28. ARCHEOLOGY ... and the Power of God
What does the past show
concerning its silent testimony to the power of God ? |
What does soil, writing, what
do stones, monuments, ruined civilisations, cities.... |
We shall see that even here man
has tried passionately and foolishly to deny God the glory; entered into debate
based on ignorance, made outrageous assertions, obstinately kept to ridiculous
Yet here as in micro-biology,
where the scene of God's operations makes Dr Michael Denton attest the amazing
miniaturisation of a power leaving our highest technical achievements like the
work of schoolboys, by comparison: knowledge merely confirms, as it grows, the
unassailability of the word of God (Denton - Evolution: A Theory in Crisis,1985.)
Archeology, the
force of evidence being in view, continually abounds nowadays as science makes
it so effective, in confirmation of the Bible.
What else can it do ? The ground which God made, cannot lie, It is only man who is disposed increasingly, to believe the lie (Romans 1:25) - of whom Paul this says, "who exchanged the truth of God for the lie". Perhaps one of the most remarkable finds in recent years is that at EBLA where the very early Old Testament names, places and customs are staggeringly verified in a civilisation going back to around 1000 years before MOSES, as Dr Clifford Wilson, formerly of Monash University notes in his work, The Impact of Ebla ... ( 1977, p.24).
Tablets around 2300
B.C. appear in the midst of a thriving, erudite seeming civilisation, where
sophisticated law and mathematics flourish. This in addition to the case of
Hammurabi of Babylon, somewhat later, shows the quite ridiculous error of
unbelief committed by such biblically antipathetic scholarly romanticists as
Welhausen, whose irrational tyranny worked so long in theological circles, more
related to temporary popularity than to abiding logic ... or faith!
The contention was that there was
far too much development of literature, thought, complexity and sacrificial
system for the times of Moses, for this prophet to have written the books of
Moses (that is, the Pentateuch, the first five in the Bible, noted by Christ in
such places as Matthew 19:8, attributed to the inspiration of God directly in
Mattthew 19:;4-5). Controlled by such pagan evolutionary premises, these
radicals, obsessed with the concept of development, therefore assaulted these
books, challenging their authenticity, despite the Jewish clear title to their
own history, and their continued and consistent claims over the millenia. After
all, with the death sentence for false prophecy and a theocratic government,
there is no room to manoeuvre It was rather like saying that
Hadrian's wall REALLY couldn't be genuine in Britain; only much more
vituperative and dogmatic, against far more reason.
Yet it was such philosophic foibles and idolatrous pre-occupations which were received into many seminaries, in the intoxicated days of liberalism, by means of which Satan gained control of not a few churches, in one of the most economically productive, and spiritually destructive moves of all time. His wealth increased inordinately and much that had been set aside for the Gospel, was diverted to other purposes entirely. The prince of this world, as Christ declared, to be coming, has come, has long been vituperatively alive, and he has no part in Christ. He finds out many whose 'faith' is a fiction, and whose beliefs are in their own world, culture and psyche, against all reason, and in a flourish of treason.
Now we see, from archeology, not
only was there such development as this by Moses' time, linguistically and
legally, and in terms of literature, but such developments were in place nearly
1000 years BEFORE Moses' day. How ludicrous were these philosophic intrusions
into science, then. On a purely arbitrary fashion, they had tried to divide the
books into segments, even having in one case, two of the same criterion,
so passionate was their unscientific zeal to make the unworkable work, and to
use imagination where truth did not exist.
So far, however, from culture being alien to the Bible statements, it supported them, when the facts were known. In fact, this is just one more verification in the everlasting seeming stream, of the factuality and reality of the Old Testament: theories, made in ignorance to attack the Bible, retreat like the Russian junta of August 1991,before the evidence (as the junta retreated before the people). Indeed, we even see an intimate correlation socially, in names and designations, with the culture assumed Biblically, for Abraham, in Genesis, and we see it as an historically TRACEABLE BACKGROUND. Such is the contribution of Ebla, just as much in this direction came far earlier from Hammurabi, making the whole fraud the more ludicrous, the more inexcusable, and falling down to worship such idols the better testimony to the truth of God's word, which attributes to man in the flesh, a remorseless desire to suppress the truth (as in Romans 1:17-19).
Wise is the one who realising this proclivity, indeed this passion, is immune to fashion, and actually thinks about what is being said, rebuts what is irrational, and enjoys the presence of the Almighty in faith and reason, which mix as do strawberries and ice-cream, in the most natural of ways. This also prevents both changeability, since these assaults being irrational, never last long, and change is required for the next pretence.
We now even have, at
Serabit-el-hadim, near Moses' Mt Sinai, evidence indicative of ordinary
labourers being well able to read and write in religious and commercial matters,
and this in their own language, in a variety of Canaanite close to Hebrew ! The
site in view was an Egyptian mine for opals and the find is indeed on more gem
of comedy against the ponderous follies of pouting, doubting and aggressive
One of the most intensely humorous
elements of he Bible's constant triumph over attack, useful here because the
rebuttals are constant verifications, comes in the form of the Hittite nation.
Once regarded by armchair critics as an error in the Bible, through earlier
failure to 'dig up' evidence of such a race, the Hittite nation has now been
rediscovered in secular history, through archeology. Notable academic, Kitchen,
in his excellent work, Ancient Orient and the Old Testament, even
"The valid and close parallel to the social custom of the Patriarchs came from documents of the nineteenth to fifteenth centuries B.C. (agreeing with early-second-millenium origin for this material in Genesis) ... Likewise for Genesis 23, the closest parallel comes from the Hittite laws..."!
Indeed attacks on the Bible's compilation have been rebutted, with such vigour and such marvellous aid from the enormous and growing body of ratifying archeology, that they lie like so many snails hurled against a rock. The scale and scope of it is virtually breath-taking.
The Ebla find, one of many advanced materials, in the area of 2300 B.C. is some 800 plus years before Moses, once deemed incapable of writing such things! Well towards 1000 years out of date, these critics must wear the dunce's cap; and yet it was such as these who once took theological colleges by storm, and taught this nonsense with an academic kind of pontifical splendour. Cultural domination from Germany at the theological level, like so many other modes and fashions, gew-gaws for the worldlings who love to inhabit and act to destroy churches, has been just one of the satanic modes. Fair enough: Job was tested, and churches must be tested. Only what is of faith, and hence will match reason after all the fan-fare is over, stands. It stands because it is the word of God; and faith receives it on its own, while reason, like a good hunting dog, comes with the prey, tail wagging joyously, continually and always afterwards. It IS of course, afterwards, for otherwise, where would the test be; but it is always, and thus faith is the most reasonable of entities.
Indeed, it is Paul who asks God to deliver him from UNREASONABLE men, and those who do not have faith (II Thessalonians 3:2). Indeed, his formulation from the Lord is this, that he be delivered from such persons, FOR not all have faith. It is BECAUSE they do not have faith, that their minds are turned to darkness, vanity and in the end, the confusion which cannot EVEN meet reason, as much one of our God-given faculties as are our eyes!
The word of God stands, as always (I Peter 1:22-25, cf. Isaiah 40:6-8); but they, they fall as all do who in anything assault the mouth of God. We were MADE by its operation; and man can be 'undone' in the same way.
The Ebla materials include what appears to be a statement on creation not unlike that found in Genesis ( incidentally perhaps suggestive of Wiseman's view of ancient background materials, historical records used by Moses). Complaints against cultural backgrounds as not fitting Biblical dates look more than foolish. Though the mot juste seems to be 'obsessive' , yet 'obstructionist' would do. The cultural norms and phases of those times are so adroitly confirmed both from Hammurabi's time ( in Babylon) and Ebla (in Syria) and in the time of the Canaanite labourers near Sinai, before Moses, as well as at Tell-el-Amarna with its incessant official communications about invasion of the area which was taken with just such irrepressibly force as is there described, by the Jews, at Ras Shamra with its exposure of the corruption of the Canaanites whom God sent Joshua to judge, and so forth, that it is a marvel that even dedicated unbelief dares to speak any more at all in this field. But then it does: when is a divorcee ever done in her scolding !
On Tel-el-Amarna, see the excellent work in this sphere, as in many other related ones, of Professor Gleason Archer, in his Bible Difficulties. This makes a good companion volume, in many aspects, to that other excellent provision, at the other end of the chronological scale, J. Barton Payne's Enclycopedia of Prophecy, surely one of the most precise and voluminous coverages of the topic from an academic point of view.
Let us however revert to the invasive divisions of Satan, always stalwarts, like guerrillas in Palestine, for destruction, because of what animates them (Jude discloses, as does II Peter the mind-set in view, with excellent edification, which serves as a warning, both to those who attack, and those who fall to them). Man, says the word of God, is 'alienated from the life of God' - Ephesians 4:18-19. The ATTITUDES we meet in these things, these ALSO, verify the word of God
What now of cities and civilisations against which God has spoken ? Again, archeology has a marvellous feast.
BABYLON as an empire was devastatingly condemned to utter destruction without recovery of her place and power. This is seen in passages such as those of Isaiah 13 and Jeremiah chapters 50-51 (esp.51:34-63). It was to go, to fall, as Jeremiah showed, as a stone falls into a river.
It fell, indeed. It was a desert. Saddam Hussein began some reconstruction in a tourist sense; he fell, is blasted, his income in ... arrears, his capital in bonds of poverty, deprivation, his wealth in tatters. He arose to dominate, direct terrorism, pay for Jewish blood in terms of so many thousands of dollars for each one murdered; tortured thousands of his own people, mad mass grave yards, elevated the comparison with Nebuchadnezzar, who however had the privilege of presiding over construction, not making a ruin into a tourist attractoin. Indeed his own capital , Baghdad was subjected to the ignominy of selective bombing. Now it has all fallen, and his sons dead, he remains in hiding, his country under other control, his name detested, his projects in ruins.
This has befallen the new Nebuchadnezzar; but nothing has 'befallen' the word of God. It is simply carried out: verifying the divine claims of Isaiah 55:10-11, Joel 2:11, Isaiah 45:1-7,44:25-26 - of the One who spoke His word through His servants, the prophets (Jeremiah 7:25), as God calls them.
Similarly NINEVEH was condemned to desolation ( Nahum 1:8-9,14). It became a desolation
"So complete was the desolation that in
classic times the departed Nineveh became like a myth. Yet all the while part of the city lay buried..."
TYRE was condemned by the prophet Ezekiel in chapters 26:3‑5,7,12,14,16, 21 - her walls to be broken down while she was to become like 'the top of a rock' ‑ Alexander the Great completed the task begun by Nebuchadnezzar, using city ruins to build a causeway to the island to which the people retreated, fulfilling the word of God to the letter. Now THESE... they were seats of EMPIRE ! None ‑ of these were to be restored, nor are they. Lost, curiosities, to be recovered after centuries from the sand, devastations, they attest the might of God and the mind of man, when collision occurs.
The Lord is patient, but faithful, both to fulfil what He says of judgment, and of blessing. Indeed, if you study Jeremiah you will see the almost incredible tenderness and solicitude with which He, fatherlike and compassionate, seeks the deliverance of His people, offering, imploring: but when their hardened hearts become set with the pathology that enshrines their diseased thoughts, then judgment indeed comes, and it comes with precision.
How Christ sought to deliver Jerusalem (Matthew 22:37, Luke 19:42ff.), and what He paid for the deliverance of all who would come; but in the despite of truth, there is no further atonement; for mercy itself comes from truth, the truth of God's love, and the passion of its provision does not remove the grounds for its action! Judgment, in the end, sits.
At the nearer level to the Jews, the prophecies of Obadiah and Isaiah (34) are fulfilled in a way which is also awesome in its atmosphere and detail. The city of Petra , featuring recesses in rocky cliff faces and redoubtable Edom territory, reveals a startling coincidence in its abandoned scenario ( and this, one predicted to endure) to the word of the Lord above cited. What it was to be, in detail, it now is. Abandoned ? yes, to the very wild beast population. To read the prediction, just this, gives an almost eerie thrill of desolation. How like the thing itself, when visited now, is this predictive picture in Isaiah!
The treachery of Arabs against Edom, on the one hand, and again, the Jewish inhabiting of the South (Negev), following Edom's treachery against Israel (an inhabiting also predicted, and now famous in modern times ‑ Obadiah 7‑10,19) are fulfilled before our eyes, just as is the Isaianic detail (34:11 ff.). Here the emphasis is both inexorability and detail. Apart from the FEELINGS evoked, there is the FACT PROVOKED, and it is this which duly come to pass. Indeed, the reflection given in Isaiah 34:16‑17 is both a declamation and a challenge:
This shows, as does. The wild things, the birds with their mates, the snakes, the whole of the mutually accompanying items in the scenario, they were to come; they did; and the reason - it is this, that the LORD has SPOKEN it. It is as in the creation: He says, and it is so. Turn this to salvation likewise, and you see the unspeakably delicious security it provides (cf. Hebrews 13:5-6).
Jesus Christ in Matthew 5:17-19, 24:35 that when God chooses to speak to man, He MEANS EVERY WORD OF IT (cf. SMR Appendix D). Perhaps it is moral devastation sweeping the earth which makes so many people seem to find this hard to grasp.
Perhaps some are surprised a little that EVEN SOME MEN make their word a matter of honour. They feel disenchanted, all but cynical. They find they suffer, and wonder WHO is willing to stand by an agreement, to honour a word. Yes there are some.
When the Almighty speaks, however, it always happens. Here is the source and indeed meaning of honour. If we lacked power, if psyches were leaves in the wind, if morality were a perversity of flesh, if truth could not be obtained, if relativity were absolutely all, in its own confused and self-contradictory way, then indeed poor, limping man, to be pitied, might seek to excuse his vagrancies and dishonour. This however is as far removed from the truth as the eye from hearing. It is BECAUSE GOD has the power, the justice and the truth, indeed His word is the truth, since what He declares IS, and becomes so, that His honour is to be rigorously expected; and when it is found, it is surely not surprising. What is amazing is the precision which He bestows on it, in our midst, the love this betokens, for He is so reliable that His love expresses itself through honour, and His honour through love.
He is not divided into warring factions, of divergent manufacture, nor is His power limited. His is o conferred constitution, for it is He on whom all depends, who is necessary to anything, in His eternity, that anything might be; and what is, it is His invention. As to Himself, always what He would be, He has no limits. Resistance has no ground, and invasion no power. Ingredients to not disturb Him for He is what He would be, and nowhere is the power to intervene.
There is nothing to oppose His good pleasure, conferred within or created without. Structure succumbs, constitution conforms. He is in need of nothing from any ( Psalm 50: 10), just as He receives nothing from any, in Himself: absolute, eternal, He made time and man in His image, but He Himself does not change. His word endures. Millenia do not subdue it, nor does passion dismiss it; time does not erode it, nor does rebellion annul it.
This includes those who would determine HIS LAND for HIS people by their road maps and plans, their interventions as with the UN in 1947 and thereafter, seeking to internationalise Jerusalem, and to devastate once again the Jews, giving them mere pockets of the land. This was to be. It has not come to be. God has other ideas. For all these predictions, see SMR Chs. 8 and 9, Galloping Events Ch. 4, SMR pp. 502ff., Red Heart ... Ch. 10, Regal Rays of Revelation Ch. 1 , Great Execrations ... Ch. 4, The Biblical Workman Ch. 1, *3 and Ch. 3, *1 , with Ch. 8 where linked, and indexes, biblical and topical.
All this is prophecy, while we are in archeological survey; but the principle is the same. The past can provide nothing but what conforms to God's word, and the future (from the prophecies of 1400 B.C. to now, som.3400 years for testing) provides nothing but what confirms itl What was prophecy continually becomes history. This outdistances modern science, which is old in a few years in much; for this is old in nothing ever, except that it happens, and its work lies exposed, unalterable, assured.
This is not the stuff of myths. The myth is this: that man can tell the truth about himself, measuring himself by himself ( as Paul puts it in II Corinthians 10:12); and that he creates his gods and that is all the gods there are. THAT myth is surely the best in arbitrary irrationalism that could be: the creature, with his programmed systems alive and alight, attributes 'sacredness' to his productions and ignores the source of his own limited power to construct
(or misconstruct), to mini‑create and to err, as to have a responsibility correlative to this freedom and to have a body written in a language which embodies a brilliance beyond his thoughts ...
Yet while seeing this, man immersed in his cultural glue, bound in its bonds, wilfully ignorant and ignorantly wilful, brilliant in confusion, alert in apathy, continues to use a brilliance which, though infinitely less than what appears in his own construction, is both akin to it and gained by the operation of an instrument which he did not create.
To do that is to live a myth.
All these multiplied billions of deft connections of cells in just one of the bodies of mankind, each one of them with the significance of highly organised cities, have allegedly no source but a CHANCE: a chance which has laws it could not cause in the first place, and which though wholly unintelligent constructs the most intelligent designs (cf. SMR pp. 211ff.) ever inspected on earth, leaving behind the greatest intelligence of man in the process... and does this with a language of the most concentrated and constant character, and that in what is to man still an unachievably minute format for its storage, a language and an engineering to match it, building ever anew the same prodigious constructions by a copying mechanism we have no way of pakalleling.
These things, they occur, all in all living cells, under the direction of the code of one sole language, and the Speaker is denied ? ALL the ingredients of intelligence, ALL the facilities of speech, ALL the coherence of manufacture, ALL the brilliance of prodigious mind, ALL the integration of design, ALL the control of destiny as in the word of God which explodes into existence as did man in the first place: ALL this and CHANCE did it ?
Did chance even make a sandal on the beach ? Would you conceive it for one moment ? No ? Why not ? It is because in practice, the achievement of highly integrated, unity in apparent purpose is NEVER found as a current performance of inanimate 'nature', but must be laboured to come into being. The sandal therefore means man, since he is the only known agent on this earth: short of course of a divine miracle, which seems quite unnecessary to imagine, since man is well able to make the sandal, though it is not able to make itself! Man, however,
himself ?
Matter has its little ways; so does mind, and so does spirit. The combination called man, each phase in its own integrity, and the thought and use of all coherent in the trilogy's outcome, he knows these things, the process of designing, the articulation of action, the direction of achievement to the end of the design, the promotion of purpose, the use of coherent but diverse systems: for he constantly does them. He invents.
Yet that he himself should be the product of One in whom NO LESS power than his own is demonstrated, in ways which are akin to, have affianced themselves to, have affinity with his own, explain all things and at least, are logically required as a sufficient cause: that this should be so is no obnoxious to his pride, ruinous to is autonomy, that he would rather ... die ? He would rather with a sort of infantility of intellect, define himself in the absence of truth, as the only truth, while declaring that of course, scientifically we cannot be sure; but of one thing he is very sure, this secular man, that he is right! Past all his methodological purity, when it does occur, is this philosophical impurity. Knowing little, he yet knows that what he knows is unassailable, his ignorance a mandate, his lack a lordliness.
THIS, he declares, ever so humbly, is it. But is it, which assumes what invalidates its very possibility, any other 'it' than the id, the pleasure of man to be himself, in the midst of marvels which constitute him, and to deny all but himself, the imaginary crest of a wave which he cannot even form, but foaming, follow. Follow where ? wherever it is going. And where is it going ? Never upward, for there is no provision for new information in 'nature', the god of many, at all: it does not occur. Exchanges may do so; creation does not. Where then is it going ? It is going down as the second law of thermodynamics, so kindly advises us (cf. TMR Ch. 1), and it is wearing out, as designs in this world, and of this world, do. And what then ? Then the Designer must be faced; but man now seeks to outface Him, even if he loses his own face, psychically truant, pathologically more and more advanced, in the grip of increasing madnesses of those who invent gods, ignore God and follow the fault lines of society, not conspicuously hard to discover!
That of course is what the race is currently doing. That is what Christ indicated would be the outcome of such things (cf. Matthew 24, esp. v. 22). If HE did not intervene, He declared from of old, NO FLESH COULD BE SPARED. How man frets and fulminates, seeking to avoid this; but the more he is brilliant, the more he is unmoved. His environment arises to indict him, the lost arise to hate him, the technicalities arise in the hands even of individuals, to loathe and to destroy him, his towers dwindle, his heights reach the depths, and yet he does not repent ? Man was created like all the other designs, and this one in trilogy of mind, matter and spirit, and this creation is long past, magnificently attested, knowledge unable to hide the wonders of his araticulation, the glory of his commands, written into every cell in his body, telling matter what it is to do, by the articulation of code. Man is walking archeology, having become the joint attestation of the word of God concerning his creation, and his defilement, alike!
The past speaks; the word of God speaks; the Gospel speaks; the answer is spoken; the remedy as sure as God is, in the face of this ruin of His creation, this denial of His truth, it continues for the time. It is time therefore not only to ensure that it is yours, but to seek to make it clear to others. The Titanic of man is sinking. There is a life boat after all, and it is near. It is called Jesus Christ. That too, it was predicted, and even here, archeology has things to say!
Man, he is in much also WRITTEN,
but not his spirit, which is smitten so often and in so much
because he refuses absolutely to find his place,
and mourns for his meaninglessness with a meaning nevertheless assumed,
which pre-supposes the divinity he rejects,
that his griefs are both predictable and indubitable, irremediable and ruinous...
They are so in himself and in themselves;
yet it is when he accepts the word which endures past a myriad of sciences,
never changes, never has to, the word of God, verified in the past, impending in the future,
that the DIVINE REMEDY, foreseen by Job, provided in Christ,
attested to this day through His words: it is then that his relief is unbounded.
For further on archeology, and the testimony of things past, see
Biblical Blessings Ch. 15,
The Pitter-Patter of Prophetic Feet Ch. 4,SMR 68ff., 377-378, 712ff., 1004-1007, 1180-1181, 1185-1186C, Appendix C;
Ancient Words, Modern Deeds Ch. 2 (including some recent finds) and
Deliverance from Disorientation Ch. 10, esp. *1.
An excerpt from Ancient Words, Modern Deeds follows.
Meanwhile, there is also the attestation of what He has done already. Thus in Israel in its new tenure since 1948, archeology has been a focus, a feature and a wonder to many. It has grown and triumphs in it have appeared.
Thus in Reader's Digest, for example, April 2001, a few recent finds are noted. That these are notable for their expression of Biblical truth is intriguing, as if God were giving to Israel, which for all its sufferings, and indeed suffering as it does ULTIMATELY because of this, is still in formal rebellion against its own Messiah, who is also for the Gentiles (Isaiah 49:6, 42:6 cf. SMR Ch. 9).
In 1993, one named Cook called the attention of archeologist Avraham Biran of Hebrew Union College, Jerusalem, to look at an inscription on the exposed section of a basalt wall. The stone, identified as part of a stele from the ninth century B.C., when in fact Israel in its lusts and sins suffered considerable reverses, was from a Syrian king. He was concerned to commemorate some victories over "the house of David".
Several results accrue from this. Why was he so keen to make this record ? We do not know, but one prominent possibility is that it was very much worth recording, like the Battle of Britain, where against a huge force, victory was tenuously and later triumphantly obtained. David hundreds of years before, had been great; the kingdom divided, and people like Joram were in jeopardy (II Kings 9), this one, having fought Syria, being wounded before his execution, while later, Joash, of child rescue fame, when a man did appalling things, like killing the son of his benefactor, and had to pay a huge ransom to the King of Syria. Defeats were far from uncommon as the kingdom regressed to eventual ruin, idolatrous, and even at times sending children to the blazing arms of brazen idols, it appears, as part of some form of 'worship' borrowed from the people they were supposed in purity, to replace!
This then fits precisely.
Secondly, it is direct attestation from the stones of the past, of the David of history, and his "house".
Thirdly, it attests military interaction between Israel, in the Southern portion, known as Judah, or the House of David, and Syria.
Again, in 1968 the "skeletal remains of a crucified man" were found in a Jerusalem burial cave. It is relevant since 1) it was a cave so serving 2) it was a crucified victim who inhabited it 3) the bones of the victim show one iron nail through both ankles, the shin bones broken, with the wrists probably pierced by nails. All this is in direct agreement with the tomb of Joseph of Arithmathea, as something that could happen for a victim, with the crucifixion procedure, with the breaking of shins (John 19:32-33). This was evidently the first such victim uncovered. It fits precisely with the Biblical record.
Further, in 1990, about 3 km south of the Temple Mount, a hidden burial chamber was found, with 12 limestone ossuaries, dating to the first century. One, apparently relating to a man who had been 60 years of age, bore the inscription, 'Yehosel bar Qayafa' - Joseph, son of Caiaphas. It is reported that this is taken by experts to refer to the Caiaphas, high priest of Jerusalem, and thus fits precisely with the Biblical indications concerning the time and the man.
As if this were not enough: years earlier, at Caesarea Maritima, ancient base of the Roman government in Judea, a stone slab was found. Though damaged, it is believed the message is this: Pontius Pilate, the prefect of Judea, has dedicated to the people of Caesarea a temple in honour of Tiberius. It is allegedly the first inscription bearing Pilate's name!
Of course, in the 1990's we have had also the remarkable confirmations of the fall of Jericho in the 15th century B.C., by the renowned world expert on pottery, Dr Bryant Wood, fully confirming the dating of Professor Garstung of Oxford, whose systematic researches were so well attested from the first. (Cf. SMR pp. 1185).
In the twenty first century it is not only archeology, however, but contemporary paper 'tablets' which record in this way and in that, and not always with sympathy: the ongoing saga of Israel's selection, rejection of Christ, dispersion from the land on schedule, as arranged (cf. Luke 19:42ff.), the Gospel's confirmation by works from Christ (cf. Barbs, Arrows and Balms 17), its spread over the globe, its continued rejection by the Jewish nation, the constant wars about Jerusalem, its cutting in two (1948), its amazing victories in 1948, 67, 73, and the protective war of 1991 (as it was in effect for Israel!), in the same genre, together with the downfall increasingly of all morality among the Gentiles, while false prophets abound, and Islam is a very present case, for Israel; and all the other criteria of the opera program, the notations for the works of God. (See on such topics, SMR pp. 647ff., 717ff., 755ff., 816-829, Galloping Events Ch. 1, Ch. 4, Barbs, Arrows and Balms 13, Divine Agenda Ch. 8.)
29. P R 0 P H E C Y
Now really we have covered some of the same ground for archeology, as is apt for prophecy. When we find what WAS prophesied, already long past, then archeology may dig it up, reveal it, expose it; so bringing in the topic of prophecy. We have therefore in fact, though not for direct purpose, included elements of prophecy already ...
However, it is time now to address it more directly. This subject receives a valuable short coverage for our present purpose in THE BIBLE AND MODERN SCIENCE by Dr Henry M. Morris; and it is recommended that this be carefully studied. It is also at length given address in SMR Chs. 8 and 9 with Answers to Questions Ch. 5, and many other chapters on this site, for which see PROPHECY in the indexes. You may wish to see now, rather than in the next Section, word on this topic, but it is recommended you complete this section first.
It is remarkable that although masses of Scriptural prophecies have been made, and historical statements given; whether backwards in time or forwards we move, we find that on the one hand archeology keeps on confirming the truth and living history keeps on confirming the prediction presented in the Biblical statement. History conforms, archeology confirms as indeed do our newspapers.
Whether it be of cities or civilisation, or the whole human race, FULFILMENT AND FACT are the keynote when we examine the accuracy of the Scriptural words; and the sharpest notes of prophecy come to equally sharp fulfilment (cf. Isaiah 48:3‑5, 34:16).
Indeed, in Isaiah 41,43,48 we find God denouncing the practice of pretending, or failing to perceive what is so obvious, that He and He alone has told them, confronted them, surveyed the scene in advance, predicted it; and He makes it clear that this verification is what does, will and must occur with an impact and reliability and security which only God can have. We recall here (Deuteronomy 18:20‑22) that if a 'prophet' claimed things, being merely pretentious, and they did not happen, that prophet would die. God was not playing, but pronouncing. Man's life was at stake. Interference here could cost life!
It all happens to plan: whether it be the taking of HALF of Jerusalem (1948) or the multi-sourced return of the Jews, coming from many lands in accord with the prediction, as we have seen, the nation still unconverted, but many soon to repent of the piercing of the Christ, the incarnate Son of God‑ (Zechariah 11:9‑13, 12:10‑14,14:1‑3), who have come back after a prolonged dispersion ( Deuteronomy 32:23-43, Hosea 3:1‑5, Leviticus 26:27-46, Ezekiel 37:21-26, 36:24-38 cf. SMR Appendix A). How amazing, that half a millenium before Christ was rejected by Israel and murdered, the much later repentance in Israel for that act, is prophesied, following their return from long exile (as in Ezekiel 36-39). How previous can you be, in prophecy, when repentance for an act not to occur for about 500 years is noted for the coming time, when they will return after long exile, and returning, still lack faith in Christ, and find war their milieu, with mighty and disproportionate victories, as arresting as anything in military history.
So it was to be, before the killing of Christ even happened; and so it is, now that that murder is long past, their exile and return has happened, and as to that, this last chapter of their amazing return, planting of millions of trees and being abundant in flowers, as in triumphantly staggering victories against massed forces, gaining first half of Jerusalem and then all of it, this has happened after so long a time, within this author's own life-time. What a staggeringly blessed time, to see such things!
Here it is we find that ISRAEL is cited:
i) as a people of God.
ii) as one which rebelled against God.
iii) as one who would be geographically scattered in exile as a result (Deuteronomy 301‑3 and 32:18‑44, Leviticus 26, Hosea 3:1‑3 show the scope and stages of discipline!).
iv) as a nation which, despite their shameful dealings ( Ezekiel 36:32) God would restore to the land which they had formerly possessed (called then as it is NOW, Israel!)‑ giving them a vast and decisive assurance (Jeremiah 31:37‑40) in which astronomy would founder before this would fail,
v) as a people to whom the land restored would recover fertility and blossom (as has happened with amazing world advancement in afforestation and flower marketing ‑ world number three in the latter, notable indeed for a tiny country, recently recovered from wastage and foes).
vi) as those to whom new insight would come, in terms of the New Covenant in Christ, which they had formerly rejected (Zechariah 12:9‑10, 13:1 & 6,11:1‑14, Jeremiah 31:31, Isaiah 49:7).
Ezekiel 37 shows that their return at last, leading to a time when they will in large numbers (cf. Romans 11:22‑33) ... receive Christ with repentance and conform to Him
(Zechariah 12:10 ff., Ezekiel 37:21‑24) has a special feature. It is this. It is a coming to a final blessing, from which those who come will not again be wrested (Ezekiel 37:26). There is one and one only people in the whole of history wh o thus were outside God, came to Him via Abraham, breached and left the covenant, killed the Lord, and come back at His invitation to Him; none other body may universally have such things said of them, has this identikit, or may be substituted for Israel in this: they are unique and are indicated with certainty. With just the same certainty, these things have come to be (cf. No Clone for Israel).
Moreover, we are told of this:
vii) the successful turning of assault into retreat, as Israel's multiple enemies come, as it were, on all sides, IN THIS PERIOD, IS MADE SO CLEAR, this time when their repentance to an already murdered Christ is in the offing, and is a criterion for their deliverance to come, In this, one will be like a thousand, and a 'burdensome stone' will Jerusalem be to her assailants. In OUR generation we have already seen all but the final element of these things (Zechariah 12:1‑8,13:1,14:1‑2). The 'burden' has been most impressive... in the wars of 1948,'56 '67,'73 and '91 ! MANY have those nations been who have felt it, when seeking to lift it away, and oppress Jerusalem.
It is also denoted that:
viii) On their return they will be a nation still unbelieving, still needing a fundamental washing, still a matter of shame and disgrace for all they had done (Ezekiel 36:24‑38), still needing and coming to gain, after they are back, a new heart. The former part has happened; for to this day Israel is still 'its own', nor yet has it as a nation repented of the days when many cried in its streets:
surely one of the most grievously fulfilled
cries of all time! HOW they abused Christ in human
form, allowing them to make HIM
a sacrifice; and NOW, these thousands of years, they have
waited, and indeed
whether pogroms or Hitler or Arabs, they have suffered, yes their children,
those who have not relinquished
the nation's shame by salvation.
No solution appears but the repentance predicted; and it will surely come; for in despising Christ, they despised God's mercy; and there is no other mercy available (Acts 4:11‑12), for there is no ...
As to their future from this time, then, it is predicted that Israel will suffer vicious attack and be given magnificent deliverance (Zechariah 12). Indeed, God says
this being immediately, in the prophetic sequence that is, followed by the account of their repentance and salvation. Indeed the LORD'S OWN RETURN is set in Zechariah 14 shortly after such things; while Micah 7:15 ff. gives the enormous power and effect of the divine intervention, likening it in scope and power, indeed to the days of the Jewish Exodus from Egypt!
Ezekiel 38‑39 also provide an interesting parallel of great interest, to the words of Zechariah, helping us to identify some of the of Israel in the dénouement ... and their motives!
Romans 11:13‑26 covers the scope of Israel's history and the Gentile world's involvement, those who for a time were receiving the gospel which the Jews rejected: and it spreads out this history for us in a magnificent panorama, covering that which was to be (and now is) and that which is to be. God knows it all, and declares His will in His word, which is a witness to all.
It is forecast also, we must rigorously note, that the Gentiles, the non‑Jewish people of the world, also will as a whole inhabit an increasingly 'hot' world, where wars are rife, peace is progressively shattered, conditions are increasingly dangerous mentally, psychologically and physically, while spiritual conditions deteriorate grossly (Matthew 24, II Thessalonians 2:1‑12, II Timothy 3:1‑7,I Timothy 4, II Peter 3).
The GENTILES will as a whole do as disastrously as the Jews. Even in I Timothy 4, you see the doctrines of devils which were to come, including those who would forbid to marry and eat meat, for which of course Romanism is justly famous, and infamous alike. Jew and Gentile, alike, each will have an innings as it were (Romans 11), and neither set will adorn 'the game'! The tendency to suppress what the Jews did is quite unnecessary and highly ungodly; it is NOT to cover up, as at Watergate that is needed, but to gain for them, as for all, the cover of the blood of Christ, the propitiation (Romans 3:23ff.). It is NOT a matter of whitewashing Jews as a people but of JEW and GENTILE ALIKE accepting the depth and depravity of their sin. It is not a racial matter; rather the different races have failed in the race: all alike have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) and may be redeemed
in CHRIST'S BLOOD ( Romans 3:23‑28, 5:1‑11)
Prophecy then, brings us quite back to the gospel; it is fixed in gospel terms.
It DIVIDES Jew from Gentile
and then brings back Jew and Gentile to THAT SAME JESUS,
none can be saved (Acts 1:7‑10,2:36, Galatians 1:6‑9,3:1‑13).
It is the gospel of a cursed Christ who bore the sins of all who receive Him and who redeemed such and such alone (Romans 8:32), from the curse of sin, its guilt and its eternal reward ...
THE SPIRIT OF PROPHECY, then, IS THE TESTIMONY OF JESUS (Revelation 19:10). That is its crux and focus. The testimony concerning Jesus the Christ, this is the very spirit of the prophecies of the Father who sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world (I John 4:14), that we might live by Him (I John 4:9): to be the propitiation for our sins (I John 4:10) and so that we might love one another (I John 4:11), rather than meaninglessly affirm various isolated selves, insulated societies or vexatious ideologies, reeking with the corruption of asinine power, pretentious glory and rebellious irrationality.
In all the multitudes of divine predictions, of course, not one has failed (cf. Isaiah 34:16), and seeking from the book of the Lord has but one result: it happens and projects still further, what is to be; which then happens ... on and on, for millenia as it has already been. ONE MISTAKE is all it would have taken to disestablish the book; thousands are its predictions; one error would have throw all out, if God had not known all, for one small thing can change history, nations and plans for millenia, in the concourse of throbbing events and ever new mutilations of morals, severances of spirits and absurdities of thought.
ONLY omniscience can prevent that one mistake, and all its concourse of consequent errors, if God were subject to error. It is there; it is shown; it is operational, and man needs to know Him, without whose knowledge his very world is close to seizing, like an over-hot engine. That too of course was also predicted (Matthew 24:22), as is His return in royal mode (I Thessalonians 4, Revelation 1:7-8, Acts 1:7ff., 3:19ff.), now the obtaining of salvation is complete (Hebrews 9:12-28, 10:10-13).
In this spirit therefore, let us live and love and believe; for this is the will of God concerning all His children, and let us witness to the lost world of being found in Christ, and how to find Him, and that we love Him because He first loved us, that He IS love, and no other life that is designed, sufficient and holy for humans, and in the end, even operable, is ‑or can be available.