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to Chapter 6
with emphasis on
Creation, Automation and Activation
This presentation has its own notes.
This presents an expansion of a Section of Chapter 6, as below. The last sentence is treated more fully in that Chapter, this Appendix dealing with what precedes it below, in read.
There is instead of the clumsiness, as it were, of turning a worm into a Boeing 707, or even a car into a rocket, duplication and complexities extraordinary, a fascinating, mathematically profound, manipulatively brilliant provision in the DNA. This with related controls, for variation about a norm, in adaptive functions of staggering virtuosity, and clear basis is provided. This too had to be drafted into the exquisite complexity and eventual unity of the entire design. The drafting of this is merely another feature, and the mind and spirit, these are the super-abundances of the Creator, who adds to all else, His PERSONAL concern for persons, in providing a guilt-cancellation, paid for personally by Himself, in the format of Jesus Christ.
Just as decisive as the unity in man,
of the whole concatenation of billions of parts and trillions of connections |
to form one entity, |
equipped quite simply (as to function) |
with personality, a personal production, |
as also with the power to hear, to see, to feel, to imagine, |
to think, to make correlations and theories and (sometimes used) |
to test with logic |
and even develop formal logic for validity, |
fulfilling the definition of design in terms of RESULT and CONSTITUENTS, |
which in turn relates to any feasible designation of the meaning of design, |
the implications being
dealt with at length |
is another feature.
What is that ? Not only do you require an artefact maker to work on matter to gain results meeting any informative definition of design (cf. op. cit. Chs. 2 and 8), to say nothing of the power to envisage and find truth in the first place, but evidence is that you need conservation mechanisms to enable it, in the case of living things, to continue workable in its generations, over extended time.
Design here is crucial as applicable to the entire, coherent, mutually ordered access of one function with another with just that cohesive and demanding totality which is impenetrable to the concept of 'bits' as basis*A, and operates with multi-purpose functionality, what is called integrality. It is the same with pictures. You can have a French impressionist dab away with dots, and his occupational theme is manifest in the result, in its traceable nuances, layout, subtleties of impression, evocation of imagination and various impacts on the observer.
These do not create themselves, or even the purity of paint required. For results in this world, you need work, apt, adequate, rightly sourced and desirably, incontestably evidenced. The foci are mutual. Imagination does not do it, and IF is not the word, but FACT is required, testable fact. Nebulous hypotheses waiting on developments, funded by dreams, too retiring to accord their presence testably, these appeal to a wayward world, but not to a relentless research. Leave that behind and reality loses all function in the search for truth. On the other hand, find truth and one of its chief features is its noble explanatory power.
It is this which in itself is one of the verifications of biblical truth as exhibited in detail in the widely set work, LIGHT DWELLS WITH THE LORD'S CHRIST*B.
Ideally, you pursue reason, draw on facts, proceed to resultants, show where this leads by unyielding logic, check that what is indicated first of all is THERE to test (verification one), and then has the QUALITIES which logic indicated, so that if it is so, then you have validation of the verification and the procedure from the first. This has nil presuppositions, merely using logic as in all things (and without it you cannot even argue for or against ANY position without self-contradiction). Proceeding on the basis of the gifts given, as they are, to find the basis rationally required, coming to the search for what is indicated, finding the result extant, and checking this for quality and conformity to specifications indicated: you find a confirmation.
It is Paul who in Philippians 1:7 is found occupied with the defence and confirmation of the Gospel, this being as found in the Bible, the evangel or euaggelion.
Once found, it needs to be appreciated, for we are not heartless, but in another image.
Let us then proceed with the test basis.
Thus genetic entropy *C has been expounded on a test basis by Professor J. C. Sanford of Cornell University in his Genetic Entropy & The Mystery of the Genome (2005, 2008)*D, and interesting additions in data have come to hand in the Journal of Creation, 28(1), 2014, at pp. 16ff. and later. One is from Dr. Robert W. Carter who, making use of influenza viruses available, could find over some tens of thousands of generations. The conclusion that "genetic change is overwhelmingly a product of thermodynamics (figure 3), not selection."
Percentage deterioration rates apply, and this becomes parallel in effect, to the testings of Professor Sanford. The Second Law of Thermodynamics does not at all become irrelevant, but immovable in this field as in general amid the material world. Similarly, work by Alex Williams indicates on a mathematical and testing basis, that without the corrective mechanisms to maintain DNA copying fidelity, a stripped down DNA would last only a fraction of the time of the actual case, which is estimated as at least 9000 generations (Journal of Creation, 28(1). pp. 91-97 cf. pp. 122ff.).
Escape from reality, whether by definitional manipulation, divorce of product from production cause, dismissal of the evidence concerning what is found by test, categorical exclusion of various possible roads in research, which annuls its value so as to become preoccupation with prejudice, is NOT what is needed in assessing the meaning, matrix, method and functions of human life, or even lower and more primary forms.
When former Empires sought to impress a mould on reality, in their domain and dominion, whatever their faults, they could at least seek to see what lay in these domains, study it and seek to govern it (admittedly only in the best cases). This did not make it right, but it did make it more righteous, and more accessible to success, because of its realism. So here, the empire is reality, and it is to be sure not governed by us, though we have access to some of the features, foci and functions. Testing and fearless foraging, research that mingles with the (tribes ? no) facts without pre-occupying prejudice is necessary, if the attitude is not like that of the more lordly empires, which suppress the tribes (here facts), with a show of complete intolerance.
For truth, there needs to be unyielding tolerance. When this is done, you find unyielding truth, as in SMR, TMR, for example, and even coherent logic not found elsewhere, as there shown and in the works here cited. In the last 25 years of labour, it has been found that in no domain is the biblical depiction at fault, but that instead, there is from it the opposite (TMR Ch. 1, as noted) of the unravelling of a ball of wool by a mischievous kitten, which is the affliction in self-contradictions and inadequacies in all deletions of adequate source for the universe. Instead, we find that it is as if the scattering remnants of the ball of wool are all gathered together and set back in order, fitting because that is the fit basis. This phenomenon is so marked that one could name it, the penetrating power of divine revelation to discard confusion and settle systematic issues. For short, ppdrdcssi. This is shown especially in the two works cited immediately above, with more basis in those preceding in this paragraph.
'Bits' is a term used in the slang 'bitsa', which implies that there is no overseeing design to speak of, that it is ill-conceived, a semi-creative botch, a most inferior article, item or machine.
What works coherently, cleverly, integrally, maintaining a clear relationship to a singular purpose is on the other hand regarded as showing intellect, or aesthetic capacity, or mastery of matter and such helpful items. In these, there is vision, realism, and not a slack or sleazy substitute for wisdom. That is the concept.
Thus, in such a case, the evidence to hand is the work in demand for estimation of the producer: like product, like producer in the sense of capacity and actuality. As the style of the thing demands more or less of various elements and procedures, so various possible sources are ruled out. For example, you would hopefully be disinclined to attribute a major bridge of architectural complexity to a moron or an infant, or the process of time. Things are never found to work that way; for you need what it takes to provide each detail, depth and dimension of what is before you. Silly guesses would evoke scorn, and even ones rather too light in awareness of what it REALLY takes to provide such an item, could be regarded as dismal fare. A bespoke tailored suit, for example, of exquisite fit, moreover, exactly covering what tailors know to treat this way or that added in, would not be attributed, normally, to a rookie apprentice who was the bottom of his class. There is precise ground for any relevant estimate.
Time does not produce such tailors, but gifts, application, knowledge and instruction at various levels, and sometimes as well, a certain flair.
The concept that the stitching made itself available at the right time, with needle or even better puncturing instrument, and that the cloth cut itself precisely and the needles worked when the cloth was still unsoiled and so forth, is magic, not for adults.
The idea that although NOTHING is EVER seen of this kind, to the slightest degree, but that even if some fine fabric were formed in ways past all thought, then still to preserve it along at the needed time interval along came some fine enough needle and pierced it without spoiling it, because of deft and nimble precision, and then ... and so forth ... is not fit for admiration. Indeed, however low down the scale you go, it is utterly absurd, because the laws of degeneration, contamination and approximation, in their various formats, do not allow such freshness to last long, and the more special the requirement, the less the time, in general, and myriad-form are ALL the items and elements, mental, physical, manual, optical required.
In review then, of a complex item and its source, the concept of a 'bits' focus, is not really in view, although there may be thousands of them. Why ? it is because the whole impact is the finish, the one thing, its clear capacity and all in one,its evocation of thought as a model of mind, a spectacle of wonder, a work of creation. That is the only way such things come together ... such as DNA.
Once you have (if you could) a programmed master machine to do most of it for you, then you can expect to see some of these things approximated to each other at the right time, worked into each other with net precision, because each part and process has its pre-thought and carefully induced and produced power, and the whole is precisely thought out and only then worked out, a tribute to the designer. It does not present itself happening in any other way.
The adequacy of the basis is what is continually found, and in life, the DNA and associated languages and modes are that basis, and they are never found, any more than the suit, to occur naturally, any more than any other COMMAND with MESSAGE is found to emanate from matter as such. IT required work to put it there, as it is a most legislated type of thing, and IT THEN requires work to make it do what it is never found to do by itself, having a different sort of discernible or observable constitution, such as is not found to be adequate to make suits or machines, but can be formed and formulated by work to follow messages about its tasks.
Messages, being purposive and manipulative of symbols by assignment so that they may be understood or implemented, these too do not make themselves. Moreover, it is not only what is visibly made, but what is perfectly invisible to our eyes as created with their marvellous but strictly limited powers (cf. It Bubbles ... Ch. 9, Repent or Perish Ch. 7), which is required, for the item known as man. if you should ever consider the matter of man, you need what is spirit as well, as in the text above.
Motivation does not have weight or colour, nor does truth have the power to be measured in grams, nor for that matter, is logic matter, except that it is a matter for thought; and that is an entirely different matter!
Indeed the entire 'bits' philosophy concerning creation (of whatever, by whomever) is not merely irrelevant to the totality in view, but if to be considered at all, a side issue. It is usable as an element, but so are stones to walk on. They do not constitute the motion forward.
On the 'bits' philosophy, see the following.
Message of the Words of God ... Chs. 5, 4,
Christ Incomparable, Lord Indomitable Ch. 2,The gods of naturalism have no go! 14
Evidence and Reality Chs. 2, 5, 6, 7
Impossible to Men, Open to God Ch. 3,
Dig Deeper, Higher Soar ... Ch. 1,
The Kingdoms of This World, and the Kingdom of Christ Ch. 8,The Holocaust of Morality Ch. 3,
Glory, Vainglory and Goodness. Ch. 1,God's Gift of Grace in Christ Jesus Ch. 7,
History, Review and Overview ... Ch. 5,
It Bubbles ... Ch. 9
Spiritual Food and Spiritual Drink Ch. 4,Repent or Perish Ch. 7,
Possess Your Possessions Volume 3, 3, esp. *2, *3.
Some of the more fascinating aspects of the movement of the automated, but sophisticatedly controlled elements involved in the building living materials, is the power of a code to be implemented in a consequence, as when the message as it is called is transferred to chemicals, the one read, the other realised. The combination of interpretation and actualisation, the symbol and the result, not only for it to be gained with clarity, but to have the POWER to be gained at all, is all part of the pervasive combination of word and work which characterises speech with authority, command and message with performance, and the basic elements in the universe with the prodigies of organisation and arrangement.
Thus you have organisation (in these chemical and physical elements), and the power to achieve them and implement their missions on a sound basis, and creative and constructive organisation all over again, this time not in inherent organisation as with matter, but verbally explicit and visible chemical speech, with facilities staggering in their interplay, contributions and method of making them.
Professor J.C. Sanford in his work Genetic Entropy & The Mystery of the Genome, condenses in overview some of these latter considerations usefully on pp. 1-3.
See also...
TMR 5, 7 , It Bubbles ... Ch. 9, esp. *1A,
The Bright Light ... 7,
Repent or Perish, Ch. 7, pp. 152ff.; Ch. 2;
Christ, the Wisdom ... Ch. 6; BAB 29, 19;
A Spiritual Potpourri Chs. 1-3; SMR 3,
Little Things Ch. 5, Wake Up World! ... Ch. 5, End-Note 1A,
Tender Times ... Ch. 11;
Barbs ... 29, 19;
TMR 9, Grand Biblical Perspectives Ch. 7,
What is the Chaff to the Wheat! Chs. 3, 4, 10, 11,
Deity and Design, Designation and Destiny Chs. 3, *3, 8.
Entropy, what is it ? It betokens a running down to lower levels of energy, of design, as noted in TMR Ch. 1, which refers to ...
"the KNOWN scientific law of increase of entropy for a given system, such as this entire universe.
Entropy? LESS specialisation, organisation, differentiation;
MORE approach to death, devolution, downgrade."
It is not the easiest to outrun and outwit a scientific law, but if you want to do it, one thing that is absolutely necessary is evidence! Since such a law is intended to say NOT what might happen, or could happen but very well may not, but what DOES happen, just as electrons, protons and neutrons happen, at the institutional level, it needs to be given some interest in its application. An automatic arising of an entropy decrease, an arising of a movement towards greater upgrade, new levels and the like, in a given system, freshly fashioned with energy is not the nature of things. Thus, before assuming it, it is wise to check your findings! Of course intelligence may contrive this, using laws advisedly to do it, and energy directed to the point; but the theory in view does not use such a thing, as it surveys how intelligence and all the rest came to pass, attributing sub-moronic intelligence, that is none, to such intelligent attainments.
Was this concept duly consulted in the case before us ? and were the facts in the findings mirrored by words ?
Such, it seems, was not the case - or if there was any checking, the result was not carefully taken in the matter of gene arousal into new ebullience, new forms of creation, on the upward line. That was the concept. The fact is more important. Let us consider.
In Journal of Creation, Vol. 28 (1), an article gives evidence on the INVENTION of a summary of data, which was evidently not merely misleading, but FOUNDED on a contrary theory. The theory called the facts. This is not science, though it has become increasingly common in committed disciples of an auto-generative world (grabbed from nothing ultimately, if not in admission, then in logical format). It is always hard to do things before you are there to do them, or to make theories of what is not there to do things, so that they achieve things like this universe. But if you DO admit an eternal adequacy back of it all, then it is simply ignored and a smile, a flirtation with fancy occurs, and you suddenly have pressure, time, space, mathematical organisation and the operation of causation all neatly lined up for no known reason, to achieve great things - of all ideas - from an explosion! It is the Big Smash, a great idea founded on no logical premiss. But this is just an example.
Now in this realm, we return to a case, cited by Alex Williams (pp. 122-126, op.cit.). He refers to the Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database, covering 1092 genomes reported, October 2012. He finds gross deletions outnumber gross insertions 5 to 1. Progressive damage is once more attested; the law, the Second Law of Thermodynamics, is not wrong! He sums up findings including this: "Our genomes are accumulating deleterious mutations, not 'beneficial ones', and they are losing DNA faster than they are gaining it." You cannot really advance by regress, or accumulate by loss. It is better to recognise this. Backing is not going forward and regress is not progress.
Speaking of Fisher's 1930 forming of the nomenclature of beneficial and deleterious ones, Williams reviews the case in point. No beneficial ones were found, but the terminology was required so that the theory of design arising might be satisfied. " 'Beneficial' mutations are a necessary component of Darwinian theory, so they are simply assumed to exist." It is as if a theory were saying of itself, To be or not to be!" and then finding that an underlying hypothesis required it, deciding that there was no question. It would not let the side down: it WOULD be!
The point is made that Fisher had no evidence at all for the beneficial variety of mutation, so had to imagine it. People have died for their religion, and in this, it appears that, at this time at least, this scientist lived for his. Is it not possible to have a terrorist against the truth ? That is the quality of the depiction in Isaiah 59:13-15), even without realisation that there has been a subtle training over a long period, so perhaps making it almost automatic. Reference to the missing may thus become a mandate, and the absent becomes an assumption, for it MUST be present!
As so often, a mathematical model is made, complete with graph, and there is a nice balance of each type, positive and negative variation; but since there are no examples of the latter, Williams removes this non-existent category in terms of the evidence, and what an alteration in the mandate! It collapses. The portrayal corrected at the source, has no more format to coddle it.
What is the human power to invent to do, then, when absolute commitment to a theory, currently enjoying a majority scientific ZOOM, like a share market boom ? Almost like a tic, it comes that truth, evidence, observable, verifiable reality is trivialised. Instead a form of evidence is invented by servile imagination, and we find a depiction of a format involving what not there. This gives form to fiction, and traction to untruth.
A large study of the topic of beneficial changes to the human genome, reported by Boyko, A. R. et al, in terms of Assessing the evolutionary impact of amino acid mutations in the human genome, noted by Williams, reported the following. Thus 27-29% of amino-acid changing mutations were neutral or nearly so, 30-42% were moderately deleterious and nearly all the rest were exceedingly so. The comment made and cited by Williams, however, did not reflect this fact. They could not find beneficial mutations "when they went looking for them."
The constraints of theory appear once more to have activated words to reflect what fitted, however unfit. It is always hard to attribute to something, what it does not do, and to a function, what it does not illustrate. But it can be and is often done.
In fact, welcomed with relief, changes may facilitate life in a special environment while it occurs, even when the genome is damaged (as, by way of illustration, when a car, bashed in at the rear, fits better in a garage); but such adventitious events and procedures are not to the point at all, when you are looking at what makes the design in the first place. In the same way, there is a virtual war, even involving law courts, to remove the very word 'design' from what are manifestly as products, just that, as if theory were to dictate to events, and summon descriptions in the very face of fact. Deity and Design ... Ch. 2 deals with this sadly twisted phenomenon, while Ch. 8 relates in some depth to it, while Department of Bible and Spiritual Affairs Vol. 4, Ch. 12 covers issues likewise.
See for example,
Waiting for Wonder, Appendix, Department of Bible ... Vol. 2, Ch. 7.