Before we consider the Constitution, a preliminary word may help.
Our effort is to help. Our motive is the love of Christ,
in the truth of Christ, |
We also seek
to give reason for it where this is sought. |
Hence, where
troubles or wrestlings with reason constitute a component of enquiry or
desire, |
This neither
excludes nor wishes to exclude the most vigorous expression What then are our standards for communication ? It is when words
are used which are not really RELEVANT to the ISSUES, Strong words which are relevant and related to reason, these are no ground for objection. Again, when
issues are raised in a reckless seeming manner, So great is the
word of God, the Bible, and is God, that those who genuinely want help, Others who wish
to maraud simply may find those who are inclined there, to help; Our intention for
membership of this body is that we all have the same aim. Any who wants to
join World Wide Web Witness has the complete liberty to leave at any time. There is joy in
abiding in Him according to His word, a joy in truth and in His presence. We hope it may be yours.
I - Name
The Name is - World Wide Web Witness.
This is in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ as Way, Truth, Life and Pre-eminent in each Category: Objective Truth, Eternal Life and The Way of Wonder.
II - Features & Foci
1. Functions
i) a Fellowship for Christians, a Rallying
Point for Pilgrims ...
ii) an
Entree to the Bible, an answer to Sincere Queries
on the
Faith, a Place to Probe.
iii) an Opportunity to find God.
The special feature is the electronic network, but this does not constitute any limit.
2. Features of our unalterable doctrinal basis are:
The Bible as the only authorised, written declaration of
God to the human race ...
a) Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God, to be
honoured as the Father ...
b) The Triune God as absolute Creator, so acting in total accord with His holy, merciful, loving and just character, instituting the universe, man and all declared 'kinds' by the sheer action of His own will. .
c) The Trinity as clearly taught in the Bible ...
d) The
Holy Spirit acting in and testifying of the name
of Christ,
proceeding from the Father and sent from Him and
the Son ... (John 14:26, 15:26) ...
e) The present power and mercy of God for faith and life ...
f) The constant power and faithfulness of God in fulfilling prophecy perfectly ...
g) The cancellation of sin for believers through Christ,
made accursed for each of them and so redeeming them at the crucifixion (Galatians 3:10-13).
h) Eternal life as the unalterable, inalienable heritage
of any Christian ...
i) The knowledge of God as surpassing all other relationships, centred in Jesus Christ ...
j) The
resurrection of Christ in His own, same, but transformed body, and through
Him, the coming resurrection of all believers in Him -
as of others in
their time - who reject Him: to their place ...
k) The love of God that rejoices in the truth ...
l) The
increasingly attested near return of the Lord
Christ, Prince of Peace and coming Judge of the
without whom no peace is possible ...
m) The
unique logical validity and necessary truth of the Christian Faith,
defined, the Bible its solitary doctrinal touchstone...
n) The Bible, in accord with its own teaching, as the immediately inspired word of God, correct in the original writings, in all to which it addresses itself: true, infallible, maintained in all doctrine on all topics by the power of God: what God has elected to say ... to the human race.
3. Participation - Invitation is given to participate in -
a) sharing the Biblical faith
b) probing for stability
c) searching for answers
d) providing news
e) courteously but forcibly challenging the Christian faith if you are still seeking.
These may be changed from time to time, but are such at this inaugural stage.
{NOTE: They have been changed,
in fact, and are now:
URL: }
In view of time limitations, all communication will be -
a) dealt with on a selective basis, in terms of merit.
b) when challenges or contestings: deemed presented for possible publication with answers.
c) subject to 'no personal flames please!' criteria for both reception and possible use. The cardinal issues of truth are deemed too important to allow concerns of this (logically speaking) ad hominem character.
See also: Written Mail, below.
4. Prayer - is invited for this World Wide Web Witness, which is undertaken exclusively through the grace and enablement of the crucified and resurrected Lord Jesus Christ, who is alive now, operative and of exquisite wonder. It is in His name and through Him that this testimony to truth, grace and mercy is launched.
5. Library - The WWWW is acting to, and plans to
maintain a substantial electronic presence, in terms of
a 'Web Page', currently comprising:
a) The trilogy, The Shadow of a Mighty Rock. This is an extensive, relatively comprehensive, heavily indexed work to show the necessary truth, unique validity and glorious wonder of the Biblical Christian Faith. Tabs are included to enable page references in the approximately 60 page index, and 50 page scriptural indexes to be more readily found. The emphasis is on system, logic and scientific method. It is noted that Edition 1 (1992) was published in book form, of which a small number is at this date available. Supplement 1996 adds in printed form, most of the additions being now included. Edition 2 is intended to be published on the Web (1996).
{This is now electronically published in Edition 3 - 1997, and forms part of a 224 volume Biblical Christian Apologetic SET, but the case was as above noted, at the time this document was written. So too is the case below.}
b) expositions, articles, Lectures Notes for 1996, topical materials. Viewers are invited to explore these materials.
New materials and Bulletins are planned for presentation episodically, from whatever source appears appropriate, including international news. Outside materials sent are subject to the criteria noted in "Participation".
6. Written Mail - may be sent to : World Wide Web Witness, 23 Wendy Ave. Valley View, SA 5093, Australia. This is the inaugural address, but it may be changed.
Contributions and suggestions towards
a) the
publication of The Shadow of a Mighty Rock , 2nd Edition,
on paper -
specified) -
b) improvement of our Web Page -
c) secretarial help -
d) help for and deliverance of propagandised youth - may be made to the same address, marked - World Wide Web Witness. This mail is subject to the criteria noted in "Participation".
7. Middle East - This is a theatre of divine operations of immense significance. There Christ spoke in the Temple, was crucified, broke death. There the covenant with Abraham shows its force, and is to show it in the Christian consummation. The work of God in evangelism, conflict and judgment, in terms of Biblical prophecy makes it a setting for interest, concern and Christian love. As a divine laboratory, it exhibits, has exhibited and will exhibit the hand of God, not one of whose words has ever been broken. That is what one should expect, with God.
8. Eternal Grace - No human person, except Jesus Christ, ever has been, or will be - acceptable to Him except:
a) as a sinner.
b) as saved by grace through faith (and that not of him/herself, it is the gift of God - Ephesians 2:8).
c) without regard to personal merit, as a basis, except that of Jesus Christ - Romans 3 & 5.
No Christian is exempt from the call for holiness, divorced from the availability of grace or excised from the depths of divine mercy.
This applies to every individual, to those called and chosen within all peoples and within any nation.
9. Eternal Life - This proceeds from and is given by Jesus Christ who broke death, whose call is unrestricted, but whose company is few: like all life, it manifests itself for what it is. I John 1:1-4 gives a salient expression of it, as does John 10:27ff.. The gift is inalienable, conferred on those who become the children of God as I John 3:9 indicates.
10. The Kingdom of Heaven now is and will be merged into the magnificence of heaven itself at the resurrection. The beauty of holiness always adorns it and compromise leaps outward over its walls. Those wishing to find Him are always welcome. God is not desirous of people inhabiting outer darkness, and to get to hell (Revelation 1:18-19) is in a sense, only over Christ's dead body - now raised to life. Nevertheless, it is only by grace that any find this magnificence of blessing, grace unalloyed.
This seems sufficient introduction. Friends and those seeking are to be welcomed from any race or nation; but it must be realised we will act only and always in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, forever, in the everlasting Gospel, and in terms of His written word, the Bible.
We value the welfare of all, and believe Jesus Christ as declared in the Bible is in the best interest of all: in the Gospel deploring violence and noting that while He was Himself crucified , there was none whom He crucified. Of Him it is declared (emphasis added - Isaiah 53:9):
And they made His grave with the wicked,
and with the rich in His death,
BECAUSE He had done no violence,
nor was any deceit in His mouth.
Truth is costly, but it is a price that needs to be paid. It is allied to peace, and the only road to everlasting beauty.
III - Structures and Procedures
1. The World Wide Web Witness is governed, under the Lord Jesus Christ, by a Board, members of which are to number no more than 12, and who are to be added to the initial Board by invitation of that body (at a majority vote of at least 80%). The initial Board is the body lodging this application. All Board decisions are to be in accord with the Bible, duly conforming to the nature of the doctrinal statements in this Constitution (Section II, Parts 2, 4 and 7-10) which are drawn therefrom. It may alter other aspects of the Constitution within these bounds, and is responsible for reviewing all actions of the body and determining its membership, with this in view.
This limit to its decisions may not be altered.
2. New Board members will be chosen from, and must remain within, the Membership of the World Wide Web Witness.
3. Members will be accepted only from those in agreement with the Bible, and concurrent with the doctrinal statements of this Constitution.
it is planned that a 'Members' Section' of the Web page will be available
for selected contributions; and
attention is in view for matters of due concern of
who are encouraged to research and reinforce.
4. Associate members will be in general sympathy with the aims and procedures of the World Wide Web Witness, as expressed in this Constitution.
5. The Board will appoint a Treasurer, who will lodge deposits in an appropriate Bank account, for use by the Board in its proper functions, and present to the Board the financial state of this body annually, the financial year ending on June 30. A Vice-President will also be appointed for a period to be determined by the Board.
No President is appointed, as that role is conceived as the prerogative of Jesus Christ, who lives.
6. Board Meetings will occur on a regular basis as deemed necessary by its appointed officers, or at the request of three fourths of the membership. In practice, policy is : to be sensitive to the needs of membership, and to seek good rapport. The supervening criterion is always to be the desire to implement the will of God in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and in accord with the Bible.
7. General Meetings may encompass an international membership, and may function by electronic or other means, at the Board's discretion. They are to be called once yearly or more frequently if the Board so determine, to be chaired by the Vice-President or other Board officer if this person is not available, and to follow simple procedure with Motions, Moving and Seconding: recommendations and presentations being accepted on an 80% vote, provided they are not ruled unconstitutional by the Chair, or found so by the Board at its next subsequent Meeting.
8. The object is order with seemliness, truth with wisdom, love with faith, effectiveness for Christ with grace, and the Meeting will be conducted with this end in view.
9. Prayer will be crucial in all formal Meetings. This is in fact talking to the Lord who is the ultimate Director of the body. Our expectation is from Him.
Purely for legal purposes, it is noted that should this
cease its activities, any property of which it might at such a time, stand
possessed, would be credited, at the decision of the Board, to a work deemed
closely and intimately in accord with the design of the World Wide Web
11. Date of inauguration: The World Wide Web Witness will be deemed to commence on the date at which incorporation certificate arrives, following application for this made in the month of October 1996.
An initial period of function DV will be followed by a break,
towards the end of 1996. After this, necessary adjustments may be made to improve Web function, while consideration may also be given to any technical suggestions or findings.
in Jesus Christ's name for these areas of
is always deemed basic to motion (cf. Isaiah 35:8, Eph. 6:18).