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Faith, Fishbones, Fiascos
and the Faithfulness of the Lord
A Contemporary Inspection and Collection
in the Inextinguishable Light of the Bible
Rev. Dr. Robert E. Donaldson
Published by World Wide Web Witness Inc.
June 2009
ISBN 978-0-9806138 9-6
Much has been happening in the Middle East in general, and in Israel in particular in the last few years. While in January of this year, some of the aspects and developments in Israel, and concerning it, have been compiled from earlier presentations, to enable a collection in this one field (ISRAEL II) , others were not included and much has been written since that time. Another volume of collected presentations from earlier years has also been written and is here noted (ISRAEL I). But now ?
The unfolding of the ultimate conflicts for Israel, closely linked to the return of the Lord as one sees both from Luke 21:24 and Romans 11, from Isaiah 59 and Micah 7, is thus of an intensified importance.
It is not just that there is no other nation which has had a history like that of Israel, for the very simple reason that no other particular nation has ever been so selected by deity for a commission to enlighten the world with the truth concerning God, has both wrought magnificently and foully in the process, and has been given its overall historical results in advance, and had this also, the fact that it would be foretold, itself foretold (as in Amos 3:7).
It has thus been a messenger to heed for the word of God from it, and to lament, for its own failures in the way; to admire for the courage of its faithful prophets, and its use in having the agents for this incisive product from God, the Old Testament, and to be desolated at its desolation, as a father might see one of great promise and commission, doing great things, and then dipping into the dismal and the lamentable.
As Netanyahu is now back, and Obama is now in, and their ways are in many regards like those of a flock of geese passing, and a tower in a city, for they are not close in kind, and as each tends to epitomise a philosophy; and as moreover, Netanyahu is quite sensitive to some of the prophetic facts about Israel, and to say no more, Obama seems relatively impervious in this dimension, with a new world in his eye and a method which dares to outface principles of the utmost severity: there is a certain testing. We are growing nearer to the tensions foretold and the outcomes envisaged. It is not that the USA is likely to invade Israel by force; for that is far from the intention. It is by charm and a combination of incentives that it seeks to dislocate, in its current mode, Israel from its biblical heritage more and more. While this is perhaps not the intention, it is certainly the direction of the outcome in the plans envisaged, plans mutual for the Madrid Quartet.
Here, then, we are not speaking of an enemy, but of what in this world's divisions comes across in reputation as the greatest earthly, national friend for Israel! Hence the instability tends to mount, and greedy eyes rove, pondering the dishonour to God, the God of the Bible, which an overthrow of Israel might constitute. Such a consideration would appeal to every devil-possessed heart; for on this, God has spoken (cf. Galloping Events Ch. 4), and foretold some of the final wrath and writhing to come, with Israel in view.
When man speaks the exact opposite to what God has said, there is sure to be more than tension and even than contention; for it draws near to the final outcomes of that vast parade called history, so incisively depicted in some of the parables of Jesus Christ, and given perspective through that magnificent intrusion, called the Gospel, where folly and faith arise like two contestants, and God is the judge. It is well for mankind that He has already judged sin, for those who receive His pardon, IN Jesus Christ, the vicarious victim to clear the slates, and already judged no less, that what rejects this, His Gospel is due for wrath (John 3:15-19,36, Isaiah 49-55); for there is mercy abundant, and there is NO OTHER MERCY: for God is judge Himself, and what despises His provisions, has no other.
Much has been written on Israel in recent events till June 2009, and it seems good at this time therefore to collect these items, together with some going back to 2007, and present them in one volume.
As to the title of this volume, ISRAEL III, and the sub-title,
Faith, Fishbones, Fiascos and the Faithfulness of the Lord, faith is well-known and the Bible to which is it wisely directed as the book of the Lord makes it clear that Israel will stick in the loud-voiced throat of the nations which seek to manipulate, control or extinguish it from its heritage. This is what we have been seeing for the last 60 years, and it is - though once this might have seemed all but impossible - increasing in irritation to that vocal part of official, political mankind!
Thus Israel's rebellion has led to follies unspeakable, fiascos instead of faith, and the Gentile insurgencies have led to follies of persecution and blindness, hatred and contempt, but the Lord who is faithful, will do exactly as He said:
concerning the faith which many have
turned to and from, |
concerning Israel as a pointer, an
inheritance and a testimony to His name, |
and concerning the Gentiles. Nothing moves, but history; and it conforms. |
The tension and contention from blindness and belligerence will continue and increase (though for a little, a plausible pause may ensue).
This reek of double rebellion, in little Israel and lunging Gentile, will not go away, or come out. What will come out is the truth, precisely as written, and many are those who will be smitten; but many will also come out of the confrontation by repentance and faith, both of Israel and of the Gentiles.
May 2007
Grand Biblical Perspectives Chs. 3, 4, 5
June 2007
Bewilderment, Bedazzlement, Bedevilment or the Beauty of Christ's Holiness Ch. 2
August 2008
The Secular, the Sacred and the Sublime Ch. 3
November 2008
The Uncomprehending Darkness
and the Self-Revealing Light
Ch. 11February 2009
March 2009
The Kingdoms of This World
and the Kingdom of Christ Ch. 1March 2009
God's Gift of Grace in Christ Jesus,
Chs. 5April 2009
Spiritual Food and Spiritual Drink
May 2009
The Track of Truth, Meadows of Mercy
and Peace of Pardon Chs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, EpilogueJune 2009
The Unsearchable Riches of Jesus Christ
and the Aggregating Debt of DismissalCurrent at the time of publication.
In these 12 divisions there are thus 24 Chapters, so that where there is more than one chapter taken from a given volume, it is taken as one division of this present work, which is emphasising the times of writing, as events now move rather swiflly. About one half of it has come from the beginning of June, 2009.