AUSTRALIAN BIBLE CHURCH ...    November 25, 2012 


A Presbyterian Church following the Bible without Qualification
and the Lord Jesus Christ without Compromise by Faith
In agreement with the basic thrust of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church of Australia, 1901 



Luke 11:44 - 12:12


Sermon  Notes




A) Their Death while yet Living  11:44

B)  Their Blindness  11: 46-48

C) Their Confrontations with the Wisdom of God 11:49 cf. Matthew 23:34 ... Parallels

In Matthew you see the direct speech of the Lord Jesus, in Luke you see a phase of richer impact as well, in presenting this message. The wisdom of God HAS SAID this about the murderers of His messengers, and the cumulative impact of this on the generation that is to kill Christ Himself (Mark 12:1-10).

Whether therefore as in Matthew 23, Christ speaks in His own name, or as in Luke 11, "the wisdom of God" has said it, it is the same thing. He and His Father, one God, speak as one, and as the One, so must the other be honoured, precisely as in John 5:19-23.

John 12:48-50 shows the Father's command. Christ executes it, and speaks it.  
As in Proverbs 8, He IS the wisdom of God, presented initially in parable as one calling to men to listen to her, and not to flamboyant adulteresses, but later direct, as Judge (Proverbs 8:32-36). Christ (I  Corinthians 1:30-31) is the wisdom and righteousness and redemption of God sent, as in an envelope, one of flesh,  to us.
"All those who hate Me," He states, "love death," (Proverbs 8:36 cf. Proverbs 8), just as in John 3:36 comes the parallel to this. It is essential to realise that whether it be scribes or Pharisees or neo-variants of unbelief, failure to realise this, not merely blights the soul, but has power to lead to the blighting of others as Christ's speech goes on to evidence.

C) Their Crushing Load (just as they had ignored such loads) 11:49-52   with 11:46



A) Their Successful Diversion of Rockets Roaring on their Way to the Lord - 11:52

B) Their Vehement Assault on the Truth  11:53

C) Their Cross-Eyed Cross-Examination of the Truth  11:53

D) Their Piety Seeking to Make Truth its Prey   11:54



A) The Way of Truth   12:1-3

B) The Wisdom of Truth   12:4-7

C) The Depth of Truth  12:8-12