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Chapter 12

And Great was the Fall of it ?

Is it Spiritual Autumn,
in one nation, or even in all peoples ?


Little A scudded across the Pacific to the USA. It was a spiritual scudding, and when he arrived, he was amazed at the number of people who went to what they called 'church'. Yet inside, the number of phases, philosophies, additives, subtractions, the glorification of the self, the plans for society, the psychological crutch courses and so on, these assailed his spiritual nostrils like smoke from fire, and the fires reminded him of those nether ones, not the purifying surges of spirit from above.

Of course, he had met something similar in Australia, but now in America the scale and scope of the thing ... it made him feel as if he were often in the presence of the bewitched.

Moslems are to be treated in a prayer partnership with the President at a crucial national time of crisis, and Moslems are to hunt out a Moslem arch-enemy, which of course they don't, and nations are to be invaded, and have democracy instituted, which is far nicer than heartless tyranny, but can vote for some other sort of tyranny, such as sharia, which could become quite as bad, rendering continuity of life for those who reject the false prophet Muhammad, doubtful, conditional,  suppositious, delegated, relegated, almost as if a spiritual mafia were in power – his mind flitted to More Marvels   4 and Divine Agenda  6. Nor is this all. They could do the same for Communism or any other tyranny using force to subdue the spirit of man. It is an Aviary of Idolatry, he reflected.

Democracy for those seeking God and oppressed by tyrants is one thing, and what marvels it has brought; but democracy for those who want to force issues with blood, and tyrannise afresh, this is another. So Little A wondered at the vast expenditures of American money, and smiled at the so ready recipients, like Europe in the last century, not ONCE but TWICE, and now so thankless, seeking to leave the USA in the cockpit of trouble, while smiling on the Arab oil empire builders. That, he cried to himself, that is how it seems to me to be.

Anyway, my interest, he reflected, is finding people for Christ, and I hope some of them build anew sound churches, not awash with dog howlings from human mouths, or screams and contortions, with tongues spoken together as forbidden in I Cor. 14, applicable to ALL churches as in I Cor. 1. How does persecution in China clean out the dross! Now is America's hour, and if she continues to sink, soon the waters will wash her decks too clean, and pray God for better things, yet if this is to be, it may again be discoloured with blood.

Canada, he reflected, now going further and making homo-sexual partnerships MARRIAGE! the final physical insult to the Creator, as if He were not there, or did not care, or could be vexed without limit and ignored without love, while a nice little society of infamy, ignoring the continuation of the race by its own appointed means, and using these for pleasure or pandering to self: what of that! What a continent this is becoming! If there is some faith left, it is being almost submerged in the sea of nostrums, ideas and follies for which the pastors in scores present their pleas, as if pastors of death, not life, of rebellion, like Aaron with his golden calf, not realism.

Little A in short was entirely amazed at the developments, as if the atomic bomb that is spiritual had exploded not on Japanese shores, which took the nuclear one, but on the shores of America itself.

After growing acquainted at some sounder churches with people with whom he could share the news of Christ, the biblical faith, the power of the Lord in the midst, he was step by step introduced to various people whom they knew, until on one notable day, there was a very mixed gathering. To the spiritual eyes of Little A, the names of the participants were somehow transformed - scarcely transfigured - into these:

Heady Republican, Dissolute Democrat, Divisive Schismatic, Christ-Maker, Sexual-Recreator and Peace Profit. No, the last was not a misspelling, though you could forgive Little A if he made such an error, for in
this case, the desire is for world peace as a profitable thing, as a workable thing, as a survivable thing, and God is expected to come along and pat them on their heads as this heady doctrine excludes anything which threatens it, and so becomes the ultimate in a mix of hypocrisy and dictatorship. While these parties are by no means expressive of all who hold views like theirs, they are far from being eccentric within their respective fields.

They met in ample conference rooms, many of different views welcoming this opportunity to impress the others, and to seek a wider platform for their own party.

We meet them when some distance into their project. The fact is, said Heady Republican or HR, that the world has to be taught a lesson once and for all, and in our work in Afghanistan and Iraq, it is learning. We cannot force them, but we can provide for them to find out ...

And if they merely use your great and generous gift of liberty in politics, to impose a group desire to tyrannise, say with Islam, what have you accomplished.

We shall trust that they find out that the fruits of freedom are so desirable that they will limit that development.

Limit it ? said Dissolute Democrat. Do you not realise that there are thrusts and musts in this wandering world, and that passion is as likely to rule the 'free', and lust the 'liberated' as it has been in the past ? What reason do you have for thinking they will now, after being so static for so long, suddenly evolve into reasonable people, far less willing learners of human values ?

It seems to me, said Christ-Maker, that the evolution you see in practice, is the evolution of evil, the downfall of due dynamic, the grabbing of goods and the usual promiscuous developments of power. What is needed is not some illusory doctrine, on which to pin hopeless faith, but the Christ of tomorrow.

What a thought! said Peace Profit, that is a good one. The Christ of tomorrow. Who will invent Him, or do you have a schedule, pattern, patent, or some mine where you make them ?

Hardly! said Christ-Maker, but sensing a sort of unpopularity for being so stark about what needs more subtlety to deceive, he hesitated ... and as one has put it, he who is lost hesitates.

Peace! continued Peace Profit, it is there that the future lies.

And peace! you will get it perhaps by sitting here on benches in churches, devising new christs or morals or something else, instead of negotiating with Europe, getting them on side, acting with Russia, getting its nukes into safe hands, acting in concert with all reasonable nations, and forming an alliance, say centred in Europe which is becoming the biggest of all, and is a civilised thing of the past, and so forming a world which has a centre, not an epicentre, always dangling about out of effective control.

Who would run it ? asked Heady Republican.

The Civilised World would run it, retorted Peace Profit.

WHO or what is that ? it is one thing to talk of cohesion, it is another to get it, for with Europe seeking an unknown, unspecified, unspiritual, religiously degraded 'common destiny', with scarcely a glance to  God, where is there to find this ?

It will be found, responded Peace Profit, in the obvious profitability of working together.

In a sort of moral and spiritual vacuum ? asked Christ Maker.

Do YOU have something to contribute there ? asked Peace Profit, who in their prophetic peace courses, had been shown how to get people on your side, by giving them the floor and agreeing as soon and as much as you can.

Why yes, intoned Christ Maker. We have a very nice christ we are making, and it seems somehow to come to our hearts and minds as we pray and counsel together in some of the churches, and it is so effective when the hearts and minds, the spirits and the dynamics of people are UNDER something obviously greater than themselves. We have been working on that, and using such themes as universal consciousness and so on, and I am hopeful that the Chinese will be in on this.

Very good, replied Peace Profit, there may be scope for that.

I am sure there would be, inserted Divisive Schismatic, but what is needed is a multiplicity of religious ideas, not a monolith, and there is room and scope for ever so many new christs, taking here a point, there from the original, and these designer religions ...

Yes, there is something in that, interpolated Sexual Recreator, for then those who want to have sexual relationships, marriage we call it, with people in inventive ways, can enjoy it, and become part of the whole, without wanting to dictate to others where they find fulfilment, enjoyment, meaning.

Heady Republican roared here, and declared this: Your silly pre-occupations with how you gain sexual fulfilment, liberty, autonomy or whatever else you want to do with the pro-creative provision of the Almighty, have all the inventiveness of the sink. This is no time to be making emphases on such fiddly fusspots, and to be dividing people with rank and strange ways. Let them simply be free to do what they want, but let's keep law out of it, since it will only divide, and bring false hinges to the door we want to close on endless inventions without a good rule, worthy of the name of the American people.

May I remind you, came the searing words of Dissolute Democrat, that there is dignity in man, and chosen morals are not mere shadows, but integral to our lives. It is important that people know where they stand ...

Or fall! continued Heady Republican, for him.

We can sew all that up, Christ-maker quickly added, with having one or two, or three or more christs, all showing the beauty of something or other, and doing it surpasssingly well, you know, like good football teams who can compete for man, just as the old ones competed with man, so that there comes to be a mutual acceptance of all.

Sounds as wise as a house being divided against itself as your ground plan: it falls, construed HR.

We need it, flat! contributed Divisive Schismatic. I think there is safety in multiplicity. What I fear is one undivided Europe plus America plus Russia, with contributions from China, beginning to dictate magically machined morals, images, destinies, dynamics and plans, always becoming tighter and stricter as the weapons grow more powerful horrible; while men becoming more horrible through their diseases of freedom, direct themselves into a pit of unified polllution, like a world of worms eating filth.

You certainly have a pleasant mind! said Peace Profit. Lift up your eyes and look above.

There is nothing to see there on your view, to be frank, said Divisive Schismatic, for as Christ-Maker will agree, the secular society in the singular entity HAS no above, but is above itself and so becoming a mere spiritual upstart, fascinating with freedom, doomed by dynamics it neither understands nor can control.

You have a point there, said Christ Maker, and so I feel we should invent new christs who have some moral tone: you know, solidarity and reality.

Reality! cried Dissolute Democrat. The only reality is man. He is what we have, and we should cater to him and not imagine things up above.

Peace Profit glowered at him. You talk down what is your own origin, and speak against what is your best future. Don't you realise, he said, that whatever it is that made it all, and put in the steps of its ingredients, in giant actions, is not nothing, or magic, but what is capable of it; and this is not to be ignored as if we midgets who are only beginning to understand the least part of these doings and dealings ...

Well said! cried Heady Republican. We have to go back to what is the basic, and see when America was great, and get back right there.

Not so fast, retorted Peace Profit, It is not the past but the future which is important. We need to move with the times, and the time for action is now, to find what of it all is in ourselves and grow into it.

Here Little A felt he could contribute. Gentlemen, he said quietly, it is not the past as such, but what was good about it, it is not the future, but what it ought to be, it is not the divisions into super-market spirituality, nor is it the construction of our Constructor, rather a banal proceeding, it is none of these things which matters. It is what is reality.

I for one, said Heady Republican, do not care WHAT reality may be, it is what WE are to be that matters. We have been great, and like Putin for Russia, I want to see America the Great, restored, influential, respected, with clout, pursuing its own superior ways in the midst of a muddled world, and helping it to grow up to the necessary level to make co-operation worthwhile. You know, it is rather like Taiwan telling China that sure, they will join up when China has caught up with them!

Reality, said Little A, can be ignored if you can pay. If you ignore the highway and drive on the ploughed land, yes, you may do it for a while. In the end, the nature of land, of cars, of movement and of progress, of decline and of wealth will provide limits to the number of cars you can ruin in blindness, and it is neither profitable nor possible in the end.

Possible! all things are possible to an upstanding America! said Heady Republican.

Or at least, to a diversified, democratic land of the free! said Dissolute Democrat.

With provision for sexual liberty! added Sexual Recreator.

And for spiritual diversification! continued Divisive Schismatic.

And a unity above differences, one that counts! proceeded Peace Profit.

In short, said Little A, you all want what you want, whatever reality is, and you want satisfaction as at a super-market without considering why you eat, where you go, or the criteria of life.

Yes, that's just it! said all of them in unison.

I do seem to have united you all! chuckled Little A, on the basis of ignoring reality and letting it do its worst, while you do your best, and in opposite clutches, work out some glue to keep your unrealistic storms in control, while the Creator looks on, smiles the while, and lets you devolve upon yourselves until the sun sets, available energies lapse, pollutions pluralise, and the system mocks you, till your christs grow old and need replacement, and the Cross becomes your focus of hatred, and your selves, the acme of worship.

Perhaps a hymn for the occasion ? said Little A.

Oh glorious man, who can equal you,

Assail or diminish your glory,

Neither things old and hoary,

Nor new in story, 

Can abolish our dream,

To be more than we seem,

Till the old and now developing world

With flag of specious unity unfurled,

Grows to like our ways,

And resounds to our praise:

Halleluman, Halleluman!


Hey, could you be a song writer ? ironically asked Divisive Schismatic, who partly agreed, since he hated being in agreement with the unity.

I have written this, said Little A, but what the good Lord has written, it is this that was greatly admired in the America of Republican Dream, and the liberty that Dissolute Democrat loves, it was this that became more and more actual when men learned to control themselves and without being cars used as ploughs in inventive caprice, became workmen for the Lord, in teeming energy and clear direction.  Your revivals have been vast, and your history great, but now that you want to invent yourselves, you cannot, since your DNA is given, as is the Book of the Lord, which alone has the distinction of predicting history and predicating man's woes on his sins, and providing for their redemption.

If you want to ignore the book, you are ignoring your lives, their constitution, their means of restitution, the nature of the problem which makes you all irreconcilably diverse, and only willing to agree on the superficial, until this or that dream takes command, since you are all frightened of godless man using godly powers to subdue you all, and spoil your fancies. Life is not fancy, but reality. Ignore that and your unreal world will disintegrate in exactly the way God has foretold, and it is doing it even now as the blood passion of Revelation 6 comes to pass, the roaring sea and waves of Luke 21 has its season in process with tsunami and raging coastal situations, the world warms and the storms of passion, hatred and ill-will, mixed with the scant wisdom of those who want to tame storms with storms in their own hearts proceed to unroll as in Matthew 24, where false christs proliferate like the children of roistering clowns, spat out into a receptive world, and false prophets are the order of the day.

All this is already told, and you are speaking as men in a dream, watching reality invade until you wake up, too late, and behold, it is true. Your house is on fire.

On fire! on fire! the words echoed in Little A's mind. He realised that he had been thrown out, and was lying in the blazing sun, on the steps of the conference all, while ambulance men were coming, or so at least they seemed to be, equipped with syringes, reminiscent of the one used in the day of Putin in submarine trouble, when a screaming mother was challenging that President for his lack of address in saving her son ... Instantly, he called for a dust storm, which obscured his form as he flew off.

That, Little Angel said to himself, is not all of America, but increasingly, it is becoming the active ingredient.

And he wept!