MEMBER and Associate Member of the
World Wide Web
Witness -
Membership Notices
A. The work is one of
achieving a world-wide scope for the presentation of the word of God, the
Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Gospel of the
All this allows contact with theists and polytheists, proponents of Judaism, Communism, Islam, the sects, the drifting, the shiftless, the zealots, whatever - people of this nation, perspective, and that, yes and with good Christians also, who can be reinforced, help and be helped.
All this permits God-given action with people arguing, seeking, in various stages of decay spiritually, in degrees of delusion and confusion, or, on the other hand, with valuable contributions to make. It does so with one AIM: that they may find Christ, know Him and grow in Him: for He is no man's puppet, but the eternal Son of the living God, necessary for life.
Launched in 1996, this Witness, now of over 8 years, provides
It is to stir to courage, "strengthen the things that remain," glint with the light of the sword of the Lord, so many might seek and find His protection, not His judgment, which comes.
Also, and in concurrence with the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19-20, it is a teaching work, seeking for many that
To TEACH is no less within this Commission of Christ, than to PREACH!
WHAT then is specified for teaching by this same Jesus Christ,
is this:
It is neither selective nor a suggestion; but the word of God who on earth, gave to man the necessities till His return, even His who is Lord of all (Philippians 2:9-11, Ephesians 4:4-5). In Matthew 5:17ff., you see that even the least is important, for when God gives counsel, wisdom heeds.
Again on this site, one seeks depth,
The truth given by God IS resplendent, for God makes it so, and He who IS the truth, is also the LIGHT which lights every man who enters the world, though many specialise in black-outs. Many would not willingly miss Disneyland, with their families; but infinitely more important is NOT to miss the splendour of truth, put in place, in motion, with face, in and as Christ Jesus, God incarnate (II Corinthians 4:6).
What then did men do to the Truth ? This:
"As many as were astonished at You -
His visage was so marred more than any man,
and His form more than the sons of men -
so shall he sprinkle many nations" -
(from Isaiah 52:14-15). In spirit, much the same they often do now, ignoring the One whose is this word of costly peace, disregarding His word, His witness and His love. To strengthen the love of truth and to help in finding it, is accordingly a major part of our aim (cf. Revelation 3:2 cf. Isaiah 33:5-6).
In turn, it is our endeavour that with such ingredients, many will be
helped in conflicts with evil,
both personally, and in the educational and other fields,
as in social, domestic and academic milieus,
aided in word and life, and
assured in the Lord, in testimony for Him.
The word is His, the Spirit is His whom He sends, as we minister to one another, each part strengthening the other.
Further, if people will move together on important projects and in related prayer matters, this too will glorify the Lord (as in John 17), "that the world might believe".
We give opportunity for you to become a Member or
Associate Member, if you wish. The former finds hearty accord with the thrust
of these things, being based on the Lord and His word; the latter finds
sympathy and wishes to help. This is a faith work, and its basis is the Lord's
living presence, His unchanging word and His sin-breaking death and life-conferring
resurrection. If you feel called to participate we shall be glad to hear from
Membership is basically available
people whose
loyalty is to Him.
more formal presentation of our concerns and faith is available, in our Constitution, and in terms of doctrine,
especially points 2 and 8-10. The above however
is the pith of it. Do check this for completeness' sake.
You don't have to be perfect, or anywhere near it; but you DO have to try, and
to rely
on the Lord for help as you do so, trusting Him to grant you to overcome!
We should also be glad to receive specific articles, presentations of various sorts, from members, especially from your experience of the Lord's power and faithfulness, or your specialised study or field or interest and experience, relative to the Christian faith. This may, if it seems suitable for our work, then be placed in "Mind of Members" in Action Kit. On the other hand, we would be glad to seek to meet problems you may find as you seek to understand the way of the word of God, and grasp its meaning, or those of people who refer such matters to you.
We plan to email members using the Net, periodically, with advice of significant developments, to alert to what is now available or in action.
If you are interested and wish to share: first read the Constitution noted, and if you find a basic agreement with the Biblical teaching there, and feel you should join, we should be pleased to hear from you with an application for membership.
If on the other hand, you are a Bible believing Christian, but wish at this stage a less distinctive yet constructive involvement to foster our aims, then you may wish to become an Associate Member. Naturally, in such a case you would feel a distinct community of interest. In any case, feel free to communicate if you wish to forward this work, for which the Lord is the base and buttress.
If you wish to help more
generally, see MISSIONS.
B. For your convenience,
provision is made below for application.
This is
current for 2007.
1) MEMBER of the World Wide Web Witness -
Please provide the following details:
a) Your acknowledgment of,
and general accord with our Doctrine
as noted in our Constitution
2 a) -n), and 8, basic
Christianity -
the doctrine above,
Membership will suffice, |
b) Your Name, Address, Telephone Number, Fax Number, Email Address.
Always remember that without God there is not any truth, nor could it exist. In Christ, it is declared.
If you need to discuss any point for clarification, you are most welcome. Simply email the concern.
Send or email to:
Rev. Dr. Robert Donaldson,
S.A., 5093
2) ASSOCIATE MEMBER of the World Wide Web Witness. Please signify sympathy with the character of our cause and acceptance of the general teaching of the Bible, along with personal details, name, address, email address, telephone number. This signifies that you are in sympathy with the objectives and wish to participate, and to advance the work without becoming a full member.
Contact: (08) 8 2633968, or
We are delighted to extend
our family in these ways, and regard it as a wonderful opportunity for
aggregate work by a Christian body, in a specialised field, to glorify the
The Board will be most pleased to hear suggestions, technical or other, and especially for prayer and active participation. In the multitude of counsellors there is safety, as the word of God says, and we look for the love and unity which go so readily with the truth in Christ Jesus, and not at all without (John 17:6-8, with 17:21-23). Accordingly we encourage membership.
If you would like to discuss, reason, present concerns about this or that doctrine or area of Biblical Christianity, any matter concerning the faith of Christ, the Bible, the application, you are much encouraged to do so. Often, just as in mathematics - though in our major concerns here, you are looking at the source of ALL order in God Himself - things at first sight too difficult, become clear to the point one wonders how they could ever have been a cause for concern! It is good to discuss such things. See advice concerning some profitable rules to make such actions most effective.
SInce one of the devices of the devil to create confusion is playing the man, a phenomenon found in football but not there only, and it is counter-productive, we exclude it. If you want to deal with a subject, topic, issue and so on, please do with all needful vigour, and keep to it. In a way, it is like science, the functional part that is! You see what you are about, and pursue it, like a blood-hound, do not relent. SEEK, ASK, KNOCK! these are the directions of Christ. We are happy to help in any way the Lord enables.