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Chapter 9
Diners and Dinners are Really Quite Different Things
Recourse to Factuality:
a Last Resort for the Godless ?
a Joy to the Realists!
Creation and the Creator
Diners and dinners ? Well, when you dine, you tend to take for granted the dinner, or else you would not assume the posture of eating it. In other words, it is one thing to have something, but quite another to obtain it. Eating what is not adequately prepared can result in justly deserved indigestion. In the topic of creation, much of this world is finding it has a gut full of rubbish, or else wondering why it is partly discomposed and partly decomposed. It is time to face things.
In the Chapter, Creation in the field of LIFE, like a vast chain of delectable mountains, with many a gash to be sure, but of majesty and glorious heights and valleys, lies before us. Let us follow it.
To be found in life, there are considerations of undispersible integrality, immaterial technicality, indivisible detail, concoctive creativity, indispensible correlativity, irresistible rationality and kind creativity, the last including: irreversible category emplacement and inveterate directive dynamic, and with this is testimony of ineradicable innovative intelligence. These not merely require their own assimilation and causative ascriptions, but demand that the powers involved be identified and verified. That is only to be scientific in method*1 .
In the last Chapter, we had occasion to refer to some of the features which we either use or observe in the created*2 world about us. It went like this:
To insist that certain areas are philosophically excluded is mere non-science, better spelt nonsense. It is not slow learning but whoa learning, the calling of a halt by wilfulness.
Let us then ignoring such transvestite apparitions of a science itself in mutation, and returning to logical and scientific method, examine something of the actualities with due respect for them.
The interaction of nerve and muscle cells,
of multiple impulses from various senses and precise effects in the resultant,
the electrically co-ordinated balance
through the operation of relevant muscles for their toning,
the movement of the winds upon the waters in the oceans,
with the various reflections of clouds and light forms an amazing synthesis for viewing,
the multiple features of a flower, a leaf or a tree,
of individual personality and personal spiritual history,
and the current motion of the soul, or again of a team voluntarily moving with its leader,
or again,
a human being with the multiple desires of his heart and the will of the Lord:
these are basic facts which demand regard.
To ignore them is ultimately to ignore the very one who is thinking this ...and that, it is no part of meaning, but of waywardness*4.
It is time to reflect a little more on some of the aspects of living things, including man, not as a sub-set of life, but as an eminence in its works (just as a radio broadcast is not a sub-set of electronics, but rather possessed of meta-electronic features, which normally are the point of the transmission, which is slave to its originality)! To IGNORE that would appear worse than wooden-headed; it would be stone-minded. This is not to abuse those who prefer irrelevance: fantasy in place can be even educative. It is however to see things in a reasonable and valid integrality.
To resist what definition precisely requires, causation inevitably construes and reason immeasurably on all sides demands, when the object of such collusion is readily and demonstrably available, its basis and its operation: this is analogous to the renunciation of conceptual reality, the removal of mind and the endorsement of wood as one's correlative, though it can neither think nor understand nor test, nor invest anything with thought. Indeed, it is as in Jeremiah 2:27 ... "saying to a tree, 'You are my father,' or to a stone, 'You gave birth to me.' " These are the criteria which face us and which in sum in the area of life, we pursue.
We have been pondering in Ch. 8 above, the wonders of integrality (as has been done before*3, but now this is plaed in a slightly more expansive context), so we can now consider this in brief essence along with the other features specified above, so that the considerations in *3 below, which are truly multitudinous and of many disciplines at that, may be seen in a yet broader context.
Now it is well to summarise some of the features, extracted from earlier work, together with the new exercises above, and putting all together, find a short summary attesting their overall significance. All the relevant immediate contexts appear below in the notes. Thus in the universe and in particular in life, we have these features, foci, characteristics and illustrations of what lies beyond it, to make it what it is; for it assuredly did not make itself, nor did nothing, either at once or in stages; but if this be desired, then rationality is despised, causality is dismissed and the capacity of those back of any such model lose in consistency the power to reason at all, so that their words become irrelevant to what finds just and verifiable causes, and indeed, sustainable models.
We find not only (as in Deity, Design ... Ch. 2 as excerpted below); :
1) irreducible complexity, but
2) indivisible integrity,
3) indissoluble co-operation,
4) inter-and intra-systematic proliferation,
5) coherence of logic and symbolic notation with
executive receptors, skilled to catch meaning and execute orders,6) continuity of sequence from connotation, to denotation, to implementation,
7) in a series of systematics incomprehensible except in totality
To this we may add:
9) physical, ethical, moral, aesthetic, discursive, ruminative, intellectually integrative, spiritually imaginative and metaphysically cohesive unity of perspective, operation and concentration,
10) unitary understanding explicative of all,
derived from the summit of experience and
comprehension in the Creator.
The Chapter from which this excerpt is taken, pursues this theme in 10) at some length, and for this may be consulted.
Now, for Ch. 9, our present field, we combine with these 10, what lies below.
11) undispersible integrality,
12) immaterial technicality,
13) indivisible detail,
14) concoctive creativity,
15) indispensable correlativity,
16) irresistible rationality and
17) kind creativity, the last including:
18) irreversible category emplacement and
19) inveterate directive dynamic, and with this is testimony of
20) ineradicable innovative intelligence.
For all these last things, there is simply on the one side, the maestro-style exhibition of their presence in stunning profusion and variation, without any sense of economy of effort except, once a mode is chosen, making it happen; while again, the entire cosmos of creativity is massively, insistently, item by item thrust into the realm of the observable, the conservable and the sustainable with a facility alarming to the reductionist, impossible for the realist unless funded from what is adequate for such a composition of correlations, co-ordinated realms of massive information centres*4 and continuations.
But what more ?
From Repent or Perish Ch. 7, we find this, and add its number as in the print of the above list:
There is therefore, and this is the fourth book, this second unit in our second series: and this is the comprehension-combination that transcends ... 21. It goes far beyond the mere structural logical cohesion and synthesis. To emit and receive in terms of a common system is one thing, extremely magnificent though this created product undoubtedly is; but to be so prepared in spirit and mind, so that the raw materials, themselves coherent and cohesive between the two systems, within and without, are able to be grasped, intuited, subjected to imaginative incursions, brought into the scope of thought and will and analysis, yes of understanding for action by the non-material, purpose-proposing, imaginative dimension of the being called man, his spirit, this is the next generation of marvel. (Cf. SMR pp. 348ff..)
From Glory, Vainglory and Goodness Ch. 1 we have another series of features undispersible by ignoring, unresolvable without rationality and its key results.
When however we learn that
among the other systems,
integrated and available in unison for purposes of the spirit
which directs choice of environment and desire for specialisation, love,
friendship and understanding (or other options),
is a reproductive system
which is capable,
without any but the most minimal knowledge of program or nervous system,
integration or correlation in all of these systems,
of producing a new multi-design, pan-designating,
destiny relating mind-matter format for spirit's operation,
in short, a baby,
which will have all the ingredients of the preliminary provision for speech, walking and understanding lodged in it, so that work produces results in the desired fields:
then not merely do we have the very accolade of designer's design, the art work beyond design which gives it name and glory, but unique work of the hand of God becomes both apt and appropriate.
Here is what is beyond man, in miniaturisation, in method, in time, in unprogrammed purpose, in imagination-provision and original conceptualisation capacity, to name but a few. Moreover, not only this so, but what is in man, beyond his capacities to create, is the ability to discern what is beyond him, as being in him! This is the image of God, the ability to see what is required while not having it, and to look intelligently for it, and to find it where it or rather He, has attested Himself (cf. The Meaning of Liberty and the Message of Remedy).
Not only is there successively no other source for the various outré features of such a result, rationally, but there is no other basis revealed to reason, sourced in validity and verification, than the Bible; nor person, as there specified, than Jesus Christ who incarnate, is shown to be He whose handiwork, as life in eternity, brought to pass in time, itself also created ( cf. Reason. Revelation and the Redeemer) both what we are and our capacities to deny it, ourselves, Him or whatever else takes our fancy, or rationally rules our will.
One of the features of this pan-operative profusion, girded with personality and alive with reason, is the moral, and one of the correlatives of that is consciousness, as indeed of other elements of the personality and its objects of application, research or action. Some of these are noted in *2a below, and they include such features as the:
3. INTERPERSONAL (including friendship, hostility, and the political, social, economic)
12. IMAGINATIVE (including both the creative and creativity itself)
This is the interconnected psychic correlativity as person ... 22), associated with 23) pan-operative profusion.
From Ch. 6 above, we find this feature.
As in all systems, conceptual realism insists that seeking to originate one kind of entity, conceptual contrivance and systematic encoding and decoding with provisions for performance at the practical level (as distinct from the merely mental one when people try to 'crack' the code of spies): THESE are not the product of an alien and other territory, as if emulous to attain, yet lacking means, of a source where concepts are never created and conditions never united with them to be able to make creations appear. They relate to at least the equivalent of concept creators, co-ordinators and synthesisers, such as the result echoes by reason.
This provides indefeasible conceptual constraint ... 24).
Indeed, at below, there is also developed the aspect that relates to another field.
Thus this is that of applied intelligence, in making things which, while not purely intelligent, or in some cases, intelligent at all, in themselves respond to events, persons or situations. They may act
1) as if
intelligent - programmatic parameters set |
2) with
code-controlled responses, in a vital ectype situation, a specific living
being - instinct and limited assessment exercise provided for in the institution of the KIND in view. |
3) with limited,
conscience awareness, with personal, integral response, accessed programmed, code for data, while interpreting within their own confines (dogs for example, which may elect loyalty to the point of self-sacrifice, and devotion with a duty that love enlightens). |
4) with acute, intelligence, in its own kind, as with man, whose intelligence is a type of applied intelligence, specialised by the gift of spirit, which enables it to assess for a purpose, in a significant measure choosable. |
Applied or artificial intelligence is an extremely deep and difficult technical topic, but to create an independent intelligence, even so in part, which will as it will, see if it will, distort if it wishes, dig if it has a mind to do so: this is beyond man, for this, within limits, is his own case, which like a car without a factory, is not self-sufficient. Man as such cannot do such things, being there at all comprising for him, a sufficient task as it is!
With man, the intelligence is no longer artificial even in principle, but it IS applied, created by the art work and intense creativity needed to make a non-programmatic, lively or part-autonomous spirit. This in turn explains the nature of consciousness (cf. Glory, Vainglory and Goodness Ch. 1), which has its own domain, facilitation and objectives of perception, which in turn unlock domains for thought, understanding, conception and worship. That in turn gives non-insane point to morality, a correlate of creation, design and liberty. This is the field of directional, conceptual consciousness... 25 (cf. It Bubbles ... Ch. 9, Licence for Liberty, News 19, Predestination and Freewill).
Indeed, it is one of the features of truth that wherever you turn, not only does rationality confirm, but the inexplicable (on the wrong model) is penetrated, the (seemingly) irrational is rendered reasonable and the intricacies past thought open up like a flower, which is indeed a mess if forced open, but delightful to behold when once you find the way to watch it open.
Truth ? It is just like that. There is no field where biblical perspective does not remove confrontation with reason; but where it meets it with joy, it is on all sides. This is seen substantially in Deity and Design, Designation and Destiny, Light Dwells with the Lord's Christ, for example.
From The Wit and Wisdom of the Word of God, the Bible True to Test Ch. 2.
On design definition, the case is clear. You need what has integrity, or better integrality, oneness in multiplicity, so that many things minister to one result. You need the power to imagine it, since commands do not imagine themselves; the capacity to codify it if you want to use, as in DNA, programmatic devices, the comprehension to make code articulate with command, and command with the raw material for its implementation; you need a series and sequence so that the correct data come with the correct matériel and the correct provision of it at the correct time, and the correct concept with which to edit any errors and rectify any oddments. So is it with the embryo, and indeed in much of the following growth, outside the womb.
This of course is precisely what is found in design, to make it so; and nowhere on earth is that of man surpassed in any visible realm. How is this so ? It is a question of
complexity for the unity, differential divisions of mind, spirit and matter
for the components, inextricably interwoven for normal function,
operational sufficiency and efficiency for the command centre
or operational agent to secure the results which are to be gained
from comprehensive USE of all the equipment and connections
and phases of life involved.
unique design definition, multiplicity
of cohesion with what is life is
... 26)
From Bewilderment ... Ch. 3, we find this.
Just as perspicuity ... 27), the penetrability of the construction called creation by human mind with its concepts, categories, logical structuring and investigatory analytical tools, and the correlativity of the one set of active things with the other set of investigable things, is a masterpiece of conceptual concord, a field of semantics in engineering inhabited by results, so there is this exuberance ...28). The one is a clarity of interface, the one suffering its unveiling at the mind of the other; the other is a prodigality of the created face, but it is, to be sure, correlative also, the creativity expressed with the creativity impressed into the mind and spirit of man as the investigator once again. But what shall be said of the results of such semantic survey ? What meaning is to be found in a fastidious attention to detail visually, to form aerodynamically, to skills in flight with thousands of procedural variations depending on tempest or calm, direction of wind and hindrances or helps to flight, to take one phase only, when it is MIXED with MYRIADS of types of birds, with magnificences of wonder spread out like pictures in an Art Gallery ?
IN SUM then ... we have a result from 28 quarters.
It includes this: that personality, creativity
in its definitional completeness of innovation, intellectual testimony, imagination, correlation, cohesion, unification of mode, combination of means,
accretion of that exuberance of relish and multiplicity of intelligence,
masterful in its field, cognate to its cosmos,
together with
the attestation of diversity in uniformity of mould, direction in the cosmos of liberty, irresolvability in the domain of materiality,
supervention to the cosmos of enslavement,
investigability with reason for reasonableness with triumphant success,
use of a single command language for the programmatic, and
a single personal conglomeration of features which has the normative design unity of singularity of operation:
these things and many more mark out definably not only intelligence, at least personality, power to produce it and yet not programmatically to control it, with a creativity which meets every call, claim or clamour from the realm of definition so fully, that it overwhelms it and creates new standards and levels for it.
Not only then is the spiritual, the meta-material, the supernatural inventor and creator starkly and necessarily indicated, even from life taken in and by itself, as investigable and observable; but He is indited. How is He organised ? What is His source ?
These two questions are exceedingly legitimate, but show a lack of comprehension of the arena involved. In the end (Causes), our system of causality requires its own creator: that is the phenomenon of a such a system, one not even rationally investigable without a coherent, composing, dynamic of causality. Once the spiritual and at least personal arena is found, then the ground for this delimiting causal feature in our own universe has to be derivable from that source, or its requirements are not found for requisition. But they are!
What is the cause of the delimiting type of procedural causation which we find ? It is an undelimited power of causation. Why is this necessary ? It is because anything in itself delimited, is bounded by a cause, and hence gives no logical answer to the requirement. Hence the basis of the causal sub-system, which we have, is an unlimited causal facility. If it is however unlimited, it must be one.
Why is this so ?
It is for this reason. If it were more than one, then each of the ones would be delimited by the other. With the Trinity (found from a just examination*5 of the only rational contestant*6 for the word of understanding from the source of it all), there is not a combination, or a congregation, but a unity of affinity to infinity which is described as ONE Being, each member differentiable in specific domain specialisation, but not in nature, which is ONE*5.
This is the Biblical presentation. It is this Bible which alone*6 meets the evidential, validating requirements and hence even on this type of empirical, observational, causal basis in life, it is therefore required. The simpler approach of mind-matter-spirit causation has been pursued in SMR characteristically, but this specialisation in the life field can be extracted and then added.
It is then no wonder that today being Christmas Day, it is recognised all over the world, and the subject in many lands of vast celebrations as a memorial of the birth of Jesus Christ in this orb; that our dating system is overwhelmingly set in terms of A.D., in the year of our Lord (Jesus Christ); or that vast movements of nations, persons, literature, art, mathematics, science and creativity have been dedicated to, found from or used to glorify Him over the ages. There is competitively in reason, verification, validation and personal empirics, no other who having shown power, prediction and performance in Himself, now shows it in His disciples who are His. This is not a redundancy, for as He said, and this world now shows to an almost comic degree of conformity to His diagnosis and prognosis for it before the coming judgment which is of and from and for the Creator of life: a number of things were designed to happen. Profusion of pseudo-disciples is one of them (cf. II Peter 2:1ff., Matthew 24:24).
Those who follow false christs, so named by Christ, are such.
Thus we find that from the day He spoke, these things were assured by Him. MANY false christs and false prophets will arise, the love of many will grow cold, evil men will abound and war, earthquake, the return of Israel to its land AT LAST (Matthew 24, Luke 21) and many other features had to occur as a sort of trumpet announcement that His coming is near.
It is sounding now.
You would expect that. It had to be sometime. It is one more verification. The arrival will be the next, but mercifully, it is a heralding for His own which comes first (Matthew 24, I Thessalonians 4), but then (Revelation 19-20), there is ... the rest.
It is better to rest in Him (Matthew 11:28-30), than to be in that ... rest, that restless residue who refuse the Prince of Life (Acts 3:14-21). What better words for it than those of Peter found where that phrase was used! Amongst them were the words - "you asked for a murderer".
These were specific at the time of utterance, and there referred to authorities of Israel, together with the Roman ruler at the insistence of the priests; yet consider this. The Prince of this world (John 14:30, 8:44) IS a murderer and a deceiver, and when NOT settling with Christ, a person is even in that most real sense ... asking for a murderer; for if HE, the Lord Jesus Christ, does not rule, then this current cosmos, this cultural profusion of confusion and violence, with its cultural distortions and clamours, will do so.
While this Chapter is not short, the NOTES are merely for ready investigation, and its basic text is not long by normal standards in the books on this site (around 10 pages).
"You denied the Holy and Righteous One and asked that a murderer be released to you.
"The author of life you put to death, but God raised him from the dead; of this we are witnesses. And by faith in his name, this man, whom you see and know, his name has made strong, and the faith that comes through it has given him this perfect health, in the presence of all of you.
"Now I know, brothers, that you acted out of ignorance, just as your leaders did; but God has thus brought to fulfillment what he had announced beforehand through the mouth of all the prophets, that his Messiah would suffer.
"Repent, therefore, and be converted, that your sins may be wiped away,
and that the Lord may grant you times of refreshment and send you the Messiah already appointed for you, Jesus, whom heaven must receive until the times of universal restoration of which God spoke through the mouth of his holy prophets from of old."
Scientific Method, Satanic Method and the Model of Salvation for what this method is, to have achieved such distinction, and what it is not, to intrude with irrelevant abuse of terms.
Creator indeed, as shown in detail and indispensable logic, in undispersible truth, in such works as:
Deity and Design, Designation and Destiny
Light Dwells with the Lord's Christ
The gods of
naturalism have no go!
After so many proofs, it becomes almost convulsive to the sense of the ridiculous to continue to talk of it as if there were some kind of a question. Paul states its reality and the nature of dissent, in terms of the obvious, and in giving here a reason for the faith, and hence for this also, one has shown areas of this demonstrability for the help of His disciples and aid to the unconverted to find their place in life before death intervenes.
Creation is as sure as logic, as shown in these works, and when logic is argumentatively removed from discourse, then discourse on that model ceases of necessity to have any reasonable basis. Reason dies when God, design, destiny, meaning and truth are dismissed. Not only are they indispensable to its validity and integrity (and hence to anything put forward by or with or through it), but any departure from it, like any other breach of rules, means that it cannot be appealed to except in irrationality. They cannot therefore be dismissed BY reason. Isolation from reason becomes the necessary opiate of atheism, and with it, anti-design in ourselves and 'nature'.
On the contrary, as shown in the above works, it is when reason IS followed (as all who make protestations are in effect doing), then without cavil, there is only one rational result: God the Creator, Redeemer and the Bible His verified and authoritative, His ONLY such written word to mankind. As to its teaching, see for example, TMR Appendix I, SMR pp. 482ff., 179ff., with John 1:1-14, Colossians 1:15, Revelation 4:11.
Thus in Ch. 6 above, some aspects were noted in this way.
The concept for example of junk DNA, left over from experiments or failures along the route of history, is without attestation empirically. What has been found is far other.
Thus, a recent Journal of Creation, Vol. 21(3), 2007, pp. 111ff., attests in considerable detail that DNA information is "overlapping-multi-layered and multi-dimensional". The currency of the conceptual condensed into operative symbols with commands to be READ, causing a continuance of the physical format of man from generation to generation, this is not merely singular in its speech-correlative function, but exquisitely complex with miniaturisation and improvisation both most marked to form a format of surpassing complexity and brilliance.
That is the small part. Letting the mind of man OPERATE the relevant parts of it, and supply WITH it, equipment for the spark of life to transmit its fluencies, or better the river of life in spirit to embark on its voyages, so that the spirit of man can order and envisage, operate and create, even for itself, that is where the entirety of wonder is to be found. Past this, the facility in the spirit of man to move both logically and personally to the Creator of this most magnificent exhibit of the definition of design even seen on this earth with physical eyes, and then to find Him operationally at the end, who was at the first, in the beginning, this completes the composure which is both more than design (but not less) and less than divinity. It is deity who is beyond it, to which man arrives, if not in humility and the clothings of repentance, then at last, in the array of judgment. But let us look at the potted commands, the written books of symbols IN man.
As with human speech, it has multiple rules and conditions, symbols and inventions to cover its inventory. This of course has to be put, like human speech, in a milieu able to respond to the symbols, with sophisticated and unified interface concepts and considerations. We find now that much DNA formerly little recognised for function (‘junk’), is now found to contain information about how to use information.
The intricacy, the system, the coding contrivances, the code-reading capacities, the empirical material provision to meet the concepts buried in the commands, it is all one INTEGRALITY. It is composed by nature.
So complex are the composure, composition and brilliant overlays of mandatory and executive symbolisation in DNA that there has to be a species of handbook, a governance of information disposition and disposal. So far from junk, this is one more overlay, supervisory disposition, in addition to that for editing copies of DNA to minimise mistakes, and the more direct information itself. You have not not only to minimise error by error-removing system, but to maximise effect by co-ordinating correlations of command and time and space and sequence.
As in all systems, conceptual realism insists that seeking to originate one kind of entity, conceptual contrivance and systematic encoding and decoding with provisions for performance at the practical level (as distinct from the merely mental one when people try to 'crack' the code of spies): THESE are not the product of an alien and other territory, as if emulous to attain, yet lacking means, of a source where concepts are never created and conditions never united with them to be able to make creations appear. They relate to at least the equivalent of concept creators, co-ordinators and synthesisers, such as the result echoes by reason.
Again, in Ch. 2 of The Wit and Wisdom of the Word of God ... Ch. 2 this appears.
As in any design, and in accord with the definition of design*1A, there was the initiation structure, to enable the design to become actual, there was for this the intellection aspect, to HAVE something to actualise, the purposive aspect, to have a reason and point for having something to enact, unified in finality as one; and there are all the means, to secure the procedures in progression and progressiveness, for the attainment of the result. With this, there is the point of the whole thing, the underlying drive for such a concatenation of imagination, intellection, execution and means, and the point of application for the resultant, WHY it is needed. All these things are part of design.
You do not ask for roses from cabbage leaves, but from an adequate stock, equipped with all the features, functions and genetic constructions that serve as template of order, and ground of production. The stock base itself, for each and every, for all created things that live, using its single and singularly brilliant DNA language, this too needs to be found from what has known qualities the correlate with such creation, capacities in kind kindred to the production of such results. It is the fatuous fabrication of living things from the mind of man without the established means required, that makes one wonder why the Wright brothers did not simply wait, for the fabrication required, from so fertile an imaginary field as this 'Nature', this goddess in disguise, which in fact, pointedly, is merely an excuse for ignoring the point. In science, you look for what does the job, alone, in correlation, has the capacities, not for what does not!
Here however the dream world of pseudo-science, that branch of Paul's 'knowledge falsely so-called', operates as if a type of LSD, producing illusions of grandeur where there is none, nor is any to be found.
As to these thing components of correlation, these multi-systematic concatenations of construction, not merely irreducible in complexity for function, but contrivances of integrality for system and coded commands for operation, they are more abundant in the case of the human embryo, than in all designs on earth which man makes, and which are materially available for inspection. They are thus, except perhaps in the case of the mature man who comes at the epitome of the growth season, moving first from the womb into the outward world and thereon having an instant breathing categorical change, so that it is from air, not blood, that the oxygen is received; and the program proceeds on till formed before our eyes, he is the counterpart of design, procreated with the same abundant power, as in his creation, through the template provided.
Of course! says one; but it is no 'of course' if you have to MAKE such simultaneities of change for so complex an item as this, more complex by far than anything man has made, or finds means to make. The question is not so much what you are accustomed to, as if you were the son of a millionaire and were used to having everything paid for, but what it takes to PAY, to provide, to cause these things, these exquisite delineations of detail, progressions of thought, co-ordinations of conceptions and eventually, fabrication of the equipment to enable conception itself in the mind of the thing made, man.
Man ? There is an integral aspect to the whole, able to work in spirit, mind and body in a cognate world which is comprehensible in terms of this equipment, analysable and investigable, and indeed, to a limited extent, able to be copied (SMR Ch. 1). What however is its PURPOSE and POINT for which the entire incomparable (literally so in this sense and setting) design is made ? That is not known, at this level, for the very simple reason that it is the MAKER who knows this kind of thing about designs. However if you know the Maker, you could ask Him. In this case, He has deposited His mind on the subject, not unnaturally or unexpectedly, in only one place susceptible to scientific verification and logical validation, the Bible (cf. The Meaning of Liberty and the Message of Remedy, Reason, Revelation and the Redeemer, TMR Ch. 5, SMR Ch. 5).
Man is here, set in this globe, this sphere, this deposition, in order to know God, and to worship and serve Him, and since he has fallen into an alienated condition, and has marred both his body and spirit and the world, there is a provision for his finding the adjustment clause for such calamities as now the more obviously, make themselves felt by unbelieving man, willing to believe that the foremost example of what is definable, is not within the definition.
What is it like ? It is like saying that the chief student, the one whose results make all others look small (as was the case when one teacher said of one student in year II of High School, that if the standard were set at the level of that student, no other student would PASS!), is not really a student.
In Delusive Drift or Divine Dynamic Ch. 7, we meet what follows below.
Thus it is a myth that 'nature' which does not even exist, made nature. It does not exhibit in anything any power to do so. It is a product and proceeds as installed. It is not really so difficult to see that my monitor, though a remarkable invention (less so that the slim line one without radiation which is available, but still notable) is not operating in a self-creating mode. It did not do either of two rather obvious things.
1) It did not make itself. The work of a mind is evident in its integrality of purpose, its comprehensiveness of coverage, its economy of method, its collage of components
mutually sized, suited and progressively operational and so forth. The work of acting AS A MIND, however is not apparent from anything which the monitor does, in nothing whatsoever.
The hypothesis that it had a mind would be a myth. It would bypass the actual, the nature of the object as it is, clearly presented in a multitude of synthetic ways, each analysable by mind retrospectively and disposable in terms of mind, in plan, and actualisable only in mentally
prepared methods.
2) It does not think. Its powers are the consequence of thought, but it exhibits no freedom (only power to transgress when some of the carefully composed elements wear out and so cease to conform to design specifications, but that is the fault of design not computer), no imagination, no conceptual power. It shows however vast conceptual action in the arrangements of parts and their overall signification and function, correlative to specifiable purpose.
To declare that it thinks would be
a) anti-evidential
b) anti-functional
c) a confusion of the result of thought with its actual practice.
We have on many occasions (cf. Wake Up World! Your Creator is Coming ... Chs. 4-6, A Spiritual Potpourri Chs. 1-9 and earlier chapters of this current volume, not to omit SMR Chs. 1-3, 10) see that this is in generic terms, the nature of the nature of this world.
Again, in Ch. 2 of The Wit and Wisdom of the Word of God ... Ch. 2 this appears.
Designations of Design
See first, with respect to definition, SMR pp. 211ff., Repent or Perish Ch. 7, throughout but esp. in two locations and their hinterlands, Ch. 2 above, and indexes.
One adds from the 'two locations', first of all, the following:
1) Indeed, the infamous 'wriggle' that 'survival' created it all is as absurd a proposition as ever passed the lips of man. Does good driving (or 'better') of a Volkswagen create a Rolls Royce, even in stages? Does non-death mean imaginative re-coding? Does creation consists in endurance? Is all language to be a puppet of pretence? Do billions of designs have to be added to billions of visible ones, as 'steps on the way' - always invisible? As if this made things 'easier' for a characterisable end-product called life - far less, one called the universe, the very name of which connotes the summing in sequential array, of some of creative components noted above. Or does their absence, these prodigious outpourings of imagined designs on the way (cf. Professors Thompson, Lřvtrup, et al., SMR pp. 199-200, 252Aff.), after diligent delving, make their theoretically useless - indeed, pejorative - addition, please any better, any rational enquiry?
Creation, dear readers, like mathematics, art, is what it is - does what it does, and is characterisable by criteria which it, like other powers, displays. The display is variously, multitudinously, concertedly, co-ordinatively, discretely and synthetically present in a canvas reaching beyond measurement, figures and features beyond assessment, stretched before one of the products, called man, so that he can - if he will - show the sheer prodigality of the imagination used in creating him, by 'assessing' it all - with himself - as betokening, really, no creation at all, just specks of paint spattered on the canvas, that has no basis, from tins with no basis, by a hand that is not there with an art that is.
At odd times, he even imagines that despite the clarity of his logic, he may be deceived by his logic, and reasons with 'validity' that it is itself invalid, just to show the tantrum-esque follies of which he is capable, abusing logic - like an asinine trader, abusing as mutinous, another man's mule for not following him - before falling to the ground in a fit of irrationalism, matching rigor mortis. Next, schizoid but chastened, he returns to USE logic to escape logic, and then confused, he continues to speak as if the mere mouthing of words avoided issues.
At the outset in our site, we have first noted and then examined two "books" - and it is very close to LITERALLY two books. They are both exceptionally well-known, the Bible for the mind and the heart of man, and the DNA for his structure. Each is inscribed with efficiency, profound symbolic coherence and cohesion, intimate capacity for correlation with command, system to the finest point, and just that combination of meaning and symbolic method which constitutes design, direction and communication. If this is not communication, nothing could be.
This however is not all. There are two additional books, somewhat more figurative, but not in the least imaginary. The FUNCTIONS to which EACH OF THESE EXTRA 'BOOKS' REFERS is as real as any between two covers in our ambit and purvey of scholars.
The third then, or the first of the two extra books is this: the co-ordination of mental world and physical world, auditory reception and command execution, between the man whose bodily equipment is programmed, and the world which has its physical and botanical, biological equipment programmed. The programs intermesh well; their symbolic sub-structures are unitary in kind, so that the efforts of the one, avail in the other, the impacts of the one are understood in the other, and (cf. Predestination and Freewill, Part 4), there are no alogisms to be found: the logic is unitary.
More, the mind of man, using programmed sub-structures for its ultra-programmatic progressions and pursuits, can understand the products that surround him.
There is therefore, and this is the fourth book, this second unit in our second series: and this is the comprehension-combination that transcends. It goes far beyond the mere structural logical cohesion and synthesis. To emit and receive in terms of a common system is one thing, extremely magnificent though this created product undoubtedly is; but to be so prepared in spirit and mind, so that the raw materials, themselves coherent and cohesive between the two systems, within and without, are able to be grasped, intuited, subjected to imaginative incursions, brought into the scope of thought and will and analysis, yes of understanding for action by the non-material, purpose-proposing, imaginative dimension of the being called man, his spirit, this is the next generation of marvel. (Cf. SMR pp. 348ff..)
Yet it would seem indeed scapegrace in gratitude to God who performed this production with the necessary linguistic, mathematical, comprehensive, analytical skill to manufacture symbols and significances (symbol targets), intimations and executions, thought sub-structures in logic and meaning, and interaction with a subject also formed, if we did not notice a fifth book. This is the power to ruminate concerning the Maker Himself. This naturally is the copestone, to which the imaginary relationship of Pinocchio to his craftsman corresponds in reality. Right through to the inward realisation of the thrust of the logic, the communality of the communication, the direction of the design, the strategy of the construction, man can peer toward the God who made him.
He can do more. It is not necessary in this field to speak of a 5th book, although it would be perfectly meaningful. One prefers not to do so, as at the level we have now reached, the affair is inter-personal to such an extent that the term 'book', so fitting earlier, is somewhat distanced. Rather this is the intimacy-provision for creator and creature when that creature is man. This is what book No. 1 provides for (the Bible), book No.2 is sub-structured to enable (the cells DNA and allied phenomena, atomic parameters and provisions), book No. 3 ascends to substantiate, book No. 4 arises to confirm. We shall however give it a name: there is in this fifth dimension, a correlation that is spiritual in kind, so that it may be termed scope for spiritual communication, and for concord. We are moving from the concept of 'book' to that of 'look', or inter-personal interchange.
This allows testing of promises, assimilation of pronouncements, reaction to orders, comprehension of commands, in a SETTING of illumination of conspectus, like a search-light revealing from the nose of an aeroplane, the configuration of the land far below, and something of the ways of those who live there. This is an ultra-programmatic conspectus, and an inter-personal opening. It is a vista on the divine.
It is complicated by just one vital feature, which is equally a vital failure, such as one may get in a damaged automobile, or TV. There is a perverse streak which surfaces in man, so that the more the promises of God in the Bible are fulfilled, and objectively they all are always found to be of this kind, the less they are wanted; the more the prophecies are brought into history, like obedient little lambs in a fenced paddock, the more is the distaste; the more the disciplines for folly, the more the folly, or the less the concern. While this is not like rectilinear motion, a mere reciprocity, and is complicated by the resilience and capacity granted to the immaterial spirit of man, happily able to divorce itself in imagination and purposes proposed for itself, from almost anything real, at will, it nevertheless is a thrust, an historical trend.
These preliminaries allow our minds to realise the UNDERLYING design, before we consider the externally more obvious examples of it. We can now proceed, this base work done, with what is gained from The Wit and Wisdom of the Word of God, the Bible True to Test Ch. 2.
On design definition, the case is clear. You need what has integrity, or better integrality, oneness in multiplicity, so that many things minister to one result. You need the power to imagine it, since commands do not imagine themselves; the capacity to codify it if you want to use, as in DNA, programmatic devices, the comprehension to make code articulate with command, and command with the raw material for its implementation; you need a series and sequence so that the correct data come with the correct matériel and the correct provision of it at the correct time, and the correct concept with which to edit any errors and rectify any oddments. So is it with the embryo, and indeed in much of the following growth, outside the womb.
This of course is precisely what is found in design, to make it so; and nowhere on earth is that of man surpassed in any visible realm. How is this so ? It is a question of
complexity for the unity, differential divisions of mind, spirit and matter
for the components, inextricably interwoven for normal function,
operational sufficiency and efficiency for the command centre
or operational agent to secure the results which are to be gained
from comprehensive USE of all the equipment and connections
and phases of life involved.
From Glory, Vainglory and Goodness Ch. 1 we have another series of features undispersible by ignoring, unresolvable without rationality and its key results.
When however we learn that
among the other systems,
integrated and available in unison for purposes of the spirit
which directs choice of environment and desire for specialisation, love,
friendship and understanding (or other options),
is a reproductive system
which is capable,
without any but the most minimal knowledge of program or nervous system,
integration or correlation in all of these systems,
of producing a new multi-design, pan-designating,
destiny relating mind-matter format for spirit's operation,
in short, a baby,
which will have all the ingredients of the preliminary provision for speech, walking and understanding lodged in it, so that work produces results in the desired fields:
then not merely do we have the very accolade of designer's design, the art work beyond design which gives it name and glory, but unique work of the hand of God becomes both apt and appropriate.
Here is what is beyond man, in miniaturisation, in method, in time, in unprogrammed purpose, in imagination-provision and original conceptualisation capacity, to name but a few. Moreover, not only this so, but what is in man, beyond his capacities to create, is the ability to discern what is beyond him, as being in him! This is the image of God, the ability to see what is required while not having it, and to look intelligently for it, and to find it where it or rather He, has attested Himself (cf. The Meaning of Liberty and the Message of Remedy).
Not only is there successively no other source for the various outré features of such a result, rationally, but there is no other basis revealed to reason, sourced in validity and verification, than the Bible; nor person, as there specified, than Jesus Christ who incarnate, is shown to be He whose handiwork, as life in eternity, brought to pass in time, itself also created ( cf. Reason. Revelation and the Redeemer) both what we are and our capacities to deny it, ourselves, Him or whatever else takes our fancy, or rationally rules our will.
One of the features of this pan-operative profusion, girded with personality and alive with reason, is the moral, and one of the correlatives of that is consciousness, as indeed of other elements of the personality and its objects of application, research or action. Some of these are noted in *2a below, and they include such features as the:
3. INTERPERSONAL (including friendship, hostility, and the political, social, economic)
12. IMAGINATIVE (including both the creative and creativity itself)
Let us pursue the consciousness concept in the light of the above list,
perspective and analysis. For man, it is personal, psychic and intelligent.
With this amplitude, we may return to consciousness, a concern of
major importance from the first.
In Ch. 7 of The Sacred, the Secular and the Sublime, we find this.
Man and the universe are not that child's laboratory which always hangs around. They require origination.
Such operational dynamics and their bases are not to be begged, as a question, but to work, as putting the things into the conceptual and physical and chemical and psychological realm: some direct, others by creative function vested in what is created. Thus there is the inordinate power of creation, the organised power of the thing made, and in the case of man, the subordinate power to contribute by what is given, to what is gained with synthetically apt symbol-creation and operative additives.
This excursion into an imaginary human enhancement by such means in running speed, is merely a stimulus to realism. Let us move in more detail now into the reality, and consider some of its elements, both as to system and as to detail. Thus the fact that the cell has BOTH the means, programmatic, physical, chemical, procedural, by command, by chronological devisings, by co-ordination capacity with the other cells by the variety of articulated and often reticulating methods, and organs with other organs, both directly or indirectly with cerebral reactions and responses, activities of the nervous systems and constraints against disease and the like, all working in combination, holistic in kind, individual in components, unitary in language of control as is normal for sophsiticated systems of close logic and thought: this is highlighted.
Moreover the case in general is this: it is not only to EXIST but to do more, for the inscribed commands possess the activating capacity to make more cells, and in due course, organs, nervous systems and the like.
It is, to take another exemplification of the principles involved, like finding NOT ONLY a page length coded, symbolic set of inscriptions or radiations from space, and pondering that intelligence must be there, since this is its milieu, mode, methodology. Nor is it only an issue of finding what is merely a formed, forged and operative fragment. It is not only a series {on continuing extancy}, but the finding a book of such pages. Indeed, one is finding a whole volume, but this is too small, the equivalent of 1000 or some such number of books, as far as content is concerned, reticulated into one. Integrality is the keynote, conception is the modus operandi, with command the issuance and making the result, and what is made is likewise complex, unitary in nature and operation, a code marvel and a command complex.
Nor is this prodigy all. It is also a discovery of finding that these exemplifications possess further powers than these.
In fact, in their holistic schema, they are endowed with the capacity to replicate further books, the results varying about stringent norms by observation; and then finding that they create in terms of what is written in them, and then edit out their mistakes in lavish style, being operative for correctness, connectedness undaunted, undashed and unspoiled to a magnificent degree.
There are no hammers. No engineers survey the scene. It is the programmatic world of conferred command and concentrated symbolism, investigable with symbolically oriented minds to inspect its symbolically expressed thrust. SUCH dealings are in the functionality of symbol-synthesis-potential-action-conceptual integration. The power for any one of these, the concept, its interpretability, the receptors, the syntax, the operational semantics (being programmed merely omits the observation of the programming as in any device in this area, incorporating such proficiencies) is in the domain of creativity, mentality, intelligence, applied thought. But this is not all!
In History, Review and Overview, Ch. 5, this is to be found.
It is all or nothing. It is not only
irreducible complexity, but
indivisible integrity,
indissoluble co-operation,
inter-and intra-systematic proliferation,
coherence of logic and symbolic notation with
executive receptors, skilled to catch meaning and execute orders,continuity of sequence from
connotation, to denotation, to implementation,
in a series of systematics incomprehensible except in totality.
(Indeed see SMR pp. 332Gff., Stepping Out for Christ Ch. 9, Repent or Perish Ch. 7, in End-notes, for further considerations! See The Bible ... Ch. 4 - 5, especially the later, on Perspicuity, another feature and Bewilderment ... Beauty ... Ch. 3. on Exuberance, a further one again.)
The path of true reductionism, false to science, of course, is always to ignore what you have got, and to explain what is not there. It is however the essence of the challenge to meet the case as it is, in all of its sequential, symbolic, integral and mutually intimate and pervasively singular procedures, whether in code type, implementation, co-ordination or exuberance of methodology; and to do so in a world which likes energy for construction and time for destruction. The other point about the construction ? it is direction. The third ? something to do as directed. In this world, and by any form of valid logic, the specifications of life parallel the requisites of intelligence with available power.
The result, life, it matches nothing but mind, requires nothing less than something as far beyond mere genius as the heavens above the earth, requisitions an artist, artificer and maker down to the last electron and the least of the biota. Paintings do not paint themselves, Raphaels do not come by omission of the artist, and life is as far beyond these things in what it demands, as a genius beyond a talented toddler.
The perspectives and nuances of art, its undertones and its overtones, its sentiments and its modes of communications to receptors called human beings, who may decide to pretend not to like it as a competitive device, such is their programmatic liberty of will in certain arenas: these do not arise from what does not cognise them; but only in what goes far further than that. It must with enterprise not only appreciate but perform, and not only perform, but meaningfully perform, and activate the executive elements of the body of the artist to ensure that the result actually appears; and that the way in which it does so can be 'read'. Art is merely one facet of life. ALL functions must be accounted for in any reputable endeavour to present its basis.
As soon as one discovers one phase, feature or facet of human life in particular, there are realities within, meanings beyond, there is all the grooming of a thorough-bred horse, all the intestinal reality of a cathedral, the coherence of a great speech, the intricacy of superb mathematics, the intimacies as of love, such is the subtlety and the inter-dimensional as well as intra-dimensional sophistication, as if intelligence were easy, and brilliance a manner of life.
As if ? THIS is the testimony. If someone places a new Boeing 747 on your drive-way, it is not as if it had been built! It is not the nature of life, or logic, to give output without input; and what we see now as the centuries progress, is no more input, but the same residual decrement. In design terms, there is to be found, as Gould emphasises, DECREASING residue. The progress of centuries in this system is the regress of design types. What is needed is simply NOT NATURE. It needs its author.
There is vast loss of the remains of output, one not now to be found, as is natural in creations, which tend to dissipate. As with creation in this world generally, on the part of human participants, this decrease follows the vast effort of bringing things to be; and as that is distanced, forces work to the detriment of what one has made. All this is precisely as the Bible depicts (Isaiah 51:6 for example), and it is simply anti-scientific to dismiss the enduringly correct, and uniquely present solution, while appealing to the calamitously non-verified imaginations of the heart, which dismiss the eyes and dispense with their testimony.
That is quite literally anti-science, what is biblically called knowledge falsely so-called, one of the chief dimensions of that falsetto spuriousness, which infects much of modern 'science' to its profound detriment and everlasting shame. Do not misunderstand, science has not done this, for on its method as shown in SMR pp. 149ff. and TMR Ch. 1, this is the result: creation is indicated irrevocably by all the criteria of scientific method. It is the work of some who name 'science' as their trade or profession.
Scientific method is clear, and delightfully sure in its results in creation; but since science lives in culture, a pathological culture can even constrain it till the point comes that argument is substituted for admission, non-reality is explained by reductionism and pathetic propositions are constantly presented, which neither logic nor observation ever sanctioned.
In the intimacies of ever-more unravelled marvels in life's visible provisions, we find increasingly that everything provides for something else, and the more we dispense with ignorance, the more simplistic substitutes for empirical observation surge into the farcical.
For centuries now, man in his growing secularistic conceit, sham imaginations and shameful self-fulfilments, mere ferments of disorderly imagination, has tended to under-estimate all of creation, except himself.
What we are facing then, is not only all the above. It is also directional dynamic with integral meaning, once exceedingly fast-moving, now long arrested. As well have spare tyres and spanners and gear levers in incomprehensible confusion lying about, as think of this or that chemical as if this were at all to the point. The electrons have their partitions and procedures; the atoms likewise; as do the molecules; the compounds are characterisable; the genes have their task and the DNA its blueprint. Each is a construction. Each has required the art of the artifice and the power for the presentation. ALL require a totality of systematisation to render coherent their interaction, univocal their meaning and practical their interaction.
From Bewilderment ... Beauty ... Ch. 3, we have the following consideration of perspicuity.
Just as PERSPICUITY, the penetrability of the construction called creation by human mind with its concepts, categories, logical structuring and investigatory analytical tools, and the correlativity of the one set of active things with the other set of investigable things, is a masterpiece of conceptual concord, a field of semantics in engineering inhabited by results, so there is this exuberance. The one is a clarity of interface, the one suffering its unveiling at the mind of the other; the other is a prodigality of the created face, but it is, to be sure, correlative also, the creativity expressed with the creativity impressed into the mind and spirit of man as the investigator once again. But what shall be said of the results of such semantic survey ? What meaning is to be found in a fastidious attention to detail visually, to form aerodynamically, to skills in flight with thousands of procedural variations depending on tempest or calm, direction of wind and hindrances or helps to flight, to take one phase only, when it is MIXED with MYRIADS of types of birds, with magnificences of wonder spread out like pictures in an Art Gallery ?
It is true that some birds are less attractive (boobs is not just a derogatory term in the avine world!), and that some creatures are repulsive (some of the vast walruses remind one of fat, obese, pleasure loving gentry, waving their masculinity with fetid zeal), and one is lazy (the sloth), and yet it lives. But that is all well done. Nothing is lost. The parade, like a party impersonation series, is instructive. Who does not relish the sheer artistry of the bee dance to divulge information for foraging, the wonder of the little bags for pollen on the rear legs, the astonishing creativity of having the termitic change for some of that kind, when they develop wings for flight for the phase of life which requires it, and start building take-off platforms*3 ?
The fox for cunning, the bear for clumsy persistence and insidious pursuit, the rabbit for running, the hare for overland flight, the deer for dearness, tenderness, the pheasant for fashion, the elephant for retention of memory and persistence of desire, the hippopotamus for hugeness and snappiness (with the mouth, not in art form this time), the rhino for rage: these are all exquisite AS parables for wisdom to digest. They are all of their type, prodigies of cartoons or instructions, or illustrations. They are not daft or inept; they are depictions that stay in the mind and instruct the spirit, just as do the beauties and delicacies of floral artistries to take away one's breath with the sheer wonder, as of daffodils with Wordsworthian profusion, stalking the fields with a careless and naive beauty, which fears nothing and occurs anyway.
It is all so multi-spectacular, modally conceptual, in terms of ectype, brilliantly typed without redundancy, the very characters of these creations events in their own right!
It is not at all so many assemblages of (nicely designed) lego building blocks (or their vastly more complex and useful natural parallels), coming now in this fall-out and now that. It is entirely to the contrary. It is instead so many engineering marvels, computing exquisites, assembly line exemplars, mathematical prodigies, miniaturisation specialties, easily-carried complexes (small enough to fit inside invisible cells, with vast, even prodigious information in each), ectypes of individuality and innovation with system and architectural facility, each one of some type, with sub-types brilliantly arrayed.
So appear the avenues of creation for this or that bird or flower, beaver or eagle, parrot or dog, horse or deer, like brilliant music, with thousands of notes in symmetrical, in aesthetically fascinating, in evocative and almost provocatively brilliant displays of originality on which bewonderment loves to thrive, while classes of music, of architecture, of brilliant techniques and originalities within these in sheer unmitigated exuberance and force, come, all equipped with meaning, method, the imagination of maestro and the execution of mentality at awesome heights, so far from divorce from feeling and art, as to serve these with an intimacy which is surpassed only by the ultimate individuality within the type, which comprises the vitality of the product. .
Each creation is a pičce de résistance, including the virus, or the mosquito curse, each doing with amazing technical facility, what is its task assigned.
It is like watching a champion swimmer, pianist, organist: each work is a prodigy, each production has a signature: who else could do that! we say. When you reach the summit of summits and the methodological brilliance of METHOD together with the ectypal brilliance of result - in the case of mankind, persons - and the self-production of the bodily unit, able to renew another member of the kind or clan, it is then that , bathed in brilliance, it is time to dry-out the startled wits and glorify God.
The curse as in Genesis 3, Romans 8:17ff. is an obligato note in the human symphony, one where dissonance of sin, disorder, illegality, irrationality and dictatorial dynamics has its mode of come-uppance now, both individual and cumulative for the race, and its divine rebuke as seen specified so amply in the Exodus and its particular plagues in mockery of false, vain and ineffectual gods. Like a bomb on a library, it does nothing to reduce the creativity, except where it hit, there it spoils and soils some of it. Both bomb and library show intelligence, creativity; and while in the case in point, justice is not entirely likely (unless it was hideously and perversely pornographic), the world of mankind is not a site of symphonic use of the will, though for many it is far more: it is a place in the Redeemer which most of this world refuses, for sacrifice to show the way to the solution in the Saviour, Jesus Christ. On this see further, in Chs. 2, 4 and 8 above.
On the other side, when one reaches the animal realm, it evokes thought on the degrees of creation involved, and when one leaves it for man, there is far more. As the depths open up for the abuse of freedom, so the heights are to be found for its creation!
Thus this is the field of applied intelligence, in making things which, while not purely intelligent, or in some cases, intelligent at all, in themselves respond to events, persons or situations. They may act
1) as if
intelligent - programmatic parameters set |
2) with
code-controlled responses, in a vital ectype situation, a specific living
being - instinct and limited assessment exercise provided for in the institution of the KIND in view. |
3) with limited,
conscience awareness, with personal, integral response, accessed programmed, code for data, while interpreting within their own confines (dogs for example, which may elect loyalty to the point of self-sacrifice, and devotion with a duty that love enlightens). |
4) with acute, intelligence, in its own kind, as with man, whose intelligence is a type of applied intelligence, specialised by the gift of spirit, which enables it to assess for a purpose, in a significant measure choosable. |
Applied or artificial intelligence is an extremely deep and difficult technical topic, but to create an independent intelligence, even so in part, which will as it will, see if it will, distort if it wishes, dig if it has a mind to do so: this is beyond man, for this, within limits, is his own case, which like a car without a factory, is not self-sufficient. Man as such cannot do such things, being there at all comprising for him, a sufficient task as it is!
With man, the intelligence is no longer artificial even in principle, but it IS applied, created by the art work and intense creativity needed to make a non-programmatic, lively or part-autonomous spirit. This in turn explains the nature of consciousness (cf. Glory, Vainglory and Goodness Ch. 1), which has its own domain, facilitation and objectives of perception, which in turn unlock domains for thought, understanding, conception and worship. This is the field of directional, conceptual consciousness.
From The Secular, the Sacred and the Sublime Ch. 7, we find this aspect denoted.
If you happened to see a book writing itself ... but you say, this does not happen. But it does, one replies, if you have a book which INCORPORATES a coded command centre which is intelligently organised to co-exist with the book and create more books, diverse but similar, or whatever is imported conceptually and in code and command, to the matrix of the book.
Yes, but you say, this is MORE THAN a book! That is unarguably true. The book is the repository of what has been conceived and imagined, wrought and can be taught. But in what we have in mind, there is undoubtedly more. The protocols and procedures, the programs and commands, the wit and wisdom in these extra but included elements, they are not the book but an ancillary device which happens to be made co-existent with it, and being close to it, improperly could be called 'the book'.
This is so. You might be stunned even by seeing, without apparent additive, a book writing itself, as though the mindless minded and the conception-naked conceived, as if the directed could direct and the told could tell.
Yet if you considered the situation in view of DNA news, that associated with the human nucelated cell (with the equivalent of hundreds of Encyclopedia Britannica volumes of information and commands packed into its microscopic being); if you pondered it in its programmatic existence, fashioned so that it can function and perform, each in its tissue or setting, each tissue in its site or situation, organic or otherwise, each organ in its correlation of organs, all in their common blood supply and linked variously by their specialised nervous systems: if you did this, then there is ALSO in view program for its divulging its information in a nascent nexus to forge, form and formulate new cells, all by symbols and juxtaposition with the raw materials for the actual construction as needed, when needed, and with these themselves manufactured for each phase, then what ? Then you might become somewhat blasé about it all; you might reconsider.
Perhaps after all, you might conceive, it is NOT so amazing that a book could write itself.
If so, you would have wandered to the opposite error. It is indeed MORE THAN a book which 'writes itself' in human birth for example, with all the preliminary procedures of specialised kind in cells; but it is not LESS THAN that, amazing nonetheless that it does so. If a man could run 100 metres in 1 second, and do it always, then you might not feel amazed by it and all the techniques used to do it. You might correctly consider that it was only with outside help that he did this, with various powers and potencies made available to him by technical means, so that he was 'intelligently assisted man' and not simply man. You might rightly insist that it is not really a man doing it at all, but that it is being done THROUGH a man. He as such is not running at this speed.
If then accustomed to this new phenomenon of human performance, you began to snooze intellectually, and allow custom to forge by habituation its soporific charms, you might even dare to begin to imagine that it was not even so startling. Was it not just a matter of technicalities, not man, the former simply being used in conjunction with man to have man do such things. Certainly these technical affairs would be wonderful in their way; but after all, the result is just a part of ... 'nature', not so surprising after all. That is likely to be the case, when you revert to the point in view, the cells and their power to be and to reproduce!
What however has 'nature' to do with it. In the case mentioned, the man by intelligence is being able to devise by conceptual and practical means, with the all but incredible conceptual and matter-mind-insight synthesis that is powered in man, and the result is not 'nature' but a human invention, cognitive, intellectual and with astute practical application. By this the man runs faster than naturally he is able.
In this hypothetical case, it is still utterly amazing to find intelligence OF man able to co-ordinate with PROGRAMS IN man, in order firstly to understand those, and then to amplify them or apply them in terms of other powers invested in elements of this universe, and so achieve remarkable results. The two types of conceptual organisation and command structure with the one type of conceptual formulation and linguistic capacity merging in a time of co-operation have produced this imaginary fast runner. This is the type of man as is plus the mind of man, and the universe as is, with their synthetic cohesion, producing assistance for the natural potentials of man. It is all involved in that 'simple' action.
This is a double helix if you will, of understanding, dynamised by the (now active) spirit of man, in terms of the active*1 Spirit of God, formerly engaged in the grand work of creation of the universe. Two wills have here worked on conceptualization, the one to create, the other to find out, or to utilise; and the unity of the fit for both in the common interpretation and joint provision is the norm for a common origin: for man constrained by laws as fixed beyond human origination, as those of physics, in his mind, and working in the midst of physical laws for the matériel.
The matter however is wrought, being conceptual, in the arena of conceptual realism, where with created operators, mistakes can occur and disjunctions need to be overcome; not however by imaginary capacity for co-ordination of the systems, but by a real and pre-existent one invested with subsidiary power, namely that of man. Personal works requires personal function, imagination and thought, cogitative prowess, symbolic unification and correlation, intensive intellection, and construction through these realms, explicative denotation and systematic control jointly.
To construct the ancillary speed-incremental powers, man requires this if he computerises; and to construct what man USES outside himself in the first place, along with man's internal functional powers, requires a creative facility absolutely beyond the type man possesses, with capacity to create capacious co-operating minds with hands to help, for whom what is becomes no barrier, but an exemplar, which however limiting because it is beyond man in brilliance, is co-ordinate, in that it is intimate for him, in conceptual cohesion. It is a mind-friendly environment.
Moreover he can create terms for it, to classify, categorise and achieve some limited control, including those of the logic which is inherent both in it and in him, and of its rules to which all succumb; since thought about thought that invalidates it ends its regime by internal collapse.
All this must be assumed to be operative when man makes devices to deploy amidst the Creator's devices, so that each working in unison - the more obvious when man's devices are computerised, but still present when they are conceptualised in an environment subject to such, and co-operative with it - and it is present when that environment, and man himself is created in the first place. The failure to realise this is rather like that of a child who, always about his father's laboratory, situated in his home, always assumes that laboratories are de rigueur, a necessity like lungs or breathing, need to origin, no thought, no construction, no intellection, no understanding of what is to be achieved and IN WHAT it is, as a multi-systematic whole, to be wrought, and have whatever is needed for any given experimentation, operation or creation of any kind, by a law and masterfulness which circulates freely and does the job.
Otherwise it would not work.
It is intellection oblivion, conceptual malaise, aetiological infancy and dreamy subsistence without consistency of thought to render anything valid, or checking of facts, to give empirical support. It is quite literally, childish. In understanding, however, says Paul, be men.
Be children in malice, yes, for this is fitting,
be wholly undeveloped in this field, underdeveloped, amateurish,
but in understanding, be mature! (I Corinthians 14:20).There is no need, nor any scope, to surrender reason, to abolish causality (cf. Causes) in order to be act in the field of the secular, the sacred or the sublime. Irrationalism is its own end, hoists itself with its own petard, and ends its qualifications for argument before it begins. Since it ends itself it needs no attention, any more than the ramblings of the drunk, the cacophonies of the confused or the glottal noises of those recovering from anaesthesia.
The Bible: not the Declamations or Distillations of Man Ch. 5, we find more relevant discrimination.
It is to the point that there is NOTHING given which is not analysable, nothing constructed which is not comprehensible, there is no logic which fails*6, no point which is obscured, all sits like the earth in space, sustained and yet distinct. In accord with this, the orders in DNA and their reception, the controls and their codes, the commands and their conceptions, these are at large, like a waterfall of concordant brilliance; while the minutiae and their magnificent magnitudes exposit prior expression, as in the case when, like water poured on that old-fashioned magic paper, you got lovely designs revealed. These did not 'arise', but were revealed, subject to revelation, because of the prior work done by the maker of the 'magic' book.
Magic is fun, but in science it is farce. Obsessions about the visible and the measurable, are mere fixations, for the theory to that effect, give me this or I die, is itself invisible. Domains are as numerous as reason shows and revelation confirms. The domain of the spirit of man is what we use when we argue, imaginative, error-prone, erecting dominions of thought and relating it to reality, or to surreality if this is the personal desire. Such is the role of spirit, and to ignore it is like the case of a baby, given a dummy, and increasingly in danger of becoming one when and if it refuses to dispense with it, when the dreamy time of early consciousness passes more into the light of common day.
Indeed! Our equipment, and its modes of expression: It was no magic, but deliberative design, worked to enable simple means to reveal and use it, at WILL. Do what you will, matter does not do this6A , and mind for its own part, needs means, power, and organisation. Perspicuity is merely one more aspect of the need for competent means for actual results; but it has this rider, that it is one of the many works beyond necessity, which as in truth, come unsolicited to exhibit the robustness of actuality. The right path is like that: it confirms itself. It has the vigour of rigour.
Not only is there the logical necessity from such compositions in code, evidenced in the maxi-merging practicalities of each of the beings which result, but there is the direct parallel to our own derivative creations, in which we do just the same IN PRINCIPLE...
For we think of an idea, its conceptions rollicking together with the means to create them;
but the former is always master of the latter, for we imagine a result,
we attune with knowledge to its attainment,
we order things on many sides, parts, plans, drawings, sketches, preludes,
preparations of all kinds, then assembling with singularity of intention,
we make singularly apt means to apply.
There is a singularity of kind in our creations, with an individuality of type, and sometimes of species.
We keep consistent our means to the extent that nothing aborts something else,
and hence organise the pieces with vision in mind
and the virtue of the result for our prime purpose is the object of our attainment
That IS creation. It is not another thing. This is what it is.
In the processive workings of our DNA and associated mini- and maxi- constructions as embryos turn to babes, there are means moved adroitly to ends, ends at length visible to the naked eye, just as the means to them are increasingly now being seen in the microscope. The contrivances which are NAKED to reconstruction in terms of concepts are NATURAL for the implementation of the same.
What we USE to investigate is what we find in MEANS to implement, the two having a perspicuity of MEANS of investigation and MEANING in what is investigated which is the ultimate correlation. Our mode of conception and its mode of working are partners in type, their mutuality in penetrability the signature of their partnership. We as a creation, are seeing creation as a KIND of thing, exposed so that the matrix of our own bodily apparatus and the meaning of our own mental creativity are so matched that nothing is obscured, the totality of probe and what is probed are close as intimate friends. It is so in principle AS we are created, as through procreative aftermath, the programmatic tidings take over, and it is so WHEN we create, when though we use many programmatic or semi-programmatic devices, there is an ultimate supervision and inspiration which directs the course of conception and its translation into performance.
Not only, therefore, in our DNA and its accoutrements, is there
a highly sophisticated language, just as there is
a receptivity to such commands to execute them, with
a correlation of schema to enable
such execution,
create the energy,
assign its arrival in place, pace and time as needed,
control the arrangements,
the sequences,
a chronological correlation of ordered segments and procedures;
and not only are there
commanded events such as to make integrality in the result
through effective execution,
as distinct from what would be still born ,
so that they do not lack most precise articulation and arrangements
extending like stars in the universe:
but over all, there is something more.
And that ?
It is that such a synthesis of command and its correlative execution such a timely sequence of organised events, where the same is not episodic but a characteristic used to command, with such an extra-ordinary complexity of kind, and such a fluency of style, that the integrality of the result in living ectypes with prevenient signatures in code presents marvels to the eye.
These, now amplified into macro-visibility wrought by micro-directives, have their due site as outcomes, products of programmatically installed vision, enabling us to be visited with those conceptualised container-units called, in our case, mankind.
This is the summit of all such visible sequence, all commands, all chronological orders, making life a building worked before our eyes by means accessible to observation and analysis, imprinted with a result as integral in type, macro-meaningful in style, as the means were brilliant in miniature device and effective in ultimate action, yes even if a million steps were needed.
When we even look at birds, page after page of a magazine can reveal such fluency of composition in the macro-unit, the product, the individual bird itself, such stylistic wonders of colour and art-design work making elegant combinations of tone and contrast, blend and composition, in such intricacies of pattern and such exuberances of vision that one is left almost gasping at the objective sheer wonder-creating power inherent in these PRODUCTS. Here there appear to be flung the visions of beauty, the styles of originality with a combination of freedom of thought and liberty from uniformity, matched by extreme discipline of coding to achieve this, just as in other art, with brilliant unveilings of vigour or imaginative differentiation, stamped in kind, kept in mind, produced like slides or tapes or discs in a video-evening, and allowing congratulations in heart on the achievement of such initiatives in so many ways, yet with such consistency of result.
Here is the sloth, emblem of laziness, the lion, of regality, the elephant, of ponderous wisdom, the eagle, of predatory power, the robin, of cheery colorfulness, the tortoise of mobility limited by safety, like so many congratulations or on the other hand, satires. In some, it is almost like a cartoon, in others, a piece of pageantry, in yet others, a sheer effrontery of beauty to make one gasp, and then again, as in the sea-gull a capacity for wind-adjusted flight manoeuvres which might well have inspired the Spitfire of World War II: for it seems almost to achieve the impossible with its wind relationships. This moreover, it does with such a fluent ease and untroubled supremacy in its melding with the elements with a technical skill which all but appals the intellect, that its unthought background - that is, not thought by it but by its Creator - comes leaping like waves into view*7.
I love this discriminating distinctiveness, categorised into kind, yet spurting with a sort of mental blood, as if the very arteries of creation were opened without fear of loss of vitality.
But there is more, much more, and it will be good to look at some of this in the case of man.
There is the whole subject of the mini-workings of maxi-powers in the result in man, functions that are not programmed, not forged, but enabled. We move from body to mind and spirit, to examine their relationships, realities and functions.
It is just like introducing some learner driver to his instrument for expression when he travels, the one who uses to the item to be used: in that case, the car, in ours the body. It is dirigible, it is directive by concept, thrust about by imagination, an axe for the wood, a star for the darkness, a personal thrust into what is conceived, deploying what has already been conceived, in using the body for the doing of the free-thrusting desire of his spirit. Do you not agree ?
I ought to, since both the now well-known means, the body and its constructive codal devices, and the mind and spirit which are mine, are continually acting in precisely this way and have been since I was of most minor years. I have met the opportunity and the importunity of the body, and it needs help, and the aspiration and desire of both mind and spirit, and putting the one to the other, have gained results from the beginning. As my spirit has grown, so has understanding and capacity to recognise the conceptions of others, including those enshrined in code in my own body, and kept in the mutual relationships of its systematically functional parts, like a car, a thing total ready for exploration, exploitation or discipline according to will or vision or meaning conception.
Have you realised that the butt of will, its ajutment*8 into otherwise organised events, can be alleviated or even implemented by the thrill of understanding, while on the other hand, this same understanding can redirect will to better and more elevated vision for achievement ?
I have indeed, for there are whole plateaux of spirit, realms of perception, conception, comprehension, there are valleys to be seen, mounts and there are views from the mounts, so that there is a whole world for imagination, a whole climate of conception in which to rove about, and there is a summit for all of this, an integral integrity beyond these donated means, which none of us can construct, the sublime Author of sequence for construction and meaning for what is constructed, the power plus intelligence plus will plus spirit that being without beginning, is the source of all, rather than nothing, which CAN BE the source of nothing.
Yes, it is He who beyond all things, who acts also as summit to their doings, so that vitality and power can cohere with precision and intelligence, even the manufacture of the latter, so producing not only vision, but enveloping its products with drawing power, not to be what they are not, but to seek what they are not, and cannot become, but must know. In Christ, this empathy became formatted as man, God Himself actually TAKING this form, the ultimate information to man.
Well said. But how do these plateaux of operation, with their resident motivations, affect our understanding of our overall construction, so susceptible to INVESTIGATION by our minds, just as it is useful for provision of an apparatus, the brain, for the usage of the same ?
It casts yet more light on it.
Let's look at the construction of the body, as a dynamic as if it were occurring before our eyes, as the child is being formed.
You see, there is in
this perspicuity of method,
deployment of language,
success of symbolism,
correlation of concept, the micro- with the -macro,
the one donating design,
the other receiving it at each level, and the whole in the single totality likewise,this integrality of language and result,
this multitudinous series of exhibits
wrought by order,
moulded by meaning,
indeed, in all these things that are here at work,
you find a pattern for procedures beyond the limited domains.
You discover in your functional powers, not merely
the methods of mind,
the call of spirit,
the labours of organisation and the complexities which yield singularity, but
that moulding by imagination which is required to articulate concepts
to be exposed by command of ideas, and constrained
by envisagements of thought or application of spirit,
as an intrinsic intermediary between the vision conceived
and the means commanded. In concert with this, the results obtained by this synthetic operation of man's powers, may be watched with discrimination in turn, surveyed by the fluttering spirit of man, as it reviews, considers and matches implementation with vision.
That is all part of our action in creation.
With us, there may be choice products, when we manage to excel; with our Author, these include living results, brilliant in kind, expert in conceptual manoeuvre, productive as resource, investigatory by impulsion, original as to envisagement and cognitive with increasing comprehension and comprehensiveness. We get intelligence, imagination, visionary dynamic in our spirits, linguistic power, idea-language correlation, vision-idea fronts for implementation and testing ...
In other words, imagination is begetting imaginative persons ?
We come to that. Meanwhile, in all this, intellection, imagination, means to ends, composure of compositions into the meta-design fulfils not only the definition of design*7 and that of intelligence*8 but that of creation*9.
We have seen the former two before, but what of the last ?
Creation is that designation of design, whether seen whole or in aspects from the first, that composition of events by will, that assiduity that acts to turn the mental, moral, spiritual, or the means for these, into objects, be they mental, physical or spiritual, which arrive as a result of this dynamic of direction. It is that complex of imagination, aspiration, information and will that, seizing on opportunity, turns non-being into being, using means, the envisagement preceding the actuality, and the actuality depicting the order of things first held in view by the mind, and illuminated by the calling of the spirit which animates the exercise.
The more empowered is the producer, the agent of creation within creation (such as man), the more obvious, the more accessible is the matter of means: for they can be stored in equipment to cover this and that contingency, and creation in the 21st century, for example in words or even in assembly lines, or through computerised technology, can economise effort and make more and more direct the channel through concourses of directions and equipment, to bring creative vision to practical function in this present world, at the empirical level. It needs to be realised, I think, that the empirical is only ONE mode of thing; you can have a whole world of ideas, of concepts, of themes and subjects. Material expression is one option only. Where the whole of material things, their principles, the sophisticated knowledge of systems included, light itself forcing man to probe more and more into this domain of technical brilliance, is in all things at the service of the Producer, as in the creation by God, then there is an ease for action which is hard to envisage, but easy to understand.
From Deity, Design and the Designation of Destiny Ch. 2, the following is added.
What we are facing then, is not only all the above. It is also directional dynamic with integral meaning, once exceedingly fast-moving, now long arrested. As well have spare tyres and spanners and gear levers in incomprehensible confusion lying about, as think of this or that chemical as if this were at all to the point. The electrons have their partitions and procedures; the atoms likewise; as do the molecules; the compounds are characterisable; the genes have their task and the DNA its blueprint. Each is a construction. Each has required the art of the artifice and the power for the presentation. ALL require a totality of systematisation to render coherent their interaction, univocal their meaning and practical their interaction.
In the light of our other concerns with excerpts and text above, we may now add to the above list, so that to preserve it all in one we repeat it:
irreducible complexity, but
indivisible integrity,
indissoluble co-operation,
inter-and intra-systematic proliferation,
coherence of logic and symbolic notation with
executive receptors, skilled to catch meaning and execute orders,continuity of sequence from
connotation, to denotation, to implementation,
in a series of systematics incomprehensible except in totality
To this we may now add:
physical, ethical, moral, aesthetic, discursive, ruminative, intellectually integrative, spiritually imaginative and metaphysically cohesive unity of perspective, operation and concentration,
unitary understanding explicative of all,
derived from the summit of experience and
comprehension in the Creator.The last is as demonstrated in an earlier work, which it is pertinent to provide in its full dress on this occasion. It is -
Bible or Blight, Christ or Confusion:
The Comprehensive Resolution of Man's Intractable Problems
is Found Only in the Bible, the Word of GodA Pair of Volumes: Opus 128 and 129, of some 2.3 million words
In fact, the concept that not only does
an integral unit
of multi-tasking capacities, dirigible from an intellectual base in what is purposive, lying in a stupendous system of semi-or wholly programmatic means in what is structurally supportive,contrive to be alive and operative,
but to possess structural additives for this purpose -
such as an intricate, multi-layered defence system,
multi-stage digestive system,
kilometres of blood vessels with multiple agencies
mutually supportive and collectively correlative in a multiplication of tasks,
all integrated in turn,
a nervous system which can correlate and co-ordinate
sensory perceptions from multiple organs for achieving raw data from the outside world,
which in sequence relates to a quasi-computerised organ
which collects data purposively and distributively for diverse possible purposes,
stores the same and has memory provisions for access;
this structure, basis for personal action, is presented in code
which is a species of language (Jesus Christ, Defaced ... Ch. 4),
intelligible, perusable, commanding, executable, executed,
with multiple provisions for the transmission of the code over thousands of years,
to enable the accomplishment of the programs and the provisions
for this methodical action,
with the result that neither does intelligible direction,
nor cohesive inter-relationship of elements,
nor arrival of instruments for the fulfilment of orders fail,
so that we have not less, but
more than design, namely presented design, self-fulfilling through cognitive elements,
speciated into the scenarios of language; and
not only all of this, but a spirit to will and a character individually to develop,
while for all that, this is not a design:
what shall be said of it ?
What is the genus of such a concept as that ?
It is one that constitutes far more than a breach of definition. It is as if meeting infinity, it is so overwhelmed that it declares it zero in self-defence.
In fact, these things meet to perfection one of the most obvious definitions of design:
that assimilation of numerous complexities into integrality,
that solution to numerous procedural problems
with ingenuity of mode not to be found per se in the constituent materials,
that subsumption of multiplied processes to ordered,
salient and sequentially sustained results,
whether for comprehension as in art, or action as in engineering,
with overall meaning for a stateable whole.Again, what do we now find ?
It is, viewed from diverse aspects:
multiple cosmoi consisting as components not simply subsumed but mutually serviceable,
sequential layering to establish scope for
codes and controls to establish the feasibility and operability of underlying structure
and implying the meaning of instructions and productions relating to each of the cosmoi,
whether for equipment or for the input modes for its usage,
correlative creative composition of disparate parts and systems, mind, body and spirit
(such that the naturally internal, intrinsic is never found to have the power,
skill or means of such production,
let alone such correlation, or to exhibit its results,
or provide its implements,
so requiring a province of power that does)
hierarchical mode of establishment from matter through mind to spirit to directive power,
penetrative thought to probe all layers,
will to be asinine or wise, to relate to the Creator as verified,
or impute grounds inadequate to impart and to toss thought like a leaf,
reason like a thistle, while using both like elegant instruments (cf. Ch. 8 below),
and so freedom to fulminate against construction, an unprogrammatic liberty,
entertaining grounds, however self-contradictory, motives,
however unrealistic, principles however irrelevant,
mere nominal phrasings without power in practice,
occasioning guilt or its dismissal, and
so providing licence for error, itself literally meaningless without liberty.It is the work of LIGHT DWELLS WITH THE LORD'S CHRIST ... to exhibit the continuum of verification in contrast to any other option, not merely of the Creator, but of His specific scripture, the Bible, in which He makes so vast an array of what in principle are refutable premises of a multitude of kinds, that it is pure scientific joy to test them, just as the validation of the premises makes meaningful even the discussion of truth, while confirming its nature.
From History, Review and Overview Ch. 5 further, we have what follows.
Let us, however, revert to man's endeavours to make life for himself, using simple ingredients.
His work in this matter therefore has never succeeded, for it is mere misuse of logic and deformation of the empirical, and an alogistic excursion like jumping from an aeroplane, without parachute, on the basis that there must be a way to do it, somehow and one might as well try that!
Of course it failed, as well as all that, and that most miserably. With every assistance of prompting and providing, intervention and evacuation, all that came was minus DNA, minus, protein-folding (the intense marvel of which not only dwarfs human efforts as seen in the last chapter, but makes them seem quaintly childish by comparison), minus RNA, minus the necessary enzymes. Moreover, the case of life requires the missing DNA to make the enzymes which allow the thing to work in the first and primary place, and to proceed, even if it were present; so that it is not a self-derivative system, even if were to be constructed, but needs, as in creation in general, a number of facets and features simultaneously constructed with mutual intimacy of thought and relationship, making them relevant.
It needs stunningly brilliant devices to be
correlative, co-operative, co-spatial, uni-linguistic in code to the uttermost degree,
with power to copy the director, provide for his directions and
enable this provision to be implemented: all synthetically interwoven
in a miniaturisation making man look
like someone not only ham-handed by comparison,
but scarcely out of infancy class.What then of the colleagues for co-operation in that aspect which is material sub-structure of life ? Not merely is it a matter of making them so that they are simultaneously and intimately relevant, nor even making them so that when one stage is freely formed, which is contrary to observation, the other stage is ready for use with it, and likewise sundry other phases of enormous correlative function and complexity, each in order of time and of space, co-ordinated in conspectus. They have specifically to incorporate the phenomenon of coded command linked to 'understanding' executive equipment able to read the directions, and simultaneously in the system, IMPLEMENT them.
This in series, in system and in sequence, in space-time additive and removal van, in construction in due time of components for each time, this with its blueprint of orders and its executive of fealty: this is the intelligence part, beyond the characteristics of the materials which have their own beaten paths of combination and kind; it is beyond encoding, beyond architecture in chemistry for the encoding and for the application and for the performance involved. It does not evidence the current operation of intelligence, since it is in principle fixed; but it does evidence the exercise of it, at its own time, to institute what displays it, albeit automated, integrated, correlated, coded, constructed, instructed and deployed in advance. Naturally, this was never seen by man, since it is he who is one of the products of the operation now in stasis, as with an author who writes for the time, no more novels. Trying to make them write themselves because you want more, or to show he did not write them, is a tiresome adventure in irrationality, rebuked continuously, attempted gratuitously, with results deadly because of pure wilfulness and intellectual abandon.
When you need eyes to see, it is obvious that you will not see the creation of eyes.
Here, moreover, is the area of co-ajutment of the criteria, the mutual abutment and coverage for the entire operation, just as a car, beyond the marvel of tyres, computers and sensors, must yet have steering and engine and gears, and beyond this, equipment for the driver by which he may relate to the thing, and beyond all that must have the unitary conspectus in some kind, that it may be dealt with direct, or encoded and automated.
In this case, ourselves, the 'driver' has to be able to relate to the whole semi-automated construction in terms of which way to point it, to appreciate it, to evaluate it and deploy it, with what relationship to the Maker and to the value of the cargo contrived, created and provided.
Steel does not create this, though it may be an ingredient. Rods and gear do not create it, though they are a form for interaction of parts. Parts do not create it, for they perform their appointed roles without knowledge, The entire design does not do it, for it is but that, and requires implementation that it may become an actuality which works, not a thought which is encrypted. It is a construction so vastly beyond the most sophisticated car that we have, that one cell has been likened (by Denton) to New York city. It is still in need of utilisation; and some drivers ruin the equipment, whether on the road, or in the house of protoplasm!
It is wisdom that creates it, neither evident in 'natural' products without intelligence, nor a part of them, and so beyond their domain, as an author a book, an engineer a building, a poet a poem or a babe, its mother. There is a precedent proficiency which is exercised to provide a causal consequence which nothing can make to operate, and while bits of the engines of cars can be interchanged, or beaten in heat, this is not really the creation of cars, but that of wreckers, trying to be constructed with second hand parts. Indeed, they may help remove a dint here or there; but as to creation, it is sui generis, and requires what is not here presently in action, or contained in what is.
The endeavour to thrash the personification called 'Nature' into having the results before the eyes,
which it merely incorporates, it is rather like seeking to make the automobile, with various faddish and Mad Hatter-ish options proposed.
Why not ...
a) make another (difficult... with the universe).
b) make wisdom appear from steel and oil, plastic and gasoline (undiscerning).
c) create integrable entities meaningless apart (rather planless).
d) inter-relate the integrable entities, meaningful when integrated
(time for the plan, though a little late).
e) compose the type of integer desired (decidedly Puckish flitting, much too late).
f) make it operable and apt for exploitation or due use, as the case may be,
as it is for mortals among men (should have thought of this from the first,
in order to make it ... relevant).This is the exact nature of childishness, quaint and even romantic when read in Calvin and Hobbes, when many impossible things are imagined with the lust of a listing for such things; and we laugh at the simplicity and folly of the untutored mind. How it has ever come about that a certain solemnity has been made to attach to the childishness of shrieking to 'nature' to do what it shows no inclination, disposition, equipment or mentality for doing, prodding it here, pushing it there, tormenting it in some other way; of seeking to put mental conceptions into material things, and spiritual realities into mere analysis, which by nature merely reveals what is, at best: this is one of the marvels of the last two centuries. Failure in every endeavour to show this or that in naturalism, is endemic, inveterate, predictable and verified without limit.
NOTHING co-operates. Man operates. Nature smiles, like Mona Lisa, and gets on with its business.
Indeed, further volumes relevant to the point are various, but one must stress the point in the following, at the negative level.
The Bible: not the Declamations or Distillations of Man ... Ch. 4, a chapter entitled
On information derivation, see the following.
The Desire of the Nations ... Ch. 2 Epilogue,
Little Things Ch. 3 (esp. *3),
Beauty of Holiness Ch. 4,
Dancers, Prancers ... Chs. 3, 5,
Jesus Christ, Defaced, Unfazed: Barrister of Bliss Ch. 4,Thy Word is Wonderful Ch. 5.
See on the Trinity, the following.
A Spiritual Potpourri Ch. 12, Barbs ... 14, 17, 23, SMR Ch.7, Section 4,
Biblical Blessings Ch. 13, 2, Repent or Perish Ch. 7, Let God be God Ch. 5, Extension 3 ,
Dastardly Dynamics ... Ch. 3,The Biblical Workman Ch. 7, Spiritual Refreshings Ch. 15;
Sparkling Life... Ch. 4; Answers to Questions Ch. 3,
Christ, the Wisdom and the Power of God Ch. 3;
Of the Earth, Earthy or Celestial in Christ Ch. 6;
The True God has Go, Gives Growth and Glory Ch. 5; BRIGHT LIGHT Ch. 10,
Grand Biblical Perspectives Appendix.
See -
Reason Revelation and the Redeemer,
Deity and Design, Designation and Destiny
Light Dwells with the Lord's Christ
The gods of
naturalism have no go!