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Chapter 6




in association with IRRATIONALISM and IMAGINATION

a wonderful cast, well-known to theatre-goers

In the existential nothingness, nothing, having nothing to do, thought it was time to change all of that. In order to do this, it decided to invent thought, which it did; but this required time, in which to do it, since it has not been there before, so it created time, so that there would be time for the rest.

This involved structural potential, systematic enablement and the passageway for events, and so events being thus provided for, it saw to it that they would come. It therefore invented events.

For the events to be manageable, it decided that there should be a processive sequence, planned system, so enabling characteristics to have their impact in the system. This required a lot of thought and planning, so that undesired interactions should not occur, and then this became so marvellous that the idea of making something with a mind of its own ... arose. Nothing had to invent an imagination for this to occur, so it set about making one of those.

It had by now become quite used to the idea that you did not have to have ANYTHING, literally anything, in order to do something; and that you did not need to BE anything, in order to think, since you could simply import all of these things by mere imagination, and there they were.

Therefore it got on with the job, for there was a mysterious something-ness which made it clear to nothing and indeed, as clear as nothing, that there really HAD to be something and that it had to be good; and so on it went up and up in its aspirations.

Now it occurred to nothing that having this sort of urge to get things done would really be rather unseemly, not to say irrational - and it had gone to a lot of trouble to invent rationality for its earlier purposes, in order to fulfil them - it would be plain wrong, if it did not have a being of its own. Having clarified this to itself,  it imported one of those too, a creative upthrust. Therefore it invented a sort of energic lust, or thrust, or bust or updraft which made a lot out of nothing. Politicians are proverbially rather good at that, so it was really pleased.

Next it thought of the mind it had decided to make, so that some things could even go so far as to have a mind of their own, and having done that, formed it by imagination, always so very helpful.

Then it thought that these minds would be better yet, if they could decide on things, for if you have a mind of your own, it really is not much good if, having learned to think for itself, it could not decide what to do about it. So nothing made spirit. It loved doing that because while it was about it, it realised that its methodology had not been quite sound, since it needed spirit for itself, to make all the decisions it had just been making; although it was not really there, and yet ... imagination, one of its earlier productions from nothing, was SO very helpful. Therefore it made one of those for itself, too. It did this, while it was making the same sort of thing for the things with thought, so that those having been made able to think for themselves, might like to do something about it.

By this time it realised that it had actually activated an entire universe, and that requires prodigious knowledge and understanding and correlation logically and physically - yes, it thought, you need that for a world which has a physical aspect - so that it decided to make its own spirit categorically beyond all the other spirits which it had been making, in order to invent other sorts of things, as it had just been doing.

It was a bit late in this, but it then just stuck this back of all its other actions, since there was really nothing in it, and made it so that in the report or account of it all, it might be said that it had thought of this, and doing a little fudge, thought  of it as soon as it been needed, which of course from was the first. Yes, I really had it from the first, thought nothing; but then, what would you expect when there was nothing in it.

Indeed, it became rather confused at this time, and decided to think more creatively yet, and having made the necessary arrangements for this power, by the gift - no, in this case, the production - of imagination, near the first as we recall, it resolved that it itself, nothing, must  never really have been there at all, since nothing CANNOT do ANYTHING since ANYTHING with which to do anything cannot be there, since nothing is none of these.

It therefore resigned; and indeed, one of its creations pointed out to it that in fact, its imagination was all very well, and a wonderful source of things, but that if it was only imagined to be there, and not really, for it was really something, this imagination, that would not be good enough. It really had to have had to have it from the start.

When it had finished resigning, it therefore realised that it had all come to nothing; which was actually where it had begun. So it did not produce any of these things, and even one of its own creations told it that it should wake up to itself; but this too was a really tremendous problem, for HOW on earth or out of it can you wake up to yourself when yourself is by definition NOT EVEN THERE!

So it did not, because it could not wake up to itself; so some evil spirits decided that this was too good to miss, and exported the whole sequence into the minds of people who were rebelling against God, who DID have something at the start, Himself, and WAS there at the first, being eternal, and did have imagination before the creation began, and did use it, and did not have to put it all down to imagination's account, since imagination is all very well, but it needs wheels, powers beyond thought so that it can invent the things that flash before it.

Indeed, when this occurred to the evil spirits which sought to infiltrate the minds of people with absurdities like all of this, it was apparent that what was needed was a good load of pride, so that man, the mind of its own type, could be hoodwinked into secular madness, and then needed too was some ambition, to become god or something like that, although you needed to fudge things a bit when it came to being there from the first, so that the first could be invented, and before time itself, since none of the created human race could avoid the fact that they being born, were nothing more, and could die without their consent.

This however was done very cleverly by breaking all sorts of logic, and making a thing called irrationalism and then making it seem that this was a reason why reason was silly.

In this chaos of confusion, the devil loved things very much, and managed to seduce spiritually - far the most lascivious of all the lustful desires - many people, actual living people not just imaginary ones.

Then nothing woke up, and found that it had not been doing anything, after all, for how could it!

God however is always awake.