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Christ or Culture,

Truth or Tedium

Captivity or Liberty ?

Take the liberty implicit in predestination and freewill as presented in the Bible. This is presented in 7 volumes, but for now consider the issue of complexity.

Some may say, it is too  complex.  But would you expect deep things concerning God to be child's play ?

There is meat and there is milk (I Corinthians 3:2). It is  vain and unbiblical to become God's dietician- consultant for man. It is HE who makes those decisions. Meat can humble;  milk can nourish. Meat can  also deepen; and depth is not to be despised, any more than its literal type in building physical muscle.

The will is not involved in salvation,  some  say. They may cite John  1:12. It is true that the human  will, defiled and fouled, is not capable of choosing God; but this does not make it irrelevant TO GOD, in His foreknowledge, which logically and biblically precedes predestination.

God does not dictate to man, but  appeals,  says another (Ezekiel 33:11).  This is true, and often found; but God IS sovereign, and it is according to His OWN will that He selects (Romans 9).

These things need orientation which is not hard, but it takes thought; so who wants to be thoughtless about such things when even Income Tax may tax the mind!

What then ? Is it so hard ? The human will as endlessly made clear in the Bible, as expression of human  preference, for one constructed in the image of God, is make conspicuously relevant to the divine disposition of things repeatedly. It is cited as what is in the way of the divine desire that the world be saved (John 3:15-19), that all things whether on earth or in heaven be reconciled to God (Colossianhs 1:19) and that between God and man there being one Mediator only, it is that divinely desired that all should come to the knowledge of the truth.

Christ in Matthew 23:37 makes it abundantly clear that their unwillingness was built in adverse relationship to His own natural and supernatural desire for them (cf. SMR Appendix B), as does Proverbs 1,  Ezekiel 33:11, and endless mournings as in Isaiah 48:16ff., invitations as in Jeremiah 17, protestations and offered enablements as in Proverbs 1,  these and more as  sited in this site.

Christ is not God dimenuendo, being only in form and format so limited: to see Him IS to see God (John 14:9) and His doctrine is as commanded by the Father (John 12:48-50). HE is the I AM (John 8:58), as in  Isaiah 48:15ff., John 5:19ff., where He and  His Father act in the same way!

The result is this: Man, each one of us, is entirely responsible for informed (John 15:22) decisions concerning God. These are not the ULTIMATE consideration, but the operational expression of it, known to God concerning us before we so much as existed. He has what He will and this He wills, and cites it abundantly, directly or by extremely clear implication. That merely INCREASES the responsibility since it is then not a pure question of circumstance (John 6:65). On the other hand, when such knowledge is NOT given on earth, the criterion in heaven, fore-KNOWLEDGE concerning the soul, is NOT met, so that to assume such souls are lost is a work of supererogation. That is, it passes the principles. That God  has it worked out this way or that, before our time was,  is true; that the PRINCIPLE by which He has done so includes what He is, what Christ showed of the Father, His planned and stated intention and the caveats which He disclosed: this IS certain.

When therefore man makes war, it is not a mere regrettable circumstance. The Gospel of grace in the Messiah is well known, and while some may not have had its impact even now, it is not a thing of passing interest but a foundation of 2000 years of vast movements in this world, some national, some in States, in large segments, in vast revivals. To be sure, it has been distorted by sects, ancient and new, which make it all but impossible even for the elect to escape the delusive folly of the quislings who misquote, misread, disturb and distemper the holy text. Yet that as Christ said, is something that they would succeed in doing IF IT WERE POSSIBLE (Matthew 24:11,24). Since the elect, those chosen withe DIVINE PRINCIPLE which is the result of God's love, are what they are, it follows that it is NOT possible.

This increases, once more, the responsibility of those who shatter the bones, deface the bodies, defile the lives of those whom they oppress, whether they be suicide bombers or heads of State who make war, when this is the case, without warrant, by pride, or with bombast, or for mere gain. James is not light in his treatment of such (James 4:1-3); nor is this any wonder. Who are these who incite freedom's loss because of some myth, as in the organic evolutionary subterfuge, whether in the sub-type of racial superiority or any other! As to that particular myth, the less it is seen, the more it is protested; the more it is decried by the non-conformist facts, the less it is criticised, in one of the most colossal ventures into magic this world has ever seen, comparable to the pre-Reformation sale of indulgences.

There is NO indulgence for madness, mangling of the ideas of the young, force-fed myth which is by mere compulsion introduced into seductive curricula as if folly were another name for secular education, and surreptitious religious preference were another way of life, provided it is sufficiently popular. For all these things, together with their more violent outcomes, such as occurred in Germany, and the inter-racial prejudices, such as are becoming more apparent even in this once more moral land, as against the Jews, against Israel, there is responsibility. Those who pursue them bear their responsibility.

For many in many places in the world, the name of Israel is being waylaid as if by some modern Ned Kelly, though the wars which continue do so ONLY BECAUSE the Arab side has TWICE refused amazingly good terms, involving Israel's freely given up much of what she has gained in the wars-to-eliminate-Israel which have been fought in 1948, 1967 and 1973. Is it not enough to have Jerusalem an international city ? NO, said the protagonists against Israel, in 1947! So war continued. For this, there is responsibility. Again the offer under President Clinton: amazingly liberal. NO! said Arafat. Then war and mangled bodies and moral intonations as if it were justified in some sense, that the nation of Israel be obliterated now it is formed, as it was near to being before the Jews aggregated, hoping to be free from further illicit European pogroms, Auschwitzes and the like.

This is but an example. It does not glorify Israel, because it is smitten and has made such monumental efforts to continue to exist and to be reasonable concerning arrangements. It merely notes that some at least of its actions are understandable. When put near extinction by vast armies, a fledging State, it then yields some of its miraculously attained land to the operatives of extinction, such as Sinai. What more ? It seeks to defend its narrow land from endless incursion and rockets ? Bad: consider Dresden, consider Berlin and London in World War II, and marvel. No nation is as it should be, but let discrimination be based on evidence, not anti-Semitism, or unreasoning surges against a land. Does this justify errors in Israel ? Not at all. If in the midst of pillage and assault in its tiny domain it over-reacts, this is not good; and if it like some nations, even tortures, this is wrong. But who judges ? and for what ? and if there is to be judgment, let the circumstances at least be considered, and all who have done any such thing be judged with the same vehemence.

Better yet, let all such things stop, foolish rhetoric cease, and those who do not wish to make a State desperate, cease with rockets playing the desperado against. While it is regrettable if someone being murderously assaulted knocks you in the stomach as you wrestle, be a little restrained at least, before you condemn, and consider your own actions. It is not impossible to be reasonable and peaceable, and to cease endless provocation and distortion and warlike thrust, ignoring all humanity in endless assaults while pouting at consequences. If Israel in EXISTING annoys, what is the alternative to genocide ? If the land of Palestine, its homeland under the League, is shamelessly removed from it, is there to be this din when it has but a little of it and is pounded anew! Did Israel the nation reject Christ ? How many nations today have not done so! Is the Prince of Peace ignored ? In that case you can EXPECT war: Peace Pty Unlimited when voided, means War Unlimited. We have it. That is how it works. God is not silent, and man for his part, is adversely vociferous, against the Maker openly, by would-be duplication or alternation, or against this or that part of His creation.

God acted. God has the plan for salvation just as He showed it in DNA for the creation of life. If it is ignored, there is RESPONSIBILITY. Why be surprised, outraged or despondent, in arms or upset when this is the cause. It is like drinking and drinking and being annoyed that you become drunk.

Yet there is hostility, there is effort to oppress business, to suppress academic discussion between medical experts from Israel, even in this land, as if she were sinning by existing, and not laying down her head on the lap of new hitleresque would-be conquerors, new inquisitorial banners with banners which speak of hostility without warrant, and clamour because Israel takes steps as did England, when threatened with total ruin or adversity in slavery to what it did not believe.

Every action bears responsibility, including that of removing the testimony of Jesus Christ by subversive educational propaganda such as this nation has taken in mind if not to its heart, for decades now.

When the wonders of Europe are sold into shambles by the voice of a weird dictator of ludicrous racial conceptions, the Hitler of yesterday, and whole nations are ruined, if not permanently, then in a way that without assistance from the USA after  1946, would have been felt far more, is there no responsibility ? Is there nothing wrong in the arrangements to dissolve the Romanist political party by which device,  Hitler could enter and triumph ?  This done, he forbad any new political party, and so the weakness of a time became the folly of an era. NO CHURCH can accept conditions from a godless dictator for its management, since its Lord is God, and God is not mocked. You can die; not rely on indulgence giving YOUR particular religion superior or formally specified good placement by decree, so that you are recognised and allowed some semblance of liberty.

EVERYTHING bears responsibility. Those who propose that the exquisite technology of sexuality, linked to birth and the human race, be not only disregarded, as if the greatest wonders of creation were mere persiflage, and encourage children to gain these biblically defined moral deformities, while misteaching them concerning the principles of design in creation, and removing the very consideration of creation from education, bear responsibility. The exquisite production known as children soiled, spoiled, misled, kept from information and fed selectively ? This has nothing of responsibility ? there are no result ? One learns from notable correspondent of 1934-1940 in Germany, William Shirer (below) how ludicrous misstatement concerning war results were programmed in principle by cunning deviousness, to delude the people. Like that, so this must bear its own responsibility. If that ignored evidence, so does this; if that was intentional deceit, how much better is what DENIES opportunity for the victim child in class-rooms to survey the matter for himself, for herself!

Creation, by curricular contrivance, unlike its moribund partner, the evolutionary myth, is not taught, is not evoked, is not presented, and simple comparisons of claims and results do not appear, but propaganda, statements which do not acquaint with reality, but with desired data only! Such is the national trend in this land (cf. TMR Ch. 8). It litters the earth (cf. Beauty for Ashes Ch. 3, Secular Myth or Sacred Truth). How can such  escape responsibility for their inflamed prejudice! It is almost like insisting that wards in a hospital be not cleansed with scrupulous and conscientious care, the status quo being deemed right.

Again, is marriage, a provision used concerning the mode of continuation of the race, and viewed as such  as an esteemed institution, to be now in addition, a title to be conferred on those whose alliance is in itself a voiding of the design (Deity and Design  ...), the active and operational method granted to man, for the race to produce the wonders of the new child! This appears not only the slap to the face of the Creator to be delivered roughly, but more. Are the hands of His servants and their youth to be TIED in the schools, while this is done, and are their careers to be in chains if they disobey! In one US State, a secondary school not conforming to the anti-creationist line in its disposition, but daring to teach more broadly, as if to educate and not to indoctrinate, had its students' results quashed for College entrance purposes.

Is this not a responsibility for those who do such things! Remember how Shirer, step by step, showed the anaesthesia of many in Germany, as clever lies successively and in part successfully misled the people in principle and in data, so that there was far less follow up on the atrocities which were here and there, discerned, and the direction of persecution of liberty and of Jews, Hitler's intensive bugbear. Indeed, it was by appeal to the hatred of Jews and Communism, the latter a fallen philosophy to be sure*1A, that he managed more and more to appeal to some elements in order to gain acceptance for others! So does prejudice injury truth, and stretch out its force to derail lives.

Again, how does man hope to avoid such much argued but multiply evident dangers as those of climate change, whatever the cause ? for God knows what He is doing, a fact as you cannot miss if you read the Bible of His account to man (cf. SMR, TMR). Therefore, when man ASKS irresponsibly for discipline,  as if God did not exist, as if He did not matter and could do nothing when in fact what HIS WORD, the Bible has stated, He has ALWAYS done, never missing! is this even rational ? But man propounds and pounds this and that as if responsibility were far from his mind, and care from his conception, while passion rules and infamy spreads like weeds, wherever he sees fit to place it!

So man drives his carriage into the brick wall of truth, and wonders that it is not nicer to him.

If it is not this, it will be that, like a car not only not serviced but abused by ignoring its design! How can you avoid war when you are at war with your Creator as a basis of your very being, and judge all things, with increasing dismissal of freedom, making the defence of the word of the Almighty virtually actionable, as if it were something even criminal to show its truth!

As Micah the prophet puts it of those similarly misled in an earlier time, they "prepare war against Him who puts nothing into their mouths," Micah 3:5. That is, this is the case with false prophets who merely make up their own ideas, and imagine or call them from God, or with appearance of reverential regard, war on the God whose word they violate! The followers share in such wares.

What then ? "Therefore will you have night without vision!" (Micah 3:6). Chapter 3 of Micah proceeds in what is profitable to read. How MANY nations have to learn in misery of the false religious notions they permit, then parade, then persist in, then may even normalise and allow rocketing, to bring ruin ? As in the parable, if some evil spirit comes to the heart of man, and being driven out, leaves scope for truth and liberty divine, and this is not seized, then 7 worse ones stand ready to invade and invest the spiritually stricken person or people (Luke 11:26). Man is not naturally a vacuum, and in this way and that, his insolvent spirit makes its bid in things foolish, because there is space, lebensraum, and it is soon filled when inert.

If liberty is to exist, where is the educational means ? If education is to exist, where is the diligence comparison of cases in matters deserving it! If restraint exists, why are the children, and then youth, handcuffed to the walls of dungeons of thought, where the free air of conscientious consideration of all that is involved, is presented, at every level, whether the topic be history or biology, geology or creation evolutionism or other ?  BEING ABLE to do this at every level is part of the ART of education. There is no excuse.

Responsibility in mankind is in everything. The failure to recognise, and the efforts to use religion for State purposes, whether in Russia, the USSR, China, the USA or Australia, in different ways and regards, to use culture instead of research as the criterion, and to name the culture admitted to the bar of acceptance with mere ill-considered caprice: it is this precisely which is the type of arrogance, the hype of abandonment and the prelude to judgment. Did the USSR enjoy its lilting experience with intellectually dead, heroically propagandised Communism, foisted on a broken nation after its lapse in World War I ? Did its massacred millions rejoice at their prepared fate, and did the lied to populace embrace it with a continuing warmth to their scared bosoms ? or did Germany find it agreeable to have some 7 years of partial want before the real bombardments increased the disruption and disgrace in World War II ? or did the Japanese gain from their State-religious enterprise ? so applicable as all the others claimed, to their nation ? Has Africa gained from its new predators, in negativity so clothed that increasingly they are bare not only to thump the chest but the weep with it ?

  Is the grand new enterprise from the Common Market in Europe which was not at all to involve loss of sovereignty, but a simple economic marvel for all, which now shows just how easy it is, in the EU form, to have a 'common destiny' without specifying what it is, or a common past, when in fact it has been most uncommon, Europe in name, vastly diverse in kind and kindred. It has shown itself in THIS nation and THAT, such as Spain and Portugal, once by the pope appointed for world shares along a line of division, or Italy with its own dream, not wholly without implementation, of a vast and imperious, imperial rule, that looked most odd with the derogation of Italian troops, it appears, by Hitler as allies. Is it Romanist as in the wracked days of the Inquisition ? or is it Lutheran as in parts of Germany after war, or Calvinist as in Geneva with no small effect, however wrong to use such a term to define one's religion ? or is it secular ? and what has been right or important in the past to be picked up for the common destiny of the future ?

When Germany lay waste, still suffering from the results of World War I,  in the early days of Hitler, seven worse spirits indeed lay at its politically propagandised door ? the same is true of Russia earlier, and what is the nostrum now ? Why it is clear, we now read, that if the debt problem is to be mastered, far greater co-operation must occur, a far more total immersion of all in the plan for all, and a more common METHOD of finding the undefined common destiny. So vague theatrics become concrete channels in which it must run: but where ? What a past destiny Europe has already had with the rampaging of many of its nations, possession of the globe by this or that one, for this or that reason ? What is common ? What are they all TO DO!

Biblically the answer is stated already*IB They are to be yet more amalgamated, and just as Hitler so very nearly brought about a dream which was in fact a nightmare, but still a unifying one for their direction by some who held an arbitrary power with a heartlessness all but ready to serve for all time as its practical definition, so there will come a time prophetically, when that near miss becomes a triumphalist success. The extraordinary lust of Henri Spaak, prominent in Europe some decades ago, that Europe wanted a leader and be he god or devil, they would follow him, is precisely what is divinely prescribed for a people who so ravaged Africa and looted, lording it over part of South America and Mexico, while they soared in science. They even made efforts to impose their own religious monolith and tradition. Force has not been unknown in Europe's escapades; and if not all have been malevolent, much has been oppressively toxic. Slavery has been a side-line, though it has no longer such a display of pure hideousness to make.

It is not impossible to learn; but it seems the more man learns about the laws God has inscribed in nature, so that man may read and re-formulate them for himself, the less he learns about himself, and the more he is unwilling to find the God who allowed him both to be and to have something to find in his science.


As you read a work like that of William L. Shirer (Berlin Diary), resident in Europe and for long in Berlin, from 1934 -1940, and consider the way in which Hitler in cunning ways implemented now here, by this method, now there by that, now in subversion of churches, now in slow release of the anti-Jewish laws, now referring to many centuries of assault on the Jews (Romanists did indeed practice such works for centuries, but with no biblical warrant*2), using fact and prejudice in combination to rule the minds of many: then you have warning indeed. Subtle, sequential implementation of a program of delusion is far from difficult, and has been practised with staggering results - in both senses of the word!

Whatever religious body might elect to have used force in matters of faith,  it was still utterly contrary to its commands as in John 18:36 and Matthew 23:8-10, 26:53ff.), to have such things mandated. These authorities, apparently forgetful of the principial distinction between BEING crucified and crucifying inherent in Christianity, not only in Christ, but in the way prescribed for His disciples (as in Galatians 2:20, II Peter 1, Matthew 5), deployed in various ways over blood-soaked centuries their diverse charms, in social, personal, racial, religious syntheses to taste. In claiming the past actions of authorities in Europe in dealing with Jews, Hitler fortified his fanaticism by claiming he would continue and perfect it, aiding Romanism with which he made a concordat, the equivalent of a treaty, but between the Romanist body and the Nazi one. By such selectively favourable agreements, and liberties granted, and such combinations, such syntheses, sin mounts, a monument adorns itself, and its idolatrous status becomes apparent as millions die in misery as the bearers of its burden, not Jews only, but others with contrary vision.

The spirit back of Hitler is well enough shown in his own testimony in  1933.

At an April 26, meeting with Bishop Wilhelm Berning of Osnabrück, representative of the German Bishops’ Conference, Hitler declared:

I have been attacked because of my handling of the Jewish question. The Catholic Church considered the Jews pestilent for fifteen hundred years, put them in ghettos, etc., because it recognized the Jews for what they were. In the epoch of liberalism the danger was no longer recognized. I am moving back toward the time in which a fifteen-hundred-year-long tradition was implemented. I do not set race over religion, but I recognize the representatives of this race as pestilent for the state and for the Church, and perhaps I am thereby doing Christianity a great service by pushing them out of schools and public functions.

His underlying plan has been interestingly noted in Lewy, The catholic Church and Nazi Germany, p. 26 as brought to light  in Wikepedia on the Reichskonkordat. We learn that in 1933 Hitler told Herman Rauschning of the stupidity of Bismarck in his Kulturkampf impact. He for his part would  use more subtlety though with little difference, it seems, in intended outcome.

We should trap the priests by their notorious greed and self indulgence. We shall thus be able to settle everything with them in perfect peace and harmony. I shall give them a few years reprieve. Why should we quarrel? They will swallow anything in order to keep their material advantages. Matters will never come to a head. They will recognise a firm will, and we need only show them once or twice who is the master. They will know which way the wind blows.[12]
It is always better to deal not at all regarding the Church's running and modes and authority with the State, and in intact integrity, to continue or be stopped except by death or prison. What seeks to delimit Christ is always unacceptable. What wishes to  extract from a Church only what the law of God in any case states,  is acceptable. What seeks to circumvent it or indirectly or directly assume the power to run it, however mildly at first,  cannot be accepted. Christ was crucified, but made no concordat. The prince of this world,  said Christ, has nothing in  Me...nothing! (John 14:30). Nevertheless, this concordat, not the first, was duly made,  and appeared to give to  Romanism a soft landing. This would not in fact occur; and as Hitler noted, they would find out what he really had in  mind, in due course.

Thus the initial horror is allayed somewhat, and the nation is the more readily subverted, as if this were merely an adornment to the past, and a ready and right way to the future. But whether it be in Japan or in Europe, whether in Russia or the USSR, in Mecca or in the Middle East, inveterate, irrational, continually judgmental war of those who proclaim this or that unverified and unvalidated religion (cf. SMR), be it in the secular hiding place or openly such, there is responsibility. Nothing anywhere removes it. GOD has told us what to do in the sermon on the Mount, in the commandments of Christ, in the word of God; and the race is so far from doing it that put to the test,  if God be right, then it MUST lead to just what we see, to this very empirical result which is current world history. He is and it does.

It leads and has led to such enormities of scale, follies of misrepresentation, distortions of truth, collisions with reality, pitiful changes of course for convenience, to the upholding of dictatorships and then removing the ally at a stroke, disturbances in many places as if force had even the slightest relationship to the establishment of truth, or vehemence in unfaithfulness had any acceptance by the very One who spoke us into existence. It is He who made the specifications for our DNA, that language of programmatic skill with information about information written with the rest in its ultra-programming sophistication! He also has told us what to do with the result, with the mind that occupies the equipment and the spirit which runs the mind (cf. Christ Incomparable  ... Ch. 2).

If then God is against you, why glory for your little moment of rule and ruination, as is common, as did Israel so often (as in Psalm 106, Ezekiel 20, II Kings 17, II Chronicles 36), and as have done its enemies likewise so often. Babylon, no more, Nineveh, no more, Tyre as it was, no more, yes and Jerusalem twice smashed to ruin and then rebuild in a mode utterly alien before the 20th century showed the promised and ultimate mercy of God: and what of these ? These are tokens of the horror of ignoring reality and making of man his own light, man whose whole body is an exhibit of the word which nature cannot and does not speak (no instance is found!), but which has been spoken by Intelligence into it, as is the mode with information*3.

How long must man molest man, his mind, his body, his babies, children, youth, and how often must he ignore the word of God so clear, so inviolable, so empirically effective, unlike the follies of misplaced philosophy which have through advocates, as through those of misused religion, aborted blessing for the human  race. Instead of this favour, such leverages of ruin, through impassioned presenters, act swiftly before he wakes up! WHEN as currently in Australia, and potentially in other places, the extreme measures appeal, it is like an aeroplane currently hurtling at 600 mph toward the earth in a spin, when the pilot calls for more acceleration! It is not just that it is folly; it is unimaginable in its extent, horrifying in its intellectual paralysis as in its dream:  when it is necessary not only to be awake, but to stop the delusion and rectify the spin.

Hitler is by some  called an atheist; but the human mind when on  vacation from truth, which is not mandatory but a mission with many, is complex and who can know it (Jeremiah 17:9-10); though God does. Hitler would ponder his racist paraphernalia, his evolutionary paradigm, his thoughts of progress, of power,  of point, of principle, and might find there some kind of a god, one which would be served by force, elevated from the ashes of illusion to the heights of an illusory glory, to be conferred authoritatively on the master race.  Carried away with his religious feeling and intellectual disaster, he could refer in what appears  passionate embrace, to 'God'. Indeed, he could  call on him!

This we see  for example in his exclamation at the reciprocal bombing of Berlin, just as he bombed London. Worked up into unholy exasperation, he cried: "We will stop the handiwork of these air pirates, so help us God." This is noted in Shirer (op. cit. p. 389, September 1940). Much the same sort of kink appears from the lips of one,  Dr Ley in his Christmas proclamation,  cited for December 28, 1939, in Shirer (p.  215): "The Führer is always right. Obey the Führer. The mother is the highest expression of womanhood. The soldier is the highest expression of manhood. God is not punishing us by this war, he is giving us the opportunity to prove whether we are worthy of our freedom."

Man is ever erecting clay gods and following them, with as much effect, other than the devastations of illusion, as if he were following clouds. These are not entirely illusory, however, merely effectually so; for the evil forces that love to quench the Spirit of God in man, delude the dynamic into gross folly, entice the unwary into passionate embrace of what is mere devastation in illuminated script, that cannot at first be read because of the glare, these exhibit their prowess with the ease of an influenza epidemic. When finished, you can survey the death, the wounded, the woe-begone and consider what remains and what is gone and why. However, in the spiritual realm, blindness is an additive,  so that precisely as Christ declared in His own generation, Their eyes they have closed lest I should heal them!

This is neither limited to Israel in its singular past, nor to the first century A.D. for the Gentiles in their tedious present. It leads to blind intractability even before truth, and this has moved, and will  move man into forms of slavery such as he has often enough imposed on others, but is to impose race-wide on himself (cf. Tender, True, Revelation 13, 17,II Thessalonians 2). However, truth, because God has it and is it, does not wander, and the universal parade of the hitleresque pre-occupation, the tyranny of illusion and grandeur (whether of the 'master race' or of the human race in the same facade), has an end. It comes whether the cry be explicit, or the cause be merely implicit, for God is a Spirit and knows the spirit of man*4 , and his inward dealings, and needs no lawyer to point out the thrust of things.

Responsibility was born with man, for man, and it continues in every nook and cranny, as in every mass movement and national poise, calumny and assertion. Nothing is nothing, as one medical specialist once deliciously said of skin matters; and all is accountable.

As to man, he has both beginning and end, on this earth; and it is well that the One who made him, has for him not only redemption into reality, by His own work as man, in Christ Jesus, but a coming time when the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea (Isaiah 11), before the whole history of the human exploit being finished, it is dismissed and a new heavens and earth in which righteousness freely dwells, is instituted (Matthew 23:35, II Peter 3).







 *1 A

Tender Times for Timely Truth Ch.   8;
The Grating Grandeur ... Ch.   2; SMR  pp. 925ff.
, 971-972;

Beauty for Ashes Ch.    6 (and Hong Kong, and the movement of nations in the last century a concern),

with News 98, News 37.

A useful larger selection:

Aviary of Idolatry Delusive Drift or Divine Dynamic Ch.    5,

News 37. 44,  69, 97 (the exploiters, the fanciful,
the Communists, the de-godders and the realities)
,  98,
News 150 - Taiwan,

The Grating  Grandeur and Aggrandisement of Man,
and the Meekness of the Majestic Messiah

Beauty for Ashes Ch.    6 (and Hong Kong, and the movement of nations in the last century a concern),

Tender Times for Timely Truth Ch.   8;
SMR  pp. 925ff., 971-972;

Beauty of Holiness Ch.   3
(war and force, rising downwards, Tiananmen and truth),
4 (liberty, Tiananmen, worship and its direction in time, its terms and code of truth); History, Review and Overview   Ch. 1,
Impossible to Men, Open to  God Ch.

See also Lord of Life Ch.   8.



See on these aspects, the following:

SMR pp. 730-731, 886-888, 899-973A,
esp. 904 ff., 923-930, 955-956, 973A, 955-958.


 The Pitter-Patter of Prophetic Feet Ch.    1 with Highway of Holiness Ch.  10 (comprehensive outline Babylon, Rome and Daniel-Europe );

Joyful Jottings  14, Divine Agenda
Ch.   3,
Heart and Soul
Chs.   9, 10, 11,
Trust God ...
Ch. 7, His Time is Near Ch.    8;

Pall of Smoke and Diamond of Joy
Ch.  10,
...  Immovable Faith
Ch.   4 (and Empire disposition)
(some survey of developments),


His Wounds Opened Eternity Ch.  3 (Europe is on its mark, getting ready ...),


Ch. 4,  *5 (survey of relevant past),


What is the Wheat to the Chaff! Ch.  10,
Christ, the Cumulative and the Culmination
Ch.    4,   
Three Anzas, One Answer 
Ch.  5, 
Outrageous Outages, Awesome Inputs and the Courage of Christ  Chs. 3,  5,
His Wounds Opened Eternity
Ch.   3
(and meaning, and EU constitution);

Cascade of Truth ...
Chs.   10 , 12 , Calibrating Myths... Ch.   9, Heart and Soul Ch.  10.





Dancers ... and Answers Ch.    3,





See for example:

The Desire of the Nations and the Crystalline Fire of the Faith
Ch. 2 Epilogue

Little  Things Ch. 3, esp. *3

Beauty for Ashes Ch. 4,

Dancers ... and Answers Ch. 3,   5

Jesus Christ, Decfaced, Unfazed ... Ch. 4

Thy  Word is Wonderful Ch. 5.



On the spirit of man, see for example:

SMR  384ff.;     4,

BON VOYAGE  Ch.    2,

Glory, Vainglory and Goodness Ch.     2,

Bewilderment ... or the Beauty of Christ's Holiness Ch.     6,

Highway of Holiness    4-6


Message of the Words of God to Man in the World    Ch.  5,

Delusive Drift or Divine Dynamic Ch.     4.

Licence for Liberty Ch.   1,

Deliverance from Disorientation Ch.    8,

Sums, Summits and in Sum Ch.   11.