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Suffering III

In Chapters 1 and 2, above, with their accompanying references, including SMR Chapters. 1-3, we have shown the irreversible and irrevocable fact that mankind is a design.

In Chs. 4 and 5, we have seen the answers to the existence, nature and distribution of suffering among mankind. In Ch. 3, we found not merely the historical explanation of the Jew-Gentile tension and saga, but the appointed and divine way in which it is going to be resolved. It is part of the program of God for the salvation of some from the wreckage of spirituality, which is man.

Man might as well try to re-design himself absolutely, as re-design the divine plan on that score (cf. Romans 11, Galloping Events Ch. 4). It is integral to the way in which God saw fit to fulfil the promise from the first sin, on how to account for sin to the last (Genesis 3:15). It has spanned the globe, focussed on Jerusalem, the site of the Messiah's death for sin, for all who believe, as part of the scene of the scenario appointed to Israel, in delivering the word of God from the first, to the last, to man, and being used as base, for the Saviour, who knows how to meet the design of man, when its glorious gift of liberty turns sour in sin and cynicism, its child.

It was in Dastardly Dynamics Ch.  6, that we saw some of the methods of the powers of evil, fortified in their  own misuse of the image of God, in seeking to ruin and persist in the ruin of man: in anything dishonouring to God, there is the adversary of the godlets who seek, as did Eve, to share or even as with the devil, to overthrow (cf. Revelation 12), the power of God. Often received willingly as a helper, his  pride is robust and akin to whatever in man in his abuse of his own spirit, he seeks: except for the shame, the everlasting shame for sham which awaits.

All this has been done, but a question may for some seem to remain.


WHY do Christians find it acceptable to suffer ?

First of all, we simply remove the point of pleasure as a principle (cf. SMR Ch. 4). People who work and live for pleasure are already debased; for they are taking a result of life as its purpose. There are other results. Pleasure is personal, in whatever body or bodies it may be found to reach its zenith. If you allow your PERSONAL response to determine your purpose in life, and that response is a question of how it feels to you, its message to your satisfaction, satiety or the mere maxims of your own delight, then of course you are masquerading as the centre of the universe (as to value and will), or else living as a fraud by your own self-selected design. Since reality is not thus, this is a type of lie; but if the lie is admitted, it is not the less a lie.

Further, in removing the purpose of the design by will, you are fighting the fact of its creation. WHAT its purpose is will be known ONLY, in detail, when you know the Designer. Knowing of Him will not do; for then His inscrutable infinitude of wisdom is not yours. You must not only know Him, moreover, but being known by Him, be allocated the answer to this question. He is not in Himself a book for scrutiny.

If then you do not know Him, you are automatically bereft , defeated in this, that not knowing what is the private property and inscrutable brilliance of God, even who you are and what is your designable purpose, then you are ignorant of your place. God has made it clear in the demonstrable word of God which is His (SMR), that as His design, you have a purpose. It is to KNOW God and obtain His salvation, and thus know Jesus Christ the Messiah, whom He sent, God the Sender providing God the Sent, the express image of His Person, and the definitive exhibition in Himself, as eternal, of God.

If however you DO know God, then we come to the point of this last Chapter of Dig Deeper, Higher Soar, Divine Glory Delights the More. WHY suffer as living Christians inevitably do, ALL you desire to live in a godly fashion (Galatians 5:24, II Timothy 3:12) ? On what basis is this found as a thing acceptable ?


It is the Design-Maker who, in reality glorious to find, indeed to be findable, is the truth, basis and source, origin and original before time began its little scamper as part of His creation (far degraded by man's sin). It is HE who is love (I John 4:7ff.), as His children know from living with such a Father and Saviour (cf. Hebrews 12, Psalm 9:9-10, 23:1ff., 30:5, 34:17-19, 42:7-8, 55:22, 59:17, 60:4, 74:22, 108:12, 37:18-19, 145), as the Psalms experientially and historically attest.

It is His ways which underlie all perception, enable  all conception and are in the  creation named man, able to be shared as one shares in watching a great painter, and passing him things from time to time. This His ways and wisdom do objectively (TMR Ch. 5), and with a stimulus which nothing but the source of derivative species, from ultimate reality, sufficient for all, COULD logically do  (cf. SMR Ch. 3, Barbs ...  -7).

The logic is great: He made it, inscribed it, attests it, is cardinally attested by it (cf.
It BubblesCh. 9, Repent or Perish Ch. 7). The experience is great. The vitality is great. The  name is great, none greater or even comparable. You are in Him,  at the core, past it; for ALL creation is a derivative of His call, who being Spirit, undelimited, uncontained, indeed illimitable but for all that precisely what He wants to be at all times, before time and time apart therefore.

When you find, by unassailable testimony in word and life, that His testimony and actions surpass all results and wonder in sacrificial love, honour and nobility, why tarry ? indeed HOW could anyone POSSIBLY not desire this, at ANY cost! This is the unadmirable exhibit of which evil makes itself the malignant focus!

It is He whose institution in creation of  all such things of purity and wonder is their beginning and end, and in eternal life, that end is the OBJECTIVE, for they do not end! It is there that lies the focus for all worship in integrity; and non-worship is death to the reality of vitality: whatever form it may take, physical or spiritual, or moral or all.

To know Him ever at all is far beyond anything whatever, in any domain or dimension, separately or cumulatively. To be sure, this knowing Him needs to be eternal, since if it WERE possible (but it is not, I Peter 1, John 10:9,27-28) truly to know Him (not just have a passing glimpse without depth or reality), and if it could be possible to know Him for just a little, then the grief would be too great to conceive without disruptive disrelish, and cardinal obfuscation making of all residue a clown!

Mercifully, as this is not possible, as ONCE knowing God as Lord and Saviour, is always to know Him (Romans 8:29ff., II Timothy 1:9ff.), the thing having been complete before time began (Ephesians 1:4), then this is not even relevant; but as to knowing Him EVER (and hence for ever), what is there to speak of, to compare ? It is like comparing a dead mouse with the glory of green meadows in sparkling sunshine, from which are to be seen serene Alps with beneficial air, where the very skies seem to conspire in beauty!  To know Him then is to praise Him, for it involves more than knowledge, derivative life exulting in the exalted, endued with understanding, rejoicing in the enlivening Truth, who humbles Himself to regard the children of men.

But what is it like ? It is like a scale pan with ten grains of dust on it, to be compared for sheer weight of ten universes! Yet is the contrast far more. Infinity knows no limits to its wonder; and God in HIS infinity needs no estimation concerning comparisons! (cf. Psalm 73:5-6, 27:4, Isaiah 33:6,17ff.). One can only praise Him, who is beyond the environs of natural praise, in His sublimity.

HE is both the truth and the acme, alpha of every inspiring hope, beyond anything of creation, as basis for all, donor to each, conceiver and construer,  constructor and creation of all things; nor is there any in heaven or earth to be looked at near Him, who dwells in light illimitable and undisposable (I Timothy 6), the Trinity Incomparable (Isaiah 48:16-55:13), revealed not concealed, irreproachable, irresistible in power, but operating in that love which never forces, but maintains itself in its integrity, and is filled with peace.

No spread of suffering is even relevant, even arises of consideration, next to his reality - personal, profound, pardoning, pure, filled with majesty and splendour, willing and able to take to Himself, the least as a child of His own desire, making all, noticing the apparently insignificant and according relish to that one's individual redemption (Luke 15:7).

Beside Him, no mere member of mankind is innocent, for all have fallen short, like arrows not straight or clear-cut enough or at all times rightly and wisely directed, if indeed divinely directed at all, and dipped long before coming to the glory of God in their courses, though they may congratulate themselves in their self-praise; nor is any so little loved as to be lost when he or she might have been found (Colossians 1:19ff., Isaiah 43:27).


Some sometimes show their valour, it might almost seem, by declaring that they would rather acknowledge Him in hell, than diminish His glory. The thought of utter ultimacy of worship is fine; but it is askew here, since the LOVE of God is such that He would have ALL to be reconciled to Himself, as our last texts showed. It would do Him no service, meet no wish of His, and indeed, be merely deleterious to His design and grace, so to do.

To save from condemnation, not to ensure it, this is why He came to the world, in His love (John 3:16-17).The consistent  approach at that level, therefore, envisaging a preference for hell if need be for His glory: this is different from the heart and mind and will of God;  but not less intense, though in error here, than zeal should be! (Colossians 1:9-10).

Thus one would rather be a door-keeper in the house of the Lord than a magnate in ANY other realm (cf. Psalm  84:9). What does it matter if money passes, prestige vomits and social standing is skewered, so long as one finds God, the God of creation, of salvation and of love, majesty and power! What is, after all, lost ? WHAT He desires is good, what He designs is fine, His designations, for what one is to do, these in the Being of such heart and wisdom, constitute and are the best one could do, since HE KNOWS!

Bunyan is a good illustration. How could he possibly be of significant service to God (to God, His desire, to Christ, the Saviour sent in the divine salvation plan - and there is no other, Acts 4:11-12, now or ever, Ephesians 1:10), in a prison for 12 years! And that, it was merely ONE of Bunyan's terms of confinement! Faith has the answer. God KNOWS. In fact, in that time,  Bunyan wrote many pages, which, whether one occasionally may differ a very little, are of a great magnitude of spiritual wisdom, extraordinarily clear on many spiritual topics, exhibiting an imagination in spiritual agendas and terms which are of wonderful veracity and vitality. Much more might be said; but this suffices here, for our purpose.

Did he share the fruits of these labours and gifts with 100 souls in some congregation ? It seems he did so, with such and more, sometimes, when he was not in prison ...

What then of the 12 plus years (the second term has to be added) spent away from these small but significant ministries wrought when he was at times, free ?

Firstly, even in prison, people could come at times to him. Secondly, he became for some an inspiration on faith in action. Thirdly, his pen worked. From the last, MANY MILLIONS of souls have benefited, some with extreme joy, many with growth in grace; and at one time, this book of his, Pilgrim's Progress,  appears to have been the second best seller in the world, after the Bible. Not bad for a congregation, even if they read, instead of listened!

It is not always obvious; and how would it be to those who know only part! It is however, one finds, the case that sometimes very severe losses indeed, suffered for the Gospel's sake, and Christ's, while they seem to impact negatively on what matters, His glory and kingdom, His consummation in the Church of His grace, in growth and love, with faith and mercy amid all, and so threaten loss greatly undesired: yet this is not the end of the matter. Even then, the products arising, the work, the labours, these have they the potential to be applied, as one might apply a saw to a vine, which was harassing one's progress.

How small the knife, that cuts away the vine; how great the vine! How hopeless-seeming the case. Yet if the knife takes a while to fashion, what fashion of fulfilment does THAT time have, in comparison with the effect achieved in liberating the bond of the bound! The case of Corrie ten Boom is another which stimulates the mind to realise the power of God (cf. SMR pp. 92ff.).

The example of Job, moreover, shows the exquisite depth of the Creator in His coverage of spiritual affairs, and the incomparable wonder of results which in the end accrue. These might not at the first have appeared at all! With Job, the results are nothing short of prodigious. Indeed, if he had KNOWN all, to have sat down and found the results, this would have enabled him to SEE what in fact only faith could achieve: yet it was this that later sight began to show to him! It is indeed only now after millenia of edification of millions by his example, and the inspired text concerning him, that the fuller results appear of the meaning, message, point and purity of the purpose behind the case of Job! (cf. TRIALS, TESTS and TRIUMPHS in TEMPTATION with Job in Focus).

Thus by faith, buttressed but not contained by reason, which is satisfied in proving the Bible is the word of the true and faithful God of creation (SMR), the saints are most happy to suffer, if they must; for suffering occurs even in the Tour de France, and in the countless athletic and similar forays of man, which may often have little enduring value (though as a saga instructive of life, they may serve somewhat). Thus it is that suffering for what is the good Designer of Life is not only in thought, but in fact a privilege of immense proportions (cf. Acts 5:40-41,  Colossians 1:24).

Indeed, look at this which follows through the apostle Paul: and the Christian heart readily concurs with the divinely sent apostolic messenger. Paul is used to present this scenario of the significance of suffering on the grand scale, in Romans 8:31-38:

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God.

"For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly,
but because of Him who subjected it in hope;
because the creation itself also will be delivered
from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.

"For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Not only that, but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit,
even we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the adoption,
the redemption of our body.

"For we were saved in this hope, but hope that is seen is not hope;
for why does one still hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we eagerly wait for it with perseverance.

"Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses.
For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought,
but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us
with groanings which cannot be uttered.

"Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is,
because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose.
For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.

"Moreover whom He predestined,
these He also called;
whom He called, these He also justified; and
whom He justified, these He also glorified.

"What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?
He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all,
how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

"Who shall bring a charge against God�s elect? It is God who justifies.
Who is he who condemns? It is Christ who died, and furthermore is also risen,
who is even at the right hand of God,
who also makes intercession for us.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution,
or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

"As it is written:

'For Your sake we are killed all day long;

We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.'

"Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

"For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

Thus faith is the vehicle, and it is the very presence of God who is conveyed through His Spirit, whose work in Christ has scope  and power for all time for all who receive His salvation. In Him is freely to be found the restitution and re-constitution of the design (Titus 3:3-7, John 3, Colossians 3:10ff.), now fading, which is man: alas, in his natural and fallen  state, that agent of sin, slumberer in unspirituality, marauder from godliness, alien from his own homeland, which is in God (Ephesians 2, 4:17ff.).

To suffer is like feeling pain in a dental extraction. What would you expect ? If sane, you will scarcely object. There is a PURPOSE, and your mouth is the impaired design.  To restore it as far as may be to its purpose, action is needed. It is good and a mercy that it is even available, and that co-existence with significant dental decay is not your lot! You can  almost rejoice in that pain, since not pleasure but design-proficiency and acute action in its terms, for the glory of the Designer, is your object. It is GREAT that this can be furthered. In this mouth illustration, suffering is incidental!

Who wants portraits when you can see and know the original or pictures, when the full experience of what it creatures is available; but who desires them not far the less by comparison, when the creative person who made such works of art can divulge direct, the whole wonder of the conception, the creation and its meaning. Since we are on earth, until His return, however (Acts 3:19ff.), we relish His words for their constancy, consistency, majesty, scope, purity and precision (Psalm 119), tender loving-kindness which gives not only meaning to His own, but assigns it as well as denotes it, being creative in all things.

This we do, while through His Spirit, the Christian is able also to commune with the  Author, creator not only of the words, the salvation, but also of himself, or herself: and young or old, of this nation or that, each may gain strength for service, comprehension for edification, illumination for understanding, the resolution of problems, the plumbing of depths, the soaring to heights of divine generosity (Ephesians 2:6, 3:20, 1:19, Daniel 2:20-23).

As it is written, so it is found: there is nothing too difficult for the Lord, no problem able to stand before His piercing light, who brings refreshing when one is weak (Isaiah 40:26ff.), restorative comfort in place of threatening distress, grace to help in time of need! How great is the content in being contained where one should be placed, and this with a resultant and relished freedom (II Cor. 5:17, Ephesians 1:6) like the air that dances on the deck of the rushing steamer, as it surges into the deep.

If we suffer, He who rules will solace; if we face being confounded, yet He arises to our defence; and this till the dawn breaks and the morning star arises in our hearts (II Peter 1:19, II Timothy 4:17-18).

It is in this light that we hear Paul addressing Timothy (I Timothy 6:11-16):  

"But you, O man of God, flee these things and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, gentleness.

"Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life,
to which you were also called and have confessed the good confession
in the presence of many witnesses.

"I urge you in the sight of God who gives life to all things,
and before Christ Jesus who witnessed the good confession before Pontius Pilate,
that you keep this commandment without spot,
blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ�s appearing,
which He will manifest in His own time,
He who is the blessed and only Potentate, the King of kings and Lord of lords,
who alone has immortality, dwelling in unapproachable light,
whom no man has seen or can see, to whom be honor and everlasting power. Amen."

HE, said Christ, who has seen  Me, has seen the Father; and indeed one who has 'seen' Him, has eternal life (John 6:40), for it is the Father who reveals (Matthew 16:17),
and the Son who makes manifest (Matthew 11:27ff.), at His own will,
which is as one with that of the Father (John 8:29).

Thus though fallen man cannot stride into heaven and see, Christ has stridden on earth and shown, and in Him is the knowledge of the Father and the truth, wherein lies eternal life, for it forms like an umbilical attachment, forged in heaven, indestructible, the bond of child to Father, and saved to Saviour, making all things eternal for the child (cf. Romans 8:32ff.).