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In Ch. 8 above, this topic of multiculturalism was touched on, as the life and life in faith or occasional swerving into error was evinced by the notable and reforming King Hezekiah. At one point, we were considering his riches, fame, notoriety and the danger of pride, to which at one point he is stated to have fallen. Late in his life, he fell into a spirit of accord and mutuality with an alien people with hearts far from the Lord*1. There was a parallel at the national level which needed to be considered for the USA, not to its detriment, but in order to help see the dangers, for what ignores peril and shuts its eye, is no friend to anyone in view! It did not stop there, but the EU and Australia, both needed contemplation in this theme. If Hezekiah for a little moment fell into this trap, only to be corrected both sagely and soon from the word of the Lord from Isaiah, that was a save; those who do not listen, they achieve a loss.
Has such a thing stricken the USA in its last 60 years or so ? and is this a warning to others, as biblical principles are aborted, immorality becomes the consort, relativity rules and has itself no rules. Whether it be the EU, with an unknown "common destiny," or alas our own land, where irreligion seems increasingly to be established*2, such is the flow. Sickness, like debt, tries ... and Hezekiah was lifted out of it through faith in the Lord; but later alas, he slipped towards multiculturalism, and his nation with him. Being 'great' is exceedingly dangerous. Consider this verse which has been published on the Web as the work of a 15 year old American.
It was wrong, is wrong and led to the rebuke from Isaiah, that although Hezekiah's own life-time would be free of the approaching calamity, yet that would come. As some children bear openly and wholly some fault in a parent, to their ruin, so a nation can slowly become prey to the wolves of subversion which gnaw at its vitals, as now is the case in Australia, where change from the past often national impact of founding faith, appears almost a passion, not to refine, but to reject.
Thus the much vaunted 'multi-culturalism' in Australia is pushed to mean that instead of carefully becoming more tolerant in non-essentials, people are rather to adapt to everything and become nothing, making a foundation-free nullity, founded on nothing but naȉveté, and asking eloquently to come to nothing.
Indeed, even when we have personal peace with our glorious Saviour, unlike all the kings of the earth, who tend to love dominion with its power, yet many a test, trial, even tribulation may come from slanderers as well as those more directly manipulating the sword, detractors, deviants from grace, the worldly wise who seek to combine purity with worldly policy, as when creation becomes too much to be faithfully attested, in biblical terms, and they 'accommodate culture' as if God were socially subject to duress*3. We are to be ready, not thus to betray our Lord. HIS Lordship is one of grace, of giving, of covering sin and enabling spiritual life as it should be: and it is THUS that He acted to redeem. As it declares in Romans 14:9, "For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living.
Again, in Romans 15:3,
"For even Christ did not please Himself, but as it is written,'The reproaches of those who reproached You fell on Me.'"
Indeed, in Australia, the absence of God, the diversion from the Lord, the teaching of contrariness with compulsion seems to have become near to a national creed in political promptings and sickness. It is wonderful to be free ? Yes, try dropping over a cliff, and under gravity for a time, you can freely roam in space. In fact, freedom is impossible except within the bounds of what one is, of the One who has created this marvel, and what He has designed. In this case, THAT is magnificent liberty, even to become children of God on the basis of truth in the sphere of love; but it is not autonomy, to make of yourself some fabricated god with fabricated heart that moves in self-fashioned universes of thought, and contrives to blast, belittle and even storm at creation, while desecrating what has been given.
Creation-phobia, like anti-Semitism, now ploughing many a mind in this land, is intolerance of God, intransigence against His word (Hebrews 11:1ff., Colossians 1:15) and insurrection against logic (cf. SMR, TMR). The USA to be, once warred on Britain, but this is war on God, to make a declaration of independence, like a sheep out on the highway.
You can do it. It has results, just as is the case when you use your fountain pen to dislodge dirt in a crevice. It is possible but pointless. You cannot write legibly in that way for a time, and merely so abuse the whole point of your life. And for what do you surrender this ? Merely for arbitrary wilfulness, proud passion or incontinent aspiration ? To have a heart lifted up is arrogant; but it is also actionable, since to seek to move above its bounds is merely to await the crash as it jars to earth. We are already gifted with scope, that each one might become a child of God. If that appears insufficient, it can only be because a certain godlike autonomy beckons, whether this be for one's own pride, or in some kind of fear and social conformity, or other distortion; but in the end, where one goes, that is the point for ascertaining direction of flow.
One is only too aware of that defeat of dogdom which leads poor
snapping or wheedling dogs to seek to ingratiate themselves with almost anyone
or anything, being detached, bereft of their beginnings, or deprived from the
start, as the French put it, déraciné.
Whatever they once might have had, all is forgotten, and they become canine
flotsam and jetsam, pitiable, carried this way and that by incidental eddies or
forcible currents. To be sure, it better than being proudly manicured mastiffs,
filled with idle glory and voracious appetites for aggression and food; yet not
A nation which having flourished on the indirect but powerful beginnings in personnel and principle of one kind, established over the testing millenia, then becomes semi-detached, as now squandering morality for fits of eccentricity, and trading reliability for actions of muddled mission with intensive pressures from this or that sudden or subversive desire, like someone in passion losing control of his limbs, then can acquire a new name. It readily then becomes an object of
pity or |
intrigue or |
invasion or |
gentler subversions
as it re-orders its thinking to the thoughtless, |
are of another kind. |
This is like a medical specialist in reverse. He becomes a generalist and then a specialist for some healing mission. Here however the nation degrades from a close relationship to a specialist position, in favour of becoming a generalist, and then, amid its more general and new characteristics, it becomes what many regard, not as the former moral heights of aspiration, but as the restless folly of degradation and shame.
What does it matter ? you may ask, what other nations think ? It is admittedly quite secondary (though of course, the more you destabilise and recklessly mutate on patently contradictory principles, the weaker and more tempting to invasion you may look ...). What is more important is this: the Almighty God held in mind and put in print in the Pre-Amble to the Constitution is then being given, informally and perhaps by referendum latter, formally, a slap on the face such as Christ had (cf. the perfect prediction centuries before it happened in Micah 5:1-3); and His dismissal is accomplished by a powerful self-trust which is not to be confused with might or wisdom.
After all, if NO ONE SHOULD judge any approach, philosophy or religion, morality or perspective as right or wrong, then THAT approach is doing precisely that. It is then wrong to DIVERGE from it. It simply becomes a new form of religion, pretending neutrality, and so needing no grounds for its establishment, and no rationality for its enforcement. Indeed, it may be touted as the acme of freedom, which is in fact, the convulsion of compulsion, sailing in like a nuclear submarine, more obvious when it surfaces.
This then would become in violation
of the Australian Constitution, the establishment of a religion, so adding
violation to irrationality.
See Ch. 8 above
as marked.
As in the USA, in Australia no religion is to be established. In Australia, for illustration, seen in the contemporary document, namely the Preamble, the character of the consideration is not atheistic. After all, the States agreed to unite on a common basis, the willingness to co-operate under Almighty God. The statement is as follows:
"Whereas the people of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia, Queensland, and Tasmania, humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God, have agreed to unite as one indissoluble Federal Commonwealth ....It adds, "under the crown of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland..."
That gives the milieu of thought in terms of theism, indeed monotheism, while the environment of terms indicates clearly what deity was in view. If this is not regulative, it is at least clear what they had in mind.
It was NOT to remove God or His ways, as known in the establishment of the land, but to prevent a particularity within this from becoming dominant, or indeed the entirety to be required for forcible participation. Any intended change might easily need to reflect an entirely different view, in order to make it for example the case that the people now CONTINUE to agree on their indissoluble unity, in terms of nature-worship, wilfully intruded if indirectly by a suitable kind of reference to any other people and their ways, or even governmental ways of regarding them. Again, the appearance of continuity might be achieved by relying on something or someone other than Almighty God, such as themselves in their inviolable wisdom, or whatever is thrown up, like wreckage in the oceans, finding the shore.
ANY such movement would change the nation absolutely, and blindness to ultimates would not stop the crash which feckless action when blind, so often brings to those who must then begin to awaken, however, belatedly. Invisible things stir hatred, war, peace, probity, lust, love ... and carelessness and pompous pretension in this field, with the stability and realism of straw blown in the wind, as foundation, is a human pre-occupation so often seen, that its delusive dynamic should by now be apparent. As with other drugs, however, reality may become the very objective - but that, in terms of its disappearance! It becomes the escape clause, as useful as seeking to break an airliner's window, 500 feet from the rapidly approaching ground, on the mistaken idea that parachutes come automatically and open at once.
In the case of religious bodies, often still called Christian, there can be varying degrees of cultural accommodation, quite as sickening as those of ancient Israel to the fallacious symbols and fictitious ideologies and ideas of their corrupted neighbours, often on the way out, as in the case of Assyria, Babylon and Tyre, now little more than ancient dreams to many today, but ferocious in consuming self-importance in their own, till they dropped into the desert sands, into matters of antiquarian interest.
They can detach from the Bible and attach to the cultural ziggurats that incline them to re-write the Bible in its form, format, inclusions, exclusions, here a little, there a little, sometimes a lot, till either in one major doctrine or in many areas and arenas for faith, they come close to the error under Hitler, when a new purged Bible was actually published and disseminated; and if Hitler did not specifically authorise it, yet he enabled the emplacement of the one who conveyed this, to a post where he COULD as he did, prepare and send it out. In that case, it was Jewish references which were to be mutilated, so that some other basis for the work of God at that national level in its day of the Old Covenant through Moses and the seed through Abraham, could be found. Jesus was evidently made an anti-Jewish figure! That of course was not without the normal amount, that is a slight amount, of material for distortion.
It is after all quite easy to begin to spread the idea that someone who seeks PURGATION of evil from what is good (like removing a worm from a good apple, before it is ruined), was in fact a hater of apples, rather than a lover of their created estate. Jeremiah subjected to precisely such treatment by the princes of the land, as he sought repentance, was rejected and imprisoned, while the nation went pell-mell on a course if not directly to hell, then at least to some of its more visible suburbs, or staging stations on this earth! (Jeremiah 38:4,17-19, 39:1-7).
What might have been entirely saved
(38:17-19), was entirely lost, till little more than the memory
remained; yet as in the resurrection of the body of Christ, the pivot point
later for all in any land who by faith receive Him, so for Israel, from
which He would come via a virgin, God being the Father from heaven, there was a
restoration of the body, but for them, one to be rebuild with much labour as in
Ezra and Nehemiah, for folly has its end, and repentance has its fruits;
and as to the latter,
the vividly forecast return to their native land was consummated as the 70
years were fulfilled for the exile (cf. Jeremiah 25, 29, as one sees in the
prayer preparation of Daniel in Ch. 9, and in the work of Nehemiah, clothed with
remarkable authority in the providence of God.
So many a heedless church, rich in its own self-content, slicing the word off from the Bible here or there by theological conundrums and vettings, asks for the removal not of its land or building, but of its very commission, represented in Revelation 2 by the candle-stick, that is, the appointed MEANS by which it could usefully TRANSMIT the light given to them.
To some teaching, this world objects, whether as moral, in the field of distorted and corrupted conceptions of the means of continuance of our race, marriage of male and female, or theological, as in the creation, they find dangers if they conflict, advantages if they do not. Responding to worldly mandates, confused thought amid ephemeral ideas of alienated mankind, cultural norms, having perhaps in view possible loss of promotion or social peace, dangers and perils of isolation from their peers - they succumb like Ahaz to the gods of Syria, a nation God used to chasten His people (II Chronicles 28:5,23ff.).
Alas, one remembers the case of one falling Professor only to well, one who would go only so far in testimony, and no further, so failing in the scope of a great confrontation with the Government. So remedy is distanced, while revolt parades. The very habit of fiddle-faddling becomes strong, as if falling once, a church becomes a sort of workshop for training apprentices in practical biblical reconstruction! Thus, perhaps even they don't need it, for popularity or gain, they fiddle with it, as if to create a new Bible, receiving this word without reason and contrary to faith.