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One of the interesting questions to be faced in the strategies of the Church, is the place of outside specialist, Christian organisations in the affairs of the kingdom. It is clearly good to have specialists make exotic or even substantial contributions to the Christian testimony, and Moses was quick to support the  prophesying of Eldad and Medad, and  to note their utility and desirability (Numbers 11:16-30). However, while often abused from within (II Peter 2:1ff.) and without (Acts 12:1ff.), there is some authority in the Church and it is in direct proportion to its adherence to its biblical commission from the Lord Jesus Christ (John 20:21).

Some Creation bodies, as specialists, have quite wisely pointed out again and again,  the folly of apostasy as it arises and reaches and overreaches in ways so evil,  at  times satanic, in  many bodies calling themselves Christian churches, that it would give one pause, were it not that thsi is precisely the predicted path of the growth of apostasy shown for precisely these times, from the Bible; so that, if these had not  flowered their evil flowers at this time, one would be questioning why not, since in the Bible, they go together! (Jeremiah 23:16-20, I Timothy 4, II Timothy 3-4, II Peter 2:1ff., 3:1ff., II Thessalonians 2:4-10, Revelation 13, Daniel 7:15-22, cf. Answers to Questions Ch. 5).

However, as always, the Bible is vindicated not only in the truth of the items predicted, as affirmed by history, and affirmed, as confirmed in law, but in the CONJUNCTION of such items, where predicted as in concert. That is the one good thing about the apostasy of most large ostensibly Christian denominations,  now operative, as one observes their stated thought and visible works. If it were not so, then the Bible would be in error; but false prophesying from within clamorous and mutant 'churches' confirms it bleakly and eloquently, both together. Though, then, it is grievous that it be so, yet the trend in current history  is glorious in this one thing, that it verifies in its very prevalent pollution the purity of truth in the predictive word of God, the words of His mouth, which He has donated to the human race as light in a dark place (II Peter  1:19); and in these things, this world is VERY dark.

Yet the more intense the darkness, the more obvious is the contrasting light concerning its advent and its sombre nature! (cf. Luke 21), and the more particular its specifications (as in an architect's drawings, but it is history which is here used as a pen and prediction as the ink) the more enlightening is the spotlight of fact (e.g. Luke 21:24, Zechariah 12, Ezekiel 37)  in the dreariness of desperate darkness.

Hence, again, it is well that such things as the rot of many ecclesiastical bodies in the Bible specified, now exposed in the passing of many formerly reliable Churches, be emphasised for the safety of the flock, and their relish in the word of their God.

However, as many churches are shown  astray, by numerous bodies and various types of bodies,   there is the danger for a specialist organisation, for example, to be  unconsciously and gradually taking over the role of a Church. Now it might institute itself and constitute itself as a Christian Church. That is one option. But let us suppose that it does not do so!

What then ? A Church has a certain order and organisation and means of protection and instruction and overview, and the Church of Christ, though often in fragments, yet never extinguished has been tried indeed, the cases in the first three Chapters of Revelation being indicative of much in this field -  including the case where the means of testimony are falsified, the "candlestick" on which it is supposed to shine, being REMOVED by divine fiat from it. 

It is necessary then to be organised as biblically provided in covering the damaged realities of the tissues of the body of Christ, or in cancers within it, which need to be excised. Sometimes a specialist body, by virtue of that very fact, can become less helpful, or even misleading though not in intention, when it makes some pronouncements in the broader field, outside the part of its own flair. 

It may be said:  ALL Christian bodies (and persons) should as far as able, preach the Gospel and forward the word of God. Incontestable, and  delightful.

However when the authority which specialisation TENDS to give in some areas,  under the word of God,  begins to appear in other spheres, there is the danger of inadequate basics and review such as a Church should properly exercise. Such occurs, for example,  when Rome with its Romanist doctrine is not depicted with due warning and alertness; for in manner, in its  species of  tableau, in its scenario and sequence of events,  biblically and historically it is given a most eminently clear place. Many were the thousands of lives and riches and souls it took in its flamboyant treacheries; and it is unwise to relate developments, however distantly, as if the Church of Jesus Christ were involved in what received the rebuke from Christ for Peter, for this line of  doings (Matthew 16:21-23, 26:52ff., cf. John 18:36). Christ and Rome were and are, in many ways, utterly apart.

The religion for which Rome is long  famous (cf. Revelation 13,17, SMR pp. 912ff.,  946-954., 1032ff.) in its underlying case and overlying complexion, though often using biblical language, is so engaged in anti-biblical basics that it reminds indeed of the description given in Revelation 17. Here it is the mystique and glamour of a fallen spiritual harlot which is held in view, with its 'mystery' reaching back in terms of Babylon and  all this stood for (cf. Jeremiah 50-51). The doctrine, as when its doctrinal instrument condemns believing by faith alone that one is justified through the redeeming work of Christ, as worthy of cursing, is innovative and  anti-Christian (cf. SMR p. 1045). 

Let us not then be engaged where men of virtue are forbidden to go; or imagine that there is some correlation, connection or moral responsibility, on the part of Christians, for the works of a body of long entrenched and exposed in apostasy in word and multiplied murders over centuries of evil  wrath assaulting the body of Christ, even using HIS name to  do it! Shall the torn lamb lament for its part in the teeth of the wolf! It may lament for its murder, but not for the guilt of the murder, which tore it limb from limb.

As to Romanism, let the guilt involved be assigned, but not consigned to the victims and their spiritual heirs, for what has been one of the most dire persecutors of Christians, the most offensively presumptuous and blasphemously fraudulent, in its denunciations and flames of fire for the people of God on a systematic basis, as from time to time was desired or seemed  to be useful!

Errors in this field, in merging fire and  water, sometimes with much steam of confusion,  can be blatant or subtle, are often quite unconscious; but suh must in all integrity be corrected (cf. II Timothy 4:1-6).  Not only declarations but implications must  be put aside clearly.

In illustration: Some  diseases, like leprosy, have been all but thrown out; but we read now of some of them beginning to return, since long success has bred lack of care, and modern travel, ready transmission. The parallel in things spiritual is a warning, and there is no option to ignore it (cf. Acts 20:30-32). This type of warning is not casually additive, but an essential for the safety of the flock, as Paul indicates to the Ephesian elders (Acts 20).



In the magazine "Creation",  Vol. 36, No. 1, Dr Jonathan Sarfati gives what is in some ways a helpful account of some of the "bad things" done by "the Church." Strangely, but too much in accord with the tenor of a former episode (Fidelity and Fellowship), he deals with the Inquisition as if this had relevance to that issue. The Roman Catholic Inquisition is not only emphatically NOT a "black spot" to be considered relative to the  Christian Church,  but a part of a vast ramifications of internationally conducted works of multitudinous horror and exterminative zeal which some try to minimise, but nothing can suppress (cf. Ancient Words and Modern Events  Ch. 14). The Church as victim is not seriously describable in ANY sense as this apostate, cruel and incensed persecuting body, alert to the ways of this world. As well might one call ice fire, or fire ice.

Why then does the Inquisition  appear in this assessment, in this article, of bad things done by the Church, as if its estimation had some  relevance to the title  ? It is, this ramifying and blatantly belligerent outpouring of Inquisition over centuries,  an example of bad things done TO the Church. This is not a time for temporising or fostering agreements with enemies, any more than was the Munich of 1939 with Hitler. Where spiritual,  doctrinal and even physical war is so intensive fluctuation, deadly in function, enabled in many countries, as here, assumptions of peace or togetherness or synthetic union of any sort are not only a matter of error. They are also one of avoidance or omission of the aweful plenitude, power and confiscations made by Romanism against Christians, and the principles on which this type of thing has been based in general terms,  by such as Thomas Aquinas.

Romanism has churned out like a passenger ferry thrust into dread waters, carrying to physical, social or financial ruin,  Christians, their property, their children and their lives. The power  to dominate has been vital*1 and the want for it fatal, leading as with Islam, to marvels of catastrophic war, individual and national. In view,  once again;  of the centuries and principles back of efforts against such exceedingly varied groups of Christians in various lands and times, to name them,  shame them, subvert them, hurt them, kill them, exterminate them, not a little reminiscent in those flaring and fleering eruptions of the current attitude of Iran to Israel, there is need for constant awareness of the proscribed pre-eminence set which it has for itself, and all that having flowed from this, upsets an already harrowed and harassed world. As with Islam, periods of relative acquiescence are not times of no peril, for such principles in kind are set  against the mind of the Prince of Peace, His modes for His Church, His pre-eminence over ALL Christians so that their relationships (cf. I Peter 5), His abasing of all, and life proceeds in large measure out of basis, function out of foundation, as seems apt at any particular time. As a man thinks in his heart, says Proverbs, so is he.

The Christian must beware of the modern impulse to forget the 400 years of diligent instruction concerning the apostate menace of this world's version of Christianity, and the scriptural admonitions and warnings concerning such things. It is treachery and not fealty which can lead to any muting of the false ecclesiastical zeal, one filled with desire  for and exercise of power over nations, religious bodies, with pre-emptive prerogatives claimed and acted on, in terms of the codes, canons, traditions and  humanly exalting tiara of Romanism*1. Whatever the motive, when the motif appears which fails to make this eminently clear, in this sphere, it is like having an unannounced and unprotected precipice in the midst of a hiking tour.

Romanism, anything but catholic, is so adversative in its teaching to that of the Bible, in the arenas of triple idolatry*1, ruptures of basic teaching and ruinous elevation contrary to Matthew 23:8-10, whereas "you are all brethren" is the divine dictum in the context of there being BUT ONE TEACHER, Christ, and ONE FATHER, that of the Trinity's area, that it is merely a matter of facing the fact of perhaps the oldest continuing and well-organised heresy. Not only is it biblically adversative, but it is likewise doctrinally inventive, with its traditions, force-wise comparable to Islam in its many wars, inducings of wars. Yes, it has its own types of inquisitions, exploitation of ruined peoples.

It has been a major stumbling block, and raging  fire among Christians for centuries, in pulses of the infamous and the arrogant  (cf. SMR 946ff., 1032ff.). To make it relevant to 'bad things done by the Church', requires a different definition of 'the Church' than any that could conceivably relate to Jesus Christ, except as a persecutor of the same. By Romanism is meant that body of principles and procedures which elevated the pope to his position of primary leader and power in doctrine and rule, granting him a privilege in teaching in principle as also in practice in disjunctive distinction from the Bible in basic tenets and procedures. It has been so for over a millneium. It is well-known. Its works follow it,  to the graves of multiplied thousands, the flames undying in their guilt, the arrogance elevated to the stratosphere in its presumption.

To make this relevant to the Church (if by Church you do not mean  something other than the Christian Church - there is now even an explicitly named Church of Satan!)  is to the extent implied, an horrendous error. There should be no confusion of tormentor and victim, of assailant with the assailed, of heresy with holiness, of legitimacy in Christ with assault on His word and work. All is not wrong with Rome in every detail; but as shown in SMR, much is wrong at the heart, by biblical criteria. They have a different Jesus with a different Gospel and a different creed,  in much an adversative one. The works of this religious body MUST NOT BE MADE into a blot on the Church; for it is like making Hitler or Stalin a blot on the USA in World War II.  It is irrelevant to the question, except for the point that instruction on the terminology and biblically defined basic settings for the case may be needed where custom or culture controls.

Attempts grossly to limit here or there the testimony of history concerning this or that aspect of Rome's persecution,  whether in the inquisition in  England or Spain or other parts of Europe or in the Americas, or Germany, are not uncommon nor are they convincing. The evidence is simply too great; and even  this generation of minimisation almost as a fetish, even to the point of denying the Holocaust, even if it were to follow the best subverters in the world, has no show for shunting out from the enormous scope, folly, cruelty, torturous canniness and grasping horrors of this religion in its militant, physical, military and power-hungry moves over history.  Taken together with its mystery form as in Revelation 17, in terms of which it represents a type of trifling with the stark reality of the word of God, we come to the assertion of 17:6.

Such are the general features in this type of arena. Dr Sarfati for his part,  has  been a most notable worker in scientific creationism, and even this article, noted above, by him is commendable in some things; but it contains a movement towards an error in KIND to be avoided not only here, but on  all sides. The modern trend of indiscriminate and often undiscriminating union, in body of organisation, in spirit or in mind is easy to slip into, like paper into  a slip-stream, because it is has little substance; but it must be kept in  mind,  as  must cancer when you smoke as a pleasant hobby, perhaps with a swimming feeling of being expansive under the drug.


See also Fidelity and Fellowship.





See for example:

SMR pp. 912ff., 1056ff., The Great Divide Ch. 5,

SMR  903, 1039, 1065, 1069ff., 1088G, 1197 - unam sanctam).