practical; of practical performances; consideration of experiments never performed ; and assessment of architectural assemblage: attesting persistently and consistently where power lies, and in what order of action,
it now proceeds



TBW 8, End-note 2; see also ROP 1 , incl. Endnote 1,
BB 11, 
End-note 1














TMR 1, pp. 8ff., 17ff.;
TMR 8, pp. 200ff., 210ff., 224ff., 226ff., BEN 68, 82 cf. SMR 329ff., 315Aff., ASP 4, pp. 58ff., Swift Witness 4, 5 (STEP 2, 3); STEP 8, 9, 10; WAKE 2, 4, 5, 6 (incl. overview of the torturous windings of a meandering river, that ends in silt), and Epilogue


 SMR 1, pp. 8ff., 17ff.; 332Aff., The gods of naturalism have no go!   7



BEN 82, Swift Witness 4, ROP 7, esp. *1 and *2, SCOTU 57, ASP 1-3, BAB 29, 18, ASP 7, esp. pp. 129ff.;TMR 7, pp. 176Iff.;  WAKE 7; REF 2, 6; ASP 4, Nos. 9, 10, 12 (symbolic survey, and lab books of the past - causally construed); 
11 (cf. ASP 6 -
life visible ? defined), SMR pp. 3-10, 128-130, 201 - *10, 208-210, 219-226,252A-N, 262ff., 284ff., 329-332 D-E (review of the field and the scientific approach); WISWAY  4;
see WAKE references above;
TMR 1, STEP  2




ASP 7 , ASP 9, esp. End-note 2 (famous experiment),  ROP 7, 
pp. 159ff. (experiment), pp. 162ff.
(noetic experiment), 
pp. 141ff. (architectural enterprise- data depiction), SMR 145-159


Thought -

and Magic


KH 1, KH 10, Part 2, Cartoons  SMR pp. 295, 397, 422C,1002C, CWP  7 (how to we think ?), GREGRACE  6 (and autonomy), BAB Appendix IV, ASP 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 9, WAKE 2, 6 , ROP Ch.7, Extension 2




- and eternity; and journalism 'Time'

- and the plight of man: the oven is high and the goose is burning

- and Genesis days
see also creation

TMR 7, esp. Sections E and F, ROP 7, Extension 2, see SMR Index , ASP 12, 18, BB 7, BAB 11; NEWS 134; WAKE 6, NEAR    9, DDRAMA  3; REASONABLE   3;
CALM  1; REF 13, 14; AQ 5 - esp. End-note 4; BONVOYAGE  3


WAKE Epilogue; and for journalism, WAKE Epilogue, pp. 164ff., NFF 6

News 73, esp. pp. 86ff., and End-note *2;DD  6
WAKE  2, 3, 4,5, 6

AQ 8, SMR Ch. 2 Supplement, pp. 168-179, 190-197, News  51, TMR Ch. 8

- and scope of DIVINE Intervention, with special ref. to Elijah, Elisha


and its nature - time, times and history




PP   3

Tolstoy BONVOYAGE   1

Tongues; and Holy Laughter - 
Gifts and I Corinthians



Tradition and truth

TBW 8, KH 9, Section 12, SMR Ch.10



Trinity - Divine:
and the devil's puny, misconceived and polluted effort to copy

ASP 12, TGHGGGG  5; ASP 12BAB 14, 17, 23, SMR Ch.7, Section 4, BB 13, ROP 7, GBG  5, Extension 3 , IMMFAITH   3,
TBW 7, REF 15; SS  4; BB  2 , AQ    3, CWP  3; CELEARTH  6;  BRIGHT LIGHT  10, GBP  Appendix;
SSCSRR 12 (trinity, reality, man and liberty); SSTIS  9, 10 (2010); KEY   4 ( effort of evil one to copy); LAPINTHEL  2, and book; PP 6,    6,    6,  7



Truth -

see Christ, Jesus, God; Apologetics,Validity, South Australia; beginnings

Under headings noted, and 

SMR 1, 3, 5, 6, 10; TMR 1, 8; NFF 14
KH 2; ASP 12; ASP 1-9, 16; QAA 1, 5, 6; ROP 4, 5, 6, 7; TBW 4,8, End-note 2, BB Appendix III, The Magnificence of the Messiah; BB Appendix 1; BAB 14, 17, 19, CALL  9,
Appendix 1, pp. 279ff.; 
IMMFAITH   3; SMST  6  ;
8;TMR 7,
ROP 2, pp. 41ff.;  LEAD 2, 3, 10; BEAUTY 9, End-Excursion
(the truth of beauty and the beauty of truth). GBP   7 (the singular and exquisite sufficiency of truth, the bloom of its nature and the explicative force of its power); HHDD   5   Authority of Truth

TYRE - the archeology, the type,
the spiritual meaning, the imperial abasement and the precision of pronouncement-performance by the God who only does wonders


Twentieth Century

DBSA 7, 12

JJ 5, 14, 19, BB  Appendix 1, 4, ASP 1-3, cf. SMR pp. 839-840 and see Index SMR

United Nations








TON Appendix 1 SCOTU  39, 42,
TOAN Epilogue, 9 , 10

Appendix ; FM 2, 10, STEP 10, AAA 3, 9 , HEART 11, CALL  5, NFF  9 cf.  8, News 129, 42, GALEV  7 ; CALL11; Re Israel, with USA, in comparison: PITTER  6
(and the UN), COMFORT  9 (indictment UN and Europe re theft from Israel), NEWS 152 (truth does not invade, but it still prevails -
discussion in detail including the UN approach),

and  PITTER 4, *2; and Racism miscued as Zionism: LIGHT  6; as inadequate and imperilled by religious racism CELEARTH 13; DVA   3,  NEAR  5
earth charter, religious summits and UN and its trend  - CALL 11, NFF 13, CASCADE 10 NEAR    1,   3,
TRUST  7, TOAN Epilogue

United States of America
 see also Westminster, Presbyterianism, Terrorism


















































































TON 18, SCOTU 30,  BEN 68, 69, 73, 74, JJ 5, 14, 24, 25, 26,  BAB 12,  SCOTU 29, 37,41,51; WAKE, Epilogue pp. 164ff., WAKE 81, 82, FM 2; LORD  3,  4,  5, ALERT 2,  5,  6,  8,  10, 13, 14, 15, 16. Re Israel, with USA and the UN, in comparison, and Sept. 11  prior concern: PITTER  6,   4,  LORD  3 (re voiced concern for USA August 2001), ALERT  6, SMST  3 PITTER  9 ,
and  4,*2; Alert  9,  13 esp. *2, and see therefrom LORD  4,  8,  ALERT  3,  5 (in biblical terms is the infamous multi-'faith' prayer breakfast - IMMFAITH 10, including  *2; ALERT  6, 813).  See also Calibrating Myths ... Ch. 10; MM 10, SS  4 - and subsequent and other concern at US error:  ALERT  13, SMST  3.

See also ALERT  6,  10
on Muslim errors being made;  TOWER  6, TRUST  7;
 ALERT13 (and terms of trade, new definition for US ? and some others ?);

CASCADE 10, IMMFAITH 10 (and conflict from derelict creations of cultural gods, with analysis of the process) - and 3 major religions including Islamic accommodation: MM 10, BFA  3, GG   2, ALERT  6 8, 13, IMMFAITH 10,  1
CK  6
(attitude of some other nations to terrorists in assassination mode, for the USA)



 UNITING CHURCH - see Presbyterian   News  15,  24,  31,  44,  90, HMCCKING   4
RRR 11,  KH   7; BRIGHTLIGHT  6, OPENTOHIM   2,   4; DDHCBIT   6


AAA ,  4  (actual, including that in wisdom, word, wit); TTT   8 (actual and pollutants) ; LLSSCJ   6 (lively lessons on unhallowed alliance with the unholy - religious parliament); FM  2 (actual and commonly suggested ... antidotes, incl. survey of many supposed unities, from the particulate to the social); - AAA 9 - glamour, stammer, hammer  ... flitter and glitter, and the unity that counts; AAA  1, more reality in unity; REF  3 (the soporific self, and the unity glide, under the sedation of sin), REF    8, the embracive unity of reality created, not desecrated in reverse; IMMFAITH 10, Glory that is yet no glory, and good that is no good in the welter of political options, and spurious secular identities that are not one but many; OPENTOHIM  4 (the giant declivity of quasi-church mutation in South Australia); OPENTOHIM  6 (convenient cultural dope when the door to truth is closed, and childhood is only a name);
FM 11 -
twigs and towers; NFF 8 - sham, shame and co., cf. News  132; SMST  8 (the necrosis of naturalism and the futility of pulping when script is needed), STEP  9 (the array of unities which speak, ordered, considered, acclaimed, source named), NFF 13 - symphony and seditions - two heady heads, NFF  14 deadly d's; OVERFLIGHT 5, cf. SMR pp. 867ff., New Age unity is so divisive from truth; ISRAELIV  3,  11,  ROP  5 inventions in mind, gender, politics ...  AWME  15, SMST   3 (spiritual - political - economic surrealism, and reality, and various modes of escape from efficacious unity, where it belongs), and  with this,
DVA   6
(specialising on religion miscalled demanding faith by force and the pathos of power's puny imprint), PITTER 6 (world movements that cry for what is coming, the Judge, Jesus Christ), GG   4 (Middle East conglomerate of religions, officially sought, with implosion attested - detailed);  IMMFAITH 10, and News  152, wide-ranging, including UN; 
DVA  3 (sums three absolutist religions including Communism, Islam, and considers an Anglican trend  towards new religious 'unity', cf. NEWS  82, and DDDD   3); CALL 10 11 (many false endeavours to substitute trivia),  5,  4, 
11, CASCADE  10;  GALEVENTS  7, ALERT  6, BEAUTY  5, SCOTU 42, DIAMOND  1, TOAN 10 and Epilogue (including crisped ‘churches’ and similar sects), 
ALERT 10, Appendix, BB  2
REF 8, QAA 6 , NFF13,  MM 10  (spiritual);
earth charter, religious summits and UN, the erosive roving of misled man
- CALL 11, NFF 13, News 122,  TTT  8, GREGRACE  5,  LIGHT  2, TOAN Epilogue,  JJ  1, GG  4 (ref. Middle East),  ALERT  5,  6,  8,  16 (Statism and neo-evangelicalism);
News 37
(many false forms of modish, cultural, national unity contrasted historically with what unites), News 100 (lust for many natural unities, love of actual unity, State efforts to promote disunity in Christian bodies),
REF 13 , HEART 10 (incl. ref. to early Greek thought), GALEV  7,
(broad scope of unities and meaning, from particles with other particularities towering above, stressing moral meaning),
WAKE, DVA  1, 4
(summary facts in unity), FM  2
(and would-be unities in or for nature, and creation); TTT  2 ways to more unity - actual unity and varied pollutants, useful listing of  cases; 
TMR 7 , AWME  9
(again, it is noting and leaving the mish-mash of  many dynamic disunities and frustrated fabrications of unity,  to find the actual unity), CELEARTH 10 (many pseudo-religious squanderings and wanderings, do not cleave truth's unity; UN lunges at Zionism, and the thrust of truth),

REF  13
(omissions in pseudo-science and agro-political machinery, and comprehensive coverage where it is found), CK    5,
DVA  3
(world trends and 3 religions ...), News 152 (royalty where it may be found, and specious ramblings that seek substitution),
SMR pp. 396ff; STEP  9
(multiplied attestations of inherent unity in creation, codes and aspects of the same, disunity with the Creator, resolution),
(music, meaning and unity);
(diabolical plan to mess the code);
NFF  9 ; 8 ; WAKE Epilogue
(and identity);

ISLAND AND MAINLINE SITUATION AND APPEAL, the 12 cases: it is high time to return to the Biblical Mainland and avoid the endlesslly futile oscillation of misguided extremes, for in it there lies a fair haven.

 We have:

Tender Times for Timely Truth Ch.  2 
(and considered list of  six misguided philosophic slugging matches):
  End-note 1 on predestination - relationship to ism-itis, Questions and Answers 13, pp. 183-184 (added to the matter of singing, one of the six);
Repent or Perish Ch.  1 pp.12ff., Questions and Answers  7, End-note 1;

the 7th island - millenialism,
News 124
, SMR Appendix ASMR Appendix A, 506ff; - and see Biblical Blessings Ch. 3 with extensions into OCC 8, GVG 7, esp. *2 ;
also  guidance, the 8th island
- Licence for Liberty Ch.  7, pp. 119ff.; followed by
Isaiah, and
the 9th island,
LL Excursion ... , Celestial Harmony for the Terrestrial Host  Ch. 6;  

What is the Wheat to the Chaff Ch.  1 provides islands 10-12.

For unity in the pure word of God minus evanescent intrusions and extremes of flesh with
the entire scope of harmony presented, see as reference:

Unity of the brethren -  Home-Page: arena of practicality ( and healing in this field) - see also entry preceding, and
TTT  2, AAA  9, AQG 4,
and pp. 107ff. 



SCOTU 57, esp. End-note 2, 51, QAA  7, TON 49, End-note 1, News 12


TMR 5, 7 ; see Cartoons, SMR  pp. 146, 271, 295, 422C, 1138; Wake 5, End-Note 1A, TTT 11; CALL  9, esp. *1A, ROP 7, pp. 152ff.; ROP   2; SSCSRR   6;
CWP  6; BAB 29
19; ASP 1-3;  SMR   3, LITTLE 5, TMR 9, Epilogue, News 94;  DDRAMA 4, GBP   7, WHEATCHAFF 3, 4, 10, 11, BRIGHTLIGHT  7, DEIDES
 3, *3,  8,
PP Vol. 9,   2



Vagaries, Unoriginal Variations on a Theme, and Costly Adventurism

ASP 17 , TBW 8, End-note 2

Victory  VICTORY,  ALERT  7; DDDD  5; AQ   7 (flesh and spirit); WHEAT   1, TBW   2

Violence -
see FAITH - and force, and contemporary progressions, Moslem, Roman Catholicism, Inquisition, Communism and Naturalism








 GGMMM 9, *1A, SMR Index I; News 121 (covers the foolish concept that sin being endemic and religion the field for answer, violence is endemic to religions).





ASP  7, KH  7, 8 DIAMOND  7, REF  7, 10, NEWS 125, 51
JJ  5, 81 ,  2, 27
TTT  9

Visions - see Guidance, Pentecostalism;
and dreams - and Daniel

DD 12

War - and the slaughter syndrome



SMR pp. 648ff.,  717ff., 732B, *21, 843ff.,1074ff., 1088D ff.; 50ff., 65ff., DVA  6; ALERT  2,   3,   5,  7,  8, 10 - the last including 1948 verse; LORD  3
4 ,  6,  9
JJ  5,   BEN 17 (News 84), WAKE 2; NFF  7 8


BAB 10




PF Part 2; 'Fellowship' - Home Page, AAM   8



Westminster Confession

TBW 8, pp. 123ff., QAA 7, End-Notes 1, 2, QAA 7, pp.71, 78, BB 11, pp. 116, op.cit. pp. 118ff.,  121, ROP 1, pp. 19-20, pp. 23-24, End-note 2, ROP 4, p. 64



Westminster Theological Seminary

QAA 7, End-Notes 1 and 2 with ROP 1,  End-note 1;  BAB pp. 319-320,
BB Ch.11, pp. 116ff. ,
TON 10 ,  SCOTU 57, Endnote 2,TBW2, p. 27

 Whitehead - Alfred

 CNC Appendix on Contortions


'Who am I ?' - 
the heartless question, 
and the hearty answer 

- see Identity, above

BAB 19,26 , 21- and see SMR Ch.3, pp. 272, 292-315A ; 
also BAB 1, 3






Wisdom - and its detailed attestation of the comprehending magnificence of Him who is wonderful, in the Bible: one more verification; its place, in God





Witnesses - the two, in Revelation  11

BAB 31, TMR 6, WAKE 7; BAB 27, AAA 4,   IMOPURITY  4, Proverbs 8; ALIVE   5 (knowing everything and understanding nothing); HGGA 4J










Word, Words:
God the Word, uncreated Creator, fountain of expression, only begotten Son of God
- see also GOD - His word, words

BEN 87, End-note 1;

 KWKC   6, PP2, , 3.




SMR pp. 3-10, 10ff., 13ff., 252H-L, BAB 27, incl. Extension on pp. 212ff., KH 9, pp. 157ff., WAKE 2, ROP 7; JJ 16, 25, ASP 6, Excursion into Life, 12, 15;  CHILORI 5, *3, and causality; BAB
14 ; WAKE 7; WAKE 5, Endnote 1A; WAKE 6, pp. 132-136; SMR Index God : His word, words; and Language  - see also BEN 82, End-note 3; BARBLISS   4, DEIDES  2.

On elements of word-symbol-command, projection-performance, the interstices of communication in DNA and other contexts see the following JOINTLY,  with various extensions and applications.  MESSAGE  7 (touches hierarchical classification, Denton, in his Evolution: A Theory in Crisis);  and again EVIDREAL   6. On the impact of symbols of command deployment, operational words, and all that is involved, see News 94 with WISWORD...    2. On the musings in futility of evolutionists themselves in their barren domain, see FRODANS   5.


- departure of

- ways of, and wider world grabbing (see also devil, Babylon, Roman Catholicism, Moslem, Empire) 

ASP 13; AAA 9; SMR pp. 601ff.



SMR pp. 743ff., 750Bff., BB App. 3, BAB 20, 30, TTT 11, AAA 9, RDPHEART



World Council of Churches and allied matters - see Babylon, spirit of : above


QAA 4, News 59, BB 2, pp. 19ff.; STEP  1,  4,  5, pp. 60ff.,  NFF  9 cf.  8, ROP 5, esp. pp. 102ff., TOAN 10, Epilogue, Appendix; TTT  8; BEN 85, AAA 9, CALL 11, SMR 685, 696, 721,723, 743, 750B, 867-868, 919, 922, 956-957, 1031C, 1060



World within Worlds

ROP 7, pp. 140ff..






- and finding God





- and exploitation (including




- and taking thought

- and allegories


- and living, and the grabbed generation


- and high seas; and suicide, in prophetic setting, with resolution








TON 16, 19, KH 10, YOUTH INDEX
STEP 7, TMR 8,
BAB Appendix I, STEP 9, TTT 5


KH Appendix 1, SCOTU 37, 40, News 118 (NFF 10), DVA  6, MAJESTY  6, esp.  *3



TMR 8, pp. 195-196, 199ff., AAA 4
208, 214-217,222-223, 228-231, 239, 251-259, 273ff. , ROP 4, TMR 4; STEP 7 8 9, 10




 NEWS 118

  SCOTU 51,


WAKE 6, Excursion of and to Youth






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