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News August 30, 2014
Daily Mail, Australia, August 31st., confirms
See also Department of Bible ... Vol. 5, Ch. 8 and Vol. 6, Ch. 3
President Putin has appeared as if possessed by a desire, perhaps not formulated within, to take over the role of the far North leader predicted for over 2500 years to invade with allies, lands to the south of him, not least Israel.
He has shown a tortuous distortion of facts, comparing the Imperial Nazi invasion of the USSR and its attack on the established, historically unambiguous city of Stalingrad/Leningrad, in which one sovereign nation unabashedly sought the overthrow of territories in another, with his growing invasions of Ukraine, guaranteed its independence by Russia and Britain some years ago. This sovereign territory is being ruthlessly and illegally attacked by another sovereign nation, this time Russia, main part of the USSR, and attempt is being made, step by step, to strip it of its Leningrads, that is, its maritime link to the Black Sea, the Crimea already seized in direct violation of the bargain made: that if Ukraine gave up its atomic weapons, Russia would be guarantor of its independence.
It is such a devious distortion, to class invasion of one nation by another, as in the case of Nazi Germany attacking the USSR, Nazi efforts to grab part of it as the invader, as if it were a parallel to the repulse (as by Leningrad, so by Ukraine) of invaders, in this case of Russia by Ukraine in its efforts to stop its minatory invasive forces, that it calls for a suitable form of nomenclature. The case of Russian invasive supplements to border areas of Ukraine, to help subdue and steal them, amid aggressive efforts to grab these as well as the Crimea, is the precise parallel to the assault on Leningrad, and the opposite to its DEFENCE. Moreover, it is allied to such glaring agony and grievous anguish, that it must live in the annals of propaganda amidst its most flagrant episodes. The INVADER calls for comparison in its ruthless wreckage and assault on a neighbour, not with its own parallel to the nation which formerly did this to itself, which would be just, but with itself as then attacked, while now it does the attacking, deserves championship class in the records of slithery deception. For all that, this remorseless piece of the ridiculous has one advantage and one only.
It enables us to see the extent of the delusion: aggressor equals sufferer, defender equals aggressor, treaty breaker equals sufferer from breach; for if USSR suffered through Hitler's breach of the non-aggression pact, so has Ukraine suffered by Putin's treachery. It is worse in this, that it is also a breach of the WAY Russia got rid of Ukraine's atomic weaponry, by a bargain which it now has the evil effrontery to exploit in an extravaganza of deceit. To add to this treachery, a travesty of truth, about invaders and defenders, and to seek to incorporate in this, a name of one of the worst of the aggressors to which Putin now seems intent on following with his apparent lust for lustre, elevation and power, becomes a serpentine medley. Indeed, Putin is now glorying in his own atomic weaponry as if utterly and entirely determined to seize the stage, even evoking the memory of his duplicity by featuring the illicit gain!
Thus, to add this to the gluttony for Crimea, already too little for insatiable desire, this earlier breach, this supplement of the boasting about Russia's power in atomic arenas, as if toasting breach in order to teach, to standardise such apparent roguery, becomes a superbly evil assignment, as if Putin were strenuously seeking a role outstanding in desert, enormous in demerit, specious in significance, remarkable in deceit, dynamic in deviousness, with small or no regard for the hundreds of thousands of disrupted lives, the vast horrors to so many families, the use of force in its numbed twilight of humanness.
But to what does it affiance itself ? It is on the way to becoming a new acme of horror*1, joining past cases which God has in His time, exposed, such as Tyre, Nineveh, Babylon, the Pharaoh of Egypt, the Hitler of Europe, when they exalted in strength, inebriated with glory, setting themselves above, when their deeds were below.
It may be therefore instructive to follow this end of the Age (Answers to Questions Ch. 5) phenomenon, that even surpasses Hitler in treachery, Russia in this era having made a bargain involving weapons, with the Ukraine, now to reach in its breach, what ? It is to come upon a nice pouch for exploitation and implementation of the totalitarian blindness to which we are now so accustomed, and for which Europe in particular has paid so much already. It was indeed a foul error, in World War II, to assist the totalitarian USSR in its near wreckage by Hitler; for calling on assassins to free you from assassins has no moral basis, wisdom or right.
Indeed, Eastern Europe paid for this especially, while now the fever takes up new quarters in the elevated site of Russian speeches and screeches of military hardware, a land which owed its survival to collaboration with those who did not plume themselves on such rampant follies, but who instead of acting in faith, failed in giving more power to an enemy of man as potent as Hitler in the end, and no less ruthless. But whether the one or the other, not by the power of man, but by that of God, those who exalt themselves are humbled and their dreams become nightmares in their times. It is, Proverbs 28:26 observes, folly to trust in your own heart, and this involves your dreams and occasions.
The trend away from God in Europe and the West, like that in the USSR and towards a totalitarian extension now, brings on to the world stage the climate for the antichrist (I John 2:18), and the various predicted assaults, such as that to come from the North, the far North (Ezekiel 38-39 in the preceding context of 37:24). It is therefore instructive, as in a Shakespearian play, when you come to Act V, and in its own way, edifying as the pivots of history, well-oiled, turn on their hinges, fashioned by God for the end of the Age. The tests come that they may go, as in any laboratory, and the ways of evil being well exposed, of
lying and fraud, |
deception, |
devious contentions and |
leaving truth lie fallow |
lead as on a super-highway with many turns, now faster, speed limits lifted. Indeed it is as in a long approach, as in a giant aircraft landing, with great care, on the prepared aerodrome. The noise of the engines grows louder, as the voice of truth is heard less by more, as the former brazenly attacks the ear and the earth.
But God, as always, will wipe the windscreen clear and terminate the noise, and all will be revealed for judgment, having had massive amounts of time, even several millenia, for the display: fashions of evil displayed as by passing mannequins, and the immutable power of truth, of God, exhibited as in the pages that move past the pageantry of history in its inventive episodes. It is God who would have all to be reconciled to Himself (Colossians 1:19ff.), but none by force (Matthew 23:37); nor will mere force stand when all things reach their day of accounting. It is the force of truth which will not dim, and this has no arrogance, but action.
This you see in such sites as Matthew 25, John 5:19ff., Revelation 19-20, II Thessalonians 1-2, Isaiah 66, Micah 7, Psalms 98-99, 67, Psalm 2, Isaiah 2, and Ezekiel 38-39, as the phases of the finish reveal themselves, and everlasting judgment and everlasting life take those who love them, to themselves. It is good to remember the simplicity of II Timothy 4:8.
Christ indicated that what was to come before He returned to this earth in triumph and glory, would not be a haven, far less a heaven, as in the propagandising of weak and unhistorical sects such as the Communism that went bankrupt in the USSR (cf. SMR pp. 925ff.). HE did not put mules' heads on unchanged man, to make for something glorious. Changed hearts preceded changed lives, and repentance both of these. Without it, the failure is fatal.
Without this, and in the vast movement of historical dynamic, evil would be in abundant supply, and many its exponents (Matthew 24:24).
Vainglorious is such posturing. Man as he is is as he is shown to be in the nations, with scarcely a trickle of truth in much of the vaulting ambitions, devious deceits, treacherous trickeries as in the Ukraine, and infamous slicings, as in Iraq-Syria and the misled Moslem efforts to make a nation built not on foundations, but on blood, getting ahead by severing heads, as though some rampant child suddenly gained power.
What Christ Jesus did predict in that realm was not only a proliferations of wars (Matthew 24:7), till these with their rumours became a very expression of the latter days of the Age, but evil in such large chunks that it abounds, like chunks of ice not one inch wide, but a foot or two, falling from the sky. EVIL had to have its day; and it is having it. It raises its head, it bleats, it bloats, it roars, it menaces, it glories in itself and in its own works, it names its idols, it vaunts its power; but then it dies. Brambles do scratch, and if you pass quickly through them, they can tear. But they burn easily (cf. Matthew 13:40-43).