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News 456
Under the heading 'Roxon anti-prejudice laws to
curb freedom, trigger complaints' is news on liberties which, placed alongside
earlier government attempts, provides matter for no superficial thought!
The NSW Attorney-General, Greg Smith, has
expressed considerable caution in terms of these non-libertarian aspirations of
the Commonwealth Government, as well he might. See also the submission, some
years ago to the State Government*1 on a closely related issue. Let us therefore examine
some of the underlying issues in various measures of press control, blog
control, expression control, authoritative demeaning of liberty for purposes of
cultural preference, by an ad hoc body of this or that kind, with power to act.
The power for this vacillates in and out, as it is stopped or forwarded;
but the desire for it does not vacillate, but rather continues in ever higher
realms of control.
The Australian pp. 1, 8, February 10,
The issues are further critically considered in the
same source,
p. 24, March 5, 2012
Waywardness of Unregenerate Man
One of the top desires of misled professionals in
government, is to establish guilt. It may be in an opposing party, allegedly the
harbour of rough-necks, red-necks, manipulators (for the rich or the poor, for
the wealthy or for the unions, these sometimes mutual aggressors). It may be in
an opposing principle (such
as truth in preference to mischievous shiftiness, a capitalising crust which
knows nothing but self-will), or even in an opposing religion (as in the case of
atheism or agnosticism, the knowledgeable certainty with no base, or the
parallel in terms of finding the truth that there is none, or none
can be found, versus at least self-consistent other options). But it is
The Party, or the 'Leader' (we seem to be losing
the humility of someone chairing a cabinet in preference for a leader who lays
down the law, preferably a lawyer, to do it with more knowledge), is summonable
(if private it could have been summonsable) before public opinion. How guilty,
before the provocateur, stands the centre of publicly exposed shame. When both
sides do, each denigrating raspily the other, it may be a special case of
the atomic idea of 'MAD'. This can be paralleled with approximately equal acrimony, irrelevance and avoidance of the
bases of the issues, it can become a type of caterwauling, which is both
unproductive in the thing called, still, government, and expose more and
more a vaunting base in its
This we have begun to consider. However there is
another pet plaything (not that the thing itself is any matter of play, only the
mess made of it), for politicians, indeed, for all people in, with, adjacent to
or loving power. It is
the suppression of free speech. In that way,
whoever gets in first, may say all that is going to be permitted; or whoever
gets the standard cultural presuppositions or predilections, the pets of the
day, may be able to have the opposite viewed with disdain by autonomous judges,
erected as a facade for power, authority and suppression of alternatives.
This can be done by simply NOT SEEING what is
culturally not the norm at the moment, or viewing what is the norm, as in some
way certain, assured truth. This enables THE AUTHORITY to dismiss all argument IN EFFECT, at the
outset, or with a culturally approved facade instead of reason. This becomes a conservation
of a preferred cultural mind-set, an obfuscation mechanism invented instead of
justice, and is most useful in take-overs, coups, cultural violence, ideational
manipulation, the destruction of liberty and the institution of someone's pet
ideas. These may be exposed as if set in stone, though they themselves usually lack all foundation in
the permeating world of political philosophy. Confounded because inadequately
founded, human philosophy almost always ends up in adversatives, and argument,
which is quite natural when you leave out the word of God, just as it would not
help in mathematics if you left out numbers.
What appears to be the direction of thought flow
in our current Government in this matter. It is to be hoped it rapidly changes
its tilt, but the present appears thus.
Freedom now, to speak! Obviously, for
cultural reasons, that must go. You can deem what someone says about SOMETHING,
something said about SOMEONE, by just a little lapse in logic, and you can
pretend that you are protecting people by so doing, though in fact you are
defiling freedom of information, argumentation and the distinction between
people and ideas to the uttermost. While fussing about people incapable,
apparently, of taking a knock to their ideas of themselves, which include
unwillingness to have anything they hold criticised, especially if some other
forcible people hold it too, a Government can readily invent what become cultural sacred
cows or icons, and simply suppress all nationally undesired argument.
How is it known that it is so categorised ? What
makes it nationally undesired ? Why, the autonomous, or perhaps culturally
bound, body can be set up by those who will know the call, and become THE
AUTHORITY to repress or rebuke, forbid or sanction, exclude or include. It is
easy then to become professionally blind, as indeed appears almosty normal in
revolutions, where things left out and those kicked out become almost a sport
for the more vehement.
In this so civilised age, when in the past 100
years, perhaps less than a hundred million people have been slaughtered for some
kind of political control-hungry idea or other, it can become better just
to fine people who do not conform, to the tutt-tutt, and caution, perhaps in
prison. This appears our direction of flow.
Indeed, you must not say that
culture i wrong, or at least very wrong, but using its own morals, you simply invent which tutt-tutt will be where, and which
no-no there, and of course not bothering with any logical foundation, you have a
pay-day for the power-hungry, the social adventists and the control-addicts. After all,
the poor will be blighted by these more minor methods, and the rich, if they
should become particularly
obnoxious (for not bowing to primitive authoritarianism dressed up as cultural
conditioning, re-education as the Chinese Communists call it), can simply
be put in prison.Moreover, then they could be called criminals, which would tend to destroy their
cause, take the wind out of their sails, give them pause to lick their wounds, especially
in the case that any of them should ever want to get into politics directly.
We have our ways! they could say.
If nothing like this comes to pass, then
they may say that this shows this was not their way. It is better however to
prevent its coming to pass, since if it does, the old nation of Australia, famed
for independence of style, thought and drive, can be peeled like a potato, and
then mashed by the least of its servants.
The Inimitable
Cheek of the Soaring Ambition of Man*1A
In fact, the position now is this. IF someone,
some government, some body invested with cultural, social and thought
control (indirectly in the case of the last, but still actually), decides
that something is not in the national interest, then two authoritarian murder
concepts, death to life forms, are out in the open. First, the national interest now becomes LORD. The
assumed welfare of the nation becomes more important than many things, such as
truth, or morality, or God, for example. This at once disenfranchises
those who believe that God is the most important. Secondly, what the national
interest is SAID to be in any given case, becomes the prophet of this new LORD,
and just as in Revelation 13, the beast - that is the military, political,
social, self-religionised and financial power - has an aid, the second
beast, the religious one, so here we have this religious travesty in tow. It can
be SAID that because of this or that, the other cannot be. The feel of national
interest can vary anywhere, and so can the totalitarian substitute for
Australia, if it is to be fooled into this.
Take multiculturalism. This started in terms of
toleration of differences, kindness to newcomers, awareness of polite
sensitivities not to make things too hard for the immigrant, watchful
non-hurtfulness and a good measure of patience, with what does not appeal, and
so forth. In much, it could be conceived of as an offshoot of
Christianity, Christian culture instead of shooting.
It developed. It now becomes a matter of rights,
and in the USA someone could be called before strong judicial penalty, if found
guilty of destroying a religious document misused to convey material
helping the use of force in the area of religion. Instead of logic, of seeing
what is MEANT, and in what circumstances, you choose to see only what is FELT, and how it
is TAKEN, as if ANYTHING can be fined or judged if there is enough chiding
chutzpah to back it. After all, you do not want people to bomb you, as some seem
inclined to do. Thus there is now virtually assumed to be NO character for
Australia, but it becomes like a series of simultaneous equations, a matter of
constant adjustment on a common basis.
Thus, if a nation had a Christian beginning, in
some formal way, this is diluted without limit, as more options are poured in.
NOTHING REMAINS, except what it is felt would be a good plan to retain, with
'good' DEFINED by current inclination. If, as is now the case, this is to reduce
all specifically Christian CHARACTER or characteristics from the nation, and
make it a leaf in the wind, not attached to ANY tree by any means, then too bad.
But this precisely is a religion, making anything in expression at will,
defunct or defiled with judgment or exclusion; and no religion may be established by the Commonwealth.
In this new form of State religion, in prospect,
and nearly engaged before in other forms, it is urged that anything is
wrong if it is used as an absolute basis for conduct, views and their
expression, when this annoys or negatively impacts on people who want to use
government bodies or power or ideologies or any of the above, to stop it. What
is stopped ? The believing AND saying FREELY what some object to. Thus an
AUTHORITY is countermanded. With what however is it countermanded ? It is of
course by another authority. The basis of the first authority may be argued,
even successfully; but this is not the point. It is about how people feel, and
how some party given authority, CHOOSES to regard authorities other than itself.
It is not bound to reason.
Thus the new situation would become this. The
Government or a body appointed by its authority, takes over authority for
determining what is authoritative. To do this, it needs to be above all
authority, the dispenser, ultimately of authority, and hence authoritarian. It
is meta-authority, the acme of religion, and it is in view to be established
without a referendum to cancel this liberty of religion part, relative to
Commonwealth direction, to alter the Constitution at this point. If Australia
were to fall for that, it would not in this or that soldier's death, but
as one whole in form and formula, format and function, be itself as a
nation, among the fallen.
It is simply the case that a question has to be
asked FIRST of this idea of sitting on expression with power of authority. On what basis is this found ? Is it on a
referendum to give it such power to establish a religion ? or does a Government
just apotheose ?
Hold on, someone may say, is this really a
religion ?
Certainly, for what has power to silence
what people are ordered by God to say, in a book for example of millenia
of power and position, is above God. Whether you believe in God, in this case
the God of the Bible, for example, is entirely irrelevant to this issue as it
has been portrayed. It appears
simply a matter of comparative power, that of the God appealed to by the speaker
to be arraigned (if so be, someone feels a need for this, because of a sensitive
soul or whatever other ground), and the Government. Since the latter would then
be able to order rules to control the speech about and establishing or
applying the directions of the God of the former, such politics is entering into the moral-social-financial-ideational area where men bow,
give priority, take their place as directed, and receive their allowance of freedom. It
becomes a replacement God.
Every religious notion must, if indicated by the
culturally organised social body, bow to it. There may be no way out or on,
except in the end to prison or fine, and criminal status. We descend effectually
to the arena of communism, where the State allows or disallows, weaves or
abbreviates, gives orders as in Daniel in the case of Nebuchadnezzar, to all
religionists to bow to its ideas, here represented in power by a Board, whatever
these directive, corrective or standardising thoughts may be. This is by definition the founding of a religion; and without
dishonesty, you would have to change the Constitution in another way, that the
racist one*2 often discussed, to do
If any such control emanates for the net,
in any respect, in terms of such matters, then this becomes a political,
cultural, and academic field of domination. Of course, those seeking these
powers, whether in USSR or Germany, in times past, do not always come out and
point out the depraved condition awaiting people if they so allow government
ONCE ONLY to take over such controls. Remove liberty of speech, and the critics
can be imprisoned, and if they speak even there, if not arbitrarily beheaded,
then they can be dead-headed, even called socially divisive or assertive
persons - the usual works of deceit - and shut-up or shut-down, whichever seems
While such considerations would normally be
mocked by those seeking such social or political or personal or academic
mastery, history has more to teach us than marshmallowish and unrealistic words.
The Hungry
Lair of the Gobbling Gobbledygook
The distinction must be made once and for
all, between ideas and people. People are NOT ideas, and hurt ideas are NOT hurt
people. If you confuse those two - a matter in which the author has had a
profound involvement - then mayhem happens. Einstein once made a fundamental
error in mathematics at a high and influential level. He was corrected and this
altered things. If Einstein can be wrong in an idea, min his exalted concepts, how is it that acutely
sensitive people MUST NOT have their ideas, which of course can change in a day,
criticised, or exploded, even this merely precede in many cases, their implosion
? In the world of ideas, there is room for every type of exposure, with all the
human vocabulary and ideational furniture available. To crimp this, is to kill
the means of truth, and as in Isaiah 59, leave it fallen in the street.
Truth is ONE of the elements of religion, final
truth, and this once more, becomes simply subordinated to convenience, founded
on ideas, purposes which make society a god, man its servitor: and it is a god
which demands obedience.
Ideas, beliefs may be exposed and dealt with
trenchantly, as in the Bible and debate, because it matters so much that the
entire scope of man's functions need to be activatable, and no special help
given to parties threatening, whether litigation or invasion, whether directly
or not. The world of ideas must be as free as empirical science, to inspect
material things. It can make horrific mistakes, but it continues; and the same
applies to man here also. If however, in empirical science or in rational
exercise of the human mind and its procedure to its basis in information and
direction, there be a cessation of freedom, then the due kudos is gone. It is
mere effrontery and force, then, as in some areas in our schools already*3.
IF the Australian people through referendum gave
the Government such power, and the Constitution were changed, some things
purged, some added, till the Government in the way (indirectly but actually) in
view, had all donatable power, then that would be the will of the people, without
circumventing what had GIVEN THIS NATION some of its past character. It would
choose to dump the limits and law of the past, perhaps even the reference to its
coming together in the first place, in reliance on almighty God. Then there
would be folly, but not dishonesty.
The past is
not wrong simply because it is past; and the present is not right, because it
dreams of a future, based in its new religion and applied with social power,
oblivious of logic in its primary form, one without restriction by any
designable cultural
inhibitions, turned into primacy of power about what you can say. It can rule
and rule what is by definition right. Power of appeal ? Not very visible. To
whom and why ?
It is admitted that swearing in the profane
sense, has an offensive odium. After all, it tends very often to amount to this:
that when someone is speaking about one topic, in which both are interested,
there is a cost to communication from one side. He or she may wish to evoke
imagery concerning sexual reproduction, its use or abuse, or proclivities, or
undesirable, even imaginary features in the party being addressed, or in a group of which that
person is part. This would often be admittedly extraneous, like a tic in the
cheek of a speaker. This may not be a mutual desire, so that it is an intrusion into
a topic. There is no question of liberty to think, belief, speak one's
preference, position, argumentation; but it is merely an unspoken call to subjecting
the other party to such obscenity as a necessary condition of interchange of
While it is best not to be ineptly authoritarian in tone,
and it is good to be able to appeal to considerations which are not swept in and
out with the wind, at some cultural level, and thus to make idols of the day
its current occupiers, yet some self-control of the extraneous is apt when
it binds the mind to intrusive features irrelevant to the topic. Thus while in
the matter of swearing of this kind, total exclusion is normally not required,
and a degree of toleration is in view, yet the principle of self-control is assuredly applicable
when in a public place there is a freedom to infest or invest the interchanges
with what is verbal pollution. In the case of public schools, it is a shameful
insistence that students in order to learn for their life's work, must learn
muck by formalised permissiveness in the Class.
That said, however, in terms of irrelevance to
topics and imposition where the mode is not principial but psychological, the
use of the State as the ultimate authority on what may be said or printed or
published, let alone with authoritarian, mandated indirectness, does involve a
Then we have something like this as an unwritten
 |
1) The State, your State, is one State and you
will heed your State.
 |
2) It is here, not just to influence your
wishes for the common good,
but to interpret the common good in any way it sees
fit, and require it in your speech,
in terms of lack of it at any point, arena or area.
 |
3) Therefore you are not free to speak, argue,
contest, contend,
or even express things relating to your ideology, God,
which may offend someone or other, who does not agree and finds
your expression upsetting.
 |
4) The State, your State, has said this, and
it is for your own good, believe us,
that this is being done.
 |
5) It is not really authoritarian, because you
elected us. |
If it be said, that while the Government were not
elected to found a religion, or to maintain a new cultural one, or to minimise others (provided
always that these 'others' do not objectively and undeniably seek to
overthrow the authority of the State to keep order and implement what it has
been authorised to do in an election) yet they can authoritatively do what amounts to this, so
long as they do not say so: then this is mere hypocrisy come to light from
the darkness. What has
power over religions and their expression, characterising them
adversely by social and contemporary cultural standards, prohibiting or
strait-jacketing their expression is the new GOD! It does not have to
proceed immediately to apotheose. It may even wait a while before reaching the
finale of such follies as exhibited prophetically in II Thessalonians 2, when
some poor fellow starts imagining he is God, and does not seem to notice his
capacity for abbreviation in death.
Friend of the Fuzzy
It is to be noted that sort of regime with its
prospective regimen, has no basis but
preference, no ground but desire, and its philosophy is a part of that religion,
be it some defined or undefined 'multi-culturalism' or any other means of
compromising truth and its free expression. It is not relevant whether this be
the desire of the authority-cherishing body, or not. If this is the result, and
the character of the things instituted by the governmental use of the power provided
for other purposes, then
this is what needs to be seen, realised and evaluated. The government evaluation
is not to the point: merely the resultant authority and its parameters and
powers: this is to the point. Thus we have possible principle six.
 |
6) We don't want sectarian or other
differentials to have liberty of speech, since if anyone points out things
clearly in these domains, unrest may follow. Hence anyone doing this is a public
adversary (precisely as in China, or the old USSR), and damaging to State
Security becomes prosecutable for the good of all |
Good is here undefined, because as soon as you
begin to define it, you have to show what you really have in mind in your ethics
or religion, or religious-substitute, whether it be I AM WHO I AM, or anything
else. There is your ultimate and you may wish to make it the operative ultimate
for all, or you may wish this for your Party; but once you show what is back of
your 'good', then the religious ultimacy becomes apparent and it is unfeasible
except by emotional red-herrings, to hide it any more. You are thus all the more
obviously founding a religion, or becoming a religious operative in charge. If
this is done, as is most common, then the Constitution must first be consulted,
as it prohibits it. If this is not desired, then lack of definition becomes an
important cover-up.
In view of such strivings for power, to
institute a people or culture or approach or political view as the FINAL court
of appeal, at least nationally, it is wonderful to reflect by contrast with
these movements, already not a little at work in parts of Australia in one form
or another, that there is a most welcome consequence.
the beauty of truth,
of what can stand without authoritarian controls,
exemptions and non-exemptions, cultural impositions, revolutionary
constraints from a part demanding obedience from the whole,
and something of the treasure in substantial,
untruncated freedom of speech. To be sure, ideal liberty has not always been
shown by those in power and using the name of Christ; but then neither have many
other things in the Bible been noticeable, in some of those using the name of
Christ, but not following His directives. . We have had, in this land, for a
very long time, a degree of liberty concerning freedom of thought and
speech, so long as it does not seek by violence to overthrow the power of the
Government to do what it is elected to do within the limits constitutionally
formulated; and this has resulted not a little from a Christian background.
Force has not been seen as the basis of belief, or an apt mode of forwarding it,
but as ludicrously irrelevant to it. The Constitution reflects such a position;
for it is obvious that such force can equally come from within a nation, or
outside it!
While perfection has sometimes been distanced,
yet substantial movement to this has been most considerable, and not even
voices for Communism (which has power ambitions) have been driven to this point,
underground in this nation at this time, nor have some other positions close in
approach to forcible take-over.
The effort not to spare feelings, as if facts
were in vain, but rather to keep the solemn track of truth, and allow
controversy its place, individuality its work, challenge its value and
differentials their domain, has helped us to be both creative and stable. It has
been in no small part because those who are Christians following the Bible, are
shown that force in religion is excluded, as with Peter and the sword, and
Christ before Pilate. IF HE WISHED, then and there, He could have called on the
power of God to protect Him. This was not the way. In fact, as often stated
beforehand, over more than a millenium, He came to open to death, the way of
truth, and then show its truth in the resurrection, not in killing people, or
fining them, or seeking to shut their mouths by closing their wallets, or
liberty to walk with liberty to speak, through the ministry of prisons.
It would be not only unconstitutional (though
culture ideas may wish to deem otherwise, based on psychological theories or
anything else to hand), but highly unwise, confusedly authoritarian and a gross
abuse of power for any Government, therefore, to institute such freedom of
speech limits as appear actively to be in mind, a sort of wand allowing all
sorts of things, to be defined as occasion arises here or there, while
disallowing others. It would implicitly grant to its mind, or a body which its
mind had in mind, a certain ultimate character. It may even be unchangeable, as
if to prove that it is a God substitute, but one lacking His ability.
Any people who submit to this, and allow their
Government such abuse of power, and any parliamentarian, whether or not by
intention, by result would appear prone to the charge of being treacherous
to the country, to its past, its Constitution, its limits, its character: and
party to instituting a new character, far from independence, a social substitute
for God at the operative level, one crucial and disjunctive, in view.
When Christ declared, I AM ... THE TRUTH, it is
clear that anything else that says it is, in practice, is challenging Him. To
authorise a Government so to challenge, and penalise those following not its
whim, but the God of the Bible, for example, is only part of an establishment of
a religion, in confrontation at the outset. When the results of this arrest of
His people, first of their speech where and as desired by authority, begin
to expand - need we wait for it - then would there be, once more, the tatters of
the tatterdemalion for the beauty of truth. If the people want that, well, it
still would not make it right or well-founded. But it would be best to ASK them
by referendum if they wish not only to make aborigines what amounts to another
sort of race, with a different set of laws*2,
but ALL Australians a changed race, with a different religious ambit for their
laws. Restricted areas would become verboten! Extensive would be
the grass which you would be obliged to keep off, in order to qualify for
residual liberty.
With Christianity there is an exception among
religions: it is more interested in the force of truth, than in the truth of
force. Likewise, and with this, it is not so keen on surviving as reviving, on
strength tests, as in guilt mitigation, in self-glorying and absorption, as in
God glorifying by things charitable, gracious, judicious, peaceable and
God-given, in comradeship in co-operation with the living God at any cost, more
than co-operation with man with any loss, in obedience to Him rather than
submission servilely to the godlike presumption of contesting man. It puts a
cross above a kosh, sacrifice above conquest, and while the power is in the end
with God, as in the beginning, yet no man gets into heaven by having victories
in human warfare, or self-proposed efforts. God gives entry on stated
conditions, His own. Christ could have taken the globe by the power of
God, but preferred to shake the globe by the wisdom of God (I Corinthians 1-2),
if by any means, without force, through surrender to truth and the finding of
reconciliation with God, man might come home, and cease to be estranged with his
carnal measures of triumph, self-will and slaughter.
There will be slaughter (Revelation 19, Ezekiel
39), but this comes when all opportunities lost, all covenantal appeals
foregone, every grace shown, and all pardon rejected, all peace despised, and
the residue of man upon this earth become like an incendiary bomb, ready to
inflame, to explode with whatever results, in the very face of God. This being
so, they are burnt, for our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29).
But the POINT is not power; that is merely the
final resource. The issue is truth, the motivation is love, the method is mercy,
the means are sacrifice, and the victim is God Himself in human form, arousing
life from death because it is He who controls death, giving its maw what is left
after all godly means at all cost have been utilised first. It is not
death which controls the Maker of life, any more than a garbage tin controls a
household, rather than receiving what is not taken. Hosea 13:14 remains a great,
simply expressed and profoundly distinctive concerning the wise, unique ways of
God. It is not a principle but a performance, duly foretold, told, wrought and
realised (Galatians 6:14, Philippians 2).
It is then glory, not mere greatness, which
distinguishes God: that infinite wisdom, love, mercy, truth, that
singularity above and before all things, and after many things, so that what is
left is His in love, not seduction or seizure, and truth dwells with limpid eye
amid the pleasant streams of unmolested beauty and impelling magnificence,
not for mere glamour, but in goodness that gives, in the infinite capacity of
His wonder, in the scene of the personal God for persons made, not impersonal
fabrications, confabulations or inventions. He satisfies because having made
man, He knows what is his good, and provides it amply, aptly and
The exposition in Ch. 2 is
closely related to this.
Miriam Webster dictionary on line
gives some excellent synonyms
for chutzpah (supreme self-confidence), many of which apply with
startling aptitude, to this subject matter which we are studying. Some
appear below.
Much of this applies to the chutzpah of man
toward man, in national or even global governing spasms of attention or
desire. When however it is even the chutzpah of man towards God, and His
disciples and discipline, His word in the Bible and His workings in
prophecy, constantly being fulfilled before our very eyes (cf. SMR Chs.
8 - 9), there is a grand
eloquence in the areas evoked by these terms, cited above.
See Ch. 10 of
Tedious Torturers ... , for example. See also Redemption or Revolt
Ch. 6.
See for example TMR
Ch. 8, Beauty or Ashes,
Ch. 3. See also Lead us Not into Educational
See also Redemption or Revolt
Ch. 6.