The author of the 242 volume library on this Web site, Rev. Robert Donaldson, as an ordained Minister in the Presbyterian Church in America, in good and regular standing, separated from that body in January 1998, because of its separation from biblical teaching and practice, and transferred to The Australian Presbyterian Bible Church, in order to remain faithful to the word of God. The PC in America formulated its new policy and practice in June-July 2000, using The Creation Study Committee.
In reviewing this Report, the Assembly rejected the Committee's desire for the Report to be referred to Churches for consideration over 2 years, and instead immediately adopted it. A careful repudiation of the false teaching in this Report, which had occasioned such upset and difficulty in the Church, was in turn provided by myself, and may be seen at Let God be God Ch. 12
in consonance with
what is written |
in Romans 16:17, Isaiah 8:20, Psalm 119:9, and II Corinthians 6:17ff., Mark 4:4, Matthew 5:17ff., Titus 3:10, II Timothy 2:19, I Corinthians 16:22, John 14:23ff., I Timothy 6:5, II Timothy 3:1-4:5, II John 9-10, I Thessalonians 2:12-15, II Thessalonians 2:15-3:6, Amos 3:1-8, Mark 7:7ff., I Timothy 5:22, I Corinthians 2:9ff., and the warnings in II Peter 2:1ff., about the source of latter day church defilement, as also those related in the epistles of Paul: |
the scriptural command to "avoid them" was confirmed.
The review of the nature of "separation" such as this, in spiritual things may be found in Separation 1997. To follow what is written (the word of God) AS it is written, and to relate to it AS cultural developments or philosophical preferences might suggest, these are two very different options. We follow categorically the former, as also the Framer of His own words (I Corinthians 2:9ff.), for edification and instruction and brook no additives. We do not believe God and man need to speak simultaneously, but that when God speaks, man should listen. Their knowledge is disproportionate, God being the truth, and there being no such thing without Him.
Thus this our separation from the PC in America, for one, has continued. It is just one of the costs of the special privilege of living in this Age, and not only seeing the wonder of a vast array of fulfilled prophecies before one's very eyes, and having scope to testify to the truth in various countries as many churches bend, and the word of God does not; and it remains an absolute criterion. It is hoped that the PC in America may return to its earlier position, but for our part, it is the word of God which is to be followed without addition, subtraction or other qualification, whatever some may do to capitulate or qualify it in terms of this or that foolish philosophy (cf. Colossians 2:8). One DARE not follow in those ways.
The Australian Presbyterian Bible Church, to which transfer was made, seeks to serve Christ without Compromise and follow the Bible without Qualification, being in accord with the general thrust of the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church of Australia as in 1901. We are glad whenever we find those of like precious faith with the simplicity of Isaiah 8:20 and the grounds of John 14:21-23.