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Here you see the essential core of Christ-not-culture, the Lord-not-man. The power of God is not limited to maintenance; it is pledged in creation, appointed in salvation, paid for in effort and energy, design and intelligence, and in the case of redemption, with suffering and agony, that love might not linger, but rather act as man is constantly asking. It is just that man normally asks amiss, for the wrong reasons, on the wrong grounds and for wrong purposes. Let us consider the core. 

Here is the source of liberty, the Spirit of God and the liaison of the spirit of man with God, so that he may find what is beyond himself in the power of the Creator,  to fulfil and complete in salvation, what was the spoiled remnant of creation in fallen man. Despite the most intensive evidence, many prefer the conceit that there has been no fall, like those who in mid air after slipping over a precipice, decline to imagine they could really have slipped,  and maintaining their image, find the folly of shallow imagination.



It took three days to change this world. It took six to create it*1. It will take less to resurrect the Lord's people, this being in a "twinkling of an eye." It can take less than a minute to kill when an aircraft crashes, or a dagger cuts, while a child is born during a day.

In a moment an electrical circuit can become useless which was the source of vast power and productivity. In a moment, a life can be lost. In a day, the eyes of a soul can be opened, as with Saul who became Paul. When God works, whether in life or in death, just as we might write a poem in an hour, so time is no obstacle. A whole life may attest the work of a moment, for good or for evil; but a moment it may be in which the die was cast.

Why do men imagine a God after their own limited and often frazzled powers ? What is this disease which makes them imagine that though our thoughts may be as quicksilver, or the buzzing of the rapid dragon-fly, with massive eye-design and mighty motion almost translated from place to place, yet God is slow, lugubrious, a trier, sadly to be looked down on by our brilliant bias ?  It is one thing to BE a man, with limits both physical and psychological, where hands may be lost and mentality suffused with pride; is it therefore hard to realise that the One who made the multiplied, organised, mutually coherent systems in man, using programmatic language to keep this creation going from generation to generation, all complete and ready to act as called on, leaves our technology for dead (as the DNA in fact does), and is beyond all our powers, as the very Maker of them!

Is God to be limited by the lore of man, and the laziness of his mind, the self-exaltation of his pride and the folly of his unimaginative sloth! He may be in the mind of fallen man, but not in fact.

In just three days, an evening of arrest, a night of mockery and bludgeoning, a day of suffering, a night for the body of our Lord to be in the grave, the rest day of the Sabbath, commemorating the creation, and the dawning of the morning, by our reckoning the very minimum for inventory, a divine policy, foretold over waiting centuries, was enacted. No more was there need for animal sacrifice: Christ, God embodied in flesh by incarnation, God the eternal Word, had paid the price of death and shame for sin. God had ransomed them from death as He foretold (Hosea 13:14), in the way He foretold (Isaiah 52-53), at the time He foretold (Daniel 9:24-27), for the purpose He foretold (Isaiah 55), and disperse judgment for those who took this fruit of 3 days, forever (Isaiah 51:11, 54-55).

Likewise, He had emplaced mercy in one site, that same body of Christ as ground, His Holy Spirit as eye-opener (John 16:8ff.), in one act (the death and ensuing resurrection of that very body which fell - Acts 2:29-31), dispersing the rotting of death with the imperial empowering of life to resurrect the very body which bore the shame and the guilt vicariously for believers. God acted. He did it in 3 days, as so often Christ declared He would (Matthew 16:21.17:22-23, 20:18-21, cf. Luke 13:32, 24:21, 24:6-7,46 cf. SMR Ch. 6). Creation was 6 days, ransom wrought and verified in 3, the return for the resurrection of those whom He has ransomed, takes 1 day only. God is a God of power; and never then let this be hidden by the fact that He is also a God of exquisite patience, profound knowledge, deep strategy and amazing longsuffering. He lives in eternity, and acts in ways that do not change, eternal, and the testimony to be there forever, it too is eternal. When power is the question, He can use it, like one in an enormously dynamic plane; where patience is in view, He uses it, like one who is never hurried; and when decisive times arrive, He acts, whether for the individual, a nation such as Israel, or the race.

Similarly, for long Winters plants may be quiet; but then in Spring, one day, there is the bloom.

What is programmatically sourced in much of creation, is purposefully wrought by God in His own time (cf. Galatians 4:4).



Even during the long months of Christ's Messianic Ministry, it is not hard to find a similar dynamic, and this encourages us all that even, as with Peter in prison (Acts 12), the end of hope seems to be shutting the eternal doors, God is able to act in a moment.

There was a period in the midst of the ministry of Jesus, when three days sufficed for some of the most brilliantly famous actions.  Take the time from His hearing of the death by beheading of John the Baptist, who introduced Christ to the crowds and foretold that it was He who would be the lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world (John 1:29, Isaiah 53), saying that so far from being the Christ himself, he was himself not even worthy to loose the Lord's sandal straps (Luke 3:16). Here was a grievous loss, as if a seat should suddenly be removed as you were about to sit down. But the Lord did not depend on man, even where he was appointed to act in his designed mission.

Yet He felt it, and went to go away in solitude (Matthew 13). Despite this due feeling on His part, the crowds had other ideas, for here was a healer never before equalled, one whom nothing seemed to daunt in mind or spirit or death or disease, in discourse, in argument, in confrontation, and who had grace for all application. Why lose the chance to find Him!

Christ left by boat, but multitudes followed on foot to find his place of landing.

On that day, Christ was not grieved anew, this time by their sheer persistence, like flies. On the contrary, He was moved with compassion (Matthew 14:14), so that when He went out and saw not silent countryside by a multitude, He healed the sick. That is what the Lord is like. In His direct format in flesh, His prodigality of mercy was tremendous, and while God as in Job, deals with sickness as one ingredient of life to be used or lifted, yet here He was lavish as He illustrated through this means, the breadth of His mercy which being spiritual at heart, must be met spiritually, and is released in His own wisdom. He wanted to show the hand of health in the process of holiness and the impact of suffering, and so He did; but this was not all. It was a deserted place (Matthew 14:15), so His disciples thought it good to send the crowd, now so serviced, away to get themselves food, where they could buy it.

Not so! declared the Lord, who then told the disciples with that authoritative knowledgeability which was His, to have the crowd arrange themselves, on the grass, and then, looking up as if to signify the source of such power, in communion with His Father, He blessed the lunch of one boy, and broke it up to serve 5000, thus advancing even on the feeding miracle of Elisha, in his day (II Kings 4:42-44). This miracle done, the disciples distributing the five loaves from a boy's lunch to the 5000 (John 6:11-13), and even took up fragments of these same loaves, afterwards in 12 baskets, such was the divine liberality.

From John 6:14-15, we learn that many then realised that this was the foretold prophet to come, greater than Moses was He (Deuteronomy 18); but more, they wanted to make Him king, as if this were the butt of His mission. Not so! He went therefore alone to pray, and sent His disciples away in the boat, making two nights and one day so far in our 3 day tour of triumph within the many months of His ministry. Having completed His liaison with His Father, thus proceeding from power to purity as is most fitting, He then took His time to be once more with His disciples, for He is rich in fellowship with His own. To reach them, He walked across the waters, and when the disciples recovered from their fearful impression that it was a ghost, Peter called to Him, that if it was indeed He, let Him ask Peter to come to Himself on the water.

This He did. There is much to learn from that. IN a case of NEED, things unheard of may be done by the Lord, and it is always unwise to imagine to the contrary. Christ here wanted, it seems, both to test and to augment Peter's faith for practical action, and so calling him, saw him fail, sinking as the waves took his concentration away from Him who called! So often this happens in Christian life: someone is doing very well, when suddenly the sheer enormity of what has to be done strikes home, and the person staggers, absorbed temporarily in horror or recoil from duty and divine power. Yet the Lord stabilises on call, and Peter DID call to the Lord to save him. Catching Peter in time, the Lord then took him back to the boat. The disciples worshipped, seeing indeed that this was the Son of God (Matthew 14:33).

On the following day (John 6:22), people hunting up hints found out where Christ had gone, and they followed Him, so that a deep conversation occurred, focussing on the ransom and restoration, the redemption and the sacrificial power to bring spiritual life to those who so received Him. Some felt offended by the sheer personal emphasis, that Christ's very body was to be the sacrifice. He reminded them that He was going to heaven, so that the thing was not to be physically understood FOR THE EATING, though it was for the dying. Some nevertheless were unwilling to find God in a personal manner so that it was as if you knew and understood Him, so missing the point magnificently; they maybe preferred a nice vague God who was never too close for comfort, or too decisive for sin to have a nice hold on them! Peter's reply to the Lord, who asked if they also would go in offence, was notable.

"To whom would we go!" responded Peter. "You have the words of eternal life."




So far, in this Gospel application of the mighty miracle of the 5000 and the other of the walking on water and saving Peter, we have covered two nights and two days. They crossed over then by boat to the land of Gennesaret, on the North-West coast of the Sea of Galilee, a place enormously fertile. Here there began a time of healing from those from the whole region, people being carried on beds for healing. So began this further healing time, and He was placed ready for it.

Three days! What days! If then in three days so much could occur, what might be done in one day in the life of anyone who is seeking the Lord ? Faith should be stirred to see that with God weakness can be opportunity (cf. II Corinthians 12:9-10), and our being nonplussed can be His scope for giving wisdom (James 1). What a transformation in Peter's apprehension AND experience came in these three days, and what a testimony all saw in food and drowning peril, in healing and in compassion, in those same days. What a bounty the Lord showed in walking on sea, praying to avoid the appeal to become merely a king, healing multitudes, feeding them, putting away a natural desire for solitude and even healing in the midst of its interruption!

This is our God, and you can bring on all your nice little man-held posts for those who routinely abuse power and show their lack of wisdom, and allow them to regale themselves with absurd payments and superannuation in many cases, while they distance the Lord as here is so often done in public places, and you can love your paralysed heart and deadened mind, being like a living corpse towards the God who made you, till your life comes up for judgment. You can do all this if you so desire, and adopt this or that cult whether secular or religious; but if you do not find Jesus the Christ, you miss both the direction and protection of God, the point of your life and are like spilt chemicals, which instead of being used by precise specifications in some experiment, merely mingle uselessly on the bench. You might get some reactions, but not the desired ones!

Instead, COMMIT your way to the Lord, TRUST also in Him, and HE will bring it to pass.

Again, make of yourselves a living sacrifice to Him, that is, be ready to serve as He directs, not some body which usurps His power, but as God Himself shows, within, with others in council where HE is the Lord and no other (Matthew 23:10-12, cf. Acts 13). THIS, says Paul as the Lord inspired him, is "your reasonable service." It is also a delight to serve one so competent, capable, unlimited, so authoritative as to power and so personal as to its use, so glorious in holiness and so gracious in manner.

Why trust in man ? It is cursed (Jeremiah 17:5-10). TRUST in the Lord and do good, out of the joy of salvation, and not in order to obtain it (as in Romans 10:1-10), knowing this, that if you confess with your lips the Lord Jesus, and believe in your heart that God has raised him, unrotting, from the dead, then you will be saved. It is not poetry or philosophy: it is practicality and reality, and  your focus is either on Him only, the Lord God, for your salvation and so your walk with the Lord, or it is based on a medley or some other option. With God, there is no option but rejection. Seize therefore the opportunity if you lack Him, and with Peter declare, as you come in faith to Him, There is nowhere else to go, for you have the words of eternal life!






Diamonds of Divine Divulgement Ch. 8,

The Lord of Longsuffering ... Ch. 1,

The Word and Wisdom of God and the Ways of Man Ch. 1,

Let's Be Reasonable, for God Is, Ch. 1

TMR Ch. 8, as marked,

and Refuting Compromise, Dr Jonathan Sarfati, Ch. 2. .