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SERIOUS REFLECTION ? Israel or Obama or both!
News 424, June 2008, June 2009, July 2009 various sources
For other Chapters on related themes including the US new ventures, see
News 407, with The Uncomprehending Darkness and the Self-Revealing Light Ch. 7.
Christ the Citadel Chs. 9, incl. *3 ;The Unsearchable Riches of Jesus Christ ... Chs. 1, 2, 3 and 4, with special reference to Cairo, and in God's Gift of Grace in Christ Jesus Chs. 3 and 5,
An interesting news article from Reuters, dated June 6, 2009 shows by contrast with a speech a year earlier, the mounting pressure from Obama towards the State of Israel. Let us first go back a little, to the election days.
HAARETZ June 7, 2008, we find this.
McCain calls for moving U.S. embassy to Jerusalem
By Haaretz Service
Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain on Friday said that he believes the American embassy in Israel should be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.
"Jerusalem is undivided, Jerusalem is the capital and we should move the embassy to Jerusalem before anything happens," McCain said while campaigning in Miami.
McCain stressed, however, that the "subject of Jerusalem itself will be addressed in negotiations by the Israeli government and people."
The presidential hopeful was responding to comments made by Democratic rival Barack Obama, who told the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on Wednesday that he would not allow Iran to acquire nuclear arms, and that Jerusalem would remain the undivided capital of Israel.
"Let me be clear," Obama said, "Israel's security is sacrosanct. It is non-negotiable. The Palestinians need a state that is contiguous and cohesive and that allows them to prosper. But any agreement with the Palestinian people must preserve Israel's identity as a Jewish state, with secure, recognized and defensible borders. Jerusalem will remain the capital of Israel, and it must remain undivided," he added, in efforts to secure the Jewish vote.
But a campaign adviser clarified Thursday that Obama believes "Jerusalem is a final status issue, which means it has to be negotiated between the two parties" as part of "an agreement that they both can live with."
McCain took the opportunity to criticize Obama for changing his position on Jerusalem, as well as on "sitting down and talking unconditionally with Ahmadinejad and other dictators."
We move now to June 6, 2009, almost exactly one year later. This is part of a Reuters news item, the whole concerning Israel.
Obama calls for end to M East stalemate
US President Barack Obama says wants to see "serious, constructive" Middle East peace talks this year aimed at finding a two-state solution for Israel and the Palestinians.
Mr Obama, who sees Israeli-Palestinian progress as crucial to repairing the US image in the Muslim world, made the comments two days after giving a speech in Cairo*1 in which he called for a "new beginning" between Muslims and the United States.
On the final leg of a brief tour of the Middle East and Europe, Mr Obama was asked to clarify what he meant the previous day in Germany when he said he was confident progress could be made between the Palestinians and Israel this year.
"Progress would mean the parties involved ... are in serious, constructive negotiations towards a two-state solution," he told reporters after a meeting with his French counterpart Nicolas Sarkozy in Normandy ahead of a ceremony to mark the 65th anniversary of the World War II D-Day landings.
"I do not expect that a 60-year problem is solved overnight but, as I have said before, I do expect both sides to recognise that their fates are tied together."
Mr Obama has called for a freeze in settlements and pressed for a two-state solution, both of which Netanyahu has resisted.
But he also said while the media had made much of his comments on settlements, he also wanted the Palestinians to renounce "violence and incitement".
"We have to move beyond the current stalemate," he said.
In the last few days, July 2009 now, a baleful, macabre or at least gaunt challenge was read in a local paper, in which we find Obama in direly ruminative style, telling Israel it must reflect deeply on its position. What is that position ?
It has three apparently objectionable elements to the match-maker, Obama. What, does it appear, that he wants and it what does he conceive there is failure ? It seems the following, or something close.
1) Both parties must unequivocally WANT two entirely independent States: Israel, and one other. |
{The latter is to be made up of additional parts extracted from the tiny strip of the former Palestine which was to be addressed as a homeland for Israel, that afterbirth which was left it after international abortions, a small residue of the land*2.
Ugly ? but it was, and the babe was as good as dead when Israel got to it. Yet in battle directed at its extinction, as surely as did Hitler so act, it won in 1948, though without anything like the territory originally in view, or more particularly, the historic heartland to be homeland. Thus the babe, as good as dead in the operation of perfidy, lived in the intensive care unit of battle.}
2) Jerusalem
must be an open question, Israel being assured not of all, by any means. |
3) First of
all, economic self-sufficiency with independence altogether, for both
States, must be in mind. Any necessary limits will be imposed from outside. |
Thus (a), peace on any available terms is obligatory, (b) reservations must be disarticulated from the body of thought, and (c) it must become a go-go situation - perhaps similar to a yo-yo situation, which goes up and down and gets nowhere, though of course this is not the ostensible objective.
What then ? Why then the USA can stomp about for oil, and have less trouble in the area, and Jew stuff will no more so inflame the super-sensitive Arab hatreds. Hence the thought of 'the catastrophe' with which many Islamic people label Israel's new presence after so long an exile, can die down and let everyone live a little.
What if the Gaza syndrome repeat itself, like someone insisting on having the same indigestible meal, by some kind of trance ? What if the new land gained and the new State permitted degenerate as did Gaza, as did the earlier presence of poor Arabs in initially accommodating Jordan, into a war zone, forward attack base.
Too bad.
Yes, that appears a correct analysis: too bad. Hence it is not on the books, except of those whose valuation of ludicrously stripped Israel, summoned again and again before the international bar, to be disrobed further, is a small affair. The international tenacity of purpose for the oil rich appears in direct opposition to their laxity of faithfulness to either the spirit or the word of the Balfour Declaration of 1917, or even the historic heartland concept which was given scope later *2 .
What reflection then, and by whom appears appropriate to question ?
Is Israel graciously to be made indefensible, and is a hostile State of religious activation which does not fail to be susceptible to terrorists of similar religious background, to be permitted in ever increasing closeness to Israel, to parade its militias, ground it rockets and prepare its air-force with the multiplied millions and billions of the oil-rich, all too ready in some cases to become accomplices in intimidation!
Is the 'international community' to continue its endeavours to 'help' the Arabs with much influence already in Algeria, Morocco, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Afghanistan, and don't forget Syria and elements of Lebanon like Hezbollah: is it to do this so that they may have yet more ? Are the bones to be picked ? Is Israel, with divine and predicted aid (as in Zechariah 12) not because it has been faithful as a nation but despite its record (Ezekiel 36:22, Deuteronomy 32), to be given more of this ludicrous lip, this admirable inanity, as if it were really expected to 'reflect' itself into self-destruction by even listening to such persiflage!
Maybe; but not with realism or wisdom. Beyond Israel is the Maker of the nations, and His word.
It might be thought however that the serious thought, reflection, recommended for Israel by one who appears an increasingly exasperated and obstinately determined US President, in view of his views or what appears to be his desire (as the above shows, in this he changes so), is not a little misplaced. That is, this seems so, except for destructive analysis.
What then ? The need to reflect, with which he charges Israel, seems rather to devolve upon himself. The serious and constructive thought which might save the USA enormous cost in prestige, money and perhaps even manpower, is in his court. It is he who should move around a little and consider.
Consider then what ? First, how enormous was his swift shift as attested in the news item above, June 7, 2008; nor was it in the cited news source alone. It was a strident note announced to the world, how he whirled from one point to one which ALLOWED for something diametrically opposite. Alas, he had made in his first statement, what appeared enormously clear about Israel and Jerusalem, its undivided capital; and this gave world-wide impact, but more so, it did so in the USA during election time.
Perhaps some of that initial impact remained; it seems all but inconceivable that he simply had not thought the point through at that time, about others nations being involved ... it is rather obvious, is it not, that this is so! The question was not how many were licking their lips, with an industry attested militarily in almost innumerable local, invasive, devastating, remorseless enterprises to crush Israel.
Moreover, this was on the part of enemies both vocal, filled with much expressed odium and devastatingly determined, not least on religious premises, to delete, or complete the deletion of that new-born nation (as in Isaiah 66:8ff.), so soon to be bursting its bounds (because of lack of space, a stringency now being increased in severity by such helpful international mentors, as far as they may - as in Isaiah 49:20*3).
Reflect then on the extortion of half or thereabouts of the famous Capital City of Israel, which by all available information has NEVER been the capital of ANY other nation, as ONE possibility. Such reflection might be the more acute, in view of the former of the two notable election announcements of Obama, with all its positive force as if he understood the position, before his backing down in so momentous a swirl and flurry. This is as seen in the news items listed above.
Yes, it may be well if Obama for his part, should engage in the reflection, first of all on that.
Secondly, before deciding on this point, it might be nice to consider having Washington (never the capital of any other nation ?) halved in honour of some displaced nation, say Mexico ? THEY! you may so, they HAVE their capital. So do the Palestinians, have had since the 1920s, it is Amman. Jordan received some two-thirds of Palestine, surely a goodly share, so that this part was at the beginning or near it, pre-empted from the place, from Palestine previously cited and announced and ACCORDED for a homeland occupation in it, of Israel. This was to be done with due regard to its historical roots in the place, with care for existing population.
The idea was not to have a ring of steel, as we see in the data, but a place of peace where the home so long denied Israel, might be available, its historic ties countenanced, and its place assured. What then of a capital for some of the occupants ? Is it to be that of the homeland ? One would hardly have thought this at all homish, to give up your sitting room to invaders. What better capital then, if another nation wants to live there too for some reason or other, especially when there has already been more than half of the place given away to those of this kind of religion in the spectrum on offer, than that of the large parcel of Palestine let out to others!
As for dividing Washington into the capitals of two peoples, or Jerusalem, that requires a little moral reflection; indeed quite a lot.
Thirdly, he might reflect on his Secretary of State's rather rambunctious sounding insistence on what could and could not be ALLOWED to existing cities or settlements of note in what is regarded as the core of Israel of old (to which the League of Nations, in endorsing the homeland in Palestine for Israel concept, made reference). What is that ?
Why it is Judea and Samaria. But what, you may ask, has that to do with it ? Why, just this, that since the League of Nations was so keen on noting the historic ties of Israel to the land, and this is the CORE and CENTRE of that connection, and this has induced many Jews to act as if it were not all a trick or exercise in infamy, fictitious fables and gross manipulation, but hopefully to return to their accorded land, then the LAST place from which Israel should be shooed away by the 'international community' including the USA, playing along with it, is this same core.
What of it ? one may ask. Why, it is just that the other name for it appears with some considerable substance, to be THE WEST BANK. Off the bank, you Jews, off you get, says Obama or his official; don't get ideas about it. More precisely: DON'T YOU DREAM of even allowing natural increase in that small section of your undoubted historic homeland to occur in any city which you currently have managed to set there!
Each city in that area MUST NOT allow to expand, be this natural or any other thing! (did you hear there, Benjamin ? I say, did you hear! says Hilary or Obama or whoever was behind this unswerving Arab emphasis from the US). It was a very emphatic, not to say dramatic utterance that was made. NO MORE ROOM, NOT EVEN TO EXPAND BY NATURAL INCREASE. GET OFF! Is there a dog on the golfing green ? off you get then!
This, the third point deserves a little reflection by Obama, by those with him, by all who would push Israel further and further into ... into what ?
What ? Why it is a push which in the end could only end in its being an entirely indefensible entity, except by a miracle as in the Exodus. Now let us be clear here. It is true that the Bible MOST clearly indicates that in the end of the game, the LORD HIMSELF is going to act in just that kind of way, that is, with overwhelming power to deliver Israel as in the so famous Exodus from Egypt. Micah 7 tells us this (v. 15), on the way to its final chapter's rehearsal, at its end, of the promise to Abraham (cf. Genesis 17 and see Galloping Events Ch. 4). It speaks of the rebuke to come to the nations occupied with occupying themselves with or in Jerusalem and Judah. Of these nations, it speaks in terms of snakes retreating to their holes... The Lord has plans. After all, it is HIS assigned real estate, despite the fact that so many seem to imagine they have bought it, or made it, or have its title deeds in their hands.
The Lord has told us His plan; it is foolish to ignore it. However, the nations have long been stylised as precisely those who will do so to their own devastation. Is it wise to take on the Almighty ? or to imagine that He will change His mind. In fact, in Jeremiah 33, in a survey leading on to the re-occupation of the place by the Lord of glory Himself (33:16) in His oft-noted time of vindication and glory on this earth (as in Isaiah 11, 32, 65-66, Psalm 72, Psalm 2, Micah 4, Isaiah 2), hardly a thing ... past, He makes His thought on all such points eminently clear.
IF, He declares, if you can break My covenant with the day and My covenant with the night, so that there will not be day and night in their season, then My covenant may also be broken with David My servant. Will you have Israel cast off, the TWO peoples (Judah and the North) so that they are no more a nation ? Try. Break His ordinances with heaven earth first, though, to show your so great power! So His irony erupts like light into darkness, to rebuke it.
His word, He keeps.
The LORD MADE this world, and Israel as a part. It has a place
1) as a herald of His coming in Christ via a virgin,
2) as a repository for the words of the prophets (cf. Isaiah 34, 59, Matthew 5:17ff.), and as an instruction lesson for this world (cf. Ezekiel 39); and
3) as for the expression of the divine faithfulness and reliability (Ezekiel 36:22 on the way to 37:5 with the Messiah's rule on this earth).
Is it not a subject for what one might term 'reflection' that to enter into conflict with the Almighty is rather overdoing it ? It is true that we have heard the ludicrous sludge talk of the 'almighty dollar' in former times, but it is not so mighty after all; and that was ludicrous. Money CANNOT buy life, or make it, or ensure its deliverance; but God can deliver.
He actually advises us in these terms:
"For the LORD of hosts has purposed, and who will annul it ?
His hand is stretched out, and who will turn it back? " (Isaiah 14:27).
Such is the endurance of His committed wisdom.
He advises us of these things with all the amplitude in His word, the Bible, now here, now there, which one might expect for a race so habitually hard of hearing! It is well to listen as Proverbs 1 advises us.
Is it not theft to seek to take from the appointed nation its promised place, which it lost for its follies and regained as drafted in the Lord's omnipotence, as in pure grace He supplies power to perform all needed ? and in the meantime, He assures us, a vast revival will meet Israel in the midst of its troubles. This is for example in Zechariah 12 as reflected in Ezekiel 37 in its context. Here is a theft which HE foresaw, an outrageous presumption, an arrogant if not even disdainful insistence; and the result may be seen by surveying Micah 7:15 to the end of that Chapter. Reflect, O America, it makes interesting reading! One would not see a nation of such a past, in which such grand things were wrought once in the name of the Lord, to become a mere appendage to devastation on so unsound a basis as this current towards Israel.
Would a friend like to see you, O once so great nation when God was honoured more in the observance than in the breach, reduced to ruin by pure - or in this case, impure - folly ?
Let one assure you, NO! One would see more of the broad spirit of democratic support for this much begrimed and ludicrously scorned nation, as in the day of Presidents Nixon and Reagan. Now is a dark hour for the USA; it is wise to seek the light. Reflect on it! No more darkness is needed in the USA, but that bright shining light of Jesus Christ, of His word, the Bible, which elevates man and has done so much to make of the USA at one time, for all its faults, a place for liberty and an energy for aid. All this is not to be forgotten. But reflect! neither is the word of God to be forgotten.
Reflect then ? Yes, but the more especially it is the USA, specifically those who govern it, which on this topic, needs to reflect. May you be assisted not to bring ruin on your country, as you do so. There may be a little time yet; yes, but what is a little time. It is the end which matters; and the way to it, it should be with garlands of praise, not talk of
some heart-beat of civilisation without God,
except in terms of some diffuse notion, |
a world without
the word of truth from God*4, as if the ancient were divorced from God before the Fall, or as if, when they fell, they had not been told of the deliverance to come; indeed, almost |
as if the moderns were in alliance with survival like an idol, and religion were perhaps an exudation like that from bees in commotion! |
As to Israel, yes it needs to reflect, but not on the wisdom of permitting further dismemberment and betrayal of the very core of the land promised. It needs to reflect on the reasons why the nations, such as the UK, Russia, EU and UN are baying at its heels, and allowed to do so with so much panache and self-assurance. WHEN, and ONLY WHEN Israel, its strength gone (as Deuteronomy 32:36), when at last they are back on side with their own Lord and God, en masse, restored to their crucified Messiah (Zechariah 12:10), then will the Lord be with them as of old.
What does Deuteronomy say of this finale ? Let us REFLECT a little by examining the passage with a preliminary section.
"Oh, that they were wise, that they understood this,
That they would consider their latter end!
How could one chase a thousand,
And two put ten thousand to flight,
Unless their Rock had sold them,
And the Lord had surrendered them?
"For their rock is not like our Rock,
Even our enemies themselves being judges.
For their vine is of the vine of Sodom
And of the fields of Gomorrah;
Their grapes are grapes of gall,
Their clusters are bitter.
Their wine is the poison of serpents,
And the cruel venom of cobras.
‘Is this not laid up in store with Me,
Sealed up among My treasures?
" 'Vengeance is Mine, and recompense;
Their foot shall slip in due time;
For the day of their calamity is at hand,
And the
things to come hasten upon them.’
"For the Lord will judge His people
And have compassion on His servants,
When He sees that their power is gone,
And there is no one remaining, bond or free.
He will say:
‘Where are their gods,
The rock in which they sought refuge?
Who ate the fat of their sacrifices,
And drank the wine of their drink offering?
Let them rise and help you,
be your refuge.
‘Now see that I, even I, am He,
And there is no God besides Me;
I kill and I make alive;
I wound and I heal;
Nor is there any who can deliver from My hand.
For I raise My hand to heaven,
And say, "As I live forever,
If I whet My glittering sword,
And My hand takes hold on judgment,
I will render vengeance to My enemies,
And repay those who hate Me.
I will make My arrows drunk with blood,
And My sword shall devour flesh,
With the blood of the slain and the captives,