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Let God be true, though every man a lie! Is the declaration of Paul. Nowadays, in the midst of the swamp of spiritual soup which is confused with the Lord, and the gyrations of things visible, often confused with God, it is necessary to make a plea for those with ears that can still hear, and to those whose hearing merely allows the occasional twitter to seep through, to let GOD BE GOD.
In our second chapter, at some length, the matter is considered in a format as modern as that of a correspondent whose letter one has just received. In this, mixed with orthodox Christianity in part, is a tenacious seeming fixation on a naturalistic addendum, which seems to be founded on one feature. It seems for this one, a difficulty to conceive of a structure that is wholly immaterial, a functionality which is not merely not visible according to the powers of certain apparatus, such as our eyes or mechanical additives, but so by nature.
Our current culture has become so materialistic, that the concept of entity appears to have been at least somewhat confused with that of something with some aspect of material composition, even though matter, being circumscribed and delimited without its ‘permission’ is no candidate for the honour of being the Creator of what is not nothing, but instead of the very power to envisage it, namely ourselves; for if it were, then the circumscription and constraint would be part of it, and so its cause would need to be sought.
Sought! in that matrix of matter ? Constrained by what ? circumscribed at whose dictate ? implementing order by hat direction ? The power to created the the ontological diversity of all is not found in what is already created; for then it forgets itself! Even if it were held that the Creator aspects of material things to become part of itself, this still would not BE the Being, since this would need to exist and be fully operative, in order to cause this to become an addendum.
Mixing creator and creation seems to be a hostile take-over bid, provided it does not apply to men, when it is well enough known that books do not write themselves, being abysses for order, conception and competence in the commands which create communicable order, until the author acts. Suits to suggest the contrary, in defiance of author's rights are not often found! There is reason for that. This aspect of creation, already written in the DNA, of conception but here of power to conceive, the greater creation, is neither found to create itself, nor would it be valid to consider it did, since symbols contrived issue in consequences that arrive at the will of the conceiver, not by some conceptual power, without mooring, without base, without example, without means, without exhibition. Nor is it even difficult; what HAS the powers, is the minimum need; what lacks them, is the immediate obfuscation, to be ignored as irrelevant.
Man relates to such powers, but does not have them at his disposal at the level to create the universe, merely to manipulate it, and imagine. Greater than man, and other than matter is the Creator.
Even if, impossibly as seen above, it were surmised that this was an eternal collation, Creator aned matter, yet as a system of diversified eternal and non-eternal components, it would require its cause, creator plus creation partnership maker, which as the ultimate causal necessity, would itself be God. It would require its own composition, including that of the limit and constraint known as time. An-eternal oddities for their part, and the imagined mutuality, would need both a compiler and an act of composition. The duet in view would be a mere creation. Let God be God.
People are becoming so spiritual invaded by erratic culture, that strange fish are seen in the oceans of contemporary thought, fish of all sizes, like the most exotic tropical varieties, gravely swimming, though their fanciful designs make them seem like party fish. They all, however, have their place, to frighten or entice, to charm or disarm, to flip or to flop. So in the world of thought is there this enormous explosion; but it is dysfunctional, for fancy in the realm of one’s Creator is as wise as fancy in the realm of a bush-fire; for our God is a consuming fire.
It is wise, sometime in one’s life, to be realistic. If God is God, then making one of one’s own imagination is not only a trivial waste of time, but an exotic exercise in idolatry. That is why it is important to receive corrective in these affairs, which were the bane of Israel as they are the bane of the Gentile world today (cf. Romans 1, Jeremiah 2:27, Deuteronomy 32:16-21; II Corinthians 11).
In the last reference, God indicates that He is less than impressed with the construction of new-boy gods, coming out of the ground! They lack something called reality! This produces, as it has produced in both the semesters, that of Israel and that of the Gentiles, incalculable disasters. It is like refusing to believe in air while flying. It is an incredible foolishness; but when God is no more worshipped, it is precisely this erraticism, this sense of intoxicated indifference and passion that, religious in nature, but aborted in appliction, is greedy with pathological desire for anything, for something which is NOT God.
This is in this miasmic muddle, to be treated, alone or in some kind of consort company, as if God. If an ennui grasps the still panting soul, at last, it is but the apparent prelude to a death where passion itself is departed; but not judgment, for that awaits the lack of it shown in such dispositions of the human spirit, which increasiningly, will not bow but to itself, which has neither right nor power to deserve it!
Yet desperate amongst all the ennui, passion in this century is flowering the flowers of evil, consuming men like insects, and with as little thought or wisdom. Proud passion has polluted the globe in successive layers as one or another absolutist or totalitarian which is neither absolute nor total, manifests it aching wares, and goes listless to the grave of fallen history, sucking millions with it as it goes, gurgling into the deep, suffocating in its own misled littleness of desire.
Hence has come the passion to kill of so many of the followers of the false prophet Muhammad, and the crushing and extraordinary predicament of mature civilisation, while murderous barbarism exalts itself, calling on the name of some unverified, untested, failure of a religion with an ‘almighty’ God who is baulked by the smallest of nations for decades. Hence likewise grows the passion for sport which, while a good exercise, can become a substitute for intimations of immortality, while batsmen are followed as if gods, and tennis champions as if a shrine; while soccer has things that so resemble the glorying throb and thrust of actual hymns, that unless one knew the language, and heard only the sound, it would seem that this was what in fact the swaying crowds were singing! hymns however, to whom or to what ?
Let then God be God! It is time to measure up and to be measured. If God is to be belittled, how much more man His creation. If God is to be ignored, how ignorant is man! It is as ignorant as in the contemporary nations he appears to be, manifesting impotence because of pretended potency which neither arrives nor survives, nor could nor should! Seeking for life where it is not to be found, teaching children of processes which are not to be seen, there is cultural man to be seen indoctrinating youth with dogmas which are not to be lived; and then wondering why increasingly, both socially and internationally, death is the reek.
Spiritual arson has become so great, therefore, that amid the burning fires that rightly threaten this whole world with judgment, it is time to return to the validated, verified, alone rationally possible God. Let God be God! or man will soon cease to be man, in his vexatious nations and lordly notions: becoming rather only an object facing judgment, a fidget-midget guarding its fall! This in no way removes his need to answer for such voluntary subjection, but merely attests it. Hence not least is the urgency with which this mission for example, like many others, seeks to remind man before he is quite unmanned, of his origin, his Creator and his need to settle with reality before dreams become compulsive, obsessive and fatal entirely. If nations will not heed, then individuals still may do so.
This is the other side, for when GOD is once again received as GOD, when His word and tested will are once again received and ACTED ON, then as in John 5:39-40, the negative becomes the positive, and life eternal replaces life not only facing, but entirely fit for … JUDGMENT.
“And the Father
Himself, who sent Me, has testified of Me. |
You have neither
heard His voice at any time, nor seen His form.
You search the Scriptures, for
in them you think you have eternal life; |
do not receive honor from men. But I know
you, that you do not have the love of God in you. |
(Emphasis added to aid observation...)
Not in the interstices of ordered ways, sullenly unco-operative to all appeal, in another aspect of creation, not in the extant ways of 'nature' (whose ? the nature of what ? which among the diversities ? is not personification becoming obsessive as well as meaningless in some whirling circles that never seem to rest in their artless revolutions)! - not there is the peace of truth to be found. Not in 'nature' at all, that information sink without case or contrivance, power or principle to evince or operate, even when stimulated by man's intelligence and harassed by his furious concerns and incessant disquietudes, is the power to produce all to be found. You might as well thump the pages of a book in hope of evincing its author! (cf. Repent or Perish Ch. 7). It is a PRODUCT, and the PRODUCER is what has what it takes, not what has taken what he has given!
Must sense like swooning before the most common of occurrences, |
to be found
in man himself, |
its exhibit at his own level,
millions dismissing creation by their own creative thought! |
and must it seek to find in a deposit, its origin and not its amount; |
while people probe space, as if its Maker left himself around and was to be found in its interstices! |
Neither do I live in my books, but merely what I have created is to be seen there; nor is my life to be found in such a place, but only an expression of it; nor does creation find its source in its results, nor does God comply by His presence, as if to adorn the functions of irrationalism for man, in his futile pursuits of the ultimate resource of creation, in the heart of nature: whether in practical experimentation, laboratory engineering or astronomical odysseys, pushing seekers into the bowels of space when not unleashing probes with the boom of force. He does not adorn in ANY way the diseased desire to have Him like us, what He made.
He is not found in the derivate directions of what follows, but in the ordering dictates of what leads. Where there is no derivative order, there is He, where there are NO constraints, there is His living: towering over the tedium of consigned processes in self-sufficiency over its origination, being the original, free, is God to be found. Not in some extant domain under direction, but as Director undirected of all domains, there is He. Endless efforts to nail logic to His cross do not remove its power, for without it man cannot even think.
When God sent His Son, incarnating His eternal expression by preliminary and prior notice in the prophets at the date announced centuries beforehand (SMR Ch. 9, Joyful Jottings 22-25, Highway of Holiness Ch. 4), able to overwhelm all sickness and reverse death, as prophetically required, it was as His mouth, His utterance had predicted, but it was with METHOD that it was assigned.
Messianic method ? Of course. Sin is the distasteful disaster that makes man blind in the millions to his condition, so that redemption is needed and was given to meet his dereliction and fill his bill (cf. Matthew 20:28). This naturally needed to be received, and therefore believed. Even this, it became popular to ignore as the human riot met its Maker, at Calvary; and the Gentile powers have joined the original sacrifice there, in their disputations, computations and self-will, following indeed the one of whom Christ spoke, who will in due course make his tiny grandeur apparent, as has been the way of partial dictators so often before him. The "another" who "comes in his own name", said He, "him you will receive." The reception committee grows continually, awaiting the fraud to end the time of this Age, and to engage the Timeless Author of time, in his time, taking no time at all to be abolished, consigned to his end, as befits (cf. II Thessalonians 1).
Thus this world explodes into its jaded dynamics, and awaits in its faithlessness, lusts and apathy, strange but understandable companions, what is prepared.
Yet prepared ? As Christ put it, "I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, there you may be also." That place is where it belongs, where Creator not in some absurd confusion and riot of thought, but in the peace of power and the grace of method, in the fulness of joy and the richness of adequacy, has made it to be for man, that special creation: crafted into time, resonant to the timeless, fathered by God, and needing His regeneration to make him fit for the destiny befitting.
Without grace, there is no place; without Christ there is no grace; without method there is no solution; with Christ there is the pivot of understanding, the solution of distresses both of the mind and of the heart, because there is the key, one which man is spuriously and furiously throwing away; and yet it is still there, to this day, and for some more days like it. How many is not known; that they are relatively few (Answers to Questions Ch. 5, SMR Ch. 8), this IS known.
It is when God is God, and not
some graceless artifice of the confused because misused imagination of man, that
all is in place, including man himself. It is ONLY THEN. History is the harp on
which this music is played, and the Overture is already, almost over.