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Here we consider the indispensable reality of divinely commissioned Jerusalem, place for the Old Testament to find a glorious symbolism in the Temple, now outmoded and ironically permitted to have a Mosque around where it stood.
That, it is a
standing invitation to Jerusalem to face the fact
that their most ultimate Temple is that of Truth, known as Jesus Christ,
and though many sought to ruin Him, He is permanently restored in bodily
resurrection and will rule in a little (cf. SMR
Ch. 8).
The Mosque and all it represents in Jerusalem,
this can touch Him no more, nor can Judaism nor can Romanism, secularism, the modern Herodianism, one-world religiosity nor any other thing.
On the contrary,
just as atomic weapons are as spray in the face of the surfer, to Him,
who is invulnerable to all, having suffered for all and paid for some,
who come to Him, who calls all,
so is His invincible will about to be visited on a race,
ignoring the restoration of Israel in general and Jerusalem in particular,
as a prominent and unique
signal that His return is near,
He acts in the time and season already long appointed.
Then the saints will rejoice, from
whatever nation,
and the wicked will wail (Revelation 1, 7);
but it is not as if He did not call to one and to all in His master plan,
and merciful multitude of kindness:
for it is not what you are but whose you are which matters.
Again, it is not
where you come from but where you are going and with whom,
it is this that counts and it counts infinitely, for God IS infinite.
Blessed is the one
who trusts in the God who acts (Isaiah 64:5),
who saves,
who has spent Himself in glorious redemption
that those who spend themselves for nothing might gain the wonder
of the glorious association for ever, with God Himself,
the God of action, faithfulness and truth, the wonder of the Bible.
So the delay is dying.
The end of the Age beckons or threatens,
depending on whom you stand with, and to whom you go.
Like a Catherine Wheel cracker, that sputters to its own inglorious end in the dust,
so this world's pretentious pride and policies will meet the same end.
There arrives that day when THERE IS NO MORE TIME,
whether for ancient Israel as seen in our Old Testament excursions below,
or for this present world.
It is not time to yawn, to stretch, to have that chatty start to a prayerless day,
but to awaken to God, to the Saviour, to what lasts and started us all
at the first.
The Chapters which follow are taken from
Track of Truth, Meadows of Mercy
and Peace of
Chs. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and Epilogue
June 2009
Chapter Four
Things Impending
While creative thought without ground, seeks to replace creation, without having the power to do it or mime it or mimic it, or achieve anything to the point, being endlessly testified itself to be quite simply the PRODUCT of creative power, but is so heady as to seek to become its FOCUS, there is a conglomeration of abysses and extremities which lies on the road of this race, which it eminently deserves.
Such is the abyss into which the flighty thoughts of man, followed by their thinkers, fall, such a wound in the earth to which they consign themselves, that a TIME OF CRUX COMES. In history, it happens with all but monotonous regularity. You ask for it - rebuke, overturning of false aspiration, the take-over of reality from empty pride, correction by fact when mere fiction appeals; and it may seem for a time as if the Power above does not look; but then THE TIME COMES.
death of Alexander the Great, in the toils of banqueting; or |
of Hitler in the groins of the earth, a bunker at Berlin by his own hand or
will; |
overthrow of Mussolini in torturous manner; |
vulnerable death of a Stalin; |
humiliation of the Kaiser; |
breach of the empire of Napoleon, so that he can disport himself |
literal bankruptcy of Communism in the USSR; or even, far earlier, |
invasion of a Europe dallying with the papacy, |
decimation of Islamic power at the end of World War I; |
bondage to debt of the generous USA, so helpful |
it has come and gone. The scene moves; the principles remain.
What does not go, is not right, tends always to come to a TIME WHEN IT commences to go rather than come; and often its passing is a memory, little disturbed by review, a pile in the sand like Nineveh, or a listless ruin as Babylon became, to shock the millenia in its blight.
In this world, this process is partial, since God has appointed times for the nations and their 'experiments' in philosophy, politics, morals and seeking Him, as pulses of power and retribution, folly and repentance are at work variously (Acts 17:26-27). Yet the ashes of folly remain to be seen by the eyes that search, the archeological exhibits of the dynamisms of human history. The aspirations of man, now to folly, now for wisdom, come and go like so many sea breezes, or squalls, or typhoons as the case may be.
Man is taken suddenly, and goes like a braying ass; realises and repents and comes like a cooing dove; makes new Leagues, United Nations, things of moral seeming, teeming with contrivance and moving without morality, merely mouthing preferences and applying them with powers that be, voting and disputing, while token service is given to truth, and truth lies stricken (*2).
Judgment has shown its face; but in time, it will show its hand. Such is the biblical depiction (Acts 17:30), and it will come to the point of finale. In the end, the Degree of Advanced Torture and the Diploma of False Nurture has its result. The students are taken on at the end, to the real university of learning, at the judgment for all their complicated considerations, which have all but always, left out God, and plodded on with a singular disregard of need, while feeding the feeling for this extreme or that, from Rousseau to Hegel, from Schools of Authority to Spock, the latter leading to the Spock Shock, when he announced the unsatisfactory character of the fruit of the lavish freedoms from discipline which he had so ably advocated that many followed to their shame.
It is not however discipline alone, which can be a blithe butchery, nor is it liberty alone, a fastidious indulgence at times in education, allowing freedom to be a prison which dispels the knowledge which would make it productive: it is rather truth which must be sought with zeal, and liberty to differ which must be allowed where reason is presented. It must be possible, without ethical breach or adverse report, to exercise what is needed. That, not least, requires the liberty to displace the words of lecturer and professor, without account rendered at the hands of pride; or to have the thoughts of students displaced with reason, and not by fashion.
ONE class in Sydney University had a teacher who insisted on evolution*3 as an alternative to jumping in the lake; and one seminary in Melbourne, had a professor who assumed we were all Barthians. So does fashion seek to fashion minds, and folly seek to replace logic with laughter, or reality with conformity.
But the time comes. So many of the philosophies and theologies of man have been so famous in their day, and such lost causes after it, mere flatulence of ideation, that one has to wonder why the fanfare proceeds, and people do not adhere to the Bible quite simply, master of millenia, never rebutted, its explanation unexceptionable*4, source of verifiable prediction multitudinous, diagnosis extraordinary, with remedy attached. But this is too banal for the electric eclectics, who must have something new, novel, different, divergent. It exhibits, itself, the reasons for the rejection of Him who gave it (Romans 1:17ff., Ephesians 4, Isaiah 41, 48, Matthew 13). The rape of life, the theft of the cosmos, the imprisonment of vitality, the subduction of the spirit of man, these appeal to the spiritually licentious, to the devil, to his allies, and to the varied means of giving them ostensible legitimacy.
Thus does the fruit of liberty become the object of lust, and the wonder of opportunity become the subject of sensationalism, so that fame is wrought or bought by innovations without substance, destined for the dust, but given the glitter for the moment of wealth; for as Peter declared, from your own midst there will arise false teachers with doctrines utterly to be condemned, and they will make MERCHANDISE of many. As Christ exhibited, false christs as well as false prophets would come, the media of sin, the buccaneers of shame, the shanghai-gangs of a slavery that is worse than the physical.
Make merchandise ? They do. What was done to the bodies of slaves, in hideous self-indulgence, is done to the spirit of man with nothing less, and many fall, marshalled by the devil like a roaring lion; but after all, he is one to be resisted and not given the pleasure of subversion by subterfuge at which he excels.
The time has come with so many christs and godlets, sects and diversions, ludicrous misuses of the just fame of Jesus Christ to make divisions and revisions, exploiting His holiness for the sake of notoriety, that while the compliment of such continual use of HIS NAME is vast, the ship's complement of the Church of Christ is dwarfed in size by the pirate ships that plunder the truth and sell it. They then name their vessels, often enough, with HIS NAME, nautical pretenders, seeking oil.
The time does come; it is coming very fast, the ultimate come-uppance of pretence, the final confrontation with pretension, the confrontation of fiction by truth, of faction by reality. There comes the scaring of the scarred soul of man by what HE IS DOING with this world, and looks likely to do, and the bluster that follows making much sound as empty things tend to do when stricken.
The timeliness of the coming of the time for assessment, the end of the historic (rather than merely the academic) year is near. The endeavours to rid Jerusalem of Jewish control is one of the desperado moves of our present day, for it is clearly written that WHEN Jerusalem comes once more under the control of Israel, THEN the times of the other nations, the Gentiles, is fulfilled. The time is now near when writers must put up their quills, and have their works assessed; and those who write in the dust of time have their drawings characterised once and for all.
Now look at the USA with the pedal on the accelerator for Islamic acceptance, on the pedal for Jerusalem's division, as that formerly great American nation is brought into subjection to this world's more ordinary powers, and polluted pre-occupations. Look at Russia, with its foot on the pedal of pride, blustering about military means to collect its self-defined parts of the Arctic, turning off and on Europe's gas, and sending bombers near to the sea borders of Britain, expressly imitating the times of the Cold War, having not done so brightly there, and seeking new fields to conquer.
Indeed, regard North Korea, adjudged to have failed in its recent missile test, but not lacking in highwayman belligerence, whether for panache or for food, as the case may be. Men are treating life as an thing of indifference, truth as mere name for what is convenient more and more, till the TIME COMES. It always does. Payment please! and then there comes what will make all of this world's past payments seem small: JUDGMENT ACCORDING TO TRUTH (Romans 2:1ff.).
It is a joy to the Christian, then, to have it all over. It is a triumph at that time to see it finished; for the victory of truth is permanent, accomplished when Jesus Christ once and for all completed the prophetically required, detailed specifications which formed His identikit, and showing Himself deity, overcame disease, death and delusion on the part of many. Sustaining the truth by His inability to be made into a corrupting corpse, He gave notice to this world both of His tender willingness for salvation for any (Luke 19:42ff., John 6:37), and His absolute power to exact judgment on those for whom mercy is but weakness, and meekness is but failure.
Today we are simultaneously looking at an Old Testament and a New Testament dénouement. Things had long been preparing. NOW there is to be NO MORE DELAY. The code is clear, the path is sure, the eye is not dimmed, the damage is done or about to be done. Now, the results come!
We will find this situation of impending action, final result, both in Ezekiel in the Old Testament and in John in the New.
It is rather like the situation for Japan in 1945. The war in Europe was OVER. The scape-goat in Hitler was finished. The lack of metal for building war engines was terminal. The advance on Japan was happening. Desperation was on all sides; impositions had occurred, more to come, the homeland once the base and basis for absurd and unholy expansionist pretensions linked to a religion without warrant, using the name of God, was now the focus for wrath. A plane took off, and judgment followed. It was fearful. There was NO MORE DELAY.
It had been asked for (judgment, not this particular one necessarily) and it came. They had sown the wind (Hosea 8:7), and now they were to reap the whirl-wind.
This is not to singularise Japan. Germany did the same and so did Russia with its absurd Communist take-over, where idle dreams preceded what did not delay: abuse by famine to subdue a people, abuse by slave labour in Siberia, in some ways to match Belsen and Auschwitz; but this Russia directed against her own people the 'motherland' practising such atrocities.
All have suffered. Is it possible that NONE will learn ? Not all fall; but certainly the world as a whole WILL not learn as Revelation 19:19 shows most clearly. The next result then is for this world which, after some interims, itself will in fact go (II Peter 3)! So much for those who use it, rely on it, bandy with it, bond with it or beautify it in their imaginations, ignoring the heart.
It will with its leader, deploy false religions this coming time on an INTERNATIONAL scale, planning to to RUN THINGS overall, while running many into the ground in the process. Its leader, the devil (John 14:30ff.) isn't so nice, but very popular, though like many, he does not normally appear direct, but uses sometimes charming adjutants (II Corinthians 11), human faces for his inhumane labours.
There comes a time when there is no more delay. The fruit is ripe for the picking, or for the plight of rejection.
1) Old Testament
Such was the message of Ezekiel 12:25. The people had become cocky - or if you prefer, rather sated with themselves, wise in their own eyes, secure in their opinions and moves. Though they had already suffered much in the way of military invasions from other nations, they did not repent. Indeed they were criticising the prophetic task force of God, in particular here Ezekiel, cheekily jibing about the proverbs, the indefinite sort of language he was deemed to be using.
What about it ? they were saying. Let's be clear: you and your proverbs. It’s all way away from now.
The reason for the procedure of review, reflection, appeal and exhortation such as you see in Jeremiah 1-17, and the imaginative use of dramatic signals, symbols and illustrations and warning by Ezekiel (as in Chs. 4-10) was clear. Indeed, it was dual. Firstly, God being pitiful, was warning the people by various impactive methods (just as Christ used parables because of the hardness of their hearts - Matthew 13). With Jeremiah, these had included categorical offers and appeals (as in Jeremiah 17), but in Ezekiel the focus was devastating, although the method still used colourful, if baneful, imagery to warn and to grip.
They had been told that "the day is near" for devastation (Ezekiel 7); but the people preferred to concentrate, it seems, on the figures used and the imaginative language with its pathos, in order to pretend that the simple, final, factual basis was in some doubt or distance of an uncertain kind. Very well. In Ezekiel 12:25 the message hits that proclivity where, instead of repenting and seeking mercy (as Hezekiah successfully did as shown in Isaiah 37), the people kept up their pert and perky attitude, as you see sometimes in fallen former churches, where impudence is added to decline, with the result of dis-appointment, or if you prefer imagery, having the 'candlestick' on which they shine forth with light REMOVED by God , leaving them a dump house (cf. Revelation 2:5).
In Ezekiel 12, we find this interplay between people and prophet, the latter from the mouth of God giving response. The people: "The days are prolonged and every vision fails!" This is expressed as a witty or wise saying, and the idea is that, ONE AND ALL, the prophets are getting nowhere while disaster creeps. This is so like the present in this land and many another, where the idea is that religion is getting nowhere as far as God is concerned, so we might just as well wed various confused notations and religious nibbles, even if they contradict each other on a total scale, and make some mystic, pseudo-moral, quasi-worshipful sort of authority or other, so that we can live a bit longer in some sort of peace on this earth with some sort of religion.
In fact, as ALWAYS and with sickening consistency (for judgment does not normally make well!), the judgments of God and the mercies had come precisely as commanded, and people like Joseph and Daniel, not to say Moses and Isaiah, had predicted what would be with an accuracy so amazing that it was stunning, shots as from a stun gun being accurate, and remissions with passion, being received as the Lord relented from time to time and gave encouragement to them to return (as seen for example in Ezekiel 20 in the long parable, and Psalm 78 in the panoramic coverage of their earlier history).
On the other hand, false prophets were continually trying to make life easy and gain importance for themselves, by inventing messages from their own minds, more appealing to a rebellious people (as in Jeremiah 20, 23, Ezekiel 11). The divine response was layered in several time sites, one very early and personal, others in what soon followed and yet more to cover the distant future.
There had been centuries with various revivals, but now the Lord met their mocking catcalls about uncertain times and delays like this (Ezekiel 12:25): "For I am the Lord, I speak and the word which I speak will come to pass; it will no more be postponed; for in your days, O rebellious hose, I will say the word and perform it," says the Lord God." Did they mock, saying "The vision that he sees is for many days from now; and he prophesies of times far off" ? Then the Lord answers thus: " 'None of My words will be postponed any more, but the word which I speak will be done," says the Lord God.' "
Then of course there came such devastations by enemy powers as to make to the thoughtful, all the modes and delays and appeals and imagery, exhortations and meditations very worth-while. If a city is to be destroyed, a temple ruined, people to be taken into exile, distress to be multiplied by the severities of this world when the Lord withdraws His protection after centuries of appeal and desire to prevent or even annul judgment: then all the 'delay' that went before is MOST understandable. Mercy does not mock judgment; it seeks to intervene. When its place is fulfilled to the uttermost, then judgment likewise can come, to the uttermost. It is time to listen! THIS WORLD will not listen, but it is time for any in it, still with it, to listen and divorce from its mockeries, and find the Lord while time is held open (cf. II Corinthians 6:2). Long ? rather, but not for ever! Look then at II Peter 3:9.
2) Gospel of Christ
Now consider a partial parallel in John 13. They gather, the disciples, with Jesus. It is a supper, normal supper, it seems, before "the Lord's Supper" that sacrificially symbolic substitute for the Passover. In John this evening is shown to have included a washing of the feet of the disciples BY Christ, who did it in the most personal manner, using a towel wrapped around Himself, just as their sin and that of others who would come repentant, turning to Him AS their NON-symbolic but ACTUAL sacrifice would fall upon Him (Isaiah 53:6). If I, He said, your Lord and master do this, how much more should you do it to each other! Some take it literally. The point is not important. Christ always stressed meaning beyond mere appearance, and there is no obvious requirement to follow this procedure, but rather the lesson in it. We had to enter through a 'door', Himself, but there was no requirement to use carpentry. To be sure, here He tells us to wash one another's feet, but He also said, "What I am doing you do not understand now, but you will know after this" - John 13:7.
In other words, it was not just a literal simplicity. There was depth of meaning. Some may take it that this merely gave interpretation to the action, while others may feel it expressed the spirit of the thing, this being a parable. Certainly the spirit of it is the criterion. If some prefer the physical embodiment, that is an option. As the procedure progressed, Christ as noted in John 13:21, became "troubled in spirit" - having exposed the fact that He would be betrayed BY ONE OF THEM! Indeed, He repeated the statement after this, "Most assuredly, I tell you, one of you will betray Me."
There was a period when the disciples examined themselves, as seen in Matthew! The text proceeds to the Last Supper itself as described in the other Gospels, and from Luke we gather that this was during that Supper, so that perhaps it is at John 13:21, while Jesus is troubled, that they conclude this foot washing as the prelude to the Last Supper, and we listen anew to their conversation in that event, as from John 13:21. In other words, in John there would be an insensible movement from Supper to the Lord's Supper, a highly specialised event, following the foot washing; and the contrast between the humility of washing feet and the enormity of betrayal BY one whose feet had just been washed in service, would become an introduction. The theme of service, betrayal and nearness, with redemption itself about to be paid for, however, would carry through, so that this would be the bond in John between the prelude and the principal event; and what a transition!
From service to betrayal and from betrayal to a profound loyalty of God to man: how unhappily usual is this, that HE acts in mercy and man, turning his back, would even betray the love, mock the mercy and carry out his own will instead. Is it I ? they asked, as did Judas (Luke 21:23, Matthew 26:25), and Christ gave to him a piece of bread, which He had first dipped, as indication that this was so, after that query and IMMEDIATELY Judas went to betray himself, the disciples, the nation and the Lord; and many have followed his way (John 13:30).
What you do, do quickly! said Christ. Contamination was not needed. False fellowship was not to be desired. It is not well to linger in the precincts of piety with the Lord's people when betrayal as in the sects, is in view, whether this be realised or not. It is not sin and pardon which is here the point, but departure from the word of God and the God of His word, while STILL staying near to Him in outward appearance. THAT separation is to be done without delay, and unwise is the person who lingers with those who, betraying Christ, do not go and yet appeal to others to linger longer with them (Romans 16:17). Judas lingered, not at first, but in being available to the soldiers and actually staying in the vicinity of Christ till that last kiss of betrayal to the guards, seemingly whispering, but intimating this: the one I kiss, seize him! "Lead him away safely!" (Mark 14:44).
Getting hold of Christ (then in body, now in false word) and leading Him away safely is the objective. Why ? why, so that trading on His NAME, people make Him not the same, but a mere entrance word to the diligent and disastrous spiritual transmutation they have in mind.
In our day, these are the gurus of the new religion, so that we have moved from guards to gurus; but the guards will come again, when the gurus have finished. Revelation 13 gives a brief survey of this nefarious operation to come, but not to stay! It will finish as in Revelation 19:19ff..
Did Christ encourage Judas to stay! Once the betrayal was clear and public, OUT! This was the word, and QUICKLY! GO! this was the direction of Christ to Judas.
IF the Judas betrayal of the historic Christ, of the Bible, the testimony of the apostles, if this is such that it WILL not leave in a straying body, let alone immediately; and if the 'Church' which harbours such and even allows them to dictate its doctrines amiss, CANNOT exclude them, then there is only one option. Execute the result: get out yourself!
It is necessary to be where the truth is, and if nominal churches pass the point where truth can be maintained and applied, then these no longer have the mandate, and those who linger are like loiterers with Judas. HE goes or YOU do. There is no room for becoming spiritual chameleons.
There was NO MORE DELAY! So the pinions of history flapped.
The betrayal was set in motion:
the guards' feet would soon move to stalk Christ, to grab
Him |
while then came the hustling to the injudicious judgment,
the mockery, |
the crown of thorns, |
the whipping, |
the preference for a murderer to the Saviour
from death, |
the resurrection and |
after a generation of gracious and patient waiting in which ALL COULD ACT if they would, during which the Christian Church formed and grew enormously,
what then ? |
Why then came
the destruction of Jerusalem by fellow pagans. Life preserved was lost. |
Alas! that is what it came to. It is like someone brought up in a Church and Church School on whom all is lavished with fondness and care, who then becomes drunk or drugged or rash and foolish, ruining his life. So with the nation, they did not repent.
A TIME CAME! It always comes. It came then, and it comes now; and each must face it. It will not depart. Trial and test are inherent in truth, and in the lot of the people of God (cf. I Peter 4:1ff.).
In the early Church, how they were to be tried! But in their spirits, boldness and fearlessness, purity and truth were a criterion. What the body suffered, the spirit rejoiced in, the apostles even expressing joy at the privilege of suffering for Christ (Acts 5:41); while Peter shows the wonder of the closeness of the Lord, when one obeys and abides in Him according to His own word (I Peter 1:1-8).
A time of trial, following Christ's ascension, preceded what for some was a torrent of mercy in the pastures of peace of soul, with whatever outward endurance; but for others, it was a season of guilt to be followed by the destruction of the very form of the outward centre of a religion, Judaism, which had become false because its core had been dumped as if rotten: and that core was Christ Jesus the Lord.
3) The Grace of God
So does each person, each nation and this world indeed await now the end. There have been two millenia of warning, just as, it seems, Israel from Abraham's prelude to their national format, had something the same before Judas led a legion to betray Christ and depart from their Messiah. Now the whole world is on notice. Revelation points to the parallel, as in Revelation 10:5-7 (bold it. added).
angel whom I saw standing on the sea and on the land raised up his hand to
heaven and swore by Him who lives forever and ever,
who created heaven and the things that are in it,
the earth and the things that are in it, and the sea and the things that are in
that there should be delay no longer,
but in the days of the sounding of the seventh angel, when he is about to sound,
the mystery of God would be finished, as He declared to His servants the
Revelation shows through the two witnesses (a figure taken from Zechariah 4)
the next Chapter, namely Revelation 11, the removal of the Church,
this being called to
"come up here!"
(Revelation 11:12
cf. Matthew 24:29-31 and see Alpha, Acme and Omega: Jesus Christ Ch. 5),
that this is indeed so, for the whole Age is there reviewed and this end to it is seen in a vast overview.
There is an end. There is a time. There is delay in mercy; but there an end in final judgment.
To disjoin this end from your beginnings, you need to act, and not meditate only. It is not God who delays in vague callings, but MAN who delays in wrong turnings; for the turning needed is this, to repent and believe Him who calls, to stay not merely to the Last Supper (from which Judas went 'immediately'), but to the transfer of guilt from you to God, placarded on the cross as Christ, whom it images; it is by faith to receive what Judas rejected, and not only to live, but to rejoice in Him, so to know Him and to go and grow through Him (II Peter 3:18), abiding, trusting.
If this day you do not yet know Christ, let there be NO MORE DELAY.
If this day you are caught in some sin, eject it, and let there be NO MORE DELAY.
If this day you have some duty or responsibility to fulfil for God, then DO IT, and let there be NO MORE DELAY.
Praise God, HE did not delay, but waited till the time was ready; and when the time comes, as it WILL come, just as He acted the first time, to die on time, around A.D. 30, as Daniel forecast (Christ the Citadel ... Ch. 2, Highway of Holiness Ch. 4), so now He will arrive to rule and to judge (Acts 17:31). Some could scarcely awake when He first came, though the date was predicted clearly; many will be still asleep when He comes to the consummation of His plan, the second time (cf. Matthew 24:36ff., and the parable to follow, 25:1ff.!)
That is not all that is forecast: the forecasts of God take hold. Israel is back as planned (Luke 21:24, Ezekiel 36-37, Micah 7), Jerusalem has been taken: the results are accruing as planned. Skirmishes abound, but soon, in due time, the results confound those who reject Him, both our Creator and the One calling all to come to be redeemed, careened.
To Him, therefore, come without delay; for Him, go without delay. He has both come and He calls.
The attempts first of Rome and then of Constantinople to have each for its own part, a certain priority established for its adjudication of issues, as if to become the court of last resort, are reminiscent of the desires to be first which the disciples could show, even near to the time of the Last Supper (Luke 22:24ff.). To be sure, the issue of WHO would betray Him (22:22-23) would make such a discussion at least comprehensible; but it still happened.
Peter had to learn obedience and be humbled, categorically, in the movement from his vast failure noted in Matthew 16:22ff. (cf. SMR pp. 99ff.). This happened to the uttermost (Luke 22:54-62). It fruits appear with wonderful clarity (I Peter 5:1ff.) in the words of him who is "also an elder" and despises lordliness among men!
However, the passion to be first, unhumbled, has blighted man, and rose extraordinarily when Rome sought that teaching/leading priority what is explicitly denied (Matthew 23:8-10) to ANY, for ALL are brethren and the only Teacher/Leader is Christ, just as the only spiritual Father is GOD!
It fallacy continued to exert itself in growing measure, and was formalised again when Constantinople sought to a significant extent, the same thing and thus provoked no small division through such an entry into disputation (at the Council of Chalcedon 451). In fact, the idea that the imperial city of the day, whether 'old Rome' which than had been over-run by invaders, or the New Rome, as Constantinople was called, was by its earthly status to be inhabited by supreme powers or arbitration and leading for the Church of Jesus Christ, was mere obeisance to this world, a thing detestable to the Church of Jesus Christ (cf. James 4:4). James indeed makes friendship with this world to BE enmity with God, which of course, it is.
If an Emperor sits there, this has ZERO spiritual significance. If civilisation broods on its own greatness here or there, or has arms above others here or there, what of it ? This gives it null power and authority, and the very idea is so abysmal as to be destestable, for the very Prince of this world, as Christ titled him, has NOTHING in HIM! How do we know this ? HE, the Christ, said so. Whose Church then is it ? It is His. What of the thing that does not abide and obey, and refuses to repent of such rebellion ? It is not His Church. He is good with the instruments of pruning (John 15), for 'sports' which spring up and do not abide.
See also SMR pp. 1032 -1088H.
For the very spirit of the thing, see Isaiah 59:9-20. Note the remedy in the last verses of this passage.
For the United Nations, see It Bubbles ... Ch. 11, Ch. 10, * 1, The Other News, Appendix.
See also for the U.N.:
(truth does not invade, but it still prevails - discussion in
detail including the UN approach),
Racism miscued as Zionism:
Light of Dawn Ch.
as inadequate and imperilled by religious racism, Of the Earth, Earthy Ch. 13.
The academic backing of this fairy-land mysticism is as misty as any lake - see The gods of naturalism have no go! the four-volume set, on this site.
See :
Bible or Blight,
Christ or Confusion:
The Comprehensive Resolution of Man's Intractable Problems
is Found Only in the Bible, the Word of God;
The Meaning of Liberty and the Message of Remedy.
Chapter Five
Things Unamendable ...
Matters Unamenable to Amendment
Actuality and Dream
Some people do not like things to be about to happen. They torture themselves, the truth and the realities as far as lies in their power; they consult together, talk, equivocate, congregate, opine, formulate, forge partnerships, make announcements, counter-announcements, force claims, live with counter-claims and are altogether such a robust and likely group as to make of journalism, an essay in possibilities. Thus the facts are several removes away, and the forces of compromise, aspiration and consultation move in a little world of their own.
Meanwhile, the actual world moves on to where it is going, very often to a place of ethical ill-fame, enormities of mismatched duties and needs, until man faces his next major fright, as there is consternation and fear among the nations, estimating what new enormity, plague, concoction of evil is about to strike, like a ruminative adder, only needing the slightest provocation before acting. The time of "men's hearts failing them for fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth" has come (as foretold in Luke 21:26)..
This has mounted till reaching the current complicated complexion of things (like a lady's face made up to the utmost with every kind of eye-shadow, would-be blush, flush, false eye-lash and the like) becomes a work of presentation, of image; but what it is imaging, that is entirely another question. Man reaches to such things and then over-reaches, like one leaning on an invisible wall at the edge of a precipice. Hence the shocks which come, when it is successfully realised that what is being done and even what many of the competing ideas prescribe for what ought to be done, are far from what needs to be done; and that what is being 'seen' as distinct from what is there, are things so diverse that these two worlds simply do not agree.
Then there are spats, not just with the major players, but multiple, such as evoked by the nuclear and quasi-nuclear and pseudo-nuclear powers, and other dubious players with mortality as sport, concerning the way in which, if any, life may continue on this globe. Since this is to become IMPOSSIBLE as Christ foretold, except at His return, which has judgment afoot, there is therefore room for sudden change, and call for desperate measures for desperate times; and one of the first casualties will be freedom, freedom of speech in particular.
One could almost be forgiven for mentioning 'President Rudd' whose style may seem so imposing in appearance, yet moves to be one so disposing in reality; for he is embarking, we read, on Internet Control, a vast and marvellous scope for an intellectual Tian-Anmen of our own, a funeral to expression with all sorts of liberties annulled, possibly in the very name of liberty, always a useful ploy for some, as in the former USSR where the mere mention of such things could be seen as a method for their dispersion, if not from the globe, then at least from their part of it. If not to be discarded in the NAME of liberty, however, for the ways and means committee is not inactive, then free speech may at least be severed in the name of some sonorous seeming principle or other, so that the State can rule out what it really does not want, and yet seek to put a good face on it.
Christ too was inconvenient - remember Caiaphas (John 11): "It is EXPEDIENT that one man die for the people, and not that the whole nation perish". Otherwise put, it is not CONVENIENT for Christ to live: we profit more if we kill Him. In the above quotation, two words are left out, now replaced: "It is expedient for us that one man die for the people..." There we find the central "for us" that cynosure of doom, that led to the near perishing of the people, saving themselves in guilty folly, removing the greatest, purest, most munificent, merciful light that shone directly from God, His Father, the very Christ, for some sort of survival, which replaced a massive revival, the real need. When it is not convenient to have truth, then of course man is unmanned, and becomes a sort of controlled robotic reactor, as far as the State can contrive it.
Truth then dies, as far as the State is concerned, so that everyone can get on with living an impossible life, impassive to truth, unperturbed by reality, changing anything just to keep going, and not minding unduly to what destination that is. Impossibilities can take a while at times, to show their teeth...
Rites to wrongs can be bought at the United Nations by making racial declarations, or attempting this, in the name of attacking racism *1; and the coming junta can make 'all things new' as Blair and Obama and Rudd have all tended to do in oracular statement, before election, without too much undue preoccupation with what that is ... until afterwards. Innovation, like cloud bursts and new paths for hurricanes, has a very variable history. It needs some practised charting ...
Let us then listen to a little conversation between two friends, for when it is fiction, it is not so rude to overhear.
Well, as far as I am concerned, this world is empty, corrupt, unjust, merciless, fraudulent, gross and incompetent in all that matters most.
Do you think so, Ben ? If by 'world' you mean what is IN this sphere of life and environment of the earth, as persons, and is NOT in Christ, rejecting Him, I could not agree more.
Look Frank, even in false religions, it is breach of trust, denial of goodness, flagrant misuse of grace, daring denial of reality, erection in the very place of God of the mere thoughts of man, masquerading as something worthy of worship. What could be more corrupt ?
I must say, Ben, it is sobering when you read about 'idols in the heart' in Ezekiel 14:4, and using the temple of God for foreign images (Ezekiel 8), as if you could mix the drinks of philosophy and invention with the draughts of the refreshing waters that never fail, without becoming a recently deceased contortionist. As to the thoughts of man, even if psychically shot through with the claims of mysticism on the one hand, and on the other, those from the God of creation and redemption: they mix like plus infinity and minus a million. It is He, whose word has struck the world like a sudden squall, calmed it like a zephyr, awakened it like a freezing wind, and instructed it in what alone is verifiable among all the religions, and this for millenia: there is no hope for what ,seeing the one, chooses the other.
The Lord puts it vividly. I was reading, in that Chapter of Ezekiel, that God saw elders who came to Him even though there is, in the heart of each of them as seen in in their religious practice, "a multitude of his idols" . "They are estranged from Me," He declared, "through their idols." The first instruction is clear: "Repent, and turn yourselves from your idols, and turn away your faces from all your abominations." God abominates spiritual substitutes for truth, far more than a good doctor abominates spurious drugs which intoxicate but do not heal. They are wrong, wrong-headed in construction, wrong in intention and wrong for the system. They speak of good, who sell them, but they accomplish ruin; they are what misleads, breeds sorrow, giving medicine a bad name and their imbibers a bad life, perverting the desire for health and life, even this, to destruction.
How much more when the results are eternal!
So evil are these machinations and so desperate these devices, that God can even allow the subverted soul of each who so deludes himself to become deceived, and bring on him the disaster of the psyche which waywardness first invites, just as excessive smoking can actually CAUSE a train of events, physically. These may become right out of the control of the one who has it, so that he becomes a site for corruption and his very bodily resources contribute to his own ruin, being taken over.
In that context, Jerusalem was about to be invaded, the temple destroyed (Ezekiel 14:20ff., 21:8-17). They had resisted and even resented tremendous offers, opportunities, pleas and reminders from God, given in the time of the weeping prophet (Jeremiah 9), the heart-broken Jeremiah, and some of those offers were mercy itself (cf. Jeremiah 17). Now came the flustering bustle of judgment. It at length became as unattractive as unerring, impelling as repulsive.
Perhaps there could be some ... resolution, some Obama style bargaining, reasoning together, patch-work quilt in a religious setting, something for all, some agreement about things of God which could settle human differences and make some kind of peace, perhaps a little praise for this false religion and for that (cf. God's Gift of Grace in Christ Jesus Ch. 3), a concession here, an allowance there ? Yes, by all means there could be this: but the permission for, admission of, or even praise of idolatry is merely a provocation that increases the judgment. Idols in the heart are not welcome to the Maker of the heart.
No, there is no palliation. What does one read in Ezekiel 14:20 ? It is this: "Though these three men were in it, as I live, says the Lord GOD, they shall deliver neither sons nor daughters, but they only shall be delivered themselves." WHO would be delivered ? Which are the three men who, even in they were then living in Jerusalem, would deliver not the city but ONLY THEMSELVES ?
Why, they are "Noah, Daniel and Job". Daniel had been taken early from Jerusalem to be made a cadet wise man in Babylon, and early distinguished himself in many ways, in heroics and acts of prayer of an amazing kind, gaining deliverance which staggered the King as he was faithful to God in an alien environment.
Yes, and Job was exceedingly famous for the suffering he endured and his wonderfully inspired and uplifting words found in Job 19, "I know that my Redeemer is living," going on to declare this, that in the last times HE would BE on this earth, and Job, though his very body should be destroyed, would SEE Him with his own eyes, thus indicating the faith in the resurrection of his body. This, indeed, despite the rawest of sufferings and the most pitiable of diseases with which he was afflicted, during his famous trial. Then what of Noah ? He was one of 8 delivered from the flood, who presumably amid unspeakable mockery stood firm as by faith, he built a vast vessel, though there was no apparent water worthy of it ... at first! and through him the race was spared.
Would one of these, would his prayer, that of a saint, help ? No. God emphatically refuses any such proposition. You deal with God or you have the persuasive powers of sod. What then if TWO of these great saints had been in the city and prayed for it ? Surely God would hear then ? Not in the slightest degree. THEY would be delivered, but none would adhere by any sort of sticking, to them. Well then, surely three ? perhaps, in united prayer could turn away judgment from the city which dared, like Obama, to PRAISE another god while naming HIS name. No (Ezekiel 14:20 is insistent), even that would do nothing.
I see: Resort to those ways and what then ? Even the whole THREE of these most famous saints joined in intercession, they could NOT deliver the city, for it was BECAUSE of mixed gods, gods deemed good enough for praise and position, that it was meeting its term, and faced devastation. NAMING the God of truth and JOINING Him in some sort of recognition of other gods is abominable to Him, detestable, unthinkable as it were, a thing of dereliction.
But what of America now, and what may be coming over the horizon of horror for Australia, if truth becomes an unthinkable encumbrance because of political gods who dictate, surreptitiously corrupting integrity and truth, in their NAME, which is what it would amount to ?
America does well if it disjoins from these horrendous deals*2, started in Bush's time and now made worse by Obama: religious patch-work jobs. Even a surgeon might not be too pleased if half-way through an operation, for an instant, you came to and demanded a co-surgeon at once. Far less does God permit joining His infinity with the creations of men, called God, be they operative as ideals born of some conception that rules as a god, or more direct worship that supervenes and directs in its own rites, or wrongs called rights!
You are right.
I'll go further. If there is one thing the Old Testament makes as clear as ANY other, it is this: that God is not mocked, that He does not endure liberties with His name, that He has a vast ZEAL for truth in the heart and that all the gods of the other nations are heathen, as in Psalm 96: in the next Psalm, they are instructed in a delicious and satirical irony, to WORSHIP HIM! Little gods worshipping the only One worthy of it, how delicious a rebuke! In the New Testament, we read this, that there is UNDER HEAVEN NO OTHER NAME by which men MUST be saved (Acts 4:11-12). It is not an option, nor is the method an option. If you can't replace readily E=MC2, how much less can you replace Jesus Christ, crucified! Again in Jude and II Peter and II Timothy 3-4, we are reading of the corruption of turning from the living God to what others construct, innovative concerning the truth, wrong in logic*3 , unrepentant in heart, deluded.
The contemporary push, which dares to become a religious putsch with a Temple of Understanding and endless inter-faith dialogues*3A and other forbidden fruits of unbelief, is of course predicted (Revelation 13, 16-19), there being even a SECOND DRAGON, or spiritually imposing force of cohesion and direction, predicted to handle ... the religious aspect of the this-world rule. This, an improvement on the mindless follies of Communism, morals from nowhere, laws from nowhere, but authority from everywhere, and will be more palatable to the antics of asininity than was that. This religious move is predicted to come before judgment comes, and it is multiple in measure, though single in purpose, as Revelation 13 and 16 show.
Yes, it moves to this entire world, like mould spreading, just as in Ezekiel's day, it brought ruin on Jerusalem for its two-timing follies.
It escalates for the Gentiles, then... But again, their world is somewhat larger! It is a magnified case in government as in pathology!
This however does not make it any better, but merely shows that the foretold spiritual syndrome is known to God, its modes, methods, aims, ambitions and end! That makes it the more horrendous, for it is like someone who already afflicted from cancer from smoking, now using stronger cigarettes, where the smoke blows more broadly, instead of ... stopping at once and altogether.
Is it good for Biblical Christian Apologetics that we have these horrendous movements that compromise the Lord and dare to name Him while praising and participating with idols ?
In a way it is, for it is verification. History readily COULD have been different; the whole world COULD have gone for Christ as it seemed possible it might in the days of Emperor Constantine, and at other times when misled people systematically and spuriously used force in the name of Christ, though this was expressly forbidden (John 18:36ff.), and so showed that their Lord was another. It WAS however predicted that while on the one hand, there would be enormous openings up in the nations outside Israel, to the Gospel, including the hearts of kings, yet the way would always be NARROW.
Yes, BROAD would be the opposite, leading to hell!
In the end, it is quite clear, the anti-Christ forces, the relativists, the authors of compromise and conditional alliances and the like, using the name of religion in the process, applying the screws, increasing the penalties for non-conformity, on a universal basis: all this is TO COME. It has come in places, and these are whole large segments of humanity already. When there is no opposition, nothing for comparison, no USA with its freedom force and Europe settles for convenience and so forth: then of course the sheer audacity of the thing will grow as fast as its specious hypocrisy and deceitful ruses. The sheer pomposity of it is seen in Revelation 13 and 17, its militarism in 19:19, its corrupting and corrosive hopping about, in 16:13 and on.
It is, then, evidence of the truth of the word of God; but it is attestation of doom to come.
Why yes! If Jeremiah wept for what was to come to his city, his beloved people, what does one do when the entire world faces condemnation, and many in the same mode; and indeed, so vast has been the very spread of the Gospel of Christ, as foretold in Matthew 24:14, as what had to happen before Christ the Saviour returned as King, as long forecast by the prophets (cf. Isaiah 4, Micah 4, 7, Psalm 72, Habakkuk 3, Matthew 24-25), that more and more, the whole world is coming to resemble that little nation that Ezekiel and Jeremiah so loved. Movement is ... from Israel the case study, to this entire world as its consummation in grief and horror!
At first, it was the same one for which Jeremiah sorrowed, little Israel. Now it is the large world, more and more alive and alert to the Gospel, but perverting it, diverting it, disjoining it, making new carpentries to conjoin it for convenience.
If Christ Himself wept over Jerusalem, which ignored the "day of your visitation" when HE came and offered all, and knew what would come when they removed Him, how much more does one wonder and weep for the whole gamut of nations, skewed from salvation, seeking escape from truth and finding appointment with justice, which THEN becomes judgment.
The track of truth leads elsewhere.
Yes, while the super-cars of power and pomp parade on the highway to hell, let us be frank, who are pilgrims and strangers in this world, we walk on the narrow path of divine righteousness. While some are impressed, the many, the multitude is either uneasy or queasy, or attacks, or despises, or condemns ... and kills as in the Sudan, often in China, harasses and hates, attacks as in some Moslem countries, seeks to control, to be a Lord to Christ, instead of owning Him as Lord.
The result ? It is not hard to see. Wars, rumours of wars, distress of nations fearful of the things to come. That is the word, like a news outline, from two millenia ago.
That is what is happening now. But the world puffs away, as if intent on the tobacco tar that spoils, passionate about it, smoking with ruin in false philosophies, idolatrous religions: demeaning Christ the way of some, ignoring Him of others, seeking to control Him of still more.
It is well, for it does not last, though before its focus is final, it will be seen, both what it was to be and is, as one which will soon both consummate its folly and find its judgment.
In the meantime, Christians face unparalleled troubles, before the return of Christ; but let us bear up, for He comes, and the work of testifying of Him is a privilege unspeakable, if by any means some be won to Him. It is not the statistics which should bear fruit, but the souls. MANY will be won to something else, some combination of idols, as in the case of the Alpha course*3B.
It is popular!
Yes, its background shows a force strong on the acceptance of Romanism, its mode of not answering criticism of Christ over a significant period during the course, damping criticism of error as a means, is set on what actually is a way merely sets the course for a grand 'tolerance' on what is in fact nothing less than an hostility to Christ according to the Bible, and an evil combination that merely shuts up truth in a silence which breeds contempt for what is eternal. Ploys that suffer unanswered contempt for Christ, for weeks show an honour that puts means before character, and in this case, fit too well with the avowed desire that large denominations simply become agreeable, as if the myriads of martyrs to Rome, and the integrity of the word of God were to be replaced with a feeble fellowship of no meaning, immersed in self-contradictions and convenience.
Where then are those who like the disciples, stand when murder is about ? speak when hostility abounds ? act when slander is a medium of life, and refusal is a path of the many, even of a multitude who dare to name Christ, while making in effect a game of His stringent conditions. They are not hard to bear if you love Him: love bears all things, hopes all things, but REJOICES IN THE TRUTH (I Corinthians 13). Paul would not give place for ONE HOUR, to heretics in his own day, and had the matter settled in Jerusalem in vigorous and denunciatory dynamism. What is precious is not for the wolves. While it is not right to use force, as some have done while themselves erring, it is wholly alien to let evil rove like a bull bellowing at a meeting.
The meadows of mercy are quiet, despite the distant din on the highway to hell.
Dwell here, then, with Christ as Saviour and Lord according to the Bible, not mixing it with idols in the heart, on the tongue, in the spirit of your living. The beauty of holiness is untainted where HE is; and He is not to be found here or there, as those who say, Look, there He is! or there! as we see in Matthew 24:26ff.. He is in no mouldable mass, in no combination of syncretic religionst*3C, in no praise of what disdains or excludes His deity and His redemption, or makes Him into a material element*4 ; for HIS words are SPIRIT and they are LIFE, and He asks, "What if you shall see the Son of Man ascend to where He was before ?"
He explains this, following His imagery about eating His flesh and drinking His blood, doesn't He ?
Yes, you see it
in John 6:50-63, the imagery moving on from animal sacrifice to the ONE sacrifice which ONCE made peace for
all who so receive Him, which ends by His declaring the principle in view:
"It is
the spirit which gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak
to you, they are spirit, and they are life."
But what of ANOTHER SPIRIT and ANOTHER JESUS and ANOTHER GOSPEL ? Doesn't the Bible make plain the uttermost peril attaching to this ruse or dream ?
Indeed, it does. In II Corinthians 11, Paul declares that those espousing such things are false apostles, deceitful workers. They are transformationists that do not change, but are endued from what is evil, surrogates for Satan or illustrations at least; for says Paul, it is no marvel that such people can seem angelic, for "Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." What then ? "Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness, whose end shall be according to their works."
We can but pray*5 for any among such that they may be found; for the Lord takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, and many, misled, follow paths as do youths in their ignorance on the roads, without understanding what they do. It is a great day when, praise to the Lord, some are delivered from the various devious departures, slithering slips and at times, robust rambunctious renegacies that dare to use the name for another thing, word, Gospel, and god!
The word of God however does not change; and wise is the one who follows it (Matthew 7:15ff.). For this, for Jesus Christ, there is no substitute; there is only fancy dress, the moment of folly, the dressing up ... but the truth CANNOT be dressed up. As it is, so it continues, and he who is Christ's disciple continues in HIS WORD, as He states so very clearly (John 15:10, 8:29-31).
Yes, I recall in Isaiah 61:10, the truth is something to be PUT ON, not as a dress up, but as a garment that Christ gives (the one missing in the parable of Matthew 21, for the wedding guest, with disastrous results!). And that ?
It is the
righteousness of God, a gracious gift, just as He states it in Romans 5:17. It
is a gift by grace (Romans 5:15), by devotion, and is as a wedding garment
provided for the bride by the Lord.
ON racism: see Ch. 4, *2 above.
On syncretism, especially at the national level:
See Red Alert Ch. 5 (in biblical terms is the infamous multi-'faith' prayer breakfast )-Lord of Life Chs. 4 and 8 Dastardly Dynamics Ch. 10, including *2; Red Alert Ch. 6, 13.
See also Secular Myths and Sacred Truth Ch. 3, re Bush.
For more on the Bush era and remarkable preliminaries to the Obama betrayal, the multi-faith reverence, and more in the Moslem field, see Dastardly Dynamics Ch. 10, *2! The important point here is the status of the officer making these statements in the US.
See Chapter 4, above, *4.
See Of the Earth, Earthy
13, NEWS
It Bubbles ...
Ch. 11, News 121,
Hitches and Holy Healings,
Godless Glitches and Divine Dealings
Ch. 3,
See also:
Bewilderment, Bedazzlement, Bedevilment
or the Beauty of Christ's Holiness Ch.
* 3C
One of the tragedies of the ending theologically cosmopolitan syncretism, the World Council of Churches, and various unity movements, is that they deal subversively with the Bible, 'creatively' with the Gospel, delusively with the Christ, inventing from philosophies of social, psychological, political or biological kind, various additives and performing varied extractions, till the very name of Jesus is used as if it were that of some captive maiden, adjusting to the needs of libidinous captors.
This is of course mere dalliance, and has less than nothing to do with either the Gospel, or Christ, or salvation. This sort of imagery is to be found in the Bible, where the idolators in Israel were found lusting for the 'young men of Assyria' and the like, as if it were sexual, whereas this is a mere image for the translation into spiritual terms, Israel here conceived as a maiden. The point is that here are SPIRITUAL masters, whose idols are imported, whose ways are to some extent honoured or even venerated. It was for the exclusion of this that Israel was to be made an example (Isaiah 43:21). The Church is in principle not different: it is to be as a shining light in the darkness (Philippians 2:15-16, Jude), reflecting Christ: not a soot coated former-lighting agent, now hidden underground below who knows what messes.
Alas, many in ancient Israel, here an expository example, and many leaders in fact wanted the power, virility, arrogance, pride, security of arms, the explosive force and uninhibited living style which such powers showed, and sought the religion of what were enemies, attracted, at times entranced by the idols involved, to combine it, and even as in Jeremiah 7 and Ezekiel 7. They proceeded to combine such things with the name of the Lord. It is summed up in outcome, as seen in II Kings 17, especially for our present point, vv. 17-33.
As to the combination and the defilement, consider the outrage of Jeremiah 7 (to which are allied the words of the Saviour in Matthew 21:13).
'Will you steal, murder, commit adultery, swear falsely, burn incense to Baal," 'Behold, you trust in lying words that cannot profit.
'Has this house, which is called by My name, become a den of thieves in your eyes? Behold, I, even I, have seen it,' says the Lord."
As to the lustful parallel, you see it in a glaring light in Ezekiel 23:12ff.. Consider for example this excerpt from Ezekiel 23:4ff.:
"Samaria is Oholah, and Jerusalem is Oholibah.
Oholah played the harlot even though she was Mine;
And she lusted for her lovers, the neighboring Assyrians,
Who were clothed in purple,
Captains and rulers,
All of them desirable young men,
Horsemen riding on horses.
Thus she committed her harlotry with them,
All of them choice men of Assyria;
And with all for whom she lusted,
With all their idols, she defiled herself.
She has never given up her harlotry brought from Egypt,
For in her youth they had lain with her,
Pressed her virgin bosom,
And poured out their immorality upon her.
"Therefore I have delivered her
Into the hand of her lovers,
Into the hand of the Assyrians,
For whom she lusted.
They uncovered her nakedness,
Took away her sons and daughters,
And slew her with the sword ..."
and again, from 23:17ff.:
"Then the Babylonians came to her, into the bed of love,
And they defiled her with their immorality;
So she was defiled by them, and alienated herself from them.
She revealed her harlotry and uncovered her nakedness.
Then I alienated Myself from her,
It is scarcely a compliment to ancient Israel, that so many Gentiles are following here in their spiritually lustful, idolatrous combination techniques, often USING Christ as an additive catalyst, while replacing Him in reality.
Instead of such syncretism, there is a way of spiritual fidelity. How much better would be a movement to overcome some of the needless divisions which enthusiasts have allowed to creep into the Church, now here, now there, one emphasising (quite rightly) sovereignty, one (quite rightly) love, but each tending to get into a corner of pugnacity, instead of refining the concepts to the biblical score, not ignoring difficult verses but IMPLEMENTING ALL (cf. the movement in To Know God ... Ch. 1). There are many such areas, and it behoves the people of the Lord indeed to seek unity, but not besides the word, rather through it.
The World Reformed Alliance has made a significant step, but alas it has nothing in its various creeds to enable the full scope of the biblical depiction of the love of God to be realised, a matter Spurgeon took some steps to emphasise, not of course to this recent body, but in principle in his own time (see A Time to Praise God Appendix 1).
What is needed is broader than this, in coverage of biblical truth, just as the excellent constitution of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, 1901, was, one which alas the Assembly of 1991 in part effectually suppressed. What is needed is not Calvinism or Lutheranism or Methodism, the first two in very name forbidden by the Bible (I Corinthians 3), and the last lacking, despite its sound emphasis on love, in the realities of divine sovereignty (cf. Predestination and Freewill Section 2, as marked).
In The Bay of Retractable Islands, there is a listing and a resolving of historical problem areas, making needless divisions, for biblically they are not so very difficult to correct, this extreme a little here, that there. It is not some one insight that is needed, nor broad lassitude either, but precise theological accuracy on all fronts, normative biblical faithfulness and a willingness to adjust until the weakness of extremism and the breadth of extra-biblical carelessness being avoided, fidelity is found and co-operation does not founder.
See SMR pp. 1032-1088H, esp. 1086ff., and Spiritual Food and Spiritual Drink, Preface.
See Jude 22-23.
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Chapter Six
Israel tells the Nations about Sovereignty
Ask Russia, she has a decided concept on it,
even in the Arctic!
Ask France, they protect theirs
with a Force de Frappe,
Atomically Speaking
News 420
The Australian May 23-24, 26, 2009
"Jerusalem was always ours and will always be ours,"
Benjamin Netanyahu is cited as saying (The Australian, May 26, 2009).
"No Israeli Government has ever agreed to limit sovereignty in Jerusalem,"
reports the same article, from the lips of Mark Regev, a spokesman for the Israeli PM.
"Jerusalem is our capital," he stated.
On the other hand, the American one, you see in The Australian May-23-24, 2009, large photograph of said PM Netanyahu and President Obama, the former holding forth with a look of clear-headed exposition upon his shoulders, while Obama is seen, hand to chin, with a look of one who perhaps could do with more sleep (a very low sleep time was once cited for him), and a look - if not of contrariety entirely, yet of aroused disquiet upon his face. Such is the appearance as he watches the Israeli PM. The Oval Office was the cited site for this meeting.
What then has Obama been saying, or is it organising or even ordering ? The tone is suggestive of the content, and the content of the tone. Indeed, we find it reported, from a US National Security Adviser (Newsweek, May 6, 2009), that while the new administration does not intend to push Israel under a bus*1 (thoughtful!), it does intend to be more forceful than did the Bush administration.
If we move back to Friday, May 22, we find in the news, this heading: "Obama to unveil peace plan in Cairo." However, announcements have come that the President will not announce his plan in Cairo, in early June.
Elements were found by some, to be these:
1) Palestinians to be permitted to establish their capital in East Jerusalem
2) The walled Old City in Jerusalem's heart, with religious special sites of various orders, to be made international.
3) It would fly the UN flag (one remembers the protection of the UN in the days of Nasser, when their troops conveniently withdrew from the path of the oncoming ruler of Egypt, so that his troops could pursue their indulged quest).
4) Pre-1967 boundaries would not be exacted, but modifications would be by mutual agreement (in other words, in substance, Israel is shoved back into the pre-extermination hunt by the nations, of that date).
5) The Palestinian State would be demilitarised, while having a significant police force, in view of genuine Israeli security concerns. (In fact, since Israel 'gave' Gaza back to Palestinians and they have USED this GIFT OF GRACE to attack Israel, the bit not given, with thousands of rockets, the point is not amiss!).
Further points that have emerged include the concept that those wishing to return to Israel, refugees as they are sometimes called, would not have this concession, but that they should be absorbed into the country where they live, with right of return to the 'new' Palestinian State
Whatever of all this is to become formal US policy, and doubtless some elements have been clearly stated already, it is clear that nothing of this kind is adequate for Israel. There are continual questions of terminology. How many of those who left Israel in 1948 did so voluntarily, even with aspiration for early return in victorious Arab suppression of Israel altogether ? How many refugees would normally be received back, in any case, to the country they bombard ? This would raise questions of who has done what. Again, who on earth has given the 'international community' the right to occupy the capital of Israel ?
Is it a dream that a nation exists ? that it has a capital ? are we in the midst of a C.S. Lewis Narnia book, with massive transformations occurring to spur the imagination, or is there some touch of sober fact in all of this ?
Is a land to be exterminated as Jewish, and Jews accordingly treated as seems best, not once, but several times since 1948, and to be TOLD by those who stood by in 1948, and awaited doom for them, just what they are to do ? Having won by what biblically is STATED to be divine intervention, against many nations, as they faced adverse actions starting before they even became a nation, and armies prepared to delete them as a people in their own land, are they now to be subjected by international interventionists, to directors, as if this were e Board Meeting and the Israeli PM were the CEO ?
After all, in Zechariah 12, it is clear that here Israel (as in Ezekiel 38 incidentally) is BACK in its borders, though it had to ... leave as foretold in Leviticus 26, because of its rebellions against the true and living God, though it was through them that the Christ was to come and has come*2 . It is equally clear that there is to be a repentance following the triumphant wars then traced in Zechariah. This, it is NOT for those wars, in which God took certain action, but for the walking away from God in the first place, to the point of crucifying Him in His human format. Meanwhile there was to be (as there has been), as we find in Zechariah 12, a time in which Israel itself would constitute a 'heavy burden' to those who sought to intervene.
In fact, as to Israel itself, Zechariah here indicates that they will "look on Me whom they have pierced", and the prophet has much on the episodes of triumph, grace and salvation to come through this self-same Messiah, as does Isaiah and do others in the Bible. In this passage in Zechariah 12, we learn of God dominating wars in which amazing power will be given to Israel, against apparently hopeless odds.
So then, from an Old Testament approach, and after all, this is the religious standard which came through Israel, and it is an historically fulfilled one: what do we find ? That relating to the good and the bad which was to happen, did happen to Israel, in no small detail, and the Saviour who would come, no less, arrived on time, in place and for the works attributed to Him: hence His name. God has acted. Having done His foretold work for an Israel STILL (as a nation) not believing in Him as revealed in His Messiah (duly killed around AD 30 as foretold, as shown Highway of Holiness Ch. 4, in Daniel), He has taken the reins very directly. Israel has been brought back, had its amazing victories, become a source of contention, still does not as a nation believe in Christ.
This reality is to be ditched for the ideas of the nations ? Very well: the ideas of the nations will find otherwise, after they have had a time to express themselves in their various fighting corners, and to become categorically characterised. It is not only Israel which is being tested. In a test, you have time to write your paper, before it is to be assessed ...
Jews not yet believing in Him, can still see the comparison of prophecy and history.
Are they then to ignore the gift to Abraham*3 (Genesis 17:7-8), to act as if God spoke in riddles and never meant at all what He definitively said, to ramble among ruins and become like other nations who do not know God; or are they going to find some semblance of interest in their own history and the God who made it, AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL ?
If the latter, then we can understand (at last!) that they are not about to surrender Jerusalem, THEIR ACTUAL CAPITAL CITY to the forces of alienation, submission, invasion, pompous pronouncement, from the USA, the Madrid Quartet, King Hussein of Jordan, as speech is made from such quarters about Jerusalem or the people to populate and statistically dominate Israel. Why should they be denuded; and why should they submit again, this time to a more picturesque Hitler, a composite one of several nations, telling them how to get lost.
It is useless to protest that this is a genuine peace endeavour: so was Chamberlain's in 1939, but it was not realistic. Does the US Secretary of State now advise that there is not to be any EXTENSION of Israeli settlements in the West Bank ? On what ground ? As Netanyahu imaginatively specified recently, what do you expect ? that the normal development of cities should occur, using the air as a basis for building!
WHO is this who dictates to a foreign country, as if the ravages of Hitler set the tone for more peaceable modes of Jewish disintegration! if not at all in intention, then fairly palpably in result. Is it to be harassed, as if the City Council were to give away surrounding land, as appears to have been done in Alice Springs, to a specific people ? Are the cities to be suppressed, to become clinics of containment, internationally sponsored ? Are people losing their heads, as if persecution and running of Israel from abroad were some kind of a mandate!
Perhaps, for when it comes to Israel there is an obvious case of divine action. It was given, and blessed and grew, and became great with Solomon and the Empire of the Maccabees, and was crushed by Babylon and Assyria in different ways, both foretold, yet was restored to become cradle for Christ, as foretold in Jeremiah in some part, and Micah for another. It was going to disbelieve in Him, and did so as foretold (Isaiah 49:7) and killed Him slowly, piercing hands and feet (Psalm 22, Isaiah 52-53) *4, with considerable gall and gore. It duly lost its land (as foretold in Leviticus 26), while many Gentiles, including kings, believed in Him. This too was as foretold, as were the terms of a pre-announced Gospel which in fact spread, again as predicted, throughout the earth.
To be sure, the State of Israel is not believing in Him yet, as implied in Zechariah 12:10. You do not believe in someone such as Christ, BEFORE repenting and seeing what you have done to Him, and then going apart to mourn for your sins; but BY these actions you show it when it happens, and it will be confirmed when there is opened (as in Zech. 13:1) a fountain for cleansing from sin, and not an international city, in Jerusalem. That was the repentance foretold, and it was to come in the midst of the wars noted, and the burdensome time. Hence, the national event in view having not yet occurred, the implication is clear: at that time, the nation is not by any means at peace with God, and has not received this self-same Messiah, the one whom they pierced as Zechariah puts it.
Nevertheless, many are well aware in Israel, of such things, and their past, and their restoration as foretold, a matter too obvious to be excluded by even the most dedicated unbelief (as for example, in Hosea, Ezekiel 36ff., implied in Luke 21:24 with Matthew 24:1ff.).
Is some secular body to prescribe for Israel what it will do, as if God did not exist, had never spoken, had no concern for such scriptures as Micah 7, forgot His word (in direct contradiction of Ezekiel 36:22), and although speaking expressly to a nation which had been His, had moved away from covenant ? Was Israel to be graciously returned to their land*5, God Himself in His word clearly defining their identity, and must now God be corrected, so that they become a residual, like scraps for the gods ? Is this to be at the hand , or mouth, of the UN, the Madrid Quartet, President Obama if so be, King Hussein or various other interested parties who seem to want to manage their neighbour's (or distant relative's) affairs!
In vain, do you claim: we only want peace! Peace is an outcome; justice and truth are inputs. If you only want to eat well, when in dire debt, the aspiration may be normal; but means to its attainment need to be lawful!
It is here that all the international crusade to coerce, subdue and deal with the non-possessor of substantial oil, in the Middle East, the non-pusher with armies to take over other nations, namely with Israel, reaches its rock. Naturally, with such international motion and commotion, when that Rock is hit, the impact is to be considerable. It would be wise to consider before sending an extended invitation to heaven, advising of another opinion, to that of the Almighty.
Surely Israel has asked for it; but have they not, these others, done much the same, with their incredible histories of slaves and horrors of inhumanity, while in some cases, speaking of Christ! To be sure, England for one, turned from this particular horror, not least through the sacrificial service in Parliament of the notable Christian, Wilberforce; but there is no nation able to speak as a saint to the sinners, though some, in most cases decreasingly, have made real efforts at various times to move from immortality and heartlessness towards the Gospel of grace, or components of it.
It is moreover, God's affair. So is man. So are the rulers of the nations as you see in Psalm 2, where their continued endeavour to bypass God and not follow His Christ, but rather render Him irrelevant are met with a very contrary mode on the part of God, with predictable results. That too is predicted, and it is applicable not only, as already is the case, to the endeavour to delete Jesus Christ, but to the time when the Lord will personally rule on this earth, in that Psalm!
As to the results of braggadocio and assurance, defiance and determination to run Israel and indeed, for that matter, this world in its own way, on the part of mankind, free from all interference, God not excepted: no small part of the results will be, as it has been, an intense suffering. This always lurks, despite divine mercy often shown in prodigious degree, for when you are at odds with your Maker and Him who made the very world, there are simply no odds for success! The track of truth then lies outside your way, as its Maker likewise.
Success, moreover, would be failure, for when the Manufacturer of Man is in view, knowledge palls before omniscience, and rebellion is always against reality, of which our actual frames and world are part.
Suffering therefore, in the end, is for all who rout and riot and rebel and tell God and others, precisely what is to be done; and then tell Israel, like those picking on one in trouble, and adding to the woes, kicking a prone form, if you will, just how it should move its legs.
It is not a prone form ? It is only by miraculous conformity to prophetic mercy that it is not so; and it is being treated by many, in their stultifying assurance, as if it were. The fact that many wealthy nations and Islamic, with prodigious amounts of land over much of the earth, in general, and that part of it surrounding Israel, in particular, moreover with religious affinity in type with the Palestinians to a large extent, want yet more land! For whom is it desired ? why, it is for another Islamic body, Palestinian by name. It seems this is deemed a worthless triviality, almost a frivolity. What, find land for them in our wealthy midst, vast lands ? in the part of Palestine given to Jordan, most of it at the first ? You expect us to yield something ? THAT, it is for Israel.
To be sure, Jordan did try, but when the Palestinians used its land to war on Israel in various ways, and incited civil war, it felt hospitality being reduced. The land however was not reduced, that granted to this country FROM Palestine. It is, you see, in this, Palestinian land. How much should be yielded of it, by Jordan ?
But no. Israel, with a tiny and almost indefensibly strip, having already given back MUCH of its littleness in quest for peace, though some of it has then been used for war, must give more.
The little question, Why ? does occur, in some circles at least.
It is not what justice would indicate, but what convenience would allow, it seems, that is the mandate for this. You even hear talk of Israel having to give something, as well as take, for a good consultation now.
Give ? It gave back Sinai and the Gaza strip, which was then used to strip them of life and peace. Is this something that did not happen ? Is history irrelevant ? Is the PROCESS, is the PLAN to be this: ALWAYS make Israel less, and EVERY time ask for more in return for not doing something rather nasty, until it is so vulnerable as to be only divinely defensible!
Is it that the position for this world, a compendium of non-corresponding views, a fragmentation of the plate-glass window through which it should have been seeing God, in Christ Jesus! Is it saying 'eyes right' to what is acceptable, passing in and out on an almost daily basis, and 'I's always right!' as the comic phrase has it, to the point it finds it hard, actually to think ? Is the who blinks first concept so ingrained that it is ocular and not oracular in its pronouncements ?
Is it so pre-occupied with many things that it scarcely has time to repent at leisure from so many astounding wars, opium wars, slave wars, hegemony wars, racist wars, religious wars, economic wars, wars of bravado and for autonomy, and so is now bustling with internationally legislative ideas for Israel ? It would seem it would love to think so, apportioning land according to ... to what ? to oil and its servitors, suppliers, on a preferential basis ? to those who have most so that they can have more ? to those who have shown the most warlike spirit in INITIATING attack in the region ? It could almost seem so.
Righteousness ? justice ? If London, Paris and Washington, not to say Moscow, were to have such apportionments made of them by other nations, it could be interesting, not to say provocative for many, and possibly not relished by most. In this case, it is even far more difficult. God is DIRECTLY in it.
Melanie Philips, prominent British journalist, in Jewish World Review, May 7, 2009 makes the accusation that this is what the Obama administration is trying to do, to throw Israel under the Islamic bus. The article, of great interest, is to be found at
She cites a report from Ha'aretz:
Jones is quoted in the telegram as saying that the United States, European Union and moderate Arab states must redefine ‘a satisfactory endgame solution.’ The U.S. national security adviser did not mention Israel as party to these consultations.
Of course, she pursues the point, if you are going to throw a country under a bus, you do not discuss the manner of its destruction, with its assassins, who are co-ordinating the crime. She envisages any Palestinian State as being a modus operandi for Iran, via Hamas, so that it would be a virtual Iranian body. The State would be proxy for Iran, she states.
The statement of National Security Adviser, General James Jones that the US does not intend to push Israel under a bus makes the appearance of quite a fuss about a bus; but in former US eras, it would be hard to find anything in the direction of a push to Israel relative to any bus; and a denial would have seemed ludicrous, like telling a mother that she would not want her eldest son to starve to death. Some things appear too obvious to be cited; but here ... it is not so!
There is a reason for that. Extra pressure in the same monotonous direction of stripping Israel and gratifying its enemies, whom it has defeated, by an international stripping body, and now a US thrusting approach in the same direction, is bringing the confrontation with the Lord ever closer.
Those who know Him, have no concern, except for those who appear bent on fulfilling Micah 7, for example, and Deuteronomy 32. There is an almost surreal seeming air about this mounting negativity to Israel. They manoeuvre and strengthen their utterances (Britain too is TELLING Israel that there has to be two state solution), like someone not only pinching himself to see if he is awake, but using a screw-driver to make really sure. Can they go further ? Check I am awake. Yes. Try more ? Can I get away with this ? Yes... more still then.
They evidently are too sleepy to feel even the claws of the pincers. Nevertheless, the dreamy notoriousness of the surge of suppress-Israel feeling is so high, that any efforts to find whether they are dreaming would appear well worth it.
It is like Proverbs 23:33-35, where the drunken sailor is as if sleeping on the top of a mast. It cannot be, but it seems as if it is ... oh well, if the oceans have submerged the ship, it is at least interesting that it is still floating, sighs the intoxicated sailor, before swooning into the deep.
This water, it is very deep.
A word from Proverbs on inebriation, which is not limited to the alcoholic variety, may help:
Your eyes will see strange things,
And your heart will utter perverse things.
Yes, you will be like one who lies down in the midst of the sea,
Or like one who lies at the top of the mast, saying:
"They have struck me, but I was not hurt;
They have beaten me, but I did not feel it.
When shall I awake, that I may seek another drink?"
THIS wine is philosophic, semitically misanthropic in effect, allotropy, existing in varied states and inducing a variety of results.
See Joyful Jottings 22-25, SMR Ch. 9.
See Galloping Events Ch. 4.
As for *1. See Psalm 22, Zechariah 13:6.
See SMR Appendix A, SMR Ch. 9, It Bubbles ... Ch. 10.
News 421
The Australian May 29, 2009
Ha,aretz May 22, 28, 2009
Jerusalem! "If I forget thee, O Jerusalem... cries the Psalmist, let my right hand forget its skill!" (Psalm 137).
Why ? It was because God had from the time of Moses declared that ONE PLACE would be found for Sacrifice Central, Worship Way. Let us revert to The Shadow of a Mighty Rock, Chapter 9, pp. 823ff., to see the city site in spiritual context, both its significance and its message, both to the Jew and to the Gentile. Let us be informed, not deformed by wanton ignorance or woeful antagonism. In this excerpt, since it is such, some extensions and slight changes will be made for our present purpose.
The wonder of the divine mercy is this: that anyone at any time may call upon the name of the Lord, may come to the Lord Jesus Christ, and be saved. It is when the desire to come is gone, that the consequences can ensue. That also applies both and equally to Jew and to Gentile. Let us however revert to the Jewish specifics, since they are required for our apologetic task.
It was in one place they were authorised to perform their sacrifices on settling into their land. The removal of that one place therefore is summary executive discipline, one that makes a laughing stock of such solemn religious pretensions as are based on the premiss that Christ is false. God Almighty has not for more than a millenium forgotten to maintain the central site of sacrifice, but deliberately brought into disrepute the lingering beyond the time of birth on the part of Israel; for with the Lamb of God has now been slain, and there is no more place for the Temple of Sacrificial Symbol.
When the soldier comes home, the photograph ceases to be central. When the Saviour came, to continue on the concept of symbols is to void His salvation! Hence a Moselm mosque can indeed remind that in this, Israel is like so many nations: not recognising the Saviour. However it does it in another way: it does not realise WHY it is suffering so, WHY its temple is gone. It has as a nation been forsaking the living Temple, now in heaven and soon to return (cf. Answers to Questions Ch. 5).
In large measure, however, it will (Zechariah 12:10 - 13:1); but so far, although it was Jews who were used in the building up of the Christian Church at the outset, a fact never to be forgotten, and they from whom the Old Testament with its formation, information and direction to Christ has come, yet now they linger too long in the place of birth, and have not as a people, as a nation come to their own Messiah.
Is it fully understood the enormity which this constitutes ? If the Jewish nation, brought back to their own land*1 as we see by the grace of God - "not for your sakes do I this" (Ezekiel 36:22,32): if this nation is to be a pivot of force in showing that God means what He says, as He defends them; so too the Jewish nation has been prevented from the authorised sacrifice in the authorised place for so many centuries of time, equally confirming, yes no less, that their rejected Christ was indeed authentic, so that they do indeed no longer need the Temple in Jerusalem, or Jerusalem itself for the Temple.
Year by aching year, void by poignant void, pogrom by vicious pogrom... the lesson has been taught. Nor let there be any confusion: As to the pogroms - they are not guiltless who harry the Jews (cf. Isaiah 52:21-23). It is God who disciplines, and requires the impact of the truth to be maintained, so that Christ may receive His glory and the Jews be recalled to repentance, as indeed must all the world for its sins... But here with a specific people God has a specific point to be made, and He makes it over and over in the prophetic scriptures, which we now are seeing fulfilled in startling precision and accuracy, over and over again ... in history.
What has been the witness of God through history, to the Jews during the near to 1900 years without this one Temple, denied to them?
You are wrong, you are wrong, it goes. See the Almighty call you to sacrifice by the covenant with Moses, until the Christ comes (Deuteronomy 18, Isaiah 53, 66). When He comes, then soon you cannot, cannot year by year make those old animal sacrifices in the appointed one place only prescribed (Isaiah 66:3, 53:10); and you will stay unable to do so until a whole new time like that of the period from Abraham till Christ is past. Will this teach you how special you are (cf. the excoriating irony of Amos 9:7, therapeutic irony), when and if you break the covenant and fail to recognise... God!
How firmly God told them of that one place for their covenanted sacrifice.
Review it, if you will in... Deuteronomy 12:5-11, 14:23, 26:2, Joshua 9:27. I Kings 8:29, Psalm 78:68, 132:13-14, and II Chronicles 7:16, 33:4.
Not only does the God of Israel choose a place - and that Jerusalem is that place in these scriptures; but He goes considerably further. Having shown Solomon that this is that place of which He has spoken, He gives a disciplinary forecast which is also a teaching announcement for all the world. lt would be near to criminal to neglect, from the only God there is, an announcement of such clarity and high impact!
He says, in II Chronicles 7:16,19-21 that "I have chosen and sanctified this house"; and in terms of the covenant then in force, the choice is announced as perpetual; and then... "If you turn away and forsake My statues and My commandments... and go and serve other gods..." (and Christ said: 'If God were your Father you would love me'... John 8:42, and "You are of your father, the devil" - 8:44, to those rejecting Him among the Jews)... then ? then ? what does the divine King tell His people He will do, if they so forsake Him ?
"Then I will uproot them from My land..." (done), "and this house which I have sanctified for My name I will cast out of My sight..." (done), and "will make it to be a proverb and a byword among all nations..." (done). All this is painful; so was the crucifixion. The physical pain of it may have been the least! It has however happened. To have this Mosque denying the God of salvation, sacrifice and covenant central to the lost place of the Temple, or its environs, is in itself a message: If you deny the Messiah, and cling to the symbol, if you stay in the womb of the symbolic and ignore the birth in Christ, as a nation, then God will ignore the sanctity of the Temple, since the living temple, Jesus Christ, has replaced it (Hebrews 7-10), by His ONE sacrifice now ONCE in the time to the end, in putting away sin by the sacrifice of Himself. But HE must be accepted in this!
We must realise that it is not a matter of comparative religions, kindly consented to by all men. God's honour and truth and gospel and commands and demands and gifts for the world are at stake. When the commanding officer is being lynched, especially when it is by people in uniform, then it is necessary for each soldier to consider for whom he is fighting, and to determine loyalty to whomever is around, on the one hand, or to authority, on the other. And this authority is God, who makes all things happen as He says, and makes a specialty of just that. Many Ukraine soldiers, in 1991-1992, were analogically having slightly similar problems, when the Ukraine government was demanding a commitment of loyalty, while there is the Commonwealth of Independent States to consider. When authority is assaulted, one must place one's fealty in view.
Yet there is more. The scripture continues, this word given by the Jews who have indeed done so much in their time. (It is a not a matter of racism, for which race has not failed ? but of faithfulness to God, at whatever cost, to the truth. That is the better blessing than leaving men to go astray and to hell, in their errors. Would we not wish it for ourselves... ? a word in time; and that is indeed the greater love... as Christ, who is love, showed in reproving them, if by any means they might be saved.)
The word of God continues and so must we. II Chronicles 7 verse 21 makes the point with the quiet, but dazzling illumination of lightning:
And as for this house, which is exalted, everyone who passes by it will be astonished and say, 'Why has the Lord done thus to this land and this house ?'
Such was the result if they turned away and forsake what the Lord Himself had caused to be written (cf. Deuteronomy 18 and its Messianic warning)..
In short, the whole thing is planned, the impact is planned, the reproof is planned, the message is planned and it becomes us to hear, while there is yet time; and to realise the truth.
Do men not scurry here and there, by air and sea, to spread their latest technology which, they consider, is truly so and accords with reality, quite often? Will we as a race then be so blind as to ignore this teaching of God, provocatively and pointedly made in advance, authenticating that there is indeed a planner back of our history, as back of our biological cells; that there is One whose Son was indeed by lawless hands slain on this earth, as also was predestinated (Acts 2:23). Now how all that comports: this is given some expression here, to remove possible difficulties some may find in grasping it all, in Chapter 6, in Appendix B, in PREDESTINATION BEFORE PROPHECY, at the commencement of Chapter 8 and in Chapter 9 - e.g. pp. 774 ff. and 816 ff. supra.
To the point now is this: It is said, it is written, and it has occurred in such a way as to put beyond all doubt that the God of the Jewish scriptures has repudiated the Jewish repudiation of Jesus Christ, and has performed with precision all that He said He would do; and He has done it gloriously, amply, abundantly and indeed strikingly.
From those scriptures come these results, in other words, both in history and in implication for the Jews.
Sad indeed the suffering, both of Jew and Gentile, as jointly from different grounds so many of each category ignore or reject the only God there is, whose voice is yet not wholly stifled in conscience, nor in the evocative enduring of calamity, nor yet in His patience and appeal; AND HERE HE TELLS US (II Chronicles 7:21-22). Listen.
They shall say, He says,
"Why has the Lord done thus to this land and this house ?"
It is because "they forsook the Lord God of their fathers...,
took other gods and worshipped them and served them;
therefore He has brought all this calamity upon them."So it is also predicted in Moses (Deuteronomy 28:45-68, 29:23-28, 31:26-27, 32:29-43, Leviticus 26:38-46). How poignant and exact is the very tone and tenor of the prediction indeed:
And among these nations you will find no ease ...
but the Lord will give you there a trembling heart,
and failing of eyes, and pining of soul: and your life
will hang in doubt before you; and you will fear day and night,
and will have no assurance of your life: in the morning you will say,
Would God it were even! and at even, you will say,
Would God it were morning! for the fear of your heart
which you will fear, and for the sight of your eyes,
which you will see (Deuteronomy 28:65 ff.).Alas, for the Jewish grief and the predicament of Israel. It is not some mystery, but forecast and predicated on departure from His word. And what departure is greater than this, that the Messiah sent through this very nation, was rejected (Isaiah 49:7), and the word "abhorred" is used! The type of death provided for Him illustrates this (Isaiah 52:13-53:12).
Zechariah it is who foretells a vast national repentance to come, one associated with the crime of piercing a human form of One speaking as and called by the name of God (Zechariah 12:10); just as Isaiah 49:7 had foretold the pivotal servant of God being rejected by God's 'chosen people', the Jews, as a nation; and in Zechariah we find the result of this repentance, which is yet to come at a national level, is to be a mourning for Him!
So profound is the offence offered that in the context of the Jewish nation selling their King (Zechariah 11:8-13), God personally not only speaks with simply profound irony ("a goodly price with which I was prized by them!"), but clearly foretells His action to "break My covenant which I had made with all the people".
While the unconditional territorial provisions (Genesis 17 cf. SMR Appendix A) are not altered (Matthew 5:17-19), what supervenes (cf. Isaiah 6:1-13) is in fact the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31, cf. Isaiah 61:1ff.), instituted by the very act by which they defied their King; for the sale led to sacrifice, by which (Isaiah 53:10) a man might be saved, not by the blood of animals (Isaiah 66:1-4), but by that of Christ (Isaiah 53:10-12).
They, the people had torn it up! ripped the document of the covenant, in its final, irreplaceable and fleshly form (indeed doing it with remarkable gusto - Matthew 27:25, and scant care for posterity!); they had humiliated it, sold it, and as Isaiah 65 shows, were to be replaced as those who should show forth God's praise, His people, by a people of the Lord who would bear a new name!
Such became the Christian Church which also, has been attacked by wolves (Acts 20:29ff.), misled by misty maestros. Thus, while riches and power have gone to many falsely using the name of Christ (II Peter 2:1ff.) as predicted (cf. Matthew 24:24), yet the people of the Lord continue faithful in the earth. It is to this body, the body of Christ, that Zechariah predicts a large and sudden segment of Israel is to be added as they come to ONE LORD, ONE SAVIOUR (for there is no other - Isaiah 43:10-11), who has PAID for the peace to be wrought, the meadows of rest to be found (cf. Isaiah 63:14 cf. Matthew 11:28ff.), and the pardon available (Isaiah 53:10-12, cf. Acts 4:11-12).
What more profound outward insult, execration? No more final or explicit affront to the Lord is possible than this, of seeking His Person, afflicting His face and piercing His incarnate body! The ultimate penalty for the ultimate affront, mentioned by Moses in Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy Chs. 28-32, is dispersion; and this the Jewish people have suffered (e.g. Deuteronomy 28:63, 29:22-28, Leviticus 26:30-33), this people with all the details, as foretold, of their soon-to-come, and long-to-continue international sorrows.
This is seen in Deuteronomy 32:31-2, 32:26, and in Leviticus 26 as noted, but their tenor, again, is striking, as we consider their 1900 years of exile till 1948:
And the generation to come of your children that shall rise up after you, and the foreigner who shall come from a far land, shall say, when they see the plagues of that land, and the sicknesses which the Lord has laid upon it, and that the whole land ... is not sown ... like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah ... which the Lord overthrew in His anger and in His wrath: even all the nations will say: Why has the Lord done thus to this land ? what does the heat of this great anger mean ? Then men will say, Because they forsook the covenant of the Lord, the God of their fathers, who brought them out of the land of Egypt: for they went and served other gods whom they did not know... (from Deuteronomy 29:22,26).
The irony, the pitiable and poignant, but still called-for irony ... ? It is this. This people necessarily lost the chance to sacrifice in their appointed Temple, in the very act of slaying that sacrifice who came so willingly (Psalm 40:1-3); for the ultimate penalty being dispersion, and their error being as ultimate as rebellion can well be, and dispersion removing them from the land and hence from the place appointed, Jerusalem, they neither COULD perform this old covenant preliminary to the New Covenant (Jeremiah 31:31), nor SHOULD. Having completed unknowingly the staging for the NEW COVENANT by a rebellion which blinded them to the fact that the Old was past... BY THEIR OWN HANDS! they simultaneously ensured the removal of the means for formal rebellion, the TEMPLE and its SACRIFICES.
Nor is that all. They used the Gentile Romans to rid them of Christ; and it was this same race, the Gentile Romans who wrecked their city, salted it down, ploughed it, and destroyed utterly their temple, just as Christ, lamenting but real, in a judgment now inevitable had predicted (cf. Daniel's prophecy, 9:24-27)!
Thus it was that further animal sacrifice became not merely grossly abusive, having no call:
"He who... sacrifices a lamb (is) as he who breaks a dog's neck ..." (Isaiah 66:3),
but it also grew to be prodigious waste and wholly irrelevant (Isaiah 65:l5-l6). In fact it became a blasphemous denial of God's own and most personal dealing (Isaiah 53:3-5), which led to a forbearance so prodigious as to have impressed many generations. (Thus, in Isaiah 53:12 - God Himself as man, makes intercession for the transgressors, part of whose transgression was to depict God as a wrongdoer and to crucify the body of His incarnation - Micah 5:1-3.)
Pitiful ? The thing is of the most profound pity, poignancy itself weeps; but such is the penalty when reality is disdained, or despised or lost; and the more so, when it has come so close and this so clearly.
God's name was in the slain Messiah, the sacrifice which made the former Temple ritual passé, like Primary School teaching when one is at University. If God's name was in His temple, how much more was it incarnate in His son. As to the Temple, He supplanted it, surpassed it, as God surpasses symbols which express Him (cf. Hebrews 10). How little is He known when symbols are preferred to what they symbolise; but how far worse when that, it is God Himself!
There lies the miraculous message through the Jews in their adversity; as the Gospel is the miraculous message to the Gentiles. Just as God has said He should call His people by another name - not to forget those of His pledges which were unconditional (Leviticus 26:44-45, Deuteronomy 30:3, Ezekiel 36-37), but to fulfil the wholly unconditional Gospel promise to all men (Isaiah 49:6, 65:1-13, Zechariah 2:11) - so the Jews performed their dramatic cycle, eventually to see them returned to their own land and to the New Covenant (Isaiah 65:16, 53:10, Ezekiel 37).
Jerusalem ? Its importance ? Its has not ceased. Firstly, then by the Mosque it pours scorn on the scorn poured on Jesus Christ, for the TEMPLE SIGNIFICANCE is now fulfilled and a false prophet can have his house precisely where the symbolic house of the true God had for so long been placed. The Gentiles can indeed scour out the Temple, set up their own, mock the God of salvation in so doing, despise the Christ, and in the case of Muhammad, dare to use His name for a creation without ground, historical basis or attestation of any kind, a new Jesus*1A, stripped of glory. All this can be and has been done and led to enormous suffering to those responsible and to others who play games with them for any reason, as now.
Thus Jerusalem, the noble city, it has served in symbol, became the site for the movement from symbol to ultimate sacrifice in Jesus Christ, the predicted Messiah at the predicted time (cf. Daniel 9:24-27 cf. Highway of Holiness Ch. 4), is the place where God paid. To it, this same Jesus is to return (cf. Zechariah 14), and to this world He will return (Micah 4) using Jerusalem not now as a place of spiritual pageant, a site for crucifixion for the ultimate sacrifice - all that is now past forever - but as an administrative capital, for Jew and Gentile, for the world. It will be ground into the vision of man, like multiplication tables in the Primary school of the past (and a good idea at that!), that God did indeed use this city for His glory under David, for the gore with Christ and to exhibit the vainglory of man, as in the Mosque.
He indeed had ONE PLACE because there is ONE SAVIOUR where first in animal picture and then in human reality, sin is covered. It is to this site of His own crucifixion in human format that He comes, with the geological results shown in Zechariah 14. He has indeed foretold that this same Jerusalem, part of the inalienable heritage promised to Abraham (Genesis 17:7-8 cf. Galloping Events Ch. 4), should be of this central character as a site for His salvation, where the payment actually occurred, and that the Jewish people would reconstitute their nation, Israel, precisely here and regain their city. Even this was to be given a prelude, half the city (Zechariah 14:1ff.), the more to illustrate the intensity of His intent!
When therefore the nations, as also predicted (Zech. 12:1ff.) wish to make contention in the matter, whichever Gentiles, they merely await the results (Ezekiel 38ff., Micah 7, Deuteronomy 32:30,36ff.) foretold. There is small blessing in interfering here; rather a curse is being begged for, and perhaps, it is now being found!
Consider now a word from a former PM of Israel, David Ben-Gurion, concerning his own nation, and in the light of the above, you will be the better able to see WHY this amazing result has occurred. God planned it, did it, and its singularity is from HIS!
"I know of no other people
that was exiled from it land,
dispersed among the nations of the world,
so hated, persecuted, expelled, and slaughtered
(in your days and mine alone 6 million Jews were destroyed by the Nazi),
yet did not vanish from history,
did not despair nor assimilate (although many did),
but yearned incessantly to return to its land,
and believed in its messianic deliverance for two thousand years;
and indeed did return to its land in our day and renewed its independence.
And I know that here never was a people in this land -
called always in Hebrew the Land of Israel -
that was so entirely identified all of its life with this land.
Although there were many conquerors (Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Seljuks, Crusaders, Mamelukes, Ottomans, and British)
this country was never the one and only homeland to nay people other than the Jews.
"I am aware that there is no other case in human history
of a people returning to its land after eighteen hundred years.
This is a unique fact, but one that operated in every generation,
for there was no generation when the Jews did not try (although not all of them succeeded) to return to their Homeland.
A second fact is that the Christian world and the League of Nations,
which was composed almost entirely of Christian peoples,
recognized the historic link between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel
and endorsed the Balfour Declaration."
Now in David Ben-Gurion's large work, ISRAEL, there are some interesting features on Jerusalem and Israel, in its conflicts and formation. He covers a long period up to 1971, and we garner details of much value from this work. First however, let us site the matter of Jerusalem in the prophetic scriptures, and relate to contemporary history.
Thus it was indeed 1967 that saw the capture of the whole of Jerusalem by Israel, as it found itself confronted by perilously and aggressively inclined forces, and took action to deliver itself from an extermination war. It was this that 1948 threatened to enshrine for the nation, Jerusalem. Acting and divinely enabled, it managed to avoid the sad but spectacular fate of becoming a famous but melancholy shrine for Israel: for staggeringly, against all comers, it was that nation which quite miraculously won that war (as foretold in the divine plan in Zechariah 12:3ff.).
In the process, of course, in 1948, Israel took just half of Jerusalem as Zechariah 14:1ff. foretold in an overall context from Chapters 9-14, that relates
first to the coming of the Messiah as Saviour
(Zechariah 9), with the ass's colt for detail, |
then to His betrayal, sale for 30
pieces of silver (Zechariah 11) for more verifiable detail, and |
then to a
severely ironic, prophetically spoken question, |
It has the betrayed figure focussed in Zechariah 11, the sold Saviour, in a dialogue, an ironic prophetic question and answer session. We move to the 13th. chapter.
"What scars," goes the question in Zechariah 13, " are these between Your hands ?" (Keil).
"Those," He replies, "were inflicted upon Me in the house of My loves" or "friends"! ...
You recall, perhaps, that Jesus, betrayed at Gethsemane by Judas, asks him this: "Friend, why have you come ?" (Matthew 26:50), and emphasising it still further, queries - "Judas, are you betraying the Son of Man with a kiss ?" (Luke 22:48).
There is plenty of room for a piercing irony, therefore, in this prophetic preview, dramatised in this exquisite manner to bring out the force of the folly.
It is in Zechariah 12, in this Messianic context, which touches both His first advent for suffering and that for glory to come (Luke 24:25ff.,39ff.); and as in Luke later, it similarly dwells on the wounds in His hands, and that half a millenium before it happened.
It is there that we read of the wars to come to Israel, the divine rescue with dynamic thrust, the burden to attach to those seeking to occupy themselves with the renewed Jewish State, and the time to come, of repentance. Whose ? Why as in Romans 11:25, the thing in both Testaments, that of many in Israel, like a great swathe to be cut in its midst, who will "look upon Me whom they pierced" (Zechariah 12:10). This is foretold to come for Israel, as has all the rest been foretold as in Amos 3:7 GOD SAID HE WOULD FORETELL. Even that was foretold, the foretelling!
The Messianic motif, the obvious fact that in the context in Zechariah 12, the slaying of the Messiah is a thing of the past for which they now come to repent, the repentance itself with the washing in the water of salvation (Zechariah 13:1ff.): all these things site the situation. It is in the era after Christ's slaying, where it is looked back on as a thing to repent of, a travail of the past, an event done and to be reviewed with a just mourning.
Just as Zechariah 14 gives the historical item that Jerusalem was to be divided into two in the midst of these near to terminal events for this vast and rolling history of this sacred (because so divinely used) city, so are the vital saving events displayed, beyond all this.
Indeed, the prophecy of Zechariah moves on from that, fulfilled in 1948, with the Mandelbaum Gate division of the city, to the actual return of the Messiah to Israel and in particular to the Mount of Olives in an event of great geological impact! These then being background prophetic and historical, indeed merging facts, we turn once more to recent history as found in massive volume of the former Israeli PM.
In David Ben-Gurion's ISRAEL (a personal history, since he was personally involved in a staggeringly large section of early developments prior to the book's publication in 1971), there are enormous quantities of detail, reflections and memories from review of the vicissitudes he experienced, watched and evaluated. These were like a stream: robust when in full flow, but at times it appears dispersive, yet again, determined, dynamic or dramatic. At other times, its course, that of his participation in these historical affairs, is seen as requiring patience or even gentleness.
Towards the end of this vast volume, he characterises certain features of Jewish history.
Although this has been cited above, it is convenient to see it once more in our present context.
On p. 795, he said this, and in this presentation, it is set for impact at this later date, in lines that will bring out more impactively, the content. A good title for it would be,
"I know of no other people
that was exiled from it land,
dispersed among the nations of the world,
so hated, persecuted, expelled, and slaughtered
(in your days and mine alone 6 million Jews were destroyed by the Nazi),
yet did not vanish from history,
did not despair nor assimilate (although many did),
but yearned incessantly to return to its land,
and believed in its messianic deliverance for two thousand years;
and indeed did return to its land in our day and renewed its independence.
And I know that here never was a people in this land -
called always in Hebrew the Land of Israel -
that was so entirely identified all of its life with this land.
Although there were many conquerors (Egyptians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Seljuks, Crusaders, Mamelukes, Ottomans, and British)
this country was never the one and only homeland to nay people other than the Jews.
"I am aware that there is no other case in human history
of a people returning to its land after eighteen hundred years.
This is a unique fact, but one that operated in every generation,
for there was no generation when the Jews did not try (although not all of them succeeded) to return to their Homeland.
A second fact is that the Christian world and the League of Nations,
which was composed almost entirely of Christian peoples,
recognized the historic link between the People of Israel and the Land of Israel
and endorsed the Balfour Declaration."
THIS, he declared, is a unique fact. So no doubt it is.
The other unique fact to realise in parallel, is this: that this continuity of the race, of the Jewish people, amidst exile and taunting, when the heavens would become as brass and the earth a vast trial, was in detail prophetically declared from the day of Moses onwards, and reviewed not a little (Deuteronomy 32, Leviticus 26, Ezekiel 36-38, Hosea, Micah 7). A deep overall treatment occurs also in the New Testament (Romans 11), of events leading up to the present.
What Ben-Gurion finds by reflection, God first stated for inspection. Let us review it here in our present flow of thought.
The plan ? In part it was this. GOD would ensure, that in the midst of repeated and chronic revisionism, revolt against Him, formalism and unreality, that they would after preliminary warnings, be exiled, subjected to reverses, but would endure, would be returned to their land, would succeed in being planted there against vast and overwhelming forces against it (Zechariah 12). In the midst of these events, and crucial to them, they would reject and slay the Messiah (Isaiah 49:7, 49-55). Yet He would not ignore the final outcome, for in Him would be found a Gospel, a New Covenant (Isaiah 53-55, Jeremiah 31:31ff., Jeremiah 16). This they would not at first accept, but ultimately, returned gratuitously, ex gratia, to their land by the Lord (Ezekiel 36ff., Micah 7 cf. SMR Appendix A), they would in large numbers return to the Lord, even the nation which (with Rome) slew Him.
In this milieu, HE would deliver them from forces so alien, so hostile, so inveterate, that HIS OWN POWER would be used to do so (Zechariah 12:4ff.). If HE disciplines, yet IN PRINCIPLE, He does not approve of others who like unruly school children, try to add THEIR OWN additives to the troubled nation (Isaiah 51:22-23 cf. Jeremiah 51:34-39).
The whole plan was His and announced part by part, detail by detail, for over a millenium before Christ came; and it is now over two millenia since much of this was first set to record, prophetically, to be discovered anew when, as now, it has happened. In SMR Chs . 8 - 9, there is much detail on this; and it need not be repeated here.
The point of all this ?
What BEN GURION OBSERVES in terms of a unique national history is one aspect, the empirical one.
What GOD both described and prescribed in writings over 3400 years before some of these events, with more later, is also unique. This is thus also a unique predictive series for any nation. There is none like it in all history. It is alone in kind, and in the mind of God for man, in His word, and in ANY WORD.
This, it was meant to be. It was intended that as He unfolded His plan with divine dynamic to make the results come (rebellion was one of the CAUSES), so the nations would take note and become instructed (Ezekiel 38:23, 39:22-23).
It was in detail appointed, and it came. By nature it is unique, for it so much as to happen.
It is doubly so for it to be so foretold. If any have ears, then it is time to listen. With one error of estimation spoiling vast futures, for anyone seeking to predict such things, if it were a question of preliminary survey, and with a vast array of whole questions of national and international action, reaction, persecution and assault, as history developed, there could be nothing sure, let alone detailed to be foreseen in the entire multiplying milieu of developments. In the case at hand, every little detail is sure, right up to those of the 20th and 21st century; and the schema is outlined like an opera sheet for inspection, before it comes on stage.
In that stage, Jerusalem has had a divinely appointed place, in various depths and dimensions, and continues to have one, though not now the same as before. As the site of the crucifixion of the Lord of glory and the place appointed for His vindicating return in glory, as the place where the misuse of the temple became an object of mockery, it becomes that where its equal misuse by other unbelief, will meet its end with all other pretensions. It will end with HIS coming who made the earth and appointed how it was to be used. Ownership ? from eternity.
It was not, then, some adventure in history that brought all this to pass; and it was not some lapse in historical kind that brought Israel's fall. It came because of rebellion from a mutually agreed post as testifying of God to man, in pre-specified manner (Isaiah 43:21 with Isaiah 1). There were decisive, incisively expressed causes for the evils they suffered, just as in mercy there is an overwhelming and ultimate grace to overcome their default and bring back first the nation to its site, and then many of them back to Himself, in peace and pardon, joy and happiness of heart (as in Isaiah 51:11) in that same Christ to whom many of the Gentile people have come.
Amid all this is JERUSALEM. It is NOT just that Jews have been in Israel than any other people (God's Gift of Grace in Christ Jesus Ch. 5); nor that they have had events of a spectacular kind that have arrested mankind again and again. It is that God specified the city for His teaching, sacrificial, spiritual depictions and actions at the Cross, and used it in a context national in kind, cohesive in character, to bring reality not to Israel alone (Isaiah 42:6, 49:6), but to the race. He did it in terms made clear, as the Gospel, before He paid for them at Calvary, with a life made fitted for it preceding, in Isaiah for example. He declared His coming, His going and His return; their going, their return and the coming spiritual change, for many of them to come in their hearts in precisely the current milieu. As to that, it could happen at any time since all the preliminaries are now in place.
A focus of hatred (cf. Deuteronomy 32:21, Leviticus 26:17, Jeremiah 24:9, Ezekiel 5:15), Israel has tried again and again to make peace. One must realise also that in 1947 when the UN put up a partition plan*2 so that Jerusalem would be an international city, and Israel would get some sectors of Palestine in a sporadic seeming manner, while the Arabs would gain the rest, this was rejected.
By whom ? by the Arabs. They did not WANT Israel. The most favourable terms were not enough. God declared Israel would endure despite all; they did. HE said they would return. They did. He declared that they would win amidst staggering assaults, in which HE would guarantee their survival (later their revival). They did.
ALL the subsequent wars could have been avoided, at this level anyway, that is in terms of Arab aggression as in 1948, 1973 and in the intifada, by acceptance of what was then on offer, and is now far from their lot. Ben Gurion, in his ISRAEL, indicates that it was with grief of heart that Israel was willing to accept that 1947 betrayal by the UN of the League of Nations determination for Israel. They WERE to have a land of which they could be proud, one in which they could have - without being rampant against those there - a homeland, for their very own. Could they have a homeland when assailed continually from those in another part of Palestine ? could they take pride in an apportionment which Arabs studiously refused to acknowledge in practical affairs, even to the point of seeking its demise ?
Nor has this been a sudden development, but one of longstanding. In what follows, red will be used simply to make it easier to see relevant points for our present interest.
From Palestine Facts, the British Mandate in Palestine, we have the following.
The 1922 White Paper (also called the Churchill White Paper) was the first official manifesto interpreting the Balfour Declaration. It was issued on June 3, 1922, after investigation of the 1921 disturbances. Although the White Paper stated that the Balfour Declaration could not be amended and that the Jews were in Palestine by right, it partitioned the area of the Mandate by excluding the area east of the Jordan River from Jewish settlement. That land, 76% of the original Palestine Mandate land, was renamed Transjordan and was given to the Emir Abdullah by the British.
The White Paper included the statement that the British Government:
- ... does not want Palestine to become "as Jewish as England is English", rather should become "a center in which Jewish people as a whole may take, on grounds of religion and race, an interest and a pride."
The mandate to Britain concerning Palestine was a useful source for characterisation of the intention. We gain this from
Research - Library of Congress Country Studies
The Mandate's terms recognized the "historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine," called upon the mandatory power to "secure establishment of the Jewish National Home," and recognized "an appropriate Jewish agency" for advice and cooperation to that end. The WZO, which was specifically recognized as the appropriate vehicle, formally established the Jewish Agency (see Glossary) in 1929. Jewish immigration was to be facilitated, while ensuring that the "rights and position of other sections of the population are not prejudiced." English, Arabic, and Hebrew were all to be official languages. At the San Remo Conference, the French also were assured of a mandate over Syria. They drove Faysal out of Damascus in the summer; the British provided him with a throne in Iraq a year later. In March 1921, Winston Churchill, then colonial secretary, established Abdullah as ruler of Transjordan under a separate British mandate.
From the Preamble of the 1922 Mandate for Britain re Palestine, we have more. Red is used as above, to feature points of particular interest to us.
1922 Text: League of Nations Palestine Mandate
The Council of the League of Nations : Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them ; and Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non- Jewish com- munities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country ; and Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country ; ...
Palestine was re-designated as that approximately 24% of the original land of the Mandate, which Britain did not unilaterally provide for Jordan, making the latter a separate people in 1946. It was intended, we learn, not at first to be such, but to be a site to which Arabs could go, as the Jews settled the promised land of "Palestine" minor, as one could call it, the rump.
From Palestine Facts we find a useful datum, confirming this point.
According to Sir Alec Kirkbride, the British representative in the area, Transjordan was:
- ... intended to serve as a reserve of land for use in the resettlement of Arabs once the National Home for the Jews in Palestine, which [Britain was] pledged to support, became an accomplished fact. There was no intention at that stage of forming the territory east of the River Jordan into an independent Arab state.
In 1925, the British added 60,000 sq. km. of desert to eastern Transjordan forming an "arm" of land to connect Transjordan with Iraq and to cut Syria off from the Arabian Peninsula. The British continued to favor exclusive Arab development east of the Jordan River by enacting restrictive regulations against the Jews, even when Arab leaders sought Jewish involvement in the development of Transjordan.
This prodigious apportionment for the Arabs appears to have been forgotten in normal journalistic belligerence (it is not a total nescience, for some still refer to such things). Is about three quarters of the Palestine which was to serve as a homeland for Israel, so that it could be productive in peace, fulfilling its history of long association, not enough to lose in this absolutist and unilateral British fashion ? If not, why not! Jordan, moving from the earlier appointed name of Transjordan as it took up nationhood, exists as a special entity by virtue of an apportionment from Palestine, that land in a British Mandate with a Jewish homeland connotation, one in which it was clear that there was to be such a pervasiveness for Israel, that she was to be cautioned NOT to be disruptive but to make due allowance for the peoples living there!
Due allowance ? This is to be found in removing some three quarters of the land from it altogether, and then having this same Jordan in 1948, seize more in military style, while Israel was in danger of having its appointed homeland annulled by violence ? THIS, this 'West Bank' as it is mischievously called, this extra grab to add to three-quarters, recognised by only two nations when it happened, it is to be made irrelevant. It is like cutting off two arms from someone, and then in a meeting of minds for peace, deciding precisely how much more is to come, with a convenient loss of reference to a couple of arms already negotiated away, and in fact lopped off, and kept for everyone to see, in the assailant's home! The image is not excessive; the truancy from the spirit of the gift and the taunting for Israel so much as to be there provide an climacteric character to the thing, making it almost surreal.
It is therefore of the utmost significance, as history is reviewed in the light of the prophetic background and contemporary foreground, to realise that the continuation of the capital of Israel in terms of its homeland is not an issue of novelty and interest. It is part of the very nature of recognising Israel's past in this land and the character of homeland accorded to it, such that others should be allowed to have a reasonable time in their midst, WHILE they have a HOMELAND and not a negotiating strip.
There is no other nation which has made for thousands of years, Jerusalem its capital; some have used it, handled it, but have not so accorded this site. The only people to put up so much as a religious shrine on its Temple Mount, were not the first to do so. Nor is it so much as their chief religious site. To imagine that Israel would surrender not only 3/4 of the territory in which it was to practice care for others, and then an indent into the 'West Bank', and then allow the Capital and chief religious centre, in a combination no other people has had for thousands of years, to be severed in part or whole from it, is to imagine that the League of Nations never existed, the World War I never happened, Allenby had never conquered and taken the area, and that the homeland concept meant a flaming con-dominion, not a site for pride.
It is not just that it is so
lopsided, nor is it merely |
is it only the fact that we are talking of a sovereign nation's capital |
it is that to divest Israel of its SOLE capital, that of the ONLY nation
It is like removing the head, as well as two arms from the assaulted body, and asking it to continue to offer no resistance to these ... shall we call them 'operations' ?
Apart from seeking not to be obliterated as multi-national bodies repeated make war on it, and trying to discourage rocket assaults on its very minor territory, to the tune of thousands of them, Israel has been not only careful to maintain religious access for others coming peaceably, but has done so in marked contrast to what happened when Jordan had the Old City form 1948 to 1967.
On p. 789, Ben Gurion (op.cit.) speaks on Arab refugees:
"When after the renewal of the State of Israel twenty years ago the IDF took control of cities in our land whose inhabitants were non-Jews - Moslems, Druze and Christians - in no place were the inhabitants harmed. Not one of the inhabitants of these towns and villages was expelled, evicted, or taken captive. The Arab refugees who take up so much world attention left the country during the Mandate period on the instructions of the Arab High Command in those days which promised them that as soon as the Arab armies invaded thee projected State of Israel, they would regain not only their homes and property but that of the Jews as well and that the Jews themselves would be thrown into the sea.
"Since the creation of the State of Israel not one person, Arab or Druze, Moslem or Christian, has been expelled. Yet when the Arab Legion overcame the small Jewish community in the Old City, not a single Jew was allowed to remain, the synagogues were destroyed and razed, all the men were taken captive and those women and children who remained alive were driven out to the eastern side of the city. Even the promise embodied in the Armistice agreement with Jordan - to permit every Jew free access to the Holy Places in Jerusalem and the surrounding area - has been violated all this time. The Jewish community was permitted no access to its Holy Places, which preceded in time all the places holy to Christians and Moslems and even these religions themselves. No Jew was allowed to approach the Western Wall or any other place in the Old City until the IDF redeemed it and opened wide its gates to all Jews or non-Jews who thirsted to set eyes on the Eternal City of King David."
Let us for a moment return to this 1947 refusal by the Arab powers, of the extraordinarily generous disposition, from their point of view as receptors, that the UN was about to make, always remembering the take-over of most of Palestine by Jordan and its West Bank additives.
On the 1947 Arab rejection of the UN plan, from Palestine Facts, to be found at -
we have this (once again, red colouring is used to bring attention to our particular course of interest at this point):
Why did the Arabs reject the UN plan?
Arab rejection of partition in 1947 reflected a crisis of leadership in a community whose identity as Palestinians was not yet fully crystallized. Indeed, at the start of the British mandate, the Arabs of Palestine were profoundly ambivalent about the appropriate focus of their political loyalties--should they identify with the overall Arab nation, consider themselves Southern Syrians, or call themselves Palestinians in conformity to boundaries artificially drawn by imperial powers?
The responsibility for resisting British rule and confronting an influx of Jewish immigrants fell upon a Palestinian political elite drawn from traditional urban notable families. The tensions between the two foremost families--the Husaynis and Nashishibis--came to a head during the Arab Revolt of 1936-39. This uprising did yield British restrictions on Jewish immigration and land purchase, but not a secure route to Palestinian self-determination. As noted by Palestinian scholar Rashid Khalidi:
- The Palestine Arab Revolt...was in many ways the decisive episode in the efforts of the Palestinian Arabs to resist the British mandate's support for a Jewish National home in Palestine....[It] has been glorified in much Palestinian historiography but...ultimately the revolt must be judged a failure....[D]uring this episode [the Palestinians'] already divided leadership was fragmented further....These divisions contributed to the failure of the Palestinians to capitalize on [their] potential advantages.
As the partition vote in the UN approached, it became clear little hope existed for a political solution to a problem that transcended politics: the Arabs' unwillingness to accept a Jewish state in Palestine and the refusal of the Zionists to settle for anything less. The implacability of the Arabs was evident when Jewish Agency representatives David Horowitz and Abba Eban made a last-ditch effort to reach a compromise in a meeting with Arab League Secretary-General Azzam Pasha on September 16, 1947. Pasha told them bluntly:
- The Arab world is not in a compromising mood. It's likely, Mr. Horowitz, that your plan is rational and logical, but the fate of nations is not decided by rational logic. Nations never concede; they fight. You won't get anything by peaceful means or compromise. You can, perhaps, get something, but only by the force of your arms. We shall try to defeat you. I am not sure we'll succeed, but we'll try. We were able to drive out the Crusaders, but on the other hand we lost Spain and Persia. It may be that we shall lose Palestine. But it's too late to talk of peaceful solutions.
The categorical rejection of partition by the Arab Higher Committee led by Haj Amin al-Huseini as well as the newly created Arab League represented an all-or-nothing attitude that was ultimately counterproductive. It resulted in the utter defeat of Palestinian dreams for independence, for at least half a century.
The Arabs not only rejected partition, but attacked Israel from all sides. The armies of Egypt, Syria, Transjordan, Lebanon and Iraq invaded Israel on May 15, 1947, the day after Israel's Independence Day, with the clear intention of killing the infant state in its cradle.
On May 15, 1947 Azzam Pasha called for "jihad", saying:
- This will be a war of extermination and a momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacres and the Crusades".
Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Mufti of Jerusalem, agreed with Pasha:
- I declare a holy war, my muslim brothers! Murder the Jews! Murder them all!
In a letter to the United Nations, the Transjordanian Prime Minister was quoted:
- Our position is clear, and has been proclaimed on every occasion. It is never to allow the creation of a Jewish State in Palestine and to exclude partition. And our object is to cooperate with the other Arab States in her deliverance. Once this aim is attained, the determination of her future status is the right and concern of her own people. Theirs alone is the last word. We have no other object or aim in view.
Such thoughts, enshrined in the well-known designation of the return of Israel to her traditional and famous land, as THE CATASTROPHE in various Islamic and Arab circles, and seen again and again in the unwillingness of Hamas so much as to recognise her as a nation, and reflected in the fact that the Oslo Accord provisions evidently did not require Israel so much as to be accepted as a nation as a condition, all point in one direction. There is a vast body of Arab opinion and desire which does not want what is termed Allah to suffer an alien people in the Middle East, and they find that having such a strong Islamic participation in Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan is NOT ENOUGH.
As Arab League Secretary-General Azzam Pasha is reported (above) to have told the Jewish Agency representatives in September 16, 1947: It is NOT a mater of reason or logic; being reasonable is evidently not the trait in view. That is beside the point.
What then ? What is desired by many is that Israel be not there, that 'the catastrophe' collapse. Just as this has long been felt thus by multitudes of militants, so al Qaida is on record as resenting the US in its endeavours to sustain Israel in place*3. Huge wartime episodes now depend on this, as more and more cleavages continue their ravages in the world.
Melanie Philips, Jewish World Review, May 7, 2009, has this to say.
It is of course, by any sane standard, quite fantastic that America is behaving as if it is Israel which is holding up a peace settlement when Israel has made concession after concession – giving up Sinai, giving up Gaza, offering all the territories to the Arabs in return for peace in 1967, offering more than 90 per cent of them ditto in 2000, ditto again to Mahmoud Abbas in the past year -- only to be attacked in return by a Palestinian terrorist entity, backed in its continued aggression, let us not forget, by the countries of the Organisation of the Islamic Conference, which has made no concessions at all and is not being pressured to do so.
It should be rather obvious, therefore, from a number of considerations, that pressurising Israel to make grants is not a particularly productive, instructive or irenic action, when security of the nation has any consideration or concern at all.
1) Consider the FACT that when Gaza was ceded to the Palestinians by Israel, in one of its many GIFTS to the alien and alienated parties, it was then used by the recipient party with a strange gratitude. If you prefer, a strange response!
It was deployed as a bombardment centre.
2) Another pertinent fact here: When Jordan gave citizenship (as well it might, being part of Palestine, other than the Jewish part) to Palestinians seeking it, it was so used in attack on Israel, as a base, rather than a site for renewal, that that nation terminated itself as a site for those coming in this manner. Thus open arms became a certain stringency.
3) War was involved, and not peace. Chronic, toxic, inveterate war for extinction, exclusion from the homeland, devastation of its peace. Thus there has been repeatedly a martial tonic instead of truth, a force concept, so that more of the tiny residue of Israel in Palestine its homeland site, is forever being sought. It has long past the stage of tragi-comedy, obvious death by thousand cuts; it is now mere toxic tragedy, that such regard for useful ingredients for Islam in its pursuits, now appears so to dwarf justice, faithfulness and stability of concept. The UN, by its persistently provocative actions (not excluding those on racism, one of the greatest confusions of the century) seems intoxicated as do many others with the fumes.
There can be no intention of having ANY homeland of which Israel may feel proud, so long as more and more is taken, and more and more intransigent, homeland denying parties throw arms around, rabble rouse via the media, and misuse the facts by showing that those who seek to destroy Israel are suffering. Did Germany suffer when it sought to subdue England ? Is one to protect aggressors from their militarism and submit to their slave-drives, to have one SUBMIT, SUBMIT to their forcible intimations!
If so, why even mention such a concept as justice, or such a consideration as equity ?
As to removing Jerusalem from being capITal of the segment left to Israel, therefore, this is merely removing the face from the incident-victim.
Small wonder then that Netanyahu has made recent announcements on the topic. HA'ARETZ has news here. Red again is used to distinguish points especially pertinent to our current interest.
Last update - 00:43 22/05/2009 Netanyahu: Jerusalem holy sites will remain Israeli forever By Haaretz Service and News Agencies Tags: Israel News, Netanyahu, Obama ![]()
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed Thursday that all of Jerusalem would always remain under Israeli sovereignty, in comments likely to spark consternation among Palestinians who hope to make the city the capital of a future state.
"Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the Jewish people, a city reunified so as never again to be divided," Netanyahu said at a ceremony to mark Jerusalem Day in the city's Mercaz Harav yeshiva. "Our people's unparalleled affinity to Jerusalem has spanned thousands of years, and is at the basis of our national renaissance. It has united our people, secular and religious people alike."
The Mercaz Harav rabbinic college is the most prominent yeshiva in the religious Zionist world. It was central in shaping the evolution of religious Zionism. In March last year, a Palestinian gunman gained entrance to the yeshiva and killed eight students.
Knesset Speaker Reuven Rivlin also spoke at the ceremony at Mercaz Harav. He said that Israeli sovereignty of Jerusalem is not negotiable.
"The world must recognize our sovereignty, as well as the primacy of the Jewish people in the holy sites, as our inalienable right," Rivlin said.
Jerusalem Day celebrates the conquest of the city during the 1967 Six Day War, before which Jordan controlled east Jerusalem, while Israel had the western section. Shortly after the war, Israel annexed east Jerusalem.
Earlier on Thursday, Netanyahu said similar things at a state ceremony to mark the day.
"United Jerusalem is Israel's capital. Jerusalem was always ours and will always be ours. It will never again be partitioned and divided," Netanyahu said.
Netanyahu said he had made the same declaration during his recent visit to Washington, where he met with United States President Barack Obama over the peace process and Iran's nuclear program.
"Only under Israeli sovereignty will united Jerusalem ensure the freedom of religion and freedom of access for the three religions to the holy places," Netanyahu added.
The ceremony took place at Ammunition Hill in east Jerusalem, site of one of the bloodiest battles in the city in the 1967 war, situated now in a Jewish neighborhood.
Again we find this news:
Palestinians: Netanyahu's comments invite 'eternal' conflict
Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat said later Thursday that Netanyahu's position on Jerusalem was a setback to the goal of a two-state solution, which is strongly supported by the Obama administration.
"Mr. Netanyahu, by saying that, he's saying the state of conflict will be eternal," Erekat said.
Rafik Husseini, an aide to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, issued a similar rejection of Netanyahu's stand. He said the Palestinians have accepted a two-state solution based on east Jerusalem as the capital of their state.
"Israeli occupation of east Jerusalem is illegal," he told The Associated Press, adding that an Israeli attempt to keep control of east Jerusalem would be a major obstacle to peace.
In his speech, Netanyahu echoed remarks made by President Shimon Peres, who said earlier at the ceremony that, "Israel will never have another capital other than Jerusalem, and Jerusalem will never be the capital of another people."
Peres stressed that Jerusalem was and remained Israel's capital, and spoke of the days before the Six Day war when Jews had limited access to the Old City.
"When Jerusalem was in non-Jewish hands, the Jews weren't allowed to pray at the holy sites; but under Jewish control, it is open to all faiths, and all prayers," he said.
It appears obvious that
since Israel
has never agreed in any mutual arrangement, to have Jerusalem divided,
since it is a
sovereign State, and |
since the UN
has infamously departed from the arrangements made by the League of Nations, the concept of a homeland, one in which it was explained, Israel might feel proud, |
since the
equity has been devastated by unilateral provision of some three quarters of Palestine for Jordan, no longer seemingly even a party to negotiation on the point of its reception of mainly Moslems into a significantly Moslem land, |
since there
are inflammatory efforts, by resolutions or imputations, for continual grabs for more from the tiny residue: |
there is need
for something other than this legal-branding organisation, the UN, to operate and restore the land to its people from these growling houndings. |
It appears unlikely any human source, in the billowing of oil and massive billions of persons, will so act.
In due course, God has undertaken to act. The position has been outlined above. It is one of the greatest dramas of all history: a disciplined people, directed to act for the Lord, receiving this mandate, then reneging, receiving due reward, being shown mercy, being brought back to the premises of folly, being delivered from military might, all as foretold, much of it from the first, being helped by God Almighty while still not returning to Him and His word as initially given, now attacked on all sides by this world. It loses its friends, for it seems the USA is moving fast*4 from its reliability as an agent of deliverance or even reasonable reconciliation, simply making more demands for expropriation of this or that which while mellowed a little by considerations, are not changed for all that.
God will act when He is ready. He has waited a long time. You see the exact configuration of things in Deuteronomy 32. We appear to be growing rather close to verses 36ff. -
"For the LORD will judge His people,
And have compassion on His servants,
When He sees that their power is gone,
And there is no one remaining bond or free,
He will say,
Where are their gods,
The rock in which they sought refuge ?...
Now see that I, even I am He,
And there is no God besides Me;
I kill and I make alive;
I wound and I heal;
Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand..."
This is the time of dénouement from the rigors of the realities that have visited ancient, and now modern Israel, in different specific foci, but always in the same perspective.
The LORD, He will act - when the appointed time has come.
Other nations, other empires (cf. The Pitter-Patter of Prophetic Feet Ch. 4),
these have maintained their might and their glory,
but their vainglory has come at last to appear what it is,
Prayer for Israel no less than for Gentiles is in order. The world whirls to its corruption complex, and awaits with no small pomp, the diminution of its self-acclaim, and the bankruptcy of its wisdom.
As Paul puts it in I Corinthians 1:
"Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age?
"Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world?
For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom did not know God,
it pleased God through the foolishness of the message preached
to save those who believe.
"For Jews request a sign, and Greeks seek after wisdom;
but we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block
and to the Greeks foolishness,
but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks,
Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men,
and the weakness of God is stronger than men."For you see your calling, brethren, that not many wise according to the flesh,
not many mighty, not many noble, are called.
But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise,
and God has chosen the weak things of the world
to put to shame the things which are mighty;
and the base things of the world and the things which are despised
God has chosen, and the things which are not,
to bring to nothing the things that are,
that no flesh should glory in His presence."But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God -
and righteousness and sanctification and redemption -
that, as it is written, 'He who glories, let him glory in the Lord.' "
None but He will be glorified; nor in the whole scope of His salvation is there any other way, Gospel or glory. It is He who will act for one as for all, till ALL that He has said, to the jot and to the tittle is fulfilled. IN HIM, will a mass in Israel then glory, and in His Cross where the Lord of glory was crucified, as Zechariah 12:10-13:1 shows so clearly, as does Romans 11:25ff..
He fulfils ALL His word, to show He is faithful, reliable and true; and in so doing, He applies the Gospel, now here, now there, not to this people or nation, now to that, if by any means any should seek Him as in Acts 17 is shown from the lips of the apostle Paul. His sovereign control, His unremitting love, His inflexible truth, these things are back of the security of His salvation and the enormity of His mercy. Nothing is left to chance. No one is lost by chance. He has predestined with foreknowledge, in wisdom, fulfilling there ALL His principles, and applying them, will perform His word.
The evils will then be blighted in their futile finales, and the graces and the salvation of God will without competition, in a tested and fallen world, have reached His own. The marvellous thing is always this, that Jew or Gentile, Chinese or Russian, those in this or that focus, feature or special plight, there is ONE GOD with ONE SALVATION, given in ONE BOOK, for ALL TIME, and its word never varies in control of history, performance of promise, provision of peace to those who receive Him - as He is, according to His word, and hence, in Christ Jesus.
See Galloping Events Ch. 4, SMR Appendix C, and Israel in indexes. When the Creator of earth and the universe, designates in testable terms a land for a purpose, not to believe will alter nothing but the status of those who so speak.
More Marvels ... Ch. 4, esp. *4,
Dancers, Prancers, Lancers and Answers Ch. 3, *1A misconceptions about the Cross, variable and mutually conflicting, on the part of the Koran
Lord of Life Ch. 3 (and force), SMR 1081ff. (and faith),
Outrageous Outages ... Ch. 5;
His Wounds Opened Eternity Ch. 4; 3
Stepping Out for Christ Ch. 9,
Tender Times for Timely Truth Ch. 8 (in perspective), see also *1,
Divine Agenda Chs. 6, 3 (an overview of religious truancies, including Marx, Darwin and Koran);Highway to Hell (Koran citations in both, with ideational parallels in perspective, in the former; and in the latter, futile depravities in endless ideologies such as Sudan has shown so significantly, Islam ablaze without glory),
cf. Overflight in Christ Ch. 1 (and the Koran's musings);1493 (esp. Britain and sharia);
News 138, Beauty for Ashes Chs. 4, 7Jesus Christ, Defaced, Unfazed ... Ch. 5,
Acme, Alpha and Omega: Jesus Christ ... Ch. 9 ,Great Execrations ... Ch. 3,
SMR p. 1O88D - three major religions in some ways in concert, astray.
News 138, Beauty for Ashes Chs. 4, 7,
SMR pp. 1074ff., esp. 1079, 1081ff.
(These latter show this religion, with the other three major conspiracies towards the ultimate - why conspiracies ? It is because men conspire, or breathe plans together for a control, rule or oversight not ordained by God: these are breaths of man, and the breath that matters is that of God, in and by which all scripture is inspired by Him (II Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 8:20), in the Book of the Lord (Isaiah 34:16), the Bible, and sustained and implemented by Him (Matthew 26:54ff.). Other ideas for rule are always unruly, since they always tend to use power for what neither reason nor truth compels.).
The partition plan has a map concerning it which makes the minor part for Israel quite clear.
Further on this may be found at Wikipedia, on the United Nations Partition Plan for Palestine.
See Lord of Life Ch. 8, *1.
This we see illustrated by the sheer undiplomatic force of the Secretary of State's oral remit to Jerusalem. If it had been an occupying power, it might not have been too different. No, says she, no!
"He (Obama) wants to see a stop to settlements.
Not some settlements,
not outposts,
not natural growth exceptions."
Where angels may fear to tread, Obama is here tramping with heavy boots on. This strange item appears in a news report in The Australian, May 29, 2009.
This seemingly imperial flash of temper, or at least of a steely and tempestuous seeming response, made public, announced like an edict, sounds bad both for America and Israel. However, Israel is nearing the time when God again intervenes, as He did in 1948 and 1967 as well as 1973, with amazing grace, to work works like dreams, but into history. Playing with fire might be safer. These things, they often go, they grow, and then there is ... a response.
Ha'aretz May 28 adds a little, to show the firmness with which Israel is meeting demands, allied to efforts to be reasonable.
Earlier Wednesday, an Israeli official said that the American administration shows no signs of backing down from its demands that Israel totally freeze settlement growth in the West Bank and open the Gaza border terminals to allow the rebuilding of the Strip.
These conclusions were drawn from talks held in London on Tuesday by Intelligence and Atomic Energy Minister Dan Meridor and advisers to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with American diplomats, led by U.S. special envoy George Mitchell.
According to the official, the Israeli side claimed in the talks that construction in settlements must be allowed to continue, due to natural growth. They suggested construction be limited to the existing outlines of the settlements, and to define in advance areas in which such construction will be authorized. They also said the demand of Israel to completely freeze the settlement construction was out of order, as the Palestinians have failed to fulfill their part in the first phase of the road map, in particular in combating terrorism.
The American side did not agree to the Israeli suggestions, and in addition to the settlement issue, repeatedly brought up the matter of opening the Gaza terminals to aid and construction materials necessary for rebuilding the Strip.
The same Jerusalem official also said Netanyahu was interested in reestablishing the ministerial committee on illegal outposts, to speed up negotiations with the settlers and allow for the dismantling of 22 outposts constructed after March 2001.
It is interesting that a power so far away should direct with such intimacy events in the land grab of Jordan in 1948, now that Israel has re-secured this part of the land West of the Jordan which was the reduced 'Palestine' over which Britain had mandate and which was clear on this at least, as for Israel. Let us make a little excursion into the preamble of that Mandate:
The Mandate for Palestine
July 24, 1922
The mandates for Mesopotamia, Syria and Palestine were assigned by the Supreme Court of the League of Nations at its San Remo meeting in April 1920. Negotiations between Great Britain and the United States with regard to the Palestine mandate were successfully concluded in May 1922, and approved by the Council of the League of Nations in July 1922. The mandates for Palestine and Syria came into force simultaneously on September 29, 1922. In this document, the League of Nations recognized the "historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine" and the "grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country."
The Council of the League of Nations
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have agreed, for the purpose of giving effect to the provisions of Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, to entrust to a Mandatory selected by the said Powers the administration of the territory of Palestine, which formerly belonged to the Turkish Empire, within such boundaries as may be fixed by them; and
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have also agreed that the Mandatory should be responsible for putting into effect the declaration originally made on November 2nd, 1917, by the Government of His Britannic Majesty, and adopted by the said Powers, in favour of the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, it being clearly understood that nothing should be done which might prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country ; and
Whereas recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country; and
Whereas the Principal Allied Powers have selected His Britannic Majesty as the Mandatory for Palestine ...
Since most of Palestine was gone to Transjordan, Jordan to be, in Palestine was then to be a national home for Jewish people ... and IN SO DOING the nations gave recognition to the historical connection of the said people with Palestine, the point at issue, and to the GROUNDS for reconstituting their national home in that country. There was no indication at this point that even in the residue, there had to be a joint rule, as by the US or the UN, but a mandate to INSTITUTE a homeland for Israel, that particular country. Its purpose was not dictation, but living, and that in such a way that they could take pride in it, as was explained.
The Mandate was not to institute subservience, but a land to be thought of as home; not a Municipality under intrusive controls to satiate the desires of those wanting to limit and surge into it. If they were to take care of needless offence - and they have been careful with allowance for religious visits, to the point of leaving the Mosque in Jerusalem on the Temple site! - yet it was home, not a homette, a contrivance always pounded with rockets, or dictates concerning breaking off some of the bedrooms.
It should not be necessary to placate those who have already taken some 3/4 of Palestine, or any who made land grabs, to have the thing now called the West Bank, which happens to include much of the historical connection of Israel with the land, given such sterility even to existing settlements.
This is becoming more like a national servant, in a Neo-Reserve! much more.
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Chapter 8
Jeremiah 36-38
In the last Chapter, the sad case, the grievous history of Jerusalem was in some measure of focus, leading to the events of today. War-torn hearts have had to live with a war-torn land and the transition from 1940-1944 to 1948-2009 has been one of rich industry in Israel, marvellous inventions, close study of the land, rapid transformation, splendid forestry work, a magnificent reputation for floral exports, the abundance of trees and flowers foretold (cf. SMR pp. 786ff., and 790ff.); but this is not all.
It has no less been one
of constant threat, attack in words and with
rockets, |
of characterisation of their return to the
League of Nations appointed land |
of verbal and potential military threat from an
international consortium of non-neighbours |
As we saw, she is even being told whether or not to allow cities to grow in natural progression, or NOT! The latter is the most recent and implausible advice.
These indignities, Israel has suffered, but Jerusalem has not reeled. It has stayed put in Israel's hands, half since 1948, all since 1967, and it is now some 29 years since the Knesset declared it formally to be the capital, in the sight of all, without reservation or qualification. It is therefore at least 29 years since it has ceased to be trodden down by the Gentiles (to use the terminology of Jesus Christ in Luke 21:44); and THAT, He there declared would be an index to a certain fact. That ? it was that the end of the Age was drawing near. Such is the message through Luke 21.
So far, Israel has had three great military triumphs, again a thrust foretold as noted in the preceding Chapter: 1948, 1967, 1973, the last involving her rebuttal not in word, but in arms, driving the invading armies across to the far side of the Suez Canal. This was not all: they were then encircled.
Such foretold triumphs at war in the midst of vastly more numerous enemies she has been granted by God. The position is this, that grace reigns, but unbelief puts a stricture on its operation. Israel is poised between infidelity towards her own Lord, His assistance according to promise, now she is back (cf. Ezekiel 36:22*1), and a vehemence of evil enterprise against her (often 'for your own good'), that is as extraordinary in presumption as it is venturesome in interference.
Yet for all that, there have come to her not only the foretold flowers and forests, already fulfilled in a famous fashion, but still on offer from the Lord is the meadow of peace and the place of pardon. That is foretold to happen, in a little, in this context: it comes when in large numbers at least, her people turn back from international mentors, to the Messiah whom she, as a nation of course, crucified. The 'impossible' is often the only feasible outcome, and with God, NOTHING shall be called impossible. The most intractable seeming track, when once it leads one to the track of truth, can bring suddenly from decomposition, composition, from disaster, delight, from harangue and ague, holiness and enduringly godly action.
That is not yet. For perspective and impact, now we turn back to ancient times, and consider a Jerusalem facing not an intervention for good, but for evil, and see what may be learned from this, for one and for all.
Today, therefore, we look at a gloomy picture, that of Israel of old, back in the 7th century BC, leading on the the 6th., when a King and then his brother, ruled in Israel. Their decline and that of the nation was a prelude, not as today for a deliverance in due time, but for disaster. Their fatuous strong-mindedness on the one hand, and then with the other brother, the equivocation and self-harassment of an evil mind wanting to have things that are good, jointly helped to bring devastation to Jerusalem.
This will serve as contrast to the present hopeless-seeming position of Israel, which has now moved through such a mode of rebellion and ruin, to such a hope in restoration of the land as Christ foretold (Luke 21:24), that the finale draws near, when God Himself will deliver her, and with this, point her heart once more back to Himself (cf. Romans 11:25ff.). Such is to be the case at least and at last, for many in her midst, moved in depth and with anguish of repentance, back to Himself. THEN, then is a deliverance so profound that Micah 7:15 speaks of it in terms which compare it to the Exodus, when the 10 plagues devastated Egypt and God moved seas aside, to rescue His people - all in perfect timing (cf. The Exodus Escape).
This account from of old, in fact from Jeremiah 37-38, provides an ancient object lesson, and it has been divided into two sections. This Chapter the first, and Chapter 9, DV, the second. This treatment will allow more depth in dealing with the issues unveiled as we follow the text and apply it to instruct our minds and stir our hearts, in our own era.
Jeremiah, the prophet closely involved with two kings, comes to our attention.
We are now looking at him in his inter-relationship first with King Jehoiakim, and then with King Zedekiah, the latter actually not the son of King Jehoiakim, but a brother, since the son had experienced travail after only 3 months in office, taken up with evil, and been moved to Babylon.
As if this were not in itself enough warning to this second monarch, himself another son of the great King Josiah, that reformer and delight of the godly, "the breath of our nostrils" as it was put, the gambling Zedekiah engaged in such a routine of roulette, hoping against hope whilst not changing his ways, lordly while languishing, equivocal and inequitable, that it is a wonder he even bothered to find out what the result would be!
On the other hand, Zedekiah's brother, Jehoiakim, who preceded his rule, had been most decisive, but in the wrong direction, and his deadly and drastic acts led to his incarceration and death. With him gone, what would the new King Zedekiah be like ? Would be improve matters ? This was then a pressing question. Would the tide turn ?
Step by step, however, Zedekiah's degrading double-mindedness led him to what could have been a simple noose from the start. Better than this, even a late deliverance; but he had by the end of it all, become so obsessed with what people would think, and how he would look, a sort of IMAGE executive, that the realities hardly seemed to register with him at all.
How many are like this, hoping, but doping the conscience; concerned, but waiving the opportunities while more indulgence called; looking for good but not evacuating from evil! and doing it all slowly, till events and psychic callouses make the end almost, very nearly indeed, predictable even to man, and if to man, yet more so to God: who yet holds in store His mercies, to which appeal may be made with heart and soul, at any time. PUT AWAY your iniquities is one of the FIRST points, and this is an inward action when revulsion and seeking for redemption reaches such a point that turning to faith in the Saviour, Christ Jesus, there is this blessed result: a birth has occurred.
It cannot be less; you CANNOT play or even parley with God.
Having seen the status quo, and the structure of things for these two sons of the great Josiah, we now turn to the first of them to reign, Jehoiakim, the bold. One will outline the steps to the points of special interest, in note form. It starts with the divinely anointed and appointed prophet Jeremiah being called to take up a post to speak from God especially to the nation of Israel. God directed him to write a specific message, and this led to confrontation with the King, the Princes and a pit, in turn. That however was just the beginning. Let us consider the steps.
Jeremiah 36:1-19
a) Instruction given to Jeremiah 2-3, from the Lord, and then it is
b) Enscrolled 4
c) Rolled Out 5-7
d) Read
i) in the Lord's House 8
ii) in the chamber at the entry of the New Gate - 10
e) summarised by Michaiah in the scribes' chamber,
to which it was relayed, during a proclaimed fast
e) brought by Baruch, and read there - 14
f) made subject of resolution to tell the King, Jehoiakim - 16
g) made subject of enquiry as to its origin,
mode of production - 17-18
h) seen as a basis for the exhortation: HIDE! - 19.
As to its mode of production, the way it came from Jeremiah: it is almost scathing in its irony, the way in which scribe Baruch tells them, as if they were slightly backward Primary school students. When they ask "How did you write all these words from his mouth ?" - in other words, they appear to ask with some such intonation as this:
Was there some intervening process, could there have been a dropped word here or an added one there ? might Jeremiah have perhaps, although actually and of course SPEAKING to you, left something to you to ... interpret ? As to the scribal process, could you tell us a little more concerning its technique ... could there perhaps have been some error, some intervention in the fully rounded process of getting those words FROM HIS MOUTH into words on paper ?
Such is the apparent tenor, the impact that is felt in their interrogation as they ponder the peril the words contain! They appear almost desperate for a way around the fact: THIS IS THE WORD THAT GOD HAS SPOKEN, and this is precisely what He said and meant.
Baruch's response is delightful, wooden in irony, it may be, and certainly unshakeable in poise. "From his mouth he called out {or proclaimed or recited} all these words to me, and I wrote them with ink in the book." Such is the Hebrew meaning of the terms.
Let us apply this to our day.
Jeremiah 36:17-19
Is this not precisely the tenor of much liberalism and neo-orthodoxy, which is post-orthodoxy or pre-secularism ? (italicised words only are actually spoken).
'In what now, gentlemen, say the foxes, 'are we to conceive of the word of God ? Perhaps it is some humming in the unthinkable, some wafting from the unknowable, or some estimations from the knowable conceivably at least at times, something hard to define; but let us be very sure of this (so much before the Churches concerned had fully fallen, to preserve the form and the appearance), it IS the word of God' (aside: whatever that means!).
Such has been the forsaken folly of many, perhaps thousands of lecturers across this fallen world, as it has often during its final falls, tried to seem good while in wild rebellion, to seem godly while gone a million, to follow the form of sound words, while obliterating the fact, and so to deceive by deviousness and to wander in apparent wonder, with the head in the books of accounts (as per II Peter 2) or of popularity or of power, or of seduction as per the manual: How to subvert the church ? However, the Manual does not always CALL it that, since even some lecturers were not, at that earlier time, fully corrupted, but rather - How to Make Maxi-Mutations in the Church without Too Much Trouble. The Manuals changed as time went on.
In the case of Jerusalem in Jeremiah's day, these charming enquiries did nothing to avert the fact that what God said is precisely what He proceeded to do, having multiply and with complete faithfulness, warned. He whose word make this world, has no difficulty making His servants hear and inscribe (as in I Corinthians 2:9-13). It is for this reason that Jesus the Christ advised that not a jot or tittle of the law would fail till all was fulfilled (Matthew 4:17-20).
That is how God works: He speaks and it is done. Mercy is a marvel in the midst, and judgment at times pauses long; but when mercy is rejected, and divine grace has endured, then judgment proceeds, sometimes as in the prophet's day, apace. But then, they had had centuries of warning, with no small vigour, from Micah, Hosea, Amos, down the line. Indeed, they had been most severely warned from Moses (cf. Deuteronomy 31:27ff.).
Jeremiah 36:20-32
The word of God is often not at all popular, and the prophets suffered accordingly. While Jeremiah, the divinely chosen writer hides (Jeremiah 3:6-8) the word of God abides. Many a tyrant forgets this, but it does not forget him! In this case, that is most apparent.
a) King Jehoiakim summons the word of Jeremiah to be brought,
and receives the beginning of the message, by his Winter fire. Consider: Going to Church, summoning the word, however, it is not enough. It must sink in.b) After three or four columns were read, he took his royal scribe's knife and cut it,
before casting it into the fire. This is like cutting an air-pipe to you, when you are a diver. Wisdom is justified of her children: this was not such a case! Test all things, don't cut, for when God is involved, there is nowhere to run - 23.c) However no one is visibly moved, mortified by the regal act. Though three plead with him, it is not sufficient - 25. Pleading is not enough, the king's retinue being held accountable. Protestation is not severance, nor is a record of disturbance the necessary action for fire. It must be put out. Danger is to be met, not fanned with hand of protest merely - 23-25.
d) The King gives command that the prophet and scribe be seized, but in vain - 29.e) God gives instruction to the prophet to re-write the scroll (28-29) and to give a message to Jehoiakim: You have protested that the scroll said that Babylon's King would come and destroy - now you will lack a King from your body to follow you, and your dead body will be cast out to the day and to the night. The servants of the King, also will be punished.
f) Jeremiah ACTS, not talking about it. He writes another scroll. If your Church turns from the word of God, you turn to that word itself in the presence of the Lord, and go where it is not being destroyed (Romans 16:17).
In the next Chapter, we plan to continue this narrative and find much meat in the spiritually conceived causes and effects, follies and results, in this post-faith era in Jerusalem, where kings made momentum into disbelief, and even the morbid and indeed moribund spiritual defeatism and equivocation of an Ahaz seems almost off-white instead of volcanically explosive black, by comparison with this now more developed default ! (as in Isaiah 7).
There is a time for declension, in language studies, but this can be constructive, looking at the way words change according to their grammatical position; but when it comes to SPIRITUAL DECLENSION, this is a process for smarting, sweating, confusion, diffusion, intrusion of the word of man into the word of God, dismissal of the latter in terms of the former, partially at first and then more and more totally, until, as C.S. Lewis put it so well, it becomes like a butterfly collection to which the interested owner brings friends, with feeble interest perhaps, to admire! before getting on with the serious things of living.
There is a time of declension in personal spiritual life, and these too frequently go together, failing pseudo-faith and failing joy and peace in life, while many things are ‘tried’ – and found wanting, both by God, as He judges, and man, as he makes himself worthy of judgment, in the end.
The escape is always present, but not without faith; and not without the word of God; and not without salvation, for as it is written in Hebrews 2:
“For if the word spoken through angels proved steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just reward, how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation, which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed to us by those who heard Him, God also bearing witness both with signs and wonder, as with various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will.”
Therefore, putting our trust in Him absolutely, let us follow His word carefully, as those who love Him who gave it, and yielding ourselves to Him, which is our reasonable service, be not conformed to the flesh and its philosophic plays, but transformed to Him who calls (Romans 12:1-2); and what a call is that, to goodness, grace and glory in Him who died, and rising again in very body, loaded with power and dispersing peace, brings soon to His people that resurrection which has been prepared. It is better to SEEK MEEKNESS, to SEEK RIGHTEOUSNESS as Zephaniah 2:3 exhorts, in this time of modern tempestuousness, and to wait humbly on God to find His will, which is not only delightfully personal, but spiritually profitable for His kingdom. What more could anyone reasonably want!
See It Bubbles ... Ch. 10, with SMR Appendix A.
See also The Biblical Workman Ch. 1, *3 and Ch. 3 *1a.
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Another option:
but the God of Glory Always IS
Some things some people hope will always be. If it is the power and purity of Almighty God, the love and mercy, the grace and faithfulness, they are right. If it is this world, they are wrong; because this world is wrongly set, wrongly motivated, wrongly actuated and wrongly destined: not that the destiny is unfitting, but it is that fitting for a wrong'un, or renegade.
But can the world not be righted ? Not in terms of God's desires, decrees, and determinations. Why not ? God will not always strive with man: why not ? He says so. There is another reason: man could not stand it, being a limited being. "I will not contend for ever, for the spirit would fail before Me" - Isaiah 57:16.
What He does do is perceived in the preceding verse:
"I dwell in the high and holy place,
With him who has a contrite and humble spirit,
To revive the spirit of the humble
And to revive the heart of the contrite ones."
Where the contrite are consummated, where they come no more, for no more are to be found on this earth; when the full number of those whom He foreknew is accomplished (Revelation 6:9-11), when there is nothing left in the light, but what is NOT going to humble itself, NOT going to be contrite, NOT willing to be revived on such a basis: there comes an end to this torrent trial. That then goes, while the mainstream of this world faces its face, recorded in heaven, made manifest in its time. With it, in the end goes this world itself, which bore them who refuse truth, ignore mercy and seek to make life what they desire (Isaiah 51:6, Matthew 24:35, 16:24-27, II Peter 3).
What else does not change ?
There is one other feature to be noted at this place, the end of volume 162 of our Bible-based, theological set, In Praise of Jesus Christ, specialising in Christian Biblical Apologetics. It is an Israel which is just one of the godless nations. THIS WILL NEVER BE.
How does one know this ? It is written. God is not playing around with history. He has set His sights on various spiritual values, requirements, blessings and judgments, on a world where freedom can exhibit its thoughts, hearts their aims, philosophies their ramblings and political ideas their force. It all is evidenced for ever, and comes up for demonstrable judgment.
One of the things He has determined, is that Israel should be a nation to show forth His praises, and as you see in the last Chapter of Joshua, they agreed; indeed, they followed Moses out of Egypt in the first place, for all their grumblings. That aim, to demonstrate the glory of God, which man NEEDS for his life, it is to be seen in essence in Isaiah 43:21, as in Deuteronomy 7: 6ff. After the universal flood in this world (cf. News 1), there was need to revive the contrite, to restore the afflicted, to enable the willing and to allow the earth more opportunity with the lavish freedoms granted to mankind, ontologically and spiritually. Being in the image of God, he was no mere automaton!*1
Moving through Abraham, as the Bible alone records in detail, God moved on to Moses, the Exodus, the Kingdom of Israel, its judgments, its restoration, the coming of the Messiah, His rejection by His people, the dissemination of the predicted Gospel concerning and through Him, by His word and Spirit (Luke 24, Acts 2, John 14:21ff., 14:26 cf. SMR pp. 763ff,), the eventual and for us, recent restoration of Israel to its land, the inferno of conflicts concerning it and its continuation despite this, in the midst of some marvellous victories so that it was not stamped out like vermin by a hypocritical world. That, for its own part, is itself in train to its own Gentile tragedy, in which many in Israel are not a little inter-mixed.
He has not however allowed His nation to be annulled (Matthew 24:34). This breed, the Jewish, will be there to the end, to His coming (cf. Revelation 7), when He takes not a 'bride' in portions, but all at once for His wedding feast (Revelation 19:8).
The other thing that will not be ? First was an annulment of the Jewish people, made tritely same. This will not be. Another then, that will not be ? It is this: an extermination of Israel, of the Jewish people who come to and stay in their land till their lift comes (Revelation 11): "COME UP HERE!" to one and to all, the Jewish remnant, all saved by grace, and the Gentile remnant, rescued no less in their place, as seen earlier in this volume.
However rebellious, Israel is to keep and has kept a highly specific Jewish feature and focus, one so vast that some like to call it racism. In fact, however, it is a residue of no mean character, of its relationship with Almighty God. It will be culminating and consummated in the large measure of return to Jesus Christ, divine Saviour that is to come; and this, it will make it more Jewish than ever, for it was to them that the Saviour was to come, did come and in their midst that He performed the work that makes salvation free (Isaiah 55, Romans 3).
This too the Bible foretold.
Consider now the word of God, to be found in Ezekiel 20:30-32, concerning the way in which throughout all, He has kept Israel diverse and so able to fulfil all the features of its divinely ordered role on this earth. This assurance came through Ezekiel who, reviewing their thoughts of rebellion from God so that they could be just like the other nations, had this reply from the Lord:
"Therefore say to the house of Israel,
‘Thus says the Lord God:
"Are you defiling yourselves in the manner of your fathers, and committing harlotry according to their abominations?
"For when you offer your gifts and make your sons pass through the fire,
you defile yourselves with all your idols, even to this day.
So shall I be inquired of by you, O house of Israel?
As I live," says the Lord God,
"I will not be inquired of by you.
What you have in your mind shall never be,
when you say,
‘We will be like the Gentiles,
like the families in other countries, serving wood
and stone.’ "
God proceeds in speaking through
Ezekiel to insist that His rule over them will not be abolished by this
insufferable legacy of misled and godless Gentilic nations: HE is as He is, and
they are as appointed, and their entire history is as He has traced it (Amos 3:7
given assurance of this).
History is the other thing that gives assurance of it. It follows the word of God with precision! A breach of history foreign to His word, contradicting it, falsifying it ? This will never be (cf. Matthew 5:17-20).
No! the declassification of Israel to just another nation will never be. The time will come (Isaiah 19) when it will be one among men specific nations with specific meaning, past and history; but it will always be what it has been, a tributary for truth at the mouth of God, and as we have seen, it is to be one in large measure brought back to the Lord from whom it turned. Indeed, it was in elements of Israel, it was in Jewish apostles and disciples that first came those who building on Christ, were used in the foundation of the Christian Church. It was Jewish people, in almost every case, called to write for the Lord His New Testament, as the Lord turned to the fulfilment era of His action towards man, the Age that would end in judgment, that dismissible by the Gospel, ONLY when it is freely applied.
The thought of Israel, just another nation, de-classified to decomposed residue, this will never be translated into action. It will not be suffered to become amorphous, but its crystalline concentration, whatever be its errors, will remain there in potential, soon to be actualised (Luke 21:24) in large measure. It is one of the immutables of the irreversible revelatory glory of the God of truth.
Thus, apart from Israel's predicted return, now fulfilled and its wars and its flowers and trees, all foretold*, it is still to be the site for a vast conversion outpouring, from the Spirit of God as in Zechariah 12:10: AND Christ will reign there.
This is not to vindicate a NATION (as a nation - cf. Ezekiel 36:22) which disowned Him, but His own glory and truth and righteousness, that the whole world will know and see and be caused to realise that it is for their sins that Israel went out, for His glory that they came back (Ezekiel 39:22-23,28), and that where He was crucified, THERE He will rule.
Where man made of Him, as far as they could, a corpse, there will be Majesty (Isaiah 53-55, Isaiah 11, Psalm 72), and where man chose ignorance, there will be knowledge, both for them and from Him (Isaiah 11, Habakkuk 2:14); for the earth WILL be filled with the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea, and HIS ways WILL be shown in Person, now that the scarification and crucifixion phases of His great plan of salvation, executed once and full all upon Himself (Isaiah 53) are fully past. On these things, see further: Job 19:25, Matthew 19:28, Revelation 20:4-8.
Then the platform called earth, this world, it goes; but His salvation and His righteousness stays (Revelation 20-22, Isaiah 51:6).
It is good to be able, not to be sure ... to bid adieu, far less good-bye to this earth when the time comes, as one, kept by the power of God (I Peter 1), is nestling in the salvation of the Almighty, Maker of the universe and cosmos alike, able to send them off, as one sends scraps of paper, or rejected art work to the bin.
It is good to be able to watch it go - having done all one can for well over half a century, or forever long one has been a Christian, in any case, and not to be taken with it in its plummeting: good not to be in spirit attached to this world (cf. James 4:4, I John 2:15ff., Matthew 16:23, Romans 12:1ff.). It is like bidding farewell, then, to a holiday address; though the end is not good for this address, and it cannot fare well! Yet is IS so for what is to be redeemed out of it, more every day!
The play on this earth, in that day noted in Revelation 20, being finished, the platform is taken down.
It is done in the way apt for such things - in this case, II Peter 3 indicates to us, with profound energic exhibition, heat and sound a vast display. This is not surprising since this universe contains so much energy, wrapped up in the matter man is trying to manhandle and manipulate in the atomic bomb nightmare that seeps into so much of the sleep of this world, one which man has translated for himself from the safer habitat of its environment, to the plundering duress of his own.
Some things go, and it is well. Much will not leave however, the environs of eternity. Again, all the highest and elevated things that were done, on the good side, by the British Empire and the USA, for example, in their most excellent periods, aspects and phases, not least an enormous missionary effort and application of many elements and items of the Gospel and the word of God at the national and to some extent international level: these are not forgotten. All good things of faith remain (cf. Hebrews 10). Hebrews 11 indicates with a victorious vigour, the value and viability that does not come to shame, of the conquests of evil and overcomings of trials, which have been wrought in the name of the Lord God, for millenia.
Pride, however, this will not remain. The track of truth leads past it, and does not touch it; the meadows of mercy do not overlap it, nor does the place of pardon find peace with it. Isaiah 2 tells us this very emphatically, decisively and one might almost say, derisively:
"Enter into the rock, and hide in the dust,
From the terror of the LORD,And the glory of His majesty.
The lofty looks of man shall be humbled,
The haughtiness of men shall be bowed down
And the LORD alone shall be exalted in that day.
For the day of the LORD of hosts
Shall come upon everything proud and lofty,Upon everything lifted up -
And it shall be brought low..The loftiness of man shall be bowed down,
And the haughtiness of men shall be brought low:The LORD alone will be exalted in that day,
But the idols He shall utterly abolish.
They shall go into the holes of the rocks,
And into the caves of the earth,
From the terror of the LORD,
And the glory of His majesty,
When He arises to shake the earth mightily...Cease from man whose breath is in his nostrils
For of what account is he..."
What, in the end is not realised voluntarily, will be found involuntarily. Such is the case for all the nations; and Israel, it will also be found in its place, not deprived, amid its chastened neighbours (Isaiah 19), as the end approaches; which it now does. But there is more, much more to come in the end time dramas (cf. SMR pp. 502ff.).
With it however comes this impress: not in Israel, not in the Gentile nations will vainglory appear even at a discount - it is reduced to nothing, and with it are all the gods of the earth (Jeremiah 10:11, Zephaniah 3:12), starved, vain spectres.
Will false prophets and prophecy, contrary to the faith once for all delivered to the saints, in one divine thrust and building of truth (Jude), wrought in time (Hebrews 9-10), stamped by Christ (John 14:26), become stipendiary magistrates in the kingdom of heaven (II Peter 2) ?
Will this thing be ? No, it will not be. It is NOT to be found in that kingdom, for alas, those who resist the realities and do not abide by the divine revelation capped in Christ, performed in His travails, fulfilled in His triumphs, both in Person and in His words which continue to grab the earth like a toreador taking the bull, have another destiny. This is startlingly clear in II Corinthians 11, just as is fitting for deceitful workers as they are there called who manipulate the divine record, false apostles their leaders. Jude brings in their searing realities as clouds without rain, driven in tempest or moved by winds, nubilous and vagrant, roaring waves of shame, wandering stars.
Will then heaven abide by their words, and suffer their presumptuous antics, both verbal and ecclesiastical as false churches proliferate, and the true is the more driven to the ground ? Not at all. This will never be.
Will heaven merge with hell to sate the unspiritual appetites of the idolaters who invent from their own heads the gods they both worship and invite others to follow, deceits of the flesh ? will this be done to meet the spiritual gourmands, who never satisfied, invent new gods in parts or in whole, varying from truth as if they were possessed, and will this be the movement from the untainted and untinted glory of God, whose light is truth ? Will flesh forever strive (Isaiah 57:16) ? Will the wrath of God cease to abide on those who prefer darkness (John 3:36) and are minions of evil to be sublimated into godly spirits ?
Nothing could be further from the truth. This shall never be.
As these scriptures, show, it will never be found! Indeed, so far is this from the truth, that it is like an experiment to achieve perfect blackness, compared with the bright shining of the mid-day sun in full Summer (Mark 9, Revelation 20:14-15, 21:8).
These things also, they will never be. The light will not know them, nor will their darkness invest, infest or direct it. The light of God is the same; His name is immutable, His wonder eternal, and His ways do not change (Habakkuk 3:6, Malachi 3:6, Psalm 102:
While the nature of time in eternity is not simply to be imagined where eternal destruction is in view (cf. II Thessalonians 1:9), and is rampant, and where everlasting shame (Daniel 12) glowers: yet the destiny of the desolators is not to be conjured up by the imagination, but is dire (Hebrews 10:29, 12:27-29); and it covers those whose hearts were so barren and rocky, that never repenting in the place of opportunity, they resisted the word. Many, even though touched by it, never suffered its roots to be found in their hearts, being restless and vagrant to the end.
It is not to be as if mercy were made mandatory, not only for salvation, but for life at all, an inseparable part of the destiny of the enduringly morbid, whose declension is final, vital and fateful. Not such are the gates of life; and what is called abominable so abides (cf. Revelation 22:11).
Such a diseased heaven as haven for what burns in rebellion and contempt, a fallen glory, it shall never be; but in purity, it remains to be received as it is, by the path provided, even Jesus Christ, the Just One, dying the just for the unjust (II Peter 3:18), received in repentance, enthroned in the heart : or not at all.
Guilt is no delusion, error is no myth, even willing and wilful error; duty is not another name for the dilatory enfeebled with a fixation (cf. Romans 2); and the love of the goodness and glory of God is inseparably annexed to eternal life.
Nor is freedom a fiction*1, but with it, responsibility weighs and will not be redeemed to become a fiasco. There is no fiasco in faith, and nothing illusory in God. Sinners, if so be they are saved by grace through faith in Jesus the Christ, they are redeemed; but truth, it is not scrabbled.
Truth is that by which judgment will be wrought, and ONLY in received mercy and grace, can justice be paid, and wrath met with the glory of the Messiah, bearing it for those who become His, foreknown (Ephesians 1:4) and loved.
Another glory, another way, another God and another optional make-believe heaven, this shall never be. As to God, HE does not change, nor does His Gospel (Galatians 1, 3, 5, Habakkuk 3:6, Malachi 3:6).
Narrow is the way and few find it; but for those who find it, there are the meadows of mercy, the track of truth throughout it (John 10:9,27-28), and the assurance of salvation, of eternal life (cf. John 5:11, Romans 8:16, Revelation 7:15ff.).
It is not for us to make new gods, which is idolatry, but to become new persons, which is salvation (II Corinthians 5:17-21).
Love calls; truth lasts.
On freedom, see for example, the following.
It Bubbles ... Ch. 9,
Little Things Ch. 5,
Let God be God Ch. 4;
Spiritual Refreshings Ch. 9, incl. End-note 1
(esp. programmatic psychology and its ilk),The Marvels of Predestination ... 7, including *1;
Overflight in Christ 1,
Secular Myths and Sacred Truth Chs. 6 , 7,
Repent or Perish Ch. 7,
NEWS 52 (the spread of man's flights of fancy and society, and the reason for it),
Divine Agenda Ch. 6 (freedom in contrast to force),Deliverance from Disorientation Ch. 8 (individuality and personality, their ground, source and meaning), CASCADE 10 (the fixity of lust and the liberty of truth),
Beauty of Holiness Ch. 4 (liberty, Tiananmen, worship and its direction in time, its terms and code of truth), Ch. 5 (Statism, Absolutism Political and Religious Universalism, Humanism - the threadbare coat, the departure of glory and its return, where it belongs cf. News 82).
In essence, it is not because of climate or culture that man does or does not believe in his own spirit, his choice capacity (which he constantly uses, especially when declaring that someone else is wrong, has misused his thought, has a bad spirit, has wilfully been dishonest, has erred in philosophy and so forth, or that he does or does not have a choice capacity), or his God (whatever substitutes he may ELECT to make or follow). He chooses to believe in his own choice capacity even when he does not bother with it, or to disbelieve in it, even when he uses it about the most ultimate of matters. He is a specialist in denying his powers to do things, in the very arena where he needs those powers to make even meaningful statements. In this sense, it could be said that hypocrisy or holiness or two dominant foci in the things available to man.
He is not only free to choose, but free to will to choose. He can cast his own will about like a spluttering engine, or a soaring jet, and to some extent, decide on which is preferable. He can indulge in satanic discourses about his obviously limited powers, as if they were not so, and in seraphic self-pleasing blandishments about his pitiability, even while addressing his robust character with self-induced admiration. Physical pathology is not the only type!
He can become depressed or believe it wrong, he can become deterministic and believe others who disagree are freely wrong, being misled, or incapable of being changed, but WRONG, morally and culpably WRONG: not that something whirred the wrong way, but the spirit made a wrong choice, perhaps for invisible reasons of an invisible kind - such as being kind or cruel - and this ought not to have been (in a deterministic world where everything has to be and there is thus neither responsibility nor meaning in being wrong).
You could perhaps talk of a mis-perception (your physical eyes were bad), but not of a mistake, for the thing HAD to happen, and if it HAD NOT done so, that would have been an IMPOSSIBILITY! and the thought that this is so, a mistaken impossibility. It gets tough when you are wrong, and persist in it.
Morals are not only ludicrous in determinism (cf. Repent or Perish Ch. 7, Christ Incomparable ... Ch. 2) , but meaningless; and to be right or wrong is ludicrous except in physical perception, because of equipment. You COULD NOT make an error, since it is required; you could only do what you do, and that is that. A WRONG theory could not exist: it would be a normal working of that mind. If most other minds worked differently, that would be a statistical matter; but have nothing to do with right or wrong. A political theory could not be wrong. It is merely the working of that set of perceptions, receptions, desires. There is no truth to begin, no error to end. On any such model, it is even true that there is no truth; and so the moral quagmire and the metaphysical ruin appear in concert. Yet people following this model, often believe contrary to logic, what they insist upon, with some feeble efforts at logic.
Why ? Since determinism cannot be true, therefore it is for a personal-response reason. They are not determined. They so desire: it may be for any of a number of reasons all invisible, and of the domain and cosmos that is invisible. It may be for guilt, hiding of guilt, pride, empty-headed obstinacy and so forth. These are personal perquisites, and matters of choice with spiritual liberty which is personal and individual, for which the person is responsible.
There is of course a limit - indeed there are two limits - to human liberty (apart from being rendered unconscious, and not in possession of the normal and normative faculties). One is this: man does not decide on the nature of his brain, world or spirit, and hence is limited by this. Since however truth is a pre-condition of being able to present it, and the revealed God of the Bible is a necessity of reason (cf. SMR esp. Ch. 1 and TMR, Deity and Design, Designation and Destiny ... and Light Dwells with the Lord's Christ ... Reason, Revelation and the Redeemer), the need for real liberty is real access to truth. On any basis, without truth, you are only stabbing in the dark, and hence limited in any significant or systematic liberty. But then, on any such basis, it COULD not be true that you were doing this, or not doing it, since that would be TRUTH, which is alien to your chosen position.
If you decline the truth concerning yourself, and your meaning and origin, for obstinacy, fear, apprehension and so on, any of these or others of that invisible realm relating to human personality and persons, then you now lack freedom specifically because you misused it. You cannot now get where its pre-condition is, because you freely preferred not to do so: you are in a prison of your own making. This is a personal and not a racial matter.
The other limit is this. Your will may be caught in the cultural, personal, individual tangles that have been fed into you by yourself, or others with your (inward) permission. If you do not leave this, you are responsible for that, and it is a personal matter. Many have gloried in refusing the cultural or even initial individual proclivities and constraints, seeking truth beyond these, and wisdom past this. There is no actual binding, but being bound is an actual option.
Nevertheless, there is the danger that the spirit of man is tarnished racially, having failed as a race and is now APT to decline for truth for ANY reason that may come to appeal. This is actually true, as the Bible, on this site, demonstrated to be the word of God, itself declares. Obviously, you MUST be able to have friendly access to the God in whom alone is it possible for absolute truth to be, if you are to even have it as an ultimate option, Without that, you show much responsible conduct, but there is this considerable limit. You do not KNOW what is what, however many irresponsible actions you make towards such a result in your own bosom.
Thus while there are vast areas of freedom and responsibility in the invisible domain of choice for man, and in that of thought, and these are even tasted as decisions are made of the relative values of laziness and attainment and so on, and these are in principle differentially assessable, and thus for these, one is answerable: yet the finale for truth becomes the ultimate for liberty. If you do not KNOW what you are doing (though you have rather a good idea of it, for all that), then it is hard to have the liberty and luxury of an ardent and wholly personal choice. It is not excluded in measure; but to the ultimate degree, it is tarnished.
You are responsible at all sorts of subordinate levels, but not in this. However, should you decide, as above, to ignore this truth when it is available, for this you are ultimately responsible and assessable. Even if your will - being damaged by the sinfulness with which you were born (Psalm 51), a not difficult to discern fact for those who know children and bring them up - puts in a claim for consideration in the ultimate level, if for example you have never heard of the Gospel of peace with and access to God, yet you are still responsible for what you have done with what of it you have had!
Beyond this, however, there is the final responsibility of action towards truth as discerned, in principle or in reality. If because of sin you reject it, you may claim that you did not understand and so on; but even if you do this, it is useless to leave out of the equation the God without whom there could be neither truth nor liberty (for the self would always be a given ultimate, of no particular meaning from the first, conscience a useless baggage and understanding, such as believing determinism, on this model, a mere nonsense for import or export). In fact, God is very zealous about freedom, and insists that He is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance and the knowledge of the truth (cf. To Know God ... Ch. 1).
Liberty, pre-condition of love, does not cease to be however; and refusal of this knowledge and the love back of it is ASSESSABLE BY GOD, in the ultimate level, past all the baggage of human errors, of whatever kind, condition or degree or time.
He CAN and often does deliver people, and granting them a new birth into His kingdom of truth, liberty and sight, enables their preference to justly exhibit itself past the problematics of pathology. He WOULD have all, but He will NOT take all, because He INSISTS that the ULTIMATE and assessable (foreknown) rejection of Him whose desire is for all, MUST be honoured, even if its outcome be dishonour, contemptibility and shame (cf. Matthew 23:37, Luke 19:42ff., Daniel 12).
Liberty is often extended to infinity ludicrously by the autonomous in thought; and it is often declined ludicrously, but the self-defining, self-contradictionists. It is neither of these things. It is limited in kind, by our being created; it is elevatable to ultimate meaning, by our being under the oversight of the God who would like to deliver all from the obfuscations of limited or denied light, to the light and the truth; and its results are both partially visible and operable now, and finally known from before time by the One who invented man in the first place. You see this last in Ephesians 1:4 for example.
Thus SINCE the Almighty WOULD HAVE all to be saved, but not by force, therefore anyone who would like to come to Him is not under ultimate power to prevent this.
It is not the ultimate impossibility, but the ultimate opportunity.
HE would like it. If therefore there be ANYTHING in you, or concerning you, it will be taken in tow and realised. If there COULD be any such thing, it will be known and realised.
Liberty in the end is total in kind, limited by the scope of our natures, but unlimited in quality and meaning by the power of God. To Him, who knows all, all are answerable. To fail to take His option of truth by redemption is merely wilful avoidance of truth: it settles the issue (John 3:19). To feel unable to find Him is simple: ASK Him to locate you in His map, and seek His intervention with repentance. You are not in a headwind, for God is greater than you are. His wishes are known. You CANNOT be frustrated in this, that with all your heart you want Him. Then act as you would in any other domain. Be practical, be realistic, take the path provided. If you are double-minded, reject such vacillation; if you don't want to, accept this as a form of rejection in itself.
What then ? Repent, cast yourself into the continuum of spiritual reality provided, follow the word of God, accept Christ's redemption, free as it is (Romans 3:23ff., Isaiah 55), gloriously free, and wait upon God continually. Thank Him for what He has done and adopt His gift. Knowing Him is the end of vacuity, autonomy, antilogy and antimony. It needs to be operational, not theoretical, as if one went to Venus, in the imagination. Venus is not a good place to be, but God is. Leave imagination to Venus, but do not abide in it, towards God!
It is obvious that to be free you must know God personally (since you ARE a person and that is your ultimate invisible action post); and to fail to do so is in the end, when it is before you, dishonest. If you want this more you want God, that option is ... there.
See SMR pp. 786ff., and 790ff..