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Chapter 7
The Secular-Religious State
and the Spiritual Estate
It is not our normal task to task politics, but when those in government assail the truth vigorously, pervasively and purposefully over decades, and legislate on folly as if religion were their domain, providing nothing in the way of evidence, so act in the field of education and promote anti-Christianity by a wave of the verbal wand, it is clear that if someone does not act, the anti-testimony to the claims of Jesus Christ and the folly of arrogated educational indoctrination will both cause damage.
Tests are not for aversion and avoidance, but for faithful response (cf. Isaiah 59:19). Concern for the afflicted is not limited to victuals, for spiritual food is the most important of all (Proverbs 24:11-12, John 6:50ff.) Hence we have had to act. As appalling as amazing has been the lack of support from Churches, though to be fair, there has been some from time to time, and a few hundred gave signatures in protest.
Thus, while in The Australian Presbyterian Bible Church, we have not been inactive, so that apart from the 141 books published on the Web, there are hundreds of Sermon Notes (usually around 1600 upwards in words), and a Podcast Corner, where mp3 files may be downloaded, and the preaching is provided twice on Sundays, there has been this additional field.
There has been some occasion to give tertiary lectures in Communications at what was to become the University of South Australia, various contract work to supplement the Ministry, in schools, and a considerable outreach to the University of Adelaide, at about the time of the first publication of our initial three volumes, The Shadow of a Mighty Rock. In terms of The Truth and Life Club, this went on for several years, and something of this is noted at Adelaide Tertiary. Though publicly presenting the systematic reason for the biblical Christian faith, and seeking on our weekly or periodic meetings to have any confrontation or argumentation, yet over years, never once did we have anyone arrive at the lecture room to overturn it. That is what is to be expected, for on the one hand, it IS the truth, and on the other hand, the Lord is strong who helps His people.
One materialist having found no way to succeed in open debate, assured us he would come again, but did not materialise, presumably because he could not find material with which to prevail, and absenting himself from the arena, played his game elsewhere, for reasons immaterial but controlling his material being. It is easy to set up goal sticks in your own back yard, but where it counts is where the arena is. The would-be fighters fled, fugitives from confrontation.
A treatment of this phase of issues occurs at Repent or Perish Ch. 7. It is always amusing that just as materialists present their material on the assumption of valid mind outside the control of matter, and absolute truth available outside of that relativity which would make truth noises meaningless, so do Communists make the State most to be esteemed, and the necessarily potent being, by the thought of individuals. Even Einstein, not a Christian, could see that material concepts, that is relativity in the field in which he presented it, are not the foundation of truth, but rather the opposite, though he needed to go further for logical validity here, and apparently realised this (cf. SMR pp. 299ff., with That Magnificent Rock Ch. 5). Indeed, what his mind told him, his will did not bend as far as we know of his last times, to the answer he envisaged, though it was looking at him with more clarity than all the stars, and more force than that in all matter (cf. SMR, TMR, Swift Witness 6, Barbs 6 -7, Light Dwells with the Lord's Christ, Deity and Design, Designation and Destiny ).
These steps are natural to Christian Apologetics, one of the most notable features of which is the explication of enigmas and the resolution of what elsewhere becomes antinomy, antilogy or antithesis (cf. Deity and Design ...Section 8). Truth is like that: it has a voice and it speaks to man who is made both for truth, and BY the Truth (John 14:6, Colossians 1:15). That is WHY it all fits uniquely together in mind; it does so in fact, and both facts and minds are the product of one mind, one will and one Being. Hence arrives their delicate, symbolic, systematic, neural, logical multi-cosmos sustained and sustaining sympathy and correlation of cosmoi, whether conceptual, or articulating verbally or physically.
For this reason, assaults on biblical truth fail, both systematically and in time, empirically; and while this annoys the devil, his trouble also is systematic; for to be against a political government is one thing: to be against your Creator is another, while to despise or trifle with the Saviour for mankind, it is to flirt with folly in a sort of dynamic or desultory passion. The message to Israel has been clear enough for long enough (cf. Israel 1, and The Bay of Retractable Islands ... Chs. 18, 19). That to the Gentiles is no less clear (Matthew 24, cf. Walking in the Light and Keeping Your Eyes Open Ch. 4).
It is worth noting that for various multiple volumes on our site, or single ones, on specialised fields such as truth, demonstration, remedy, validity, suffering (Job in focus), naturalism, predestination (6 volumes), one can consult Search, which lists those which I have authored, and provides hyperlinks to each. One of these collections concerns the composition of verifications which is found written or wrought throughout all fields one investigates, a work of some millions of words,
Light Dwells with the Lord's Christ
who Answers Riddles
and where He is, Darkness Departs,
and another deals with
being slightly longer and exposing something of the depth and cohesive character of the works of God.
Reason, Revelation and the Redeemer deals with the certainty of biblical revelation of remedy.
In passing one may note that recently, one had occasion to take a one day Government course relating to the question of emotional, verbal or physical abuse of children, and the responsibilities teachers have as 'mandated' to report. In such cases, we were taught, no thought should be given to the school's reputation. If the child says it is true that something happened, BELIEVE the child. This was the stricture. FEEL no emotions. This can interfere with the child's divulgements. REPORT the thing, using NO discretion concerning matters, as to their veracity, validity. Just act, speak, report.
As was pointed out, what if a particular child has a deserved reputation as a congenital liar, as the phrase has it ? Does one ignore the impact on the party alleged to have caused the trouble, and that of the school, in order to relay, like some moronic zombi, whatever is said ? Is wisdom to have no place, test no avenue, thought for all parties to be dismissed! Does one pretend that investigations of this quasi-moronic insensitivity cannot compromise persons, cause baseless rumours, achieving precisely the folly which thoughtlessness normally does. Is a child to be so isolated from the entire environment of persons and functions, that allegations are of no account except in one regard, that a child makes them...
Sensitivity for the vulnerable is a great asset; but insensitivity to a comprehensive consideration of every feature, the laws of evidence and the need to test is merely a prelude to irresponsibility. Having one's morals sketched in by the State is the outcome of such ludicrous philosophy, which not only puts that body first over all morals, principles and precepts, but whatever it does not deem to the point, into the bin.
As one other teacher attending the course, also pointed out, what if people use this provision in order to vent hatred, jealousy: this was the type of consideration. Big Brother, however, would like doctors, teachers, all concerned with children, to REPORT first and think and emote later. If this is actually the case, then it is clear that the particular skills and wills, discretionary judgments and responsibilities of all concerned are subject to governmental control.
Moreover, are emotions to be excluded ? Has it not occurred to their governmental eminences that there are gracious, wise and constructive emotions, even elements of spiritual atmosphere and dynamic ? Some are not only beneficial, but instructive, inspiring in the spirit which nurtures them!
It reminds one of the horrid fact that in the materialistic delusion, many who work with the mind, do not KNOW of the spirit. It is like being asked to amputate a leg, or heal one, when you do not know what a leg is (cf. It Bubbles ... Ch. 9, Little Things Ch. 5, SMR pp. 348ff., Deliverance from Disorientation Ch. 8). Such is the transcendental wisdom which can appear in State direction, on an amorphous, unspiritual and psychically delusive basis. State self-aggrandisement becomes the prelude to social direction from emptiness, to adorn the make-believe world, where as so often in the past, whether with the Roman Empire, the Holy Roman Empire, the day and way of Hitler or Mao, Stalin or Krushchev, it is not what is the case which matters, but what is said to be. Force forges what truth cannot contemplate.
On such things, at different levels of dynamic, more or less deadly, the reader may wish to see Highway to Hell, Divine Agenda Chs. 6, 3 - an overview of religious truancies, including Marx, Darwin and Koran; Dastardly Dynamics Ch. 6 , The Christian Pilgrimage Ch. 9 From Grace Triumphant to Face Divine Ch. 9 (at a deeper level); Red Alert Chs. 3, 10, *4, More Marvels... Ch. 4, Deity and Design ... Section 9, *3.
To all of this, however, there is an end (Revelation 16,19). Cause and consequence are then well matched (cf. II Peter 3). Meanwhile the condition spreads like mould.
Indeed, medical students are in this State being made the butt of a preliminary test at the oral level, an interview. One disgusted and experienced professional pointed out in the newspaper that this in his opinion, was being used with artful discrimination, to remove those who, for example, do not view sexual perversion as a matter of moral indifference, or who have certain political slants.
In other words, medical students - one knows of one with a score over overall 98%, one point short of a scholarship, who was not accepted, following the interview - are in double danger, at the first through any such culturally slanted selections, and later, if they are accepted, through 'mandated' requirements on reporting: but of what are they in danger ? Why, simply of being pressurised to become State objects, thus paralleling the case of teachers. The differentials of approach, training and morals in individuals are thus to be subsumed under one heading: The Government Knows. YOU DO it; we work it out.
This might be used as a ploy, and when objection is made that the sale of the soul was not part of the election undertaking or donation to the Government in its role, the point is made, perhaps, that such is the state of society that this fate of society is unavoidable.
It might thus be urged that people are becoming so unreliable that the State now wants to use only its select forces to deal with topics like these. It is the same of course in the area of creation, where even a year 12 examination can be so slanted into the ludicrous naturalism of organic evolution, that one cannot think Hitler in his early stages of Hitler youth, did much worse at this ideational level.
In ATTITUDE. In schools, not to say Universities, harassment, selective deprival of equal teaching services to all phases of thought on the topic, especially to one of the two main ones, prejudicial assumptions used as tools of trade in teaching, social consequences of the virtual didactic apartheid and so on: all of course appear decisively to transgress the UN Declaration on the Elimination of Discrimination*1.
Apart from that, it is Big Brother in his science smock, or his pseudo-religious robe, in this or that phase of society, using the secular and often anti-religious, socially directive, amorally presumptuous approach, deploying this or that proposition like the 11th commandment at will, and calling it good because desired. This is the apparition inglorious which of course is just a few spiritual kilometres away from that economic, social manipulation which Revelation 13 for the last 2 millenia or so, has forecast.
This does not make it any better! it gladdens the heart to see the divine diagnosis confirmed and prognosis verified before one's eyes; but it is grievous to consider the empty-headed arrogance in man and his current thoughts (now here, but in a few years, there, like new washing on an old line) as he seeks to use liberty to remove liberty, through long years of indoctrination and yielding to pagan forces.
Thus there is work to be done*2, for the oncoming of night, does not mean that you shut the windows and draw the blinds while the day lasts. The night, after all, as Christ said, comes; but afterwards is His day. All day and any day one must walk in the light and not give place or regard to the darkness (cf. John 9:4-5, 812, Isaiah 21:11, Revelation 19).
Not least among the work done, then, in our Church life, has been this approach to Government, in which hundreds of petitioners have joined with us, and for which and such works, the Evangelical Presbyterian Alliance has been formed. Thus there has come to mind the pseudo-political-papacy in which, without first putting the matter to the electorate, the SA Government has shamelessly proceeded, alleging that no religion has testable, verifiable, rationally defensible doctrine, and that all such things are outré, are other than scientific, while proceeding to make this flimsy humanist fantasy and shameless seduction, a basis for the school curriculum! Fantasy-land would appear here to have moved from fiction to fact.
This assault
on the Bible's teaching and record has been exposed by our Alliance, challenged
and duly shown to be irrational and presumptuous, gratuitous and unsupported by
the slightest evidence of scholarship (cf. Appendix IV
below, esp. *1, Ch. 1 above, Deity and Design
Section 8).
Many such approaches have been made, in the interests of delivering the children from such shameless and continual abuse, molestation of minds. Many offers of public debate have been made. Yet no answer has ever been made explicitly to such challenges, nor any reasoning offered to support the political disenfranchisement of the testable Christ. It is of course not a matter of disseminating religious truth, for without faith this can be nauseous; it is one of not precluding it, of not stampeding against its implications, of examining and helping students to examine evidence without preclusive exclusions, like a spasm of the negative nerve.
No acknowledgement has ever been made of the confrontation offer, for debate, or of the irrational assault so obtrusively made on religion in general, AND HENCE on Christianity in particular. No refutation of any particle of the reasoned reviews of the distortion and the facts presented. The inexcusable is not, and cannot be excused. Silence however is not justification. If they have on occasion listened; yet they have not to the rational point, answered.
Irrelevances have been engaged in, as when the Minister for Education (Children's Services, or this functionary by whatever name) replied that religious people could on occasion make presentation in the schools. It could not, however, as the Circular to principals shows, contradict their curriculum. As to that, it is BASED not least on this misalliance with fraudulent claims and anti-biblical approach, and MUST be adhered to, so that the children will not be 'subjected' to what is contrary to it. You START with exclusions, including creation in science, virtually at all, elsewhere as a rational option. Hence it is ALL based in no small part on negative assumption, no grounds given, no debate permitted, no response to the point ever received, in terms of meeting of argumentation.
A religious phalanx, quite simply, has invaded the State, and the heat of Summer with its increasing over 40 C temperatures, is like a parable or a parody indeed, of this irrational and discriminatory heat from the political field, running rampant through the ranks of children, and into the ranks of teachers.
It is to be deplored that only once has any other Church as such joined in this work, though numbers of individuals have done so. Never let it be said that this molestation of children's spirits and minds has gone without note by Christians however! It has not, however, been subjected to overwhelming challenge by sheer numbers of those who bear that name. One trembles to consider the plight of some in that day; for if this is not to be ashamed of the Lord, it is so close that like the snick on a bat in cricket, to miss it would take a huge effort. It is recorded. The small sound has large implications.
While the Lord is gracious, there is work to be done. Christ did not let folly parade without countermanding it; and His disciples are not free to be bound by convention, convenience or concord when others are being drawn to death (Proverbs 24:11-12). Pity has a place; love has a mission, truth has a command (cf. Isaiah 59:19).
Extensive and detailed data on this field are provided in Appendix V.
Slavery was removed from England only after enormous and sustained effort. This contemporary mental and spiritual slavery in the schools, through curricular constraints even moving in part to independent schools, has to be confronted, and many should pray. How horrible it was, in a spiritual sense, when recently some official in an Independent Schools group, spoke in a servile- seeming way of meeting the government requirements concerning virtual monopolising of organic evolution in the precise field of teaching and the grand one of perspective!
If parents have to pay to get that, it becomes a morbid comedy of errors, leading to a mocking tragedy for the young. If some escape, they are yet being put through the fires. Confrontation with the Government on this whole topic we have repeatedly made; but it slips away, like mice before a cat, and consistently is evasive while the thundering silence of many large religious bodies is like a rebellious canon that will not fire.
Speaking generally, it matters not in the least what the antichrist may think he is doing, or the spirit of antichrist essays: that is the power which seeks to contravene Christ, and motives are are not unknown, nor are results invisible; or how he seeks to phrase it. It is the phase more than the phrase that matters.
The destruction of spiritual life proceeds in its double-tongued and sly way, with the young sequestered, sedated and pre-emptively primed with the nature myth. Vastly beyond that, it is important that Christians do their duty, and do not sling the children to the wolves, in whatever uniform those gourmandising creatures may appear (cf. Acts 20:28-31). It is indeed in sheep's clothing that wolves are notorious for appearing, the better to increase the outcome of their intense appetite, natural to the species. Study therefore not the clothing, but the mouths. Consider what Jeremiah had to say in his day, from the Lord (Jeremiah 2, 23). The parallel is profound.
Seek to deliver the children from them, and educate them in truth and uprightness, so that scientific method does not become a virtual laughing stock, reverentially presented, while deviously distorted (cf. SCIENTIFIC METHOD, SATANIC METHOD AND THE MODEL OF SALVATION), and the rational realities join the religious background in the ranks of those given marching orders ... to go!
It is not enough to say that everybody is doing it; it is time that everyone who names the name of Christ act in the way of His works (John 14:21). It is time to act.
Let the glory of the Lord be not merely spoken of, but demonstrated through His own power, as His word is obeyed. Paul's words to the Ephesians elders, provided in Acts 20, remain and ring today as then:
"But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself,
so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry
which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God."And indeed, now I know that you all, among whom I have gone preaching the kingdom of God, will see my face no more. Therefore I testify to you this day that I am innocent of the blood of all men. For I have not shunned to declare to you the whole counsel of God. Therefore take heed to yourselves and to all the flock, among which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.
"For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves. Therefore watch, and remember that for three years I did not cease to warn everyone night and day with tears. So now, brethren, I commend you to God and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified."
The Evangelical Presbyterian
Alliance has drawn up a short summary
which includes attention to this point.
It follows.
There follows a summary of governmental failure/trespass
in the Religion and Science Field.
BREACH – see in detail TMR Ch. 8
1) In attacking all religions by a generalisation, the DECS document, Circular to Principals, January 1988, attacks Biblical Christianity in particular as one of these.
2) In affirming a set of theological dogmas, as a base for the educational attitude to Creationism/Evolutionism, those responsible and who endorse and require this approach, have asserted and scripted a presuppositional religion of their own, with no trace of support provided; and their continued refusal to face what they have done in any written reply constitutes an avoidance/evasion/negligence on a matter of the highest import, since it involves ultimate perspectives and motives.
3) In subsuming all religions under their own created religious criteria, they have not only set their authority behind one world view, but done so irresponsibly as an aside or commencement exercise, derogating by implication, through what they require and stipulate to be so.
By so doing, they
have violated the federally adopted UN document:
which requires no discrimination of what is available, which is
based on religion or belief. In particular, Article 5, 3 indicates that “the
child shall be protected from any form of discrimination on the ground of
religion or belief.” He is to be brought in an atmosphere of understanding,
whereas the current approach precludes and prejudices, predetermines and
applies the direct opposite of the same for the schools of this government.
5) Likewise, they appear to have violated the Commonwealth Constitution which forbids the governmental establishment of a religion, to the extent that the Commonwealth is involved in any of the State educational enterprises in its schools, or affairs.
6) Moreover, by these means they have violated SCIENTIFIC METHOD by limiting it to the domain of their pre-determined religious and world philosophy, rather than approaching the matter by experimental verification and inter-locking finesse with all scientific theory and laws.
7) In excluding creation views from relevance for enquiry, research or rational evaluation, and with these, developments from the hundreds of Ph.D. scientists indisputably of the Biblical Creationist approach, not to mention the much larger number who are creationists of a wider domain, which must include all their notable professional results, work, verifications and perspectives: they are in a secondary way violating this same UN Declaration on discrimination.
In particular they fail to meet its Article 2,2 concerning impairments suffered either from a purpose or result of action taken by a State. Not only are students of such a creationist persuasion limited socially, as to their place in the scientific aspect of the curriculum, but in their information on its aspects and materiél for enquiry. This has both a secondary and third element of breach, in that there is a social as well as a directly educational omission, exclusion and abstraction of data.
8) Further, those responsible for enforcing this approach (the term used by the DECS upon enquiry as to its current application), by these means, exclude from government schools those teachers who insist on honest coverage of science, not pre-determined by indoctrinative media and principles: since this constitutes an abuse of science, schools and students, choosing for students what they should choose for themselves, when being educated, not indoctrinated.
It is germane that this last point that was strenuously affirmed by Dr Dmitri Kouznetsov when he gave a Lecture on this topic at the University of Adelaide. Relevant is the fact that he asserted that he became convinced of creationism years before his conversion to Christianity, while researching in Russia, where he received the Lenin Prize for Science along with three bio-science doctorates.
This exclusivistic result for such teachers, constitutes the fourth breach of the UN Declaration.
9) This governmental approach also violates the equitable availability of resources, teaching skills and practical media not only for students, but to the extent of their due professional address to syllabi, that also for teachers. If these are lost for the student in their reception, they are lost for the teacher in their deployment. It is therefore not only the inequitable atmosphere, set of presuppositions, preliminary understanding, exclusivistic approach, but the discriminatory approach to skill and access of all kinds, which is of concern. What is excluded, does not have support in time.
There has also been an administrative failure of large dimensions in that over some 15 months, the issues directly and indirectly concerned in this governmental characterisation of all religions have never once been faced and granted any relevant written acknowledgement. This is despite the fact that the nature of this failure was succinctly pointed out to the Premier, after delays of months from his office, before it was simply repeated.
Further, the Minister for DECS not only did not address this primary issue in the first reply, when the matter was directed to her from the Premier, but after the latter received a letter noting this failure, and redirected it to the Minister, that Minister in reply again omitted in a manner almost identical, the crucial religious point that was made, while at the same time not addressing any of the substantive issues.
As pointed out, what schools may provide ONCE the criteria of religion and science are defined in this way, or defiled, a priori, is not relevant. It is the definitions in religion relative to science, themselves, which constitute the error, imposition, authoritarian assault with pervasive results. Provisions made on that basis do nothing to remove it or rectify the authoritarian, derogatory perspective, set up over all religion as basic to Curriculum. It is indeed this, which is not merely gratuitous and ludicrous, in that dealing in this peremptory and unscholarly manner with such issues is almost past scholarly belief, but expressly forms a basis for dealing with the creation/evolution issues.
This is readily seen on survey of the Circular for Principals itself, which doubly confuses things, first mischaracterising religions, all being made the same in this field, and then mischaracterising creationism, all being made religious.
Failure even to address this basic consideration and primary concern over 14 months, is one thing; refusal of interview WHILE this failure recurs is the next. Reference unresolved to the DECS, when it is specifically religious in its basic concern, is third; but the finale is the REPETITION of avoidance of this basic issue, by the Minister for Education after this very failure had been noted to the Premier, himself refusing interview.
As there is no minister for religion, he himself appeared most relevant, the more so in that, as noted to him, he had on TV expressed himself in favour of a free-thinking South Australia. The net result is failure to meet the issues, profound loss of time and repetitious error with months passing between the first and second occurrence, and bypassing of issues, even if primary.
It is desirable that
the abuse of
religion by means of generalisation should be removed |
that the
misuse of this misdefinition should cease to be used as a basis |
that the free
place in science - itself deeply divided even within evolutionary circles,
that students
and teachers alike should cease to be subjects |
As an illustration, we might cite an event in S.A. some years ago. At times one sees in various magazines, cases where someone has been told, or the thought has been evoked, that if such and such views are not promoted, or such and such are demoted, then dismissal is inevitable, tenure impossible and so on. Amazingly, some seem to regard this ultimatum from irrationality (since not the reason but the fact is paraded), as a mandate for submission. How on earth anyone could knowingly teach what is incorrect is a fearsome, yes awesome consideration, and it involves priorities!
For me, to live knowingly apart from truth for whatever call, with or without the added responsibility of not shining with the light of the Lord but instead misleading others, is not only worse than not living at all, but incomparably worse: better a dead child of God than a living rat, a fatuous fiasco or dereliction in deadness! When you fear God, it is in principle impossible to fear anyone or anything else; and the fear of the Lord is clean (Psalm 19), for wholesome awe at Him is both delightful and dutiful. In the resurrection of the body, life is unperturbed, its designs consummated; in this world, it is to be given wholeheartedly to God (Romans 12:1).
Below, an explosive confrontation in one's own life, in the area of tertiary teaching, is outlined. It is taken from Questions and Answers Ch. 7, where much on parallel topics of government is provided.
Q: What about Universities? If you were in power, what would you do with freedom there; and what about Colleges at the secondary level?
A: Universities should be places where truth is sacred. When it comes to God, I have never found places less like what they should be. In what is now a University in S.A., I once lectured in Communications. Special permission was granted to me to present material on scientific method, and of course this showed that creation was the apt contender, in terms of procedure. (See That Magnificent Rock, Ch.1,The Shadow of a Mighty Rock, pp. 140ff., and so on.) Enormous hostility arose, and the Head of the Department asked me to account.
This I did: No better case illustrating scientific method could I find than this abortion of it, so commonly met in the area of organic evolutionism. The errors of method met here, these helped to focus and feature what scientific method should be. Thus, by bringing up a well-known case, and allowing us systematically to show the foibles which substituted for clear and correct application of scientific method to the case, we had an excellent stimulus to thought and understanding.
I indicated that in fact the opposite position to this careful methodology was common, endemic and unwarranted; that proper freedom of thought was not in place, that all that could be said for and against meant it was high time that someone would present what had been neglected; that what I had presented was correct, available for overturning; that it had not been overturned, and if it could be, then it was appropriate for it to be overturned in my presence. What time better than the present! This was the tenor of my reply to investigating authority.
The response was this: IT IS NOT CONVENIENT to teach otherwise, like this. Therefore, STOP IT! {You could see further on such things, and on this, in News 51, Scoop of the Universe pp. 248ff..}
Q: Did you? Or did you have enough principle to avoid what could be construed perhaps as a power putsch!
A: No I rejected the request, and hence in a little when the tasks required were done, left the institution. It would not be possible to abide by such a request, in integrity. The calibre of the answer to my truth-based request echoes like a gun-shot through the vaults of history: It is not convenient.
Q: So you recommend that people should not hold on to positions, but rather hold on to the truth?
A: This is so. The Bible declares: Buy the truth and do not sell it. Sell truth! Without truth a person is scarcely human - but especially if the result is voluntary! But this has been an interesting case, the University one.
Q: Why?
A: This is PRECISELY the sort of area where an abuse of power arises - any teaching place, or site of instruction. However, at a University, people must be prepared to throw away arrogance about philosophies, and put them to the test, not abusing lecturers' powers by failing you, or harassing your responses if they have merit, because they do not fit the current flirtation with culture, which is modish.
Scientific Method, Satanic Method and the Model of Savlation
In fact, the train of this volume being spiritual in focus, and specialising in major thrusts and topics, one has not mentioned in the basic text the various teaching posts held either as supplemental to the Ministry (as with Paul in his tent-making, though this had more dimensions), or as in the case of a Headmastership and Principalship in Christian Schools, parallel to it. It is astounding what foreign principles can be used to invade the biblical doctrine in some schools, even spiritual hedonism, carrot and stick. I have made it a point where relevant, to dissociate myself from such unspiritual oddities which so resoundingly clash with being crucified with Christ, and not seeking to please oneself (Romans 15:1, Galatians 2:20). On such topics, see also SMR Ch. 4, Sections 1 and 2.