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The question arises, Has the Queensland Government gone right out of its mind in the field of  religion and education ?  Do they have to police the thoughts and the natural chatter of children on their simple chosen topics of life ?  (The Australian, July 27 and August 11). Is then School a prison ? The new  children's command is 'No recruitment!'  - don't mention sharable social situations  in religion, don't enthuse and don't suggest...  ? is this to be the shadow of the prison house upon the growing child ? When will this atrocious intrusion cease, not only here, but in the staggering of Australia towards totalitarianism more broadly ?

A central issue here appears simple and crucial. Speak your mind freely, but when it comes to - No thank you! respect that and don't continue. Meanwhile, dictators of thought are multiplying in Australia, even coming toward new pronoun usage, while increasingly thoughtless about the challenge of freedom. Neo-morals call good evil and evil good (as in Isaiah 5), while law pursues penalties for free speech in discriminatory dangers that need correction.