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Chapter 7


The Shaking of the Shakeable Powers
and the Strengthening of that which Remains

Hebrews 12:25-29



Hebrews 12:25-29 provides our topic text today, as the themes are expounded from the Bible. It tells us not to refuse "Him who speaks", for if those on earth in Moses' day did not escape when God then acted, how much less will those who now turn from Him who speaks from heaven: and this, after such a sacrifice and resurrection, so long foretold, so long applied, as now applies. Hebrews then cites Haggai 2:6, where God indicates His intention to shake heaven and earth, the seas and land, and then they will "come to the Desire of All Nations" (the Messiah as in Isaiah 11:10, whose resting place shall be glorious for the Gentiles,  as there stated).

That is impending, and already started. The typical effort to ignore the inevitable is well shown this week in the revelation that Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa, has lost 85% of its ice sheet since 1912, and 26% since 2000! Volume of ice lost and extent of the coverage have similar figures. The scientist researcher notes that one year the residue will be small, and in the next it will all be gone. Further, they found that for millenia, there has been no such loss on the mount.

Hitler profited in England's torpor in the 30s and man's due reward for his iniquity against the Lord mounts because he shuts his eyes, many still in a whirl of fairy-tale hope about climate change. It has to grow torrential and torpid, as the Bible said so. How long to wake up! (Luke 21:25, Revelation 16:8). Alas, there is a spirit of spiritual torpor. It is as in Isaiah 29:9-10:

      “Pause and wonder!

Blind yourselves and be blind!

They are drunk, but not with wine;

They stagger, but not with intoxicating drink.

       For the Lord has poured out on you

The spirit of deep sleep,

And has closed your eyes, namely, the prophets;

            And He has covered your heads, namely, the seers.”

It is however just as one much later predicted of the end times, before the Age has captured all the contents intended, and draws to its conclusion, namely Peter (II Peter 3:1-5). Be aware, he says, of what the holy prophets spoke before, knowing this first,

“knowing this first, that scoffers will come in the last days,
walking according to their own lusts,
and saying,

‘Where is the promise of His coming ?
For since the fathers fell sleep,
all things continue as thy were from the beginning of the creation.’ “

First, notice that the category of persons in this frame of mind, if it can be called that, is ‘scoffers’. It is not reason but mode, socially, the neighing in their social stables, the naying in their negative nesciences, blinded by a sleeping spirit, entombed in untruth (cf. Romans 1:17ff., Matthew 13:15ff.).  Secondly, notice that the sort of clamour predicted for this, the last times (by biblical definition cf. Answers to Questions Ch. 5), is one from those who are ‘walking according to their own lusts. In the Bible, this term can refer to any erraticism, any adventurism, any would-be autonomy, any ‘flesh’, any parody of truth which comes when the true and living God and His word is forgotten, the very concept leased out or laughed at, any immersion in the fluids of spiritual dysfunction, whether in the mind, the body or the spirit itself, or indeed all three: for there tends to be inter-penetration in this syndrome.

The mode, thirdly, is one of invasive disdain. This idea of the Lord of creation coming to review, to judge, to end the exercises of the human army and assess openly, this concept of the Second Coming, of Christ actually arising from His status in heaven and coming to earth this time not to produce the scope for salvation but to turn its results from concept to parade, openly exhibiting what man has done (as in Matthew 25, II Thessalonians 1, in different aspects), of divine intervention, of a terminus to match the start: it is ludicrous, they say. For long their thoughts have seemed a noble edifice, not logical to be sure, but something to admire. They are like prisoners escaped, who cannot conceive that there has been opportunity to do good, but instead have pursued their own foolish thoughts (as in Romans 1:17ff.).

Their idea: continuity is the name of the game. Let us not ask them WHY there are laws that COULD continue, or why there is a texture of inter-connected laws, architecture for the mind, for matter, for spirit, so that there may be intellectually valid and useful correlation between human enquiry in terms of unchanging laws, within, and results in terms of unchanging laws, outside, so that the universe may be considered and its lawfulness assessed by lawful means in logical format! In this anti-scientific medley of mentally adversity, ONE THING that is denied, is what is necessary for what is found to be there to find. No, for them, it is the slur, the whir of particulars, and the place as lords of creation, of the energy pile that degrades, while it lasts: this is their chain by which they secure themselves to the wall of their moribund prison (cf. Jude).

These approaches account for a massif of human arrogance which inhabits most universities, in one format or another, in this guise or disguise or that, and as it was to be, so it is. That is the way continually with the word of God: as it was to be, by its diction and prediction, so it comes to be, by His power and grace, whether for deliverance or for the performance of man’s inveterate haste and folly, as the case may be.

It is amusing, in one grave sense, to find so many for quite a time now, immersing themselves in this mutual support scheme, students approved by professors, those by Boards, who conform to this delusion; and then to realise that not only their actions, but both the reason for them and the results of them have been biblically assessed in both Old and New Testament prophecies over millenia, and included with that, this their time of most magnificent outrageousness, as the Age ends (cf. Jeremiah 2:27-28,35, with 23:16-20). It is this to which we  now come, with Gentile false prophets every bit as numerous in spread as was the case in ancient Israel, where Jeremiah mourned (Jeremiah 23).

We are here, in this last series of multiply rebellious and irrational developments. What more then do we find from the words of Jesus Christ in Matthew 24, concerning our time.

We move on in the eventful series to the day when the "powers of the heavens shall be shaken" (Matthew 24:29). Possible asteroid collision with the earth is merely one option (cf. Revelation 8:10, 16:21) with fragments and major impacts.  Moral loosening is another of the deregulatory downfalls awaiting man, and now well under way. With revelations of sexual tempests in high places; of nervous disorders and financial manipulation for personal gain; of elevation of the horror of the Koran, in its vehement use of force from the first, in the realm of religion, by the Prince of Wales, possible successor to his mother in the Church of England; of  perversion in the programmatics of major denominations, and of growing youth grotesquely inculcated with the doctrine of survival as an ethic, and self-fulfilment as a guide: there is in all this, a loosening of what binds.

Even in England, not so long ago, one commentator was noting, as immigration increases and demands for other ways increase, that the glue that holds England together and makes it cohere, is increasingly missing. What has exalted itself and lost hold nationally on Christ is being shown now as just another nation - except for the residual grace yet left in measure!

In fact, II Timothy 3 itemises, as in principle does Romans 1:17ff., the total disorder, unfaithfulness, high-riding tongues and loose-living ways of many people and even peoples,   intoxicated with themselves and their cultures, lost in the crowd of dissipating dynamics, which leave small nations with vast power, rich nations impoverishing themselves with self-indulgence and war becoming as in Revelation 6, a way of life for mankind, not only in moments of sudden impulse, but even as a method of behaviour, an esprit de guerre. Violation and vileness compete, and landslides or oceanic invasions are not only in islands of the sea, and vast in scope, but with earthquakes share with their parallels in personal living and social life on the mainland (Matthew 24:7).

In Timothy, then, we read of the road's end with its attributes, such as those who specialise in being

·        "lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, unloving unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God."

Often these will be found, enough indeed to be a characterisable feature in this last days of the Age situation, to have "a form of godliness without its power." In parallel, in the prognosis of Romans 1:17ff., tracing what is the development when man turns from the living Creator to the worship of and reliance on the things that are made, this their 'source', those so afflicted, though seemingly wise, actually become fools. Items here to match those of II Timothy 3 include: the practice of being willing "to dishonour their bodies among themselves", having "exchanged the truth of God for the lie," so that they are found to have "worshipped and served the creation rather than the Creator."

Hence there comes a further battalion of symptoms: "For even their women exchanged their natural use for what is against nature. Likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman." They are seen as having "burned in their lust for one another, men with men committing what is shameful, and receiving in themselves the penalty of their error" as due. To be sure this is a tracing of a program and prognosis; but since this Age is ending in the very acme of this departure from the living God, of necessity such is the end of this distress in disease of heart and body, mind, spirit.

To these add further ingredients of depravity: God gives them over to "a debased mind," so that they are "filled with all unrighteousness", while "covetousness, maliciousness" plunder the peace and "murder, strife, deceit, evil-mindedness" abound. Meanwhile, those who are "whisperers, backbiters, haters of God," and those who are "violent, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents" continue to set the tone.

It is as in all these things, as foreseen and characterised, so now found.

The powers of the heavens are being shaken, and ALL that is heaven and earth, is being shaken and is going to be shaken so that, as Hebrews 12 declares, there will be a striking contrast. It is this: that between the fate of reliance on  "things that are made", and that divine and divinely accepted, so that "the things that cannot be shaken may remain."

Chief among these are God's divine righteousness and nature, and the grace-grant of salvation (Isaiah 51:6), which nothing can de-stabilise or ruin even if the earth depart, as it will (Matthew 24:35, Psalm 46:2-3). Meanwhile the power of the Spirit of God keeps the saints on the foundation of Christ in peace and preparation of heart (Psalm 46:4, John 7:37-38, Ephesians 2:17-22) and operates in keeping with His divine commission from the Godhead (cf. Isaiah 59:18ff.).



These things show, both positively in Christ and negatively outside Him, that there is indeed scope for the divine rebuke to those who trust in themselves, their culture, man-made creed, cross--bred religion, secularist fantasies and their imaginary prowess, by showing that just as He MADE things orderly in logic and life, in thought and the elements of life, so He can not only curse the earth for man's folly, but also open the heavens from their norms of wonder and collaboration for this earth, and spell troubles above and below. Indeed, He both can, will and does so loosen the fabric of life (Matthew 24:22), psychically, morally, ethically, financially, oceanically, astronomically and geologically that it becomes frankly unlivable.

The movement onto the troubled scene comes to be like a universal psychic and social heart attack, with inward exemption for Christ's own, whom He keeps to the end. The devastating dynamic, so long held back, now at last comes spewing like released lava, first in impending ruin from multiple upset sources and resources, then  in the finale of the follies, direct confrontation internationally with the Lord. This shudders into action at length  when He comes to judge the raging lions of anti-love (Revelation 19:19) of , anti-Christ and  anti-righteousness (Isaiah 59, II Thessalonians 1, Matthew 25).

There is an end to it all.

At the personal level, you see the results of all the drama and subterfuge, in Matthew 25, the next chapter to the one which we have been studying. Here the nations are seen in the aggregate, and the individuals are to be found from the flocks of sheep and goats. The goats, deliciously innovative as they may be, are not renowned for wisdom (as in 'silly goat'), while the sheep, for all their lack of panache, are good at following, and when it comes to God, HE is the leader and privilege indeed is it to follow HIM! (as in Isaiah 55:4); for though all the persons of our race would try to lead, yet there is but one worth following with the heart and the life.

In Matthew 25, we see that each sort of creation is examined. Sheep of course are already apparent: they have been BRED as sheep, and that is what they ARE. This is the index, and when it is applied to its meat and meaning of Matthew 25, it indicates regeneration, rebirth to have come to all  those of His flock of which HE and HE alone is THE SHEPHERD (Matthew 23:8-10). Their good works are remembered and they are congratulated (25:40); but this is not what makes them sheep.  A tree is not made so by its fruit, but instead shows what it is by its fruit. Their errors are not mentioned; for they are covered by the grace of God who in Christ died for the difference between the uttermost perfection and the actualities of each of His children.

Meanwhile, the goats appear: each is already apparent as to what he IS, a goat. This is not the required format and being, and is in itself shown for what it is. Accordingly, these, signifying rejecters of grace and salvation through faith in the face and place, works and wonders of Jesus Christ, are itemised not for their good deeds, but for the bad ones. Since they want it that way, disdaining the merits of Christ given freely (Romans 5:17), then they have to pay not only for their presumption and their arrogance, ,but for their folly.

Free payment is available: they spurned it. With what will they pay for the evil, since good is merely what is required, and evil requires payment ? There is nothing and so their misdeeds are cited.  Fascinating is the focus in this depiction, for the love which cares is crucial (Matthew 25:41-43), especially towards those of the faith; and the loitering failure which does not, is crucial, towards His brethren.

Thus come the disorders given as fitting rebuke to those who imagine these marvels of mind, matter and spirit just make themselves, and then team up: the irrationalists. Their trials first, and their end at last, these become a fitting exhibit of their folly. Suppose, then: it is as if the Lord were saying:

·        What if I were to remove this restraint, this constraint, this law,
this control of the stars,
the earth, the social and military nature of things, and allow all things about you
an even freer rein than love of liberty has already provided: consider this!
Are you listening then? Do you want love to recede and shove to rule ?
Do you wish law to relax into disorder ? your thoughts to be put into real practice ?
Are you reflecting as the physical and psychic tissues - that surround you by grace,
because of the creation - begin to dissolve ? Can you see a little better now!

(cf. Jeremiah 4:24ff.).

Read Proverbs 1 for an indication of the Lord's ire and irony, when all being done, those who need His wisdom and ways freely provided, take none!



There are, by contrast, two ways in which righteousness now is thrust strikingly upon the scene. One is by the call to "strengthen the things that remain" (Revelation 3:2). Here the saints are endowed, enabled, reinforced, sent forth by the power of the Holy Spirit, rescued from falling, thrust into the victory as they attest the truth, resist the persecutions and by the power and grace of God, through the Gospel and the word of God rescue the lost, bless the slipping and seek refreshment for the weary.

Were this spiritual action and restrained removed (as it will be when the Lord personally returns with the clouds of heaven, while His angels gather the elect for their communion with Him in heaven, before all proceed to earth as He comes in judgment), there would be an even more total depravity, declivity and depression of the conditions of men on this earth. How often the saints of God restrain by example, word and spirit!

The second way in which righteousness will be restored, this time not on an individual basis as God brings each to his work and His wonder, is in the production of a new heavens and a new earth in which righteousness dwells. Liberty has been wonderful, yet has been abominably soiled and spoiled by man to the extent that some become so mesmerised that they think there is none, and for themselves, pathologically, alas this may become so! Now however, those who in liberty love the Lord, and these only, will be in all their millions from all the Ages,  in this blessed estate. It is one where the fruits of liberty misused no longer appear - AT ALL! Here no evil will enter in (cf. Revelation 21:8).

What glory to be free of the curse on the earth and of those who curse and revile, while they proceed shod with self, soil on their cluntering feet, to judgment. How brilliant that day in His way when new heavens and earth regale the delighted eye that blesses the God of creation and destiny!

Let us then seek to strengthen the things that remain as we proceed to the dis-assemblage, bringing blessing to HIS Church, His people and seeking refreshing times for His own (Acts 3:19ff.), together with Gospel preaching power for His teachers and ministers. Let us look with delighted prospect as the day approaches, to the reconstruction, the new heavens and earth, when there is no more loosening and no more loss, when, quite simply, it is all over, and perfection proceeds in peace, the people of God beholding the face of God Himself (Revelation 22:4, Hebrews 12:23). It is He who with the Lamb is the very Temple!

From beginning to end, everything has its place, the laws, the cause of evils, the magnificent construction of man by the word of God, much of it now seen in the coded structure of the DNA in the case of life, the deliberate deviousness to move away from  the direct encoding in words readily understood, of the word of God TO MAN AS NOW MADE, in the Bible. It is all there:  the rebukes of the floods, which Peter predicted would be denied, the plagues, as particularised so dramatically in the case of Pharaoh and Egypt at the time of the Exodus, the follies of misplaced learning, the erection of mental, spiritual idols, always ready to reside like a fungus in the heart (cf. Ezekiel 14:3), the period of Israel as predictive centre and theocratic nation, then that of the Gentiles as Gospel recipients (cf. SMR Ch. 9), and then their vast decline, as we are now seeing in Matthew, as is also obvious in I Timothy 4, II Timothy 3-4, II Thessalonians 2.

This is all incorporated in the schedule which moves to the internationalisation of follies, the increased control of all men, the pompous words such as the WCC and the UN are prone to utter, and the leader to arise, the antichrist (cf. Daniel 7, II Peter 2, II Thessalonians 2).

It is an option. His type have always deluded, whether the Assyrians or the Babylonians or the Romans or the Napoleons or the Hitlers or the Mussolinis or the Stalins or the Mao; and as to the movement up the scale to a delusive and devious solidification among the nations beneath one leader, this reminds one of the current efforts of the EU to find a President for the Council of Europe. Now he must NOT be too dynamic, too strident, but it would be good if he were notable, the sort of fellow whom the nations would HEED; for Europe must have a VOICE, don’t you know, and one that men will heed. After all, soon it may have 600 millions of peoples. One might even add to this accent of the times: Yes, such it is that you seek, and as to this Europe, it IS the place God predicted as the centre for the new internationalism and all its moral, ethical, social, decline and man-manipulation.

It comes. But Jesus Christ HAS come and done what was foretold, as only God COULD do, and will return as only God can, having conquered death and given free invitation to life eternal, the only sort worth having for man, for he is built for it and longs for it when disease does not dismember his heart. Yes, in this there is serenity; but in that llies a serendipity in the manners of some making mankind his pot which they stir. This, it is a serendipity which does only does not last, but kills all hope and rebukes man for not heeding the MANY preludes in misused power with which history is strewn, and insisting on believing in man rather than God, to his own destruction.

But rejoice, that is only one way, like that of AIDS, or CANCER. You don’t need to have THIS sort of cancer, for the Great Physician is calling men and women and children to be saints, and to avoid reconstruction as (virtual) robots.