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Chapter 14
The settlement was unsettled. That was clear. There was a moodiness developing in stark contrast to the technological marvels which made life on the moon possible, even comparatively safe compared with that on earth, where increasing absolutism was seeking to repress the last vestiges of relationship to the living God. If it was comic, like suppressing the last vestiges of oxygen in an oxygen tent, yet it was also tragic as increasing numbers of people were being falsely charged with humanistically conceived ethics the criterion, financial oversight the terror and squalid social dynamics now the custom*1.
If it was no mere copy of the earlier cases, as in Nazi Germany or the Argentine, that strange repository, in times past, where suddenly a person would disappear overnight, some sabre-toothed secret service personnel whisking him or her to the unthinkable oblivion of possible torture, information extraction, drugs and beatings, prior to anonymous death, yet it had its own hideousness. In the contemporary version of nascent absolutism with Hu, there were atrocities as a prelude to the assumption of totalitarian power.
Now funds would disappear just as suddenly, from bank accounts, personnel from positions and people from visibility on the degraded earth. If power was less visible in its brutal pretensions to primacy, than before, its teeth in the dark were as sharp, and its methods more sinister.
Years ago, one was asked in the European Union or its nominal predecessor, what happens if someone does not conform ? The answer in effect ? It was this: it concerned their number for financial dealings. Their number is their life-line, so they lose their number. This is a new sense of having 'lost it', in which it is not your self-control, but your funds which disappear; not at your failure, but in order to produce it!
Leading on to Hu's dominance, propaganda had been on the incline; and although the evolutionary substitute for thought, that brand of assumptions without verification, hypotheses contrary to logic and dreams contrary to scientific method, had been in some degree of subsidence, yet with its slippage there had come a new furore and fervour. It was all about man. Whatever his past, they carefully concluded, ignoring their former follies of foggy thought, the future is what matters! Those in control appeared as incapable of contrition or repentance for a century of delusion, as an unaided schizophrenic of any objective assessment of his sins.
Arrogant to the core, as if called to be arrogant, they would mouth their self-praises: WE must take over all process and make of man what we want. We have the power of the atom, the wisdom of the Age and the intensity of desperation: this was their cry!
They were seeking to eliminate particularly ruinous diseases by a combination of giving permission for births, and engineering genetic control; but it was not working too well as births are hard to control, and the world terrain is so varied. However, increasing oversight which was once employed to detect enemy motion and action, was now in place to watch for those pockets of civilisation which lacked the sophisticated controls wrought in the political power centres. They sought to ensure that identities were in place for leaders, that no scurrying about could occur without the oversight of central intelligence, and generally, to make life difficult for anyone trying to do anything not to the mind and pleasure of the ECC, the European Control Centre, an arm of the Earth Unity Force.
Religion was no longer the butt of the philosophic leaders, but on the contrary, it was now required. You HAD to be religious, and there was much talk of God, but always in a distant or indirect sense, the ACTUAL religious force being deployed by the Society for the Propagation of True Religion, which as its name in those topsy-turvy times implied, meant the thrust of false religion. It was now sanctioned, and its nature was being increasingly absorbed into human thought, ambition, aims and preferred destinies, so that the state of the world, rather than the state of the nation, was becoming the paramount consideration.
No more was it 'What is good for America ?' or 'What is good for Australia ?' the partisan cry. It became now 'What is good for the world!' It was man versus God, those who paid no rent against the Builder, creature versus Creator as in Revelation 19:19. Indeed, in Israel's ancient days, it was seen in prelude in Micah 3:5ff..
"Thus says the Lord concerning the prophets
Who make my people stray;
Who chant 'Peace'
While they chew with their teeth,
But who prepare war against him
Who puts nothing into their mouths:
"Therefore you shall have night without vision,
And you shall have darkness without divination;
The sun shall go down on the prophets,
And the day shall be dark for them.
So the seers shall be ashamed ..."
As then, so now, the sun was fast going down on this portentous theft of God's words by fabricators, engineering what only God could know.
Charm had long since given way to castigation, while the wiles of the whip, still often a verbal lash, and psychological manipulation, these were taken as a matter of course, while drugs were being much used to seek to subdue the difficult in a way which was making the earlier USSR efforts in that direction, seem positively amateurish. Nor was this deemed a matter of shame, but of redirecting human improvement into desired realms.
Hu was becoming in various new posts, the very toast of the world, not least because increasingly he was being assimilated into various computer accessories which made him appear most wise, so that his image was being projected in vast screens, leaving the enormity of the Yeltsin effort in this direction seeming almost boyish by comparison. At times, some wondered which was the image*2, and which an augmented Hu!
Of course, Hu thought of it as a personality extension, not realising that he was being drugged by the illusion of power. This, in the absence of wisdom, had an effect so intense that had it been applied to air, not mind and spirit, it would have amounted to total vacuum. Increasingly, nothing mattered but man, and as to man, Hu was the very essence and he began to think, source of man.
How this could be is an interesting pit for psychology to dig, but there is no end to the depths of such pits as Jeremiah 17 makes so clear: the desperate wickedness of unconverted man is like a bottomless pit. It stands on nothing, and falls into everything.
The NEW MAN became the illusion par excellence, and it was to be MOST religious. Indeed, a religious junta was empowered by the political dynamic, and its job was to sell to the world, its new Master. It was not to appear to be Hu, since his method was guile; but he as the representative of Humanity, would simply speak for it. He became as odious and repugnant as a giant octopus might appear to a shrimp, had the latter possessed the aesthetic power to envisage the plate of enveloping flesh which was to be his method of exit*3.
On the moon, there were works hidden from the sun.
In those dark craters near the poles, where light might not come for 6 months, hidden deep in the various missions, were ray-protected procedures designed to deliver from the workings to be found in the dark mire of the unregenerate mind of man, so often readily available for export. These double shrouds, natural and artificial, made together even some slight illumination, in this permanent absence of normal light, seem like brilliance of sunshine by comparison.
The works would appear soon enough, as there came into scheming focus, those intensely vulnerable energy collectors, sited near the polar region and sitting on the hills of Eternal Light, as they were called, just high enough to overcome the slight inclination which obscured the sun for 6 months and so bathe in light continually. If these polar hills escaped the physical shadows, indeed, they would soon become tools of obfuscatory darkness more sinister than any shadow.
Not engineers but thinkers will win! was the view of Space Civilisation Centre One (SCC 1), which is called this by courtesy, lest any nation consider itself too exposed by assigning its own name. In the case of SCC 2, there was a more subtle approach. Not thinkers but agents will control! was their motto. Of course thought without action was not particularly effective, but action without thought was even less so; and the underlying dicta served merely to increase the international defamations which emanated from the very lunar soil, as virulent as on earth, and stimulated by the concept of special vulnerability in a hostile environment. These pushings, probes and pronouncements were crossing vibrantly, like competing search-lights, the one over the other, in pleasant-faced but deadly competition.
It is, after all, not the competition which is evil, but the conquest which some seek to make with it, whether political or commercial, so that instead of excellence being achieved in stimulating conditions, eccentricities are all but worshipped, as this or that step has 'success' and the power achieved is used to crush talented contenders before they have time to triumph in their own way. Evil became a lunar shrine, and foul motivation a measure of virility.
As for SCC 3, it was apparent to some that its hidden agenda was intended to be a subtle combination of both of the above, with dual priority, but without much sense of ultimate purpose, since constant change was their philosophy, which they did not intend to change. Such is the inveterate self-contradiction of godless man, and the more so, when he poses as religious.
Meanwhile, the radical Chaplain had infected the Military Commander of what was in fact if not in name, the US mission, and he was making life difficult for Ralph and Harry, who nevertheless spoke freely, preached frankly, adhered to the Everlasting Gospel of Galatians 1 and Revelation 14:6 with the inveterate faith of Revelation 12:11, and did not hesitate to expose false teaching when it arose, to the intense irritation of Claude, Pastor Claude, who sought suppression orders. This however was a step to which the Commander never assented, as he had a delight in liberty which could make even the famed Statue of New York Harbor blush as its own relative inactivity, for the sake of a freedom alas now increasingly far from obvious on the earth.
Not all were subservient; but those who did stand for the blood of the Lamb and the testimony of the truth became as conspicuous as trees on a park lawn.
The Commander’s own excellent record preserved him for the time, from displacement by some spiritual alien, born in hell, so that Harry and Ralph were very active, with varied groups seeking instruction on the moon, on the meaning of the Author of Space and the Institutor of Intelligence in creation, and having presented to them the divine calling card of redemption, with them, they found it most vigorously used. So a Christian camp arose in the midst of the religious mist, like rocks jutting out over the sea.
If Claude was vexed by this combination of success and failure, yet he consoled himself that at least he had a Commander rapidly being infiltrated with religious irrationality, a sense of the supreme being undefined, so that while on the one hand there continued an absolute refusal to control religion, he was not without hope.
One day, as the incinerating heat outside the station wrought vainly its ways on the protective canopy, he felt a like heat within, and parading into the canteen, he decided to confront the two Pastors who were as loved by him, as is the carcass by the hyena.
Gentlemen, he declared, it is time we cleared a few things up.
Certainly, said Ralph, if it is in our power, we should be glad of anything that clarity can contribute.
Why do you pastors parade this Bible thing all the time, as if there were nothing else spiritually worth-while. Look, it is man who made the Bible, and can make again an earth now in a mess so great that we need unity to resolve its problems, heal its festering sores and flatten the dissension with agreed methods.
Why ? said Harry ? Why indeed do the waves roar, do the magnetic poles operate for the protection of this earth, does what is left of the ozone layer protect it from the cancerous invasions of belligerent rays, do the laws of nature itself, attest the Supreme Being whose Bible long ago showed them, which now science enshrines as basic to the universe!
Why is there a Law of the Conservation of Matter and Energy ?
It is because it was created and that is it. Why one of increasing entropy and loss of special features ? It is because that is what becomes of intelligent design when exposed to forces not trained and instructed especially to protect it; for things wear out, run down, power dissipates, the pristine is polluted. Man is left in no rational doubt of his lack of eternity, when ex-God! The curse on sin ensures that! Why is there the law of biogenesis, life from life ? It is because God has finished making it.
WHY does what stays put in science always have to conform to the Bible ? It is simply because truth has neither need nor force to change. Like the Bible, it simply is. As for these three great laws in anticipation of our so much vaunted ‘modern science’, you find all this in its elemental substance, in Isaiah 51:6, Genesis, Colossians.
Why the Bible ? It is because God has spoken the word into creation, enshrining His speech in DNA and the book, for example: on the one hand to make it happen, and on the other to tell it what to do. It is because the word of science, of man wallows in endless errors, over the centuries, and now even over the decades, so far is the change, that while that of the Bible word lasts for millenia, man's vaunted science does well to manage in a few decades, without serious and sometimes far-reaching changes, so that what had been flung with aplomb at the masses, retreats wounded, and what had been dismissed readily becomes authoritative.
This is one exhibition of the fact that the Bible is of vastly superior protection to man, than ever the Van Allen belt was; for if the latter helps a little, the Bible helps altogether ...
Here Ralph interposed. God is not mocked, Claude. The festering earth has long been so, and it is precisely the effort to control it with pagan philosophy which is its constantly increased pathology base: that and the devil whose love for power makes him desire to rule it without rationality, and control it without charity. God did not make an earth in order to turn it over to witless words and mad imaginations, never verified, never rational, always impassioned with vanity, sculptured with hope, ignorant of reality, today’s idols, tomorrow’s garbage*4.
These fashions of ‘wise’ human thought are things NEVER verified, NEVER validated, ALWAYS dependent on the ludicrous idea that in the absence of absolute truth, you can know ANYTHING, and hence DO anything to the point.
I have never, Claude rumbled irritably, annoyed at having lost the initiative in the push for the psychological putsch, said there is no absolute truth; or at least, not recently. It is absolutely true that God exists.
How do you know that ? asked Harry.
I feel it by gut feeling.
What if you had intestinal strangulation, then ? Ralph enquired.
Look, you fellows, Claude bellowed, so that the sound control system made three sharp beeps to discourage such needless energy acceleration, man IS the truth. That is where it IS today. We have arrived on our earth, and need to control it so that the truth which we are, can become the life we want.
What sort of truth, responded Ralph with a quiet assurance, is a man
whose birth is involuntary, |
whose death is without his assent - except in truncated cases by euthanasia,
whose diseases ravage him, |
whose pangs make him writhe and |
whose design is without his power to alter it or replace it, |
whose models like yours, can be so offbeat that they allow the absolute to be called such, when for that model of thought, it is merely relative to a whole battalion of forces of design features outside his very understanding! |
Truth is what you want, if you are powerful enough to get it! Claude remonstrated.
In that case, Ralph countered, it is true that you have stolen someone's life if you murder him, so that this becomes a fact. So what ? Observable facts are not grounds of understanding unless rightly interpreted. On your system, then, what is right ?
Making it right.
In that case, if you have power, it is right to kill kids, do that old Islamic terror stuff, maim adolescents mentally or spiritually, and yes physically, while you pay teachers to invade young minds with dumb and numbing philosophic thought disguised as science, use people for your glory and lie as your way to the top, a sort of anti-scientific political experiment in diseased imagination, contrary to truth in method, and in result.
You do not have to lie, Claude quietly replied.
But you were indicating that power was what made it right; if this is so, then lies are certainly not excluded.
What if I choose to exclude them ? Claude queried.
Then you would have to abandon your model, that power makes it right; for if this is right, lies CANNOT be wrong when power is there.
All right then, power plus right is what is needed.
Certainly this is so, but what is right when you do not know God ?
What I think is right.
What if others think differently ?
Then we should discuss it.
What good does that do if you ignore God, the living God, the design-source, and merely agree on what you do not know ?
Does agreement create truth!
Do cogs estimate machinery ?
Does process evaluate principle ?
Does talk make truth on a plateau that, on your model, is not there!
Does change constitute stability, or a mingling provide its own assessment!
Does the unknowable provide its own charter, and the unformed give its plan ?
Who made the plan then, even if it were there ? Why agree without knowledge, make forays minus understanding and grope with gut feelings as god, asserting what your model excludes, and concluding what it cannot tolerate!
It helps implement plans.
What has that to do with truth ?
Well, then it would be true that these plans were implemented.
Then it could as well be true that lying plans were implemented; and if not, erroneous plans, or even ignorant and foolish plans. If the truth is not found outside yourself, it is useless to set yourself or your pals up as the truth. It is mere physiological chatter, psychological batter for a burning soul, its fleeting light a prelude to entire darkness, without knowledge or any means of gaining it, concerning either the meaning, motivation or destiny of life. It becomes trivial talk about what you have done, not what is the case, whether you choose to do it, or not. With man in his relative environment, masquerading as the truth, it cannot even be true that all is relative. On that model, to say it is to slay it!
Deny the source in practice, and you lack the outcome. Hence from principle you are contradictory and preclude meaningful assertion entirely. It is conversation by contradiction, assertion by asininity and progress by ruin.
I do not need these things. It is enough that we see what has to be done and DO IT!
HOW do you know whether or not it is right ? You THINK ? why ? Because you want ? What has that got to do with reality. If a child wants to cut electric wires, is this, if all the other kids should agree, thereby right ? Is it then true that cutting wires is ON and not cutting them is OFF, and that truth is to cut wires!
Statistics, Ralph added, is no more truth for man than is the chatter of monkeys. It does not signify what ought to be, but at best, what is. It shows no understanding, but describes; and description is no more prescription than it is illumination. If it happens, so does suicide ? Is that guidance ?
To move to change them, you need to know WHY and in WHAT DIRECTION, and what is the nature of reality, so that you do not merely flap your stripping wings against the metal of the structures you ignore, including your own. Suicides are not all physical!
Some of us know what is best for man, Claude drearily persisted.
How do you know ? Ralph ruinously persisted.
We feel it with intuition, realise it with vision, embrace it with understanding.
Understanding of what ? Harry probed.
We understand man.
How ? retorted Ralph.
We can see what went wrong, and we plan to prevent its recurrence.
HOW do you know what was wrong, if you do not know what is right; and if your ignorance of God prevents your knowing that, then it consigns you to irrelevance; and irrelevance plus power is merely the way which has led the world to the brink more times than enough.
I DO know God, Claude insisted, and it is something in my own nature.
Did you create matter ? form time ? implement plans which order the earth ? was it your thought which carved the DNA into segments and ORDERED the plans to execute their codes on the materials you provided ? Did your knowledge know truth, and execute it ? Is the absolute transparent to you ?
No, now more thoughtfully, Claude responded, none of these things is so, actually. Yet there is such a thing as inward vision, wherever it comes from.
Wherever ? Ralph rejoined. Even mothers are interested in the source of their daughter's suitor!
Inward vision ? your internal TV, your closed circuit set which enables you to SEE what is the nature that is yours, and that this is what is meant to be, and THAT is how it should work ?
Not exactly. It is a sort of understanding which just gels inside one.
Gels depend on the solution. You do not know its nature. Its gelling therefore is utterly irrelevant. What you need is to find by EVIDENCE, the source of man, by REVELATION that is rationally testable, the REASON for man, and by verification which is elevated enough in kind to declare its source, what God wants. You will never know anything while you assume yourself God and hence to be truth, without actually having anything within but a contradiction of the idea, derived from what you are and the way you are made to progress. Truth is not born, nor does it die.
God did not leave man to be mad, having nothing to gain from man, and being complete in Himself, without dependence on anything, and hence indeed God. God has given man what makes his creation meaningful, sound and consistent with His own power, providing the solution to his problems, the reason for his existence, the account of the fault of his life and the remedy of his unruliness. It is in one place only, as a book, the Bible, and in one place only as a man, Jesus Christ.
It is there, in the objective and testable media of flesh and now of print, that you find relief, remission and rest as a remedy, salvation from sin, as a power, rescue from ruin by the resurrection, redemption as a peace, and new accord with God by HIS method. Just as our creation was by HIS method, so is it for our restoration. He is the Director, the world is the stage and we are the players. He did the work; but it is for us to receive what He has done. Deceit will not delete it; dynamic will not shroud.
As mere man, you cannot logically transcend man; but God being Himself can readily do so, having power by nature, and being able He acts, attests, invests and requires. It is not intrigue but entry that is needed in His realm.
No Claude, nothing did not invent it, nor is it systems which invented themselves from nothing or nothing adequate, or invented thought with themselves in a grand sweep of cogent nothings, a new variety of sweet nothings, adding will perhaps as an ingenious afterthought that is not bad for nothing, or for what does not think, or what is a mere agent of action, depending on which phase of anti-nothing you have reached with nothing in particular to help. An inventory of the inventions would fill books; and yet they happen from some sort of something that amounts to nothing; and so cannot act.
It took what was required to make what there is, and mere words don’t because they can’t do that. It is the never ending presumption of imagining that vague imagination will do what only power, plan and intelligence can do, which leaves your world a monstrosity of misconception, and allows you to place credence in your quick living and soon dying little self. Your god is not merely too small, but an appendage misnamed. It does not work because its symbolic self lacks what it takes.
That is why you never find new kinds, whether supermen or any other. Parading, strutting fools play the god, and become godlets before parading themselves as giblets in the philosophic stew at their most godless deaths. God has laughed in intense irony at such ant-like super-activities, yes and the intoxicated revellers in unreality, since Deuteronomy 32:15-22, and Psalm 2 and 82, and indeed Ezekiel 28:9. New-boy gods He derides! You are gods ? He penetratingly assails the dynamised denizens of darkness, filled to overflowing with falsity and pride on earth, like the stomachs which were too unrestrained with Christmas plum-pudding. You are gods ? Yet you will die like men!
Little gods dying out are a deadly delusion.
The kindest thing you could say for them is this, that they do not know what they are doing. Multitudes routinely agree AFTER their decease, and are glad to be rid of their presumptuous arrogance and inane follies.
By the simplest of contrasts, there is no kind of way that God does not know what He is doing; and He shows it by what He says and has done, both in infinite match with infinite power and apparent directness. In that same contrast, there is no kind of way in which man in himself knows what he is doing.
The only logical match for reconstruction, restoration and truth is what God has SAID and DONE, unique, effective and verified, even inscribed ready for perpetual test; and that is what man needs to receive and being changed, follow. It is only then that there can be any truth, to proclaim it or to believe it, and this is likewise alone valid and always verified. Truth does not even occur in the midst of meaningless change, nor would it be possible within it, for the basis would be gone like light in the night.
If however you come to the truth, then for this universe the source is adequate, and hence validity is in the enterprise; the result is rational and hence reason attests, and the verification is complete, and hence honesty assents.
Gentlemen, said Claude with a mock bow, I salute you.
And he left.
The strangest guy, said Harry.
And as dark as the craters of the moon, mused Ralph.
He slipped out, like Judas, Harry pondered, and I wonder to what deeds of darkness that proud soul is now bent.
At this very point, in one of the craters near enough to the generators on the Eternal Light hill, there was a new stirring. The rocket which would knock out the power supply of SCC 1 was being prepared. They were so bent on thought, said the leaders in SCC 2, that they needed to see a little action; and that would be provided freely.
The question of what SCC 1 would do about it was felt not so important. They had but limited access to earth, and if SCC 1 went down, would SCC 3 DARE to flare ? It was doubtful, and unless the research enterprise of SCC 2 was incorrect, they had no means of touching either the main or the hidden auxiliary power supply of that most practical of potential tyrants, SS 2.
Hidden ? Their own power source had to be in the light to receive energy, but it was disguised as geological in kind, and the camaraderie which had been so carefully cultivated now for years on the lunar surface, was being used as a secret weapon, to induce carelessness. Further, the actual energy storage unit used relay for its energy, and abided in darkness.
As to its light receptor, its protective devices made the illusion easy to assess as if truth. Like their philosophy, it lived by illusion. Craft and deceit were their principles, parameters and preference.
Things were now set for the domination of the moon, and from this, that of the earth, for then ONE SCC would be in power on the moon, and ONE such station could control the earth.
There was a certain sense of relief in SCC 2, after so many years of duplicity. Were they indeed merely thoughtless engineers ? The events would show the answer to that little question. After all, it would be nice to rule by WILL, again, instead of having so much international chatter.
*1 See News 19.
*2 See News 5.
*3 II Thessalonians 2, Revelation 13, 17.