Bulletin One Hundred and Eighty




This is of the nature of summary since individual points have been expressed, explained and demonstrated frequently in various contexts in our Web Page.

Millions through their deaths can illustrate the force of the feverish assumptions made in the not so dear departed, and their applications, as is here the case.

Evolution, the whole evolutionary program and series of suppositions   is dead. It is indeed as applied of living things ...


irrational at the outset.

In such a scenario, "nature' makes itself  before it is there to do it. It is like making a million with another million when it is not there to do it. If it makes the stuff, it has to be there to do it  So it has to have another source, since 'nothing' is definitionally deemed unproductive (or anything else).

b) Contra-evidential, as admitted with  misgiving by Darwin and far into our area famously confirmed as still the negative state of palaeontological evidence, by Professor W.R. Thompson. The point was made in overview in his introduction to the Everyman Edition of The Origin of Species. His posting was as the Director of the Commonwealth Institute of Biological control in Ottawa. This lack and failure of  such evidence was still present in the theory in his own  day, he declared, very much as it was in that of Darwin.

c) Anti-informational (i.e. contrary to the laws of information science, as expressed categorically and systematically in his work, In the Beginning was the word. His posting was as Head of the Department of Information Technology at the German Federal Institute of Physics and Technology.

d) Void of means of production from first to last, however intensively or extensively you may take the case.

e) Void of evidence of DNA writing itself EVER, or of the failure of it to be written once, then stopped, precisely as in the Bible. Evidence on this evolutionary guesswork, as Jeanson calls it, meets the subtle, sophisticated, integrally operative multi-billion routines of DNA that dominate life and direct the dynamics of life's form and structure, far beyond the work of the greatest space-ship, the most ingenious language of all else known or any system of man in its variables, solutions and its sensitive interactions.

Thus it covers the case not only of being at all, or that of non-system as the source of system, or law replacing lawlessness, but the very essence of science, namely precise repetitive enabling forecast, based on the reliability of law.

This is equal to any fantasy for pure unbased imagination, unattested assumption and failure to collate with other laws, including one of what are called three basic laws of science.

f) Thus it is contrary to genetic history: an onrush of information with its comprehensibility, integral systems and intelligibility, exhibiting thus intelligence as well as constructiveness and control.

Parallel to this is the equally distinctive stoppage of the flow, so that into nature it arrived, an entity which does evidence having such a writing system, but merely having received one.  Its source is never seen to write itself; but  it  was written once, and that is how it came there. Its source is as in any and all causality,  which to be rational, must be adequate for its product.

g) It is moreover contrary to the mutative reality, the depressive dynamic constantly at work in the genetics, in their consistent errors, though their accuracy is remarkable and partly due to automatic editing. These are often shown in DNA's enormous generational copying of billions of words. in the creation of babies, such a prodigy of transmission measured in its error rate by Dr Nathaniel Jeanson of Harvard as shown in his recent work, Replacing Darwin, and by such as Emeritus Professor Sanford of   Cornell in his Genetic Entropy, or creator of Mendel's Accountant fame.

h) Further, it is contrary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics as stressed by  Sanford, vigorous researcher, from the outset (which itself precisely accords both with evidence and the Bible cf. Isaiah 51:6).

i) It is a false forecaster of the direction of human development: as the above have featured; the increments in the race's development are downhill towards its destruction, as also accords with Christ's statement in Matthew 24:22.

j) It is a false inventor of needless dilemmas (such as hoped for justice and peace and attained folly and violence) and stirring stimulus of competitive and destructive racial pride which if surprising in its force, is crucial in its display. The reductionist dismissal of necessary origin of the universe and race leads naturally to the violation of necessary living.

k) It is also the chief exhibit of secular scientism. That development, in its kind, is biblically cited both by  Paul in I and II Timothy 4, and Peter in II Peter 2, in their warnings and exposures of things to come. Such forecasts can readily and consistently come forth from the Creator of man, of history and of the universe, who knows man because He made him.

l) It appears in a threefold brangle, first as an absurd fallacy, for its reductionist philosophy does not include time as an operating medium; then it becomes an illicit user of time in its framework; then it is bound to the assumption that 'nature, when not there, made itself. This  is simply one more begging of  the question in a maze of confusion.

m) The evolutionary kind of knowledge, especially that which is lightly discursive and undisciplined. It is included in that for which Paul, in the Greek terms, has a name. In Timothy 6:20, he names this in a  type of challenge to of which to beware, under the generic heading science falsely so-called. He uses the term for 'babblings' in its coverage of any sort of false  pretensions. If it is called science and yet sallies forth into meaningless imaginary gabble, what then is it ?

It is the very familiar antinomic easy imagination, substituting in what is in fact a hypothetical holiday, with grandiose guesswork about the arrival of life. Its properties are in no discernible from literal fairy tales. Not only is this invented on what has never been observed, but what has neither grounds for the trip, nor conformity with the evidence.

n) These 'idle babblings' as Paul characterises them, in II Timothy are in this verse exposed in their type with a carefully chosen Greek word (gnosis). It specifically can include science, as  an an invalid feature to come and not only to come but to be guarded against. It is currently conveyed by scientism, in that corner where It is normally nowadays put into science as a religious additive.

Concerning this, the reader of the epistle still receives the same type of warning; and rarely has this apostolic term gnosis used such resounding contemporary application as now. It continues to apply: it designates a spiritual virus!

In particular, this inconsistent use of sound and valid method makes its ward, evolution, appear as an abuse of scientific method,  as its teaching  is one which is inclusive of and controverts in this portion of its normal teaching, what is factual. It is antithetical to it. which is indeed fake, the measured results by test, concerning  the continual genetic marrings our genome faces as what is now future turns into the present.

It is an error in knowledge which threatens the downfall  of our race: nothing  less than the  falling movement of our race in survival capacity. This appears as due to the ignoring of the continual and measured genomic loss and degree of genetic marring resulting in deterioration, decline and eventual extinction of our gene physical data base. It is only confirmed by the invention of Mendel's Accountant. It is the disservice of invasive scientism  to science.

o) it covers also the provision of ingenious programmed routines, facilities for relatively  minor adjustments to surrounding or invasive stimuli or conditions, but with confusion. In this area, the evolutionary myth deals in terms of genomic fantasies, things never seen and never rationally explained on this model  indeed its formulations in terms of law, are not only far from explanatory, being both autonomous and outrageous. This term is used in II Timothy 4:1-4 in warning concerning future times and perils in the babble and incoherent arena. Things don't require expertise, just its expression, and even that for no reason.

The degree of blindness sometimes on the part of those normally systematic, to what  evidentially DID happen is verificatory of the accuracy of the Bible as in Romans 16:7.

p) With the arrival of life's actualities with the gift to life  to the human race,  mankind appeared on earth, with his brilliant imagination, but also with all his dependency. This enabled the evolutionary myth and evasive delusion to provide our race among much else, with great scope for becoming delusive in degradation.

Much of mankind is constantly warring with passion, each against the each other, with both disaster and  methods of astounding cruelty, often later to be  scarcely believed because of the extent of the torment they impose, or its horror.

Christianity not only provides all these missing elements and more, with continual verification in prophecies and warnings, but an unexpectedly magnificent solution to problems not only intellectual, but moral and practical. It is not available for casual adoption, or superficial adaptation, but the receiving of the Creator as Saviour.