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Chapter 8
Academic Blood Letting Disdains Blood
It could never be said, thought Little A, after hearing Laurie's interview with the Director of his Faculty, that academia's streets run with blood. It might be fairer if they did, for in this their current manner, every manner of appalling folly is hid. At least, he reflected, academics are only being slain socially, financially and in reputation while the disease of devilish dynamics plays its moribund games.
He looked back on the interview just completed, the poised severity of the Director, his obvious addiction to pragmatic convenience.
We are not here, Laurie, he had intoned, to consider your preferences, private convictions or desire for university reform on your own mode and model. We are here to consider whether you fit into our research commission - I could almost say mission - or whether the fricative function is now, after all this time beginning to outweigh the academic load.
I am afraid I am not with you, Director, Laurie replied. I thought the issue had been that I believed creationism to be a better fit with scientific method's stringencies, than is the case of notoriously unverified evolutionism; and since the latter has many failings in the rigors of this test, and the former has only victories, I cannot follow your dabbling into social considerations, when they are scientific, and I protest of course, at once at this contriving to counter failure in the ruling passion in this faculty, with social assault as here.
Laurie, responded the Director, perhaps you would be good enough in some remotely relevant way, to acquaint me with the ways in which these failures and victories are to be found in the two approaches you have mentioned.
It would be a pleasure Director, said Laurie, who simply handed him what the prodigious memory of Little A was able without even much effort, to muster in his recollection. Laurie's document went like this. He had taken it from a book which he happened to be reading at the time, and felt that for brevity it would weigh with the Director, who according to type, was already looking at his watch, as if the service of ten years was a matter of moments to dispose of, before his next interview with somebody else! He made available a set of books in which the page references were all contained, and presented the material to the Director, who read it and found in it, just this.
Making it simple*A
We see therefore, putting it slightly differently:
Organic evolution fails:
i) to be based on relevant observation (cf. pp. 161, 234, 251-252G infra).
ii) in having no citable law available for normal scientific testing.
iii) in not being verified in terms of prediction from a scientific law.
iv) to provide sound agreement, even in retrodiction for its purveyors.
v) to agree with current observation of what does happen, even in broadest terms.
In this, Stephen J. Gould (see below) is eloquent in his explication of the exact OPPOSITE
being found to what is envisaged by gradualism, while his own conceptions
fail to provide the activating force, being minus the Darwinian mechanism and
with no visible thrust of their own (cf. SMR pp. 315Aff., Wake Up World,
Your Creator is Coming Chs. 5-6,
and Gould’s Wonderful Life pp. 233, 239, 260, 226, 257).
vi) as contrary in tenor to known scientific law, such as entropy, equally to common sense
(on which see http://webwitness.org.au/thatmagrock/creation.html#opposite and http://webwitness.org.au/wake5.html for example)
vii) to have the discipline of science, either in past imaginings or present happenings,
proceedings moving from imagination to hope rather than from observation to hypothesis to potentially lethal test.
viiii) more monumentally the more microbiology reveals the human body
as the design paragon (cf. /definingdrama10.html#kind).
ix) in confronting the intricate patterns of a profound and single language as a contribution from chaos (the language of life, which is one, in cells) ...
Professor Murray Eden (q.v.) relates here.
x) in having two systems (genetic and behavioural-surviving and so on),
not systematically related, yet expected to construct what is here (Schützenberger).
i) It does not claim that the process is continuing. In this, it is confirmed
by all available means. That is verification.ii) It is susceptible to disproof ( in its Biblical formulation) by simply showing
that the process from which creatures have come in fact is continuing. In this,
it is verified, for this is not seen. Nor would current information theory lead one
to expect that it would be. Cohesion of theory and fact is thus multiple.iii) It does provide logical ground for the language of life, for the one language of life,
for its operative efficiency and its relationship to the concept of language such as we use.iv) It avoids the non-systematic relationship of two systems as a ground.
iv) Its clear cut retrodiction is not met with contradiction, and it could have been.
This too is verification.v) It is in precise accord with known scientific law, such as the second law
of thermodynamics; and entropy is another formulation of what the Bible SAYS,
( e.g. Isaiah 51:6), and implies ( Romans 8:20-22 ) in that area of formulation!
(on which see That Magnificent Rock, Ch. 1 as here detailed
and Wake Up World! Your Creator is Coming Ch. 5 for example).vi) The nature of mutation verifies it - variation but not transmutation (kinds).
See Gould, op. cit. p. 230, SMR pp. 208ff., 236, 252H, 106, 226, 236, 214-220,
Wake Up World! … Ch. 6.vii) The numerous evolutionary theories (provided to meet even distant facts)
by their disagreement, the one with the other, and by their incredible character -
creation arriving incognito as in 'quantum' evolution, or the so-called 'hopeful monster'
concept - are in a predictable situation.
These unsatisfactory theories show what one would expect: multiplication of
empirically unfounded hypotheses without solution., and consequent radically
diverse concepts with camp-style warfare within evolutionism
(cf. SMR pp. 226ff., 315Aff., 252Aff.).
A good illustration is found in the writings if not writhings of. S.J. Gould Wonderful Life pp. 227ff., 234-239, 260, 310 where he uses the fascinating phrase, of gradualistic Darwinian devices, as 'literally incomprehensible', moving to rather another realm altogether on pp. 100ff., in his variable ideas of what was operative in the Burgess Cambrian splash, leading there to the concept of a brilliant genius, of "rare and precious skills" which he could never emulate, for mere reconstruction, as of unpredictable unimaginable developments not even relevant to foreseeable competitive success (op. cit. pp. 196, 238), while in his Evolution of Living Organisms, p. 103, he has the reflection on the gradualistic mode of coming to be, that 'miracles would become the rule'. On such things, see /trappingsforpotpourri, and /wake 5, 6 (from A Spiritual Potpourri and Wake Up World! ... respectively). For gradualism, says Gould, Burgess is the “worst-case nightmare” (op. cit. p. 233), scarcely a scientific basis, so to dream!
Gould remonstrates that Cambrian designs far exceed current ones (op.cit. pp. 226-227, 46-47,49), the concept of theory being inverted relative to the finding of fact. Inversion is not a good conversion rate from theory to fact (p. 233 op.cit); and it would be far better to begin with fact, and then to fashion theory.
This intense variability in evolutionism, flying where it never can land and exposed from within, with endless ideological wars, is further verification of the creation concept, Biblically invariant, and by contrast neither needing to be changed in its perspective or declarations nor admitting any such alteration, thus meeting its own criteria and exceeding those of secular science.That is, it is unchanging because it is Biblically defined, the word of the unchanging God there revealed; as also because what is Biblically defined, does not need to be confined orrightness given. This case simply verifies that. That is what it had to be; that is what it is. It meets its own criteria, which are exceptionally strict beyond those of any competition. refined, since its cover is factual. It stays in the form, function and
viii) In the Biblical formulation, this situation is also explained psychologically,
and indeed spiritually. There it is declared that man is alienated
from the life of God and is systematically dimensionally ignorant (Ephesians 4:18-19).
Romans 1 even traces the process. This ability to account for the activity of the
evolutionary thrust, personally, is also verification. The more acceptable hypotheses,
in scientific method, are those which not only cover the empirical case,
are harmonious with relevant and well-established LAWS, but cover further fields
with robust consistency, each mutually reinforcing the other, as here is the case.ix) What contains in its ambit most areas, covers them most categorically and elegantly
is deemed the desideratum: this is verification at its acme. In general, the more
broadly a presentation covers all known facts, explains all relevant data and
the more readily it does so, the more it is deemed to confirm itself.
On the contrary, even one anti-verification, failure to meet due test is fatal,
and fatality is the situation for organic evolutionism. (Cf. Earth Spasm ... Ch. 7,
Wake Up World! ... Ch. 6, News 57.)
On all these matters, see the trilogy, The gods of naturalism have no go!This excursion into scientific theory and its nature, scientific method and its formulation, and current controversy and its analysis is presented to stimulate you into thought. Culture is not a sufficient condition for thought and acute analysis is always in order. It is what can make certain responses more incisive, sharp, clear and arresting. It helps remove confusion. Further, discoveries can the more readily be made when the cult of the forbidden is not followed, which pre-determines arbitrarily of what dimensions the hypothesis must be composed, a merely philosophic intrusion. In scientific method, evidence must be pondered and conclusions subjected to the discipline of reality in all spheres, without prejudice.
The wrong-headed trend to reject culturally, as at one tertiary institution at which the author taught, because it is not convenient, and not because it is wrong, without indeed giving it due rational interaction with those who present it, is in essence a form of cult. Is not what is culturally dictated in the dereliction of duty towards reason and evidence, a cult ? And in how many universities does one find evidence from Staff or students, of this deplorable cultic phenomenon: creation, or the grand issues of reality are forbidden a priori.
What however is the 'cult of the forbidden' ? It is that cultural negativity, fear or subtlety (depending on motive) whereby certain matters are (ostensibly) ruled in advance of all evidence, 'out of court' - the court of culture. Whether it be deemed to be politics, religion or other field, the result is a mental crimping that too readily becomes downright dishonesty if not, indeed, hypocrisy, in which dimension the noted scientist Løvtrup is most (justly) critical - cf. SMR pp. 202, as seen in his work, Darwinism, The Refutation of a Myth. In this parody of scientific method, certain things are out of cultural bounds, being inconsistent with desire, ethos, illusion or delusion; irrespective of their truth. Even research as Løvtrup notes, can be compromised in this way.
In its opposition to creationism in religion, it may involve the detestable folly of pretending that evidential procedures are irrelevant, and, worse still, that it is illegal to be logical and alert with evidence and reason, lest emotions be roused. This subordinates truth to convenience and not for long may one justifiably expect the continuance of such folly, or of any society where it distinctively rules.
Reality is a dangerous enemy with whom to trifle by such policy and contempt. By this means, irrelevant irrationalities and absurdities - such as is organic evolution in terms of scientific method - may be 'allowed', in that by a mythical or even at times mystical oversight, their merely mythical powers are ignored; whereas the more scientifically oriented view of creation is 'excluded' as 'religious'. (Cf. pp. 211-222, 226-234, 330-334 infra.) Myth, the attribution of executive power to what gives no attestation of its very existence, is not to be desired in any rational pursuit.
On the contrary, coherent, confirmed rationally sustainable presentation as in creation, short-circuits nothing by mere human fiat, for does it need to; for creationism acknowledges the just result of free verificatory procedures on this basis, compared with those of other and alien kinds.
Thus, Christianity unlike this organic evolutionary degradation, with open heart and incisive mind is quite freely availab1e for 'inspection' - and meets any intelligently administered critical test with overwhelming results, that are as unified as they are unique; and it alone systematically meets logical requirements of consistency and rationality. (Refer SMR Chapters 1, 3 and 10). This becomes relevant for biblical creationism, as one particular variety of it, which has no humanly imposed limits to its field or its testability, no arbitrary exclusivism, but speaks by its works.
Contrary to this and to this openness, this cult of the forbidden has become an anti-logical discriminatory device, protective of irrationalisms and, in educational circles, often excluding the only logically sustainable answer even from consideration! Endless ragings between competing theories, with this excluded, is a PREDICTABLE as it is an ACTUAL result. It is also verification. If you refuse that 2 plus 2 equals 4, there is sure to be strife among the exclusivists!
It is time students were made aware of their options, and educated fairly in this realm.
Laurie, the Director then declared, lifting his head as if it had been a sizable rock which needed all the effort he could muster in order to give it a slightly higher elevation, do you expect me to look at this sort of stuff ?
Frankly, Director, I do. After all, it is factual, empirical, attested, unarguable and shows what you ask. Is there something else I could do, is there something you wish to contest ?
It is not that, Laurie, and I respect your integrity, but as you should by now know and know full well, we are not interested in finding solutions to problems in arenas outside the natural one.
Precisely, Director, and that is, as I know full well at this meeting, is your prejudicial problem, for it makes mockery of anything approaching either workability of theory, advance in knowledge or empirical integrity. Here is a theory, an approach, an 'ism' which is anti-verified consistently in a spectacular manner, and in strict scientific method ANY ONE of these failures DISQUALIFIES it until such time as the theory is changed or the empirical is found to meet the change, and yet it is not only kept, it is kept like some fallen woman in some apartment, for the delectation of those who rejecting an open mind, close their minds and their files without success. Why Director do you suppose that they all argue interminably if not because they cannot win, even against each other, these evolutionists; and they cannot win because NONE of their sub-theories are more than a pretext for meeting the text of 'nature' which NEVER co-operates with the concept of organic evolution.
There are kinds, and there is no kind of way in which some other kind is ever found proceeding from the former one, nor is the machinery ever locating for doing it if it were to do so, nor is the set of laws which they all breach, any nearer to being unbroken by the surmisings on which they rest; and the kinds have variations like giants, oddities from mutation, differentiation through recombination, alteration through information transmission as in microbes at times, but as for upward movement in design modality, we do not find it any more than its means. Why then do you harass my researches, Director, because I follow scientific method, and doing so, find the answer. There is much to research on the modes of stupendous variety within kinds, and this is no time to force the issue on what multitudinously and epochally has failed, so that one whom many regard as the greatest evolutionary scientist of the 20th century, Stephen Gould writhes in intellectual mutation, examining the walls of his own prison, because he insists on parameters too small for movement.
Laurie, I am not going to take the time to follow you in all of this. The point is that I as Director am dissatisfied with your part in the group dynamics and have no intention of renewing your contract, far less granting you tenure. If you want to find some Christian group which will tolerate your egregious fancies or fantasies, do so; you are no longer welcome here.
Director, when you use the opprobious terms 'fancies' and 'fantasies', you are guilty of larceny. You have stolen the mythical proportions of a theory which invokes it does not know what, to do what is never seen done, and brought their festering to the domain of creationism which unlike the writhing dissonances of those parties which fight in evolutionism, does not fail in ANY ONE OBJECTIVE EMPIRICAL TEST, does not fight against established scientific laws which in the case of creationism - biblical creationism in particular - are all harmonious with its statements, and does independently verify from the source of the statements it makes, the reliability of that source, empirically.
It is not a matter now, Sir, of the pot calling the kettle black, of but the burning remnants of a partly vaporised pot calling the cutlery black, the things that actually work.
Briefly, Laurie, if you want the direct and the simple, you are fired.
I think the fires you give me, said Laurie, are of your own making, but since you have the power, and I know the administration is besotted with the same mythology, inured to the same disgraceful violation of scientific method and that the culture of the times supports you, I shall simply state before God, that this oppression of which you now become guilty, giving no answer but abuse to my empirical protestations, will merely mean as Løvtrup has declared, a misuse of research funds and a diminution of the value of this body, formerly academic, but now subservient to simple prejudice in the very face of factual reality.
Good morning, Laurie.
May you be forgiven, Director.
Little A was so proud of Laurie that he resolved to follow him to his family, where he came two days later. They were all home on that day, and had received the news with equanimity. Dad, said his youngest son, now 14, you can easily get a job in the Christian Academy. Perhaps, his father replied, it all depends on their needs at the moment. Of course, my contract still has three months to run.
Dad, you are a hero! cried his elder son, for you have told us enough to see that the University is merely rotten within, and unwilling to face facts, intractably blind, impenitently imprecise. No wonder Muggeridge of Glasgow University fame, declared that in due time this evolutionism would be regarded as a monstrous and outrageous joke.
Something like that, son, said his father, but what amazed me was the indifference of all my associates. All I get is distant smiles as if I am a departing train, carrying the occupants to central Africa.
At this, Little A resolved to introduce a new element. He projected thoughts of glory into the mind of Laurie, associated with peace and contentment, and sought to make the words, godliness with contentment is great gain, to enter his thoughts.
Laurie simply smiled and declared, Well, in this world, is it so surprising that it is worldly. It has given the adjective its meanings by its conduct, and would you expect it to be any different!
Someone said to me yesterday, said Matilda, his Australian wife, that you are so heavenly minded that you are no earthly use. I corrected her, and said, You have it wrong. He is so heavenly minded that he is of no earthy use; and I am glad of it, for the channels of dark waters flowing off this soiled civilisation are fit only for rats.
My dear, I hope you did not give her the impression that you felt she was a rat ? No, responded Matilda, not really, for I said I was sorry she was in danger of being buried in these subterranean ways, judging by her orientation shown in that comment about you, and hoped she would either get out of it all, and become a biblical Christian, or learn to swim, and be ready for the sludge at the end of it all.
How did you respond ? asked Ralph her eldest. Oh she just declared that it would be time enough to think about God when things looked rough, but that for the present, she knew what she wanted out of life, at whatever level it went. If it went too far and too deep, she said, then would be the time to act.
I told her that when you wait for the tsunami, it does not obediently give you measured time to make your escape, as hundreds of thousands of deaths attest; and I asked her how she thought that playing Russian roulette with God could be thought of as wise.
She simply smiled and said she felt lucky.
At this, Little A flew off in hope, and finding the Christian Academy, brought to bear such a strong wind of thought about Laurie, whom he knew quite well, respected and admired, though he had not heard of his virtual dismissal, that he was not entirely surprised when the Principal brought up the matter with a friend and was told about the developments. I thought, he mused aloud, that he was ready for advancement; he is a good researcher, objective, never pig-headed, reasonable. He was, but they are making quite sure that he has no opportunity for that now.
Couldn't he protest ? He did protest, came the answer, but he knows them too well to waste time in official circles, for they merely change facts, charter concerns and avoid the issue, in order to protect the tenure of evolutionism; they do not actually argue about it, since there is nothing to be said in scientific method terms. It is a monstrosity.
A white sort of an elephant, a pre-occupational disease, a health risk and a drain, said Ralph.
This world is not my home, said his mother, and I do not concern myself unduly at its ways.
It was at that moment that Laurie received a phone call from the DIrector, and after much information sharing, he was told that in 6 months a position was open which might suit him.
Laurie was overwhelmed, and began to talk to his family about this. It would mean that for 3 months they would be without salary, but it could give them time for a short holiday, for fixing up things in the house, for pursuing some research projects and more family time. So they prayed and thanked the Lord for the opportunity to suffer for His name, and for the fact that it marvellously sensitised them in appreciating what others in even more disastrous lands were enduring, in the Sudan, as in those temples of misunderstanding where the object in view is to exalt folly, and to call it by another name.
Little A tried to project the thoughts of high mountains into the mind of Ralph, for he admired the young man's forthright manner, and unfazed confidence, and with that thought, the lofty majesty of the Maker of beauty, the source of all goodness, the Creator and the ruler of the kings of the earth. He was not quite sure what this would do, but found that a look of happy serenity came over Ralph's face and he said to his father, Dad, it is good for you to be out of Lot's city on the plain, and now you can go to the heights of Abraham, far safer, purer and without the systematic pollution. There is no lava up here!
His father had never so appreciated Ralph as at that moment, and he thanked God for such a son, such an opportunity to glorify Him and for giving him some strength of mind and voice in the interview with the Director. At that, he remembered that one should pray for those who persecute you, so on the screen of his mind there came the Director, whose ways seemed to surge like a wave into his presence, and he realised afresh the life of servitude the poor man lived, as if he were a cog being directed by other cogs, and in turn directing sub-cogs, all machinery of convenience, of culture, of convention and all corrupt with sand and grit, grinding themselves into meaningless oblivion, which would be less so in the day of judgment, since this was contrived, a miscreancy and a folly, but there it was according to truth.